The Hindu:
Sunday: April. 27, 2008
Front Page     

Beware Net’s baddies 
      Special Correspondent 
      Bangalore: The so-called social networking sites on the Internet — Orkut, 
      MySpace, YouTube, etc, — where lay users share their likes, dislikes, 
      hobbies and habits with thousands of likeminded people, many of them 
      unknown, have a downside: the Net’s baddies now seem to have made such 
      sites the focus of their attacks, using techniques like phishing, a type 
      of email fraud which aims at stealing a person’s confidential 
      even his total identity.
      The latest Internet Security Threat Report, released by security 
      management specialist Symantec, holds out a special warning for 
      India-based fans of social networking on the Net, who number between 5 
      6 million and spend anything from 15 to 75 per cent of all spare time in 
      this activity. Such sites are easy to spoof, leading trusting lay users 
      share personal information with bogus operators, the report says. In 
      effect, cyber criminals have moved subtly from targeting your computers 
      with worms and viruses, to targeting YOU.
      “Attackers look for the weakest link — and right now that is social 
      networking,” says Prabhat Singh, Symantec’s Director, Security Response 

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