The Hindu News Update Service
News Update Service
Wednesday, May 21, 2008 : 1720 Hrs       

Sci. & Tech.
'We reduce the cost of computing but also offer the most energy-efficient 

D. Murali and Kumar Shankar Roy 

Chennai: Mr Stephen A Dukker has spent his entire career driving down the cost 
of computing. He brings more than 30 years of experience in computer 
and retailing to NComputing, a company that offers low-cost computers and 
competes with One Laptop Per Child's X-O and Intel's Classmate PC. 

NComputing's products are based on a simple yet rarely realised fact. That 
today's PCs are so powerful that the vast majority of applications only use a
small fraction of the computer's capacity. This is where NComputing's 
virtualisation software and hardware tap the unused capacity. This allows the 
to be simultaneously shared by multiple users. Each user's monitor, keyboard, 
and mouse connect to the shared PC through a small access device. The access
device itself has no CPU, memory, or moving parts-but that is why it is easy to 
deploy and maintain, claims NComputing. 

Now they are bringing their products to India. "The central and state 
governments are working hard to bring the power of computerisation to the 
larger population
and we understand and appreciate the cost and complexity of the task. Can you 
imagine the impact that 10 million computers running every day across India's
schools will have on the power shortage issue? It will take several large power 
plants!" believes Mr Dukker, Chairman and CEO. NComputing. In an exclusive
email interaction with Business Line he shares his thoughts and how his 
computer currently delivers better than what others. Read on. 


First, a brief narrative about how the company was born, and what its mission 

The company was founded by Klaus Maier from Germany based on 12 years of 
research in virtualisation technologies and Young Song, who worked with me at 
a pioneer in bringing affordable computing to the masses. NComputing's mission, 
quite simply, is "to bring affordable computing to the next billion people."
According to leading analyst Gartner, there are a billion potential users in 
the world who WANT computing access, but can't afford it at current prices.
We aim to bring the cost of computing down so that these people can get access 
to computing and join to the Digital Age. 

We have, in recent past, come across various models of the 'network computer' 
whose hardware design uses components designed and developed for advanced
electronic and digital devices. How are NComputing's products different from 
those concepts? 

There are various different approaches to "thin computing" that have been tried 
in the past - mostly focused on large companies (like banks or retail) where
the user is a task-worker doing the same thing over and over again (like a bank 
teller or a check-out clerk). 

The key limitation of these approaches, however, has been the complexity of 
setting up and running them and the limited graphics capability. We have 
12 years of R&D in virtualisation and data transmission protocols to create a 
really simple solution to install and maintain with near PC graphics quality.
The fact that we have over 15,000 customers and 6,00,000 units deployed in just 
last two years is proof of the rapid uptake of the solution. A large part
of our customer base is school systems which rarely have the kind of IT 
personnel and infrastructure that the large companies can afford. 

What are the unique selling points of NComputing's products that give it the 
competitive edge over similar devices that provide full desktop computing 
(audio and multimedia support also)? 

We have not seen any products that provide anywhere near the simplicity and 
performance of NComputing in the market. Our closest "competition" would be
buying a traditional dedicated PC. Even organisations that can afford to buy 
dedicated PCs are moving to our model because they only have to manage a 
of the computer equipment (install, support, upgrade, replace). Our unique 
selling points are low acquisition price, ultra-low energy use, simplicity of
use and lower on-going support costs (fewer PCs to manage). 

We already have network computers already available in India, designed on a 
completely new hardware platform without using any of the typical PC or thin
client components costing just Rs 5,000 each and also providing Internet 
connectivity as well as a range of software at a minimum monthly cost. Do you
think these machines combine desktop computing and server centric manageability 
at a far lower cost than NComputing device? How do your products provide
more value for money? 

Our research and real-world field experience show that customers (schools, 
businesses, governments) want a full, rich PC experience, and don't want to 
on things like uptime, graphics quality, and ability to use any and all 
software. So our design criteria are to make the experience just like a PC. 

The network computing devices you reference are 100 per cent Internet 
dependent, so one has to be sure that Internet access will always be available 
the highest speeds otherwise the user will have either no service or 
excruciatingly slow service. With the power shortages and black-outs, this 
usage model
may work for some home users who are not dependent on the computer but use it 
as a hobby. 

These network devices also have limited graphics capability since the graphics 
are generated on the central server and transmitted to the user. Our solution
can of course connect to the Internet, but is not dependent on it. The host PC 
runs all of the software (any commercial software) and the graphics are
generated locally. 

You have been successful in helping Macedonia achieve the 1:1 ratio, the first 
in the world. What have been the takeaways from the project? 

The key takeaway is that states and countries can use disruptive technologies 
like NComputing to leapfrog their people and economies into the 21st century.
We see that in India with mobile phones - remember when it used to take 5 years 
to get a landline? Now you can walk into a store and get a mobile in an
instant. India has more cell phones than landlines - and this happened in less 
than 5 years. The same can happen with computer access. Macedonia wanted
to joint the European economy and knew that the key was an educated and 
computer literate workforce - and they knew they had to start at the school 
If Macedonia can do it, why not India? 

