Date:06/10/2008 URL: 



Cabinet approval for revised blindness control programme 

Special Correspondent 

An outlay of Rs. 1250-crore to be provided during the 11th plan period to 
expand the scope of the scheme 

NEW DELHI: The Union Cabinet's Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on Friday 
gave its green signal for revising the National Programme for Control of 
with a stepped up allocation, for the 11th plan period. Chaired by Prime 
Minister Manmohan Singh, the CCEA decided to provide an outlay of Rs. 1,250 
for the programme during the plan period and to expand its scope to include 
other causes of blindness such as diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma, apart
from cataract, which had been its main focus so far. 

Vision centres 

Briefing reporters, Union Minister and Cabinet spokesperson Priyaranjan 
Dasmunsi said the programme would have a target of setting up 3,000 'vision 
with basic screening equipment, catering to every 5,000 population; developing 
a network of 30 eye banks and 130 eye donation centres to facilitate collection
and processing of donated eyes, and provision of non-recurring assistance to 40 
voluntary organisations for strengthening and expanding eye care services
in rural areas during the plan period. The CCEA also gave its nod for 
implementing a Rs. 2,800 crore scheme for upgradation of the remaining 1,096 
Industrial Training Institutes through public-private partnership by 2011-12. 
Industry partners would be involved in all aspects of training from development
of curriculum to trade testing. 
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