Hi my dear friends,

Here I have posted the top 10 tips for panel job interview. I think it
will be very useful for all of you.

Top 10 Tips for Doing Well During a Panel Job Interview
How do you make sure a job interview goes well for all involved when
it consists of a panel of interviewers and a job candidate with a
visual impairment? Here are the top 10 suggestions from the members of
eSight Careers Network.

Suggestions for the Job Candidate
1.      "Try to face each interviewer... When you have completed your
answer, pause so another panelist can pose a question."

2.      "I carry a small tape recorder, and whether taking notes feels okay
or not, as soon as I get out of the interview, I start speaking
everything I remember into the recorder."

3.      "Take mental note of everyone's name and voice."

4.      "Definitely bring questions to the table. Make sure you know what
the question you want to ask is (in detail) so you will not be
fumbling over braille cards or a note-taker trying to find the

"Panel members usually do not give their business cards to the job
candidate because they are there to assess the candidate in a formal
setting. So, you will most likely not get the opportunity to send
individual follow-up letters to them."

5.      "Listen, listen, listen to how they ask the questions and the
responses (you have given previously) and always try to speak directly
with each person on the panel so that each interviewer feels you have
supplied complete answers."

6.      "I find the experience more enjoyable if I'm able to change the
process from an inquisition to a conversation. I accomplish this by
trying to incorporate the thoughts of others in the room into my
answers and asking about their views and experiences concerning a
given topic."

7.      "Meet each person, including shaking their hands. Since you may not
see their faces, the information you receive from a hand-shake can
give you some kind of image of the person -- in addition to the sound
of their voices. This makes a good connection, too, especially for
interviewers who are afraid to touch or be touched by a blind person.
They will discover that they can survive this..."

Suggestions for the Interviewers
8.      "Let the job candidate know you wish to shake hands by simply
stating, "I'm pleased to meet you; let me shake your hand" and then
shake the person's extended hand."

9.      "Offer the person 'sighted guide,' which, at its heart, is just
offering the person your arm. If the person refuses, accept that. Walk
the person to the interview room without undue ceremony, only warning
them of obstacles, if there is obvious need. If the person has a guide
dog, you may compliment them on the dog but otherwise ignore it. Make
sure other staff know this, too. Once in the room, guide the person to
a chair. Take the person's hand and put it on the back of the chair.
That is all you have to do."

10.     "Ask the same questions and expect the high quality answers you
seek from non-disabled applicants."

Thank you.

R. Prakash.

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