That would be our next question. How can NComputing affect India? 

India has a tremendous passion for learning and computers. It is already the 
envy of the world when it comes to its IT talent. The central and state 
are working hard to bring the power of computerisation to the larger population 
and we understand and appreciate the cost and complexity of the task. We
believe we are a great fit not just because we reduce the cost of computing but 
are also the most energy-efficient solution. Can you imagine the impact
that 10 million computers running every day across India's schools will have on 
the power shortage issue? It will take several large power plants! 

What are your plans for this year? Where are going to be the big breakthrough 

We are growing rapidly worldwide, mostly in developing nations like India, 
Brazil and China. In India, our plan is to aggressively grow in the education
and business sectors. We are seeing great success with school systems 
throughout India and in the business sector like manufacturing, healthcare, 
business, and call centres. 

Is it not predictable that a disruptive technology such as yours meets with 
stiff resistance from the established players in the industry? What have been
such experiences, in your case, and how have you been handling the same? 

Anytime there is a disruptive technology, there are winners and losers. The 
winners are usually those that see the real potential of how the technology
benefits the user and adjust their business model accordingly. The customer is 
always right and the disruptive technology will always reach them. The losers
are those that nervously defend their model and lose sight of the customer 
need. In India, since the computerisation drive is still in full swing, there
has been little resistance from partners to take up our solution and actively 
partner with us. 

Just wondering. A major benefit that you offer, apart from the saving on the 
initial hardware cost, is that on saving electricity spend. Does that make
you eligible for carbon credit? 

That's a great point. Our technology lowers electrical consumption by 90 per 
cent or more and this is critical in India due to the shortage and cost of
power. Of course the energy savings translates into environmental benefit as 
well since most electricity is generated with coal-fired plants that spew
pollutants and carbon dioxide. The carbon credits are actually available for 
the schools and business that use the technology. In fact, there is a school
in Canada that changed its entire computer lab to be carbon-neutral by 
installing NComputing and planting 100 trees to offset the limited CO2 
It was awarded the Green School award. 

Does the fact that your product profile has only two offerings limit the scope 
for innovation in the enterprise? 

One should not confuse the number of offerings with the level of innovation. In 
fact, it is usually the inverse effect - if you have too many products,
the R&D effort gets dispersed too thinly. Our X series is perfect for schools 
and any place where people work closely (like call centres, business offices,
and banks). Our L series is perfect for uses where the PC may not be within 10 
metres from the user (like factory floors). We spend a considerable amount
of time and resource continually refining and improving the product and the 
core virtualisation software. 

What is the future shape of computing, as NComputing sees it, over the next 
about 5 years? 

Over the next 5 years, the growth of computing will be in the emerging markets 
and underserved markets. Emerging markets are well known - these are the
countries where PC penetration is still less than 300 per 1,000 population. 
Countries like India, China, Brazil, the Philippines, and Russia. What is also
interesting (and often overlooked) are what we call "underserved" markets. For 
example, in the US, most public schools only have 1 PC per 5 students. So
there is still a large need for additional computing - if only the cost was 
more affordable. So we see tremendous opportunity to bring affordable computing
to the next billion people around the world. 

Can you tell us about some of the innovative applications of your product? 

It is amazing to hear the stories about how our products are deployed around 
the world. We literally could write a book! Let me give you a few. In Mexico,
an entrepreneur outfitted a mobile trailer with a few PCs and NComputing and 
created a mobile learning centre/Cybercafé. He drives the trailer into a 
connects up to electricity and Internet, and provides computer training and 
communications. Two weeks later he moves it to the next village. He has been
so successful that he now has five of these mobile trailers. Think of the 
impact on the village! 

In India, Jindal Steel Works has a social call centre for the wives of the 
steel workers. The call centre is providing additional source of income and 
computer education and training to an often forgotten group -- poor, rural 

In Germany, a lumber mill is using NComputing because the dust, water, 
vibration of the mill would tear apart traditional PCs. Now they have NComputing
devices that are encased (doesn't draw in dust, uses very little electricity) 
and connecting them to a few PCs that are located in the office area. There
are hundreds of other interesting and inspiring stories. 

Considering that NComputing cuts the hardware investment, what are the 
economics of a self-employed person setting up a cybercafé? 

We believe NComputing is a great solution for cybercafés because it cuts the 
acquisition and electrical/maintenance costs dramatically. For example, a 
cyber café could be set up with two PCs, four X300 kits (each kit has 3 access 
devices), and 14 sets of monitor/keyboards/mouse. Of course there are all
the other costs of managing a cybercafé (personnel and rent). We plan to 
approach this sector in 2009 as an expansion opportunity. 

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