The Hindu News Update Service
News Update Service
Thursday, August 7, 2008 : 0935 Hrs       

Sci. & Tech.
Apple is turning its friends into enemies 


By Charles Arthur 

Apple's disdain for badly designed outside software is hurting it more than it 
knows. The developers who were ready to be its friends are turning into its

Good design is really rare. From this I think we can conclude that it's really 
difficult. I was thinking about this as I watched the comments pile up earlier
this week on the Technology blog post pointing to a rant about the usability - 
or otherwise - of free software ( But as the commenters pointed
out, it's not only free software that suffers from this problem, which implies 
logically that the problem lies not in the cost of the software, but in
the process and the people involved. 

For instance, I've never come across a piece of software from Microsoft that 
left me breathless in amazement at its combination of simplicity and power.
With Microsoft, you get either/or. You get software that does a couple of 
things and doesn't trouble you, or you get something that can do something near
to a billion things, and tells you all about most of them all the time. I still 
find it a frustrating business visiting the network control panel in Windows
XP: it's like the sketch, decades old but still relevant, of the man going into 
a hi-fi shop and asking for "a gramophone". At which the shop assistants
turn like radar dishes and begin mercilessly poking fun at the man, asking 
absurd questions about what he wants. XP's network control panel treats me the
same way. There are all sorts of weird things in there, most of which I'm not 
interested in. And the ones I am interested in are hidden or wrapped in such
obtuse language that I give up. 

You're thinking that I'm going to say that Apple is a paragon of good design - 
and on both the hardware and computer software front, it often is. It frequently
conforms to the idea that the zenith of design is reached when you can't take 
anything more away, rather than when you can't add any more. 

But here's the interesting thing. Apple is very good at design: you can measure 
its abrupt improvement in hardware design back pretty much to the day when
Steve Jobs rejoined the company in 1996. The role of Jobs was to champion the 
winning design; because before that Jonathan Ive's genius was well-hidden
in the boring beige boxes Apple churned out. 

However, Apple's top-down approach to design is a bust when it comes to its 
approach to the software for the iPhone. Developers for that are up in arms.

People are astonishingly angry at the fact that Apple first won't let them talk 
about how to develop for the iPhone - because everything about programming
for it remains under a non-disclosure agreement - and second, hasn't let them 
get at its most useful application programming interfaces (APIs). Mike Ash,
a programmer at the independent Mac developer Rogue Amoeba, has posted a long 
and annoyed rant about this (at in which he says that after
a month using the new iPhone, with its new software: "I feel like I've gone 
back to the dark ages." Multitasking is a thing of the past, and it's impossible
for third-party developers to design well, because Apple's keeping the best 
parts of the API hidden. Apple can design something that will multitask but
others can't. The developers want in too. 

Apple's constant refrain is that it's all about making sure the phone isn't 
going to be destroyed by applications doing what they shouldn't. It's starting
to wear thin, though. Palm opened its platform to outside developers, which 
helped it kill Psion. Apple's disdain for badly designed outside software is
hurting it more than it knows. The developers who were ready to be its friends 
are turning into its enemies. And let nobody forget that Steve Ballmer's
most memorable leaping-about moment - screaming "Developers! Developers! 
Developers!" - was greeted with applause. From developers. Look at how well 
has done and compare it with the iPhone, which is teetering on a brink. 

Good design is rare. But eager developers are even more rare. Let them in, 

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