I have sent the following recommendations to Ministry of social justice and 
empowerment and chief commissioner for persons with disabilities.
Please go through them, and forward them to appropriate bodies, as you deem fit.
We must speak out, at least now.
Do feel free to discuss with me anything about them.
I have  put them in tabular form on:

From: Asudani, Rajesh
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 4:07 PM
To: ''
Cc: ''
Subject: Recommendations for disabilities act

Dr. Arbind Prasad,
Joint Secretary (Disability Division),
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment,
Room No.612 "A" Wing,
Shastri Bhawan,
New Delhi - 110 001.
Fax No.: 011-23384918
E-mail :

Dear Mukul Vasnik Jee,

I am delighted to learn that your ministry is contemplating amendments in 
persons with disabilities act.
As a person with visual disability myself, and being functional in profession, 
society, and also in disability sector, I have, after giving the matter a 
thought and deliberating on it with people wiser than myself, arrived at a few 
suggestions which I think may put the persons with disabilities on a footing 
which is equal as well as different keeping in mind their legitimate needs and 
All the same, I must confess that the following recommendations may reflect my 
first hand experience with visual disability and lack of the same as far as 
other disabilities are concerned. However, I have applied my mind and 
imagination and put forth some tentative points. I have quoted the ministry 
itself on various draft amendments as put forth by it on the website and 
thereafter wrote my suggestions in different areas.

I am also attaching them in tabular form for your ready reference.
Hope that your honor would devote some of your valuable time to peruse them and 
put them into effect if found suitable.
Recommendations follow:

Serial No.               Topic                                          
Amendment proposed by ministry, if any                                  
1.            Definition            (a) "Autism" is a disability in the 
National Trust Act, but not in the PwD Act. Likewise,
"multiple disabilities" is defined in the National Trust Act. It is proposed to 
definitions of "autism" and "multiple disabilities" in the PwD Act, in line 
with the definitions
given in the National Trust Act.
(b) Definition of "rehabilitation" is proposed to be modified and definitions 
of ,
"communication", "discrimination on the basis of disability", "inclusive
environment", "language", "public building", "reasonable accommodation" and
"universal design" are proposed to be added, in line with the provisions of 
(c) Definitions of "blindness", "hearing impairment" and "persons with low 
vision" are
proposed to be revised to make them more accurate, based on the recommendation 
the Expert Committee set up by this Ministry under the chairmanship of DGHS.
(d) Definition of "appropriate Government" is proposed to be improved.
(e) Other important definitions proposed to be added are- "local authority" and 
alleviation schemes".     Additions and modifications in definitions are 
welcome. However, the definition of disability Be aligned to UNCRPD, criteria 
(impairments, reversible/irreversible/imputed in interaction with 
attitudinal/environmental barriers),   should be laid down,
enumeration of categories should be inclusive and confined to section 2, and 
not scattered all over the act, learning disabled and deaf-blind be also 
defined in section 2 itself. Mental illness be removed from categories of 
disability as learning disabled have been defined and disease is not equated 
with disability and also because act contains little to affect mentally ill.  
Rational quantification-into mild and severe disability be done and  percentage 
wise quantification be done away with.
Category of Low vision be deemed as mildly blind, and care should be taken to 
avoid cases where a person would medically fall into neither blind nor low 
2              Mainstreaming disability               nil           
Implementing bodies be made more representative of disabled. All constitutional 
bodies from Parliament to Panchayat to have at least one disabled 
representative. Articles 15 & 16 of Constitution be amended to Prohibit 
discrimination on basis of disability per se. Disability budgeting on lines of 
gender budgeting be implemented.
Art. 17 of constitution be amended to wipe practice of disability exclusion.
3              Strong Statutes:
                Nil           Prevention of atrocities act for disabled On the 
lines of SC atrocity prevention act, be enacted
Abusing in the name of disability be declared an offence.

4              Right to Life:
                Nil           Cost of all corrective steps for disability
Like Keratoplasty cochlear implants
Be borne by government Cornea after death
Be declared "National resource"
Free from any private encumbrance.

