hi, it's a great pleasure to know about the various ebooks added on
your site. but i have one query. while visiting the ebook section of
your site, i have came across few good books wich i thought to
download and did it. but when i tried to open these books after saving
in to the desire location on my hard drive, it sys to choose the
program to open this file "window need to know what program you are
using" i get the message something like this. so could you please tell
me how to open these files? because after checking the property of
these files, in the type of file field it says type of file: file. so
i an unable to open these downloaded files of your site. so could you
suggest me any correct way? your kind coperation in this regard is
highly solicited.
with regards,
On 11/25/08, aisha sahani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> respected folks,
> since i always consider AI as my e home, just happy to inform that
> i've passed my exam of algorithm with 86% marks.
> anyways, as the subject suggest, i'm going to give some books to all of you.
> just say, which of the following books you'd like to have?
> Author : Mario Puzo
> Fools Die
> The Dark Arena.
>  The fourth K
> The Godfather
> The last Don
> The Sicilian
> author:
> sidney sheldon
> A stranger in the mirror.
> If tomorrow comes.
> Morning, Noon, Night
> Rage of Angles
> Tell me Your Dreams
> The Stars Shine Down
> The Otherside of Midnight
> Windmills of the God
> Are You Afraid of The Dark
> Best Laid Plans
> The Naked Face
> The Sands Of Time
> The Sky Is Falling
> Nothing Lasts Forever
> The Doomsday Conspiracy
> ...
> no matter which of the above book you want, actually, they all are
> free and added to my website now.
> just visit my website, choose ebooks section, and download these above
> mentioned as well as many many other books.
> regards,
> prateek agarwal.
> cell: 09928341197
> skype:
> prateek_agarwal32
> e-mail:
> website:
> prateekagarwal.webs.com
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Mukesh Jain
  mobile: 09977165123
  "happiness and joy are the wealth of prosperous life"

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