----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Parker at Vip conduit" <vipc...@mchsi.com>
To: "Accessible Devices" <a...@accessible-devices.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 8:39 AM
Subject: Accessible Devices Special Walgreen's Program For Blind andVisually 

This may be of use to some of you so we're passing it on.
I just wanted to inform you of a new program that Walgreens is rolling out,
for people who are visually impaired or totally blind. Script Talk is a
machine that has special technology to read preprinted labels on
medications, so that all dosing instructions, patient information, side
effects, refills and doctor's name, are all read audibly, through the
The pharmacist places a special censor on the medication bottle, and you
place the bottle over the Script Talk machine. In a clear, female voice,
the machine reads all information, that is on the printed pamphlet, provided
with patient's medication.
This machine is currently being given for free, and we just obtained ours
yesterday. It's quite small, about the size of a portable CD player, has an
adaptor, but it can also be used with two double A batteries.
Call your local Walgreens, to see if this machine is currently available in
your area.
Please feel free to pass this message to anyone you think it may be of

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