5              Inclusive Education
                (a) Section 26 ("Education of children with disabilities at the 
school level")- The
concept of inclusive education at the school level is proposed to be 
introduced, to bring it
in line with the present policy under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and Art. 24 
of the UNCRPD.
(b) A new Section 26-A ("Distance Education of Persons with Disabilities above 
years of age to be free up to the senior secondary stage") is proposed to be
introduced, to provide free education through distance education for persons 
disabilities up to senior secondary stage irrespective of age.
(c) A new Section 26 B ("Higher and Professional Education"), is proposed to be
introduced to promote higher education for students with disabilities.
(d) A new Section 27 ("Education of children with learning disabilities"), is 
proposed to
be introduced (replacing the existing Section 27) to improve the coverage of 
the subject
of education in the Act to give attention to children with learning 
disabilities. The present
Act has no provisions whatsoever about children with learning disabilities.
(e) A new Section 27A ("Education of children with cerebral palsy and children 
multiple disabilities, especially deaf blind children"), is proposed to be 
introduced to
improve the coverage of the subject of education in the Act to give attention 
to children
with cerebral palsy and children with multiple disabilities, especially deaf 
blind children.
(f) In Section 30 ("Appropriate Governments to prepare a comprehensive education
scheme providing for transport facilities, supply of books, etc."), suitable
amendments are being proposed to accommodate the special requirements of 
impaired and hearing impaired children with regard to evaluation system and 
(g) The scope of Section 31 ("Educational institutions to provide amanuensis to
students with visual handicap") regarding provision of amanuensis to students 
disabilities, is proposed to be expanded to include persons with disabilities 
in the writing
upper limb, including students with cerebral palsy.
(h) The scope of the section Section 39 ("All educational institutions to 
reserve seats for
persons with disabilities"), which covers Government and Government-aided
institutions, is proposed to be extended by including all recognized 
institutions, which
would be required to provide 3% reservation (Section 31A replaces Section 39).  
              legitimate assistance to special schools Fostering inclusive 
educational ambience at the same time. Training all teachers to teach disabled 
children as well. Giving disability scholarships in addition to, and not in 
lieu of, other benefits, Making study material available in suitable 
alternative format.
Reasonable accommodation be provided in education.
Section 26B about professional and higher education should include 
reimbursement of cost of course to disabled. Modification proposed in 
evaluation scheme are unclear and give negative signals. Modification in 
curriculum or providing substitute questions is enough. For section 31, see 
next point about scribe. Carving section 31A instead of section 39 and 
extending reservation to all recognized institutes is welcome, however, 
provisions about reasonable accommodation in education should also be extended 
to all recognized institutions.
6              Exercising legal capacity-scribe   (g) The scope of Section 31 
("Educational institutions to provide amanuensis to
students with visual handicap") regarding provision of amanuensis to students 
disabilities, is proposed to be expanded to include persons with disabilities 
in the writing
upper limb, including students with cerebral palsy.
                A uniform scribe policy-the need of the hour.
Discretion of candidate to bring the scribe or accept that provided Only 
 Preconditions like juniority if from same streem be imposed. Competence to be 
ensured when scribe requested. No arbitrary conditions/changes/denials of 
scribes justified.
Interpreters to hearing disabled to be provided wherever required.
7              Govt. schemes  Nil           Disability be factored in while 
making any scheme.
All existing government schemes be evaluated from disability perspective 
Disability audit of schemes mandatory.
Special schemes for disabled US43 of PWD act be framed and implemented.

8              Quantum of reservation
                Amendments are proposed in Section 33 ("Reservation of posts"), 
for reservation by
appropriate Government, to:
(a) bring about clarity regarding coverage of organized services for the 
purposes of
b) split the 1% quota for reservation for persons with blindness and low 
vision, to provide for
0.5% reservation in each sub-category
(c) enable the appropriate Government to provide quota for reservation for 
other types of
disabilities also, and
(d) carry forward unfilled vacancies for the next three years (instead of the 
present period of
one year) so that the benefit of reservation is not denied to persons with 
disabilities- this
is in line with the recommendations of the GOM in July, 2008     In addition to 
organized services, reservation in aided and semi-governmental sector be 
specifically mentioned. Splitting percentage for blind/low vision is welcome, 
it be done for all other disabilities in terms of mild and severe. Calculation 
of total vacancies on basis of all entry point posts in all four classes of 
services be explicitly mentioned. Providing reservation for other disabilities 
by government should be made over and above 3% for disabilities mentioned in 
section 33.
Quantum of reservation should Be enhanced to 5% /6% To reflect the actual 
proportion of disabled in population.

