-----Original Message-----
From: Mahesh Chandrasekar [mailto:advocacy.cbrfo...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Saturday, March 14, 2009 12:29 PM
To: CBR Forum: Admin
Subject: Disability and elections
Dear Friends,
My email on the "Right to Vote: Election & Inclusion of Persons with
Disabilities" dated 12th Mar 09 has generated a lot of interest and
there is an article on today's Deccan Herald titled - "Disability and
Election". The article follows this email.
This article covers many of the issues and you could use this to
generate greater awareness/ discussions and the same could be translated
into regional languages. 
In the times of fractured mandates and coalition politics, the votes of
persons with disabilities and their families could make the
Amongst other demands, it is time that we demand political party/
candidate to include the concerns of persons with disabilities and their
families and vote for the political party/ candidate who are committed
to promoting the rights and inclusion of persons with disabilities as
Warm regards
Disability and elections
By L Subramani 
Deccan Herald, 14th Mar 2009
Figures from the 11th Five Year Plan suggest that India has roughly five
to six per cent of persons with disability amongst its total population.

For persons with disability, this year's general elections is a
significant one. In 2004, just after the previous elections, the
nation's highest judicial authority has given a judgement directing the
Election Commission to ensure all polling stations are accessible to
persons with disability.

The judgement provides a strong platform for persons with disability to
organise themselves and participate in elections 2009. Activists say
this is vital, given that issues concerning disabled persons are often
ignored and the community at large could not make an impact without
exercising their power to have a say in the forthcoming elections.

Figures from the 11th Five Year Plan suggest that India has roughly five
to six per cent of persons with disability amongst its total population.
Yet, several of the policies and welfare measures announced by the
government barely refer to them. The recent state government budget is a
good example, as it makes virtually no reference to disability.
In 2003, Bangalore city authorities brought out their (revised) building
bylaws which again had no mention of accessibility features; reminders
that it would be difficult for persons with disability to influence
policies without presenting themselves as a reliable segment amongst the

And the signs for organising themselves at the election year looks
brighter. The election commissioner of Andhra Pradesh recently announced
that steps will be taken in the state to make polling booths accessible
for persons with disability and there were also reports that accessible
EVMs (electronic voting machines) for easy use of visually challenged
voters will be in place for this elections. Yet, activists point out
that awareness amongst political parties and electoral authorities at
the grassroots level remains abysmally low.

Ever since India conducted the mammoth exercise of general elections for
the first time in 1952, the machinery seems to have faltered in two
aspects. Despite the constitutional guarantee that all Indian citizens
are eligible to vote, no clear attempts were made to make voting
accessible for persons with disability. Nor were there any concerted
efforts by political parties to woo disabled voters.

Candidates and political parties can take a leaf out of Barack Obama's
election campaign in the US, which had included issues affecting persons
with disability and had won wider appreciation from the community across
the globe.

First step

In Thiruvallur, a small district outside Chennai, persons of disability
are persuading their MLA to help them set up a resource centre in their
constituency, promising the support of about 900 disabled voters. The
activists from the constituency say that they are close to getting an
undertaking from him to that effect. And activists know well that
replicating attempts like this across the country is bound to raise the
stakes of persons with disability, since the fate of candidates are
decided on smaller margins in certain constituencies.

Voting is perhaps the most effective way persons with disability can
contribute to the democratic process and they need support from
electoral authorities. A recent statement by the Chief Election
Commissioner mentioned that helicopters would be used, if necessary, to
bring voters from remote areas to cast their ballots. He also said
booths will be set up even if it would mean only one voter would vote in
a locality.

Facilitating participation of persons with disability in the electoral
process would cost nothing; nor is it likely to be a logistical
nightmare. But it is certain to give them the right to have their say in

C. Mahesh
Advocacy Coordinator
CBR Forum
14, CK Garden, St. Thomas Town Post
Wheeler Road Extension
Bangalore - 560 084
Tel - 080- 2549 7387 or 2549 7388
www.cbrforum.in <http://www.cbrforum.in/> 

"Human Rights refer not just to personal civil and political rights, but
collective economic, social and cultural ones too - New

"When Policies weaken, Rights must be strengthened"

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