9              Categorization   nil           Different categories of severely 
and mildly disabled for at least reservation be carved out.
And reservation be apportioned in them accordingly.
10           Detrimental act of state governments    Nil           Rationale of 
  Disability legislation falling under concurrent list, so Central law 
prevailing unless state law assented to, or PWD Act enacted Under article 253, 
be employed to negate varied state interpretations harmful to disabled and 
uniformity be brought in implementation of disability legislation.

11           Reservation for disabled               Nil           3% of total 
cadre strength in all classes of government establishments including aided 
establishments and semi-government sector ultimate goal. 3% of vacancies 
occurring at a time-the practical step to achieve the goal. Non-implementation 
of reservation provision for long may warrant
Special recruitment drives for disabled utilizing available vacancies in excess 
of 3%.
Differentiation being made between Relaxed standards, like minimum 
qualifying/cut off marks, relaxation in age limit, and
Reasonable accommodations, like taking scribe waiver in fee, extra time etc. 
Counting only those availing relaxed standards, or not finding place in 
vertical lists
Against reserved vacancies Ignoring those finding place in vertical list/open 
competition without relaxed standards.

12           Transfer and promotion                nil           High time to 
give statutory backing to non-transferability provisions. Reservation in 
promotion on lines of SC a legitimate demand. Extending zone of consideration 
duly warranted. Intervening posts, if unidentified, should be deemed to be 
identified for effecting promotion Statutory backing required.

13           Reasonable accommodation/non-handicapping environment    Only 
defined      Should be defined to include appropriate modifications in 
structures, procedures and environments to maximize functionality of disabled,
Warranted by UNCRPD and Natural justice.
Should not be fettered by: Economic capacity development, or Reasonable time 

14           No clubbing together of disabilities          Nil           A 
harmful but omnipresent practice.
Even UNCRPD commits it. Each disability requires unique measures, Apart from 
general principles which may be common.

15                             Optional protocol                 Nil            
                       Optional protocol to the convention be immediately 
adopted by India
16           Enforcement machinery               Only rehabilitation experience 
laid down              Disability forum on the lines of consumer dispute 
redressal fora a be set up to resolve cases under disability act. CCPD and 
commissioners should only coordinate administrative efforts and oversee 
implementation of act and awards.
CCPD/Commissioners should preferably be person with disability, must possess 
rehabilitation experience.
17                             Enforcement machinery   Nil                      
             Such disability fora be invested with full powers of civil court 
including initiating contempt proceedings for non-compliance of its orders.
18           Stringent penalties          A new Section 53A ("Punishment for 
contravention of Sections 44, 45, 46, 51 and 53") is
proposed to introduce a fine for contravention of Sections relating to 
barrier-free access in
transport, on the road and in the built environment, and for violation of the 
provisions of the Act by
registered institutions.  The section 53A is limited in scope and does not lay 
down procedure or authorities to impose said penalties. In addition to this, 
Strong monetary penalties be prescribed in cases of violations of provisions of 
disability law: ex. Section 33, Not reserving at least 3% of advertised posts, 
discriminating on the basis of disability, harassment of disabled,  etc.
Disability disputes redressal forum to have powers to impose such penalties.
19                             Fake certificates                   Nil          
                         Issuing fake disability certificates or Making use of 
fake disability certificates be declared a criminal offence warranting 
exemplary punishment in addition to forfeiting any benefit like job etc. so 
20                             Universal disability audit   nil                 
                  Audit of government funds including grants to All NGOs and 
all other expenditure should include details of expenditure for persons with 
disabilities, as they are one of the weakest classes in society and every 
activity touches them.
21                             Disability portrayal               Nil           
                        Derogatory portrayal of disability be made ground of 
censorship and film certification board should have a disabled member on it.
22           Accessibility        (a) The existing provisions relating to 
access for persons with disabilities are contained in
Sections 44, 45 and 46 relating to non-discrimination in transport, on the road 
and in
the built environment, respectively. It is proposed that the proviso "within 
the limits of
economic capacity and development' be removed. Further, it is proposed to 
provide for
specification of time-limits for making the transport sector, roads and the 
environment barrier-free. The notification in this regard would have to be 
issued within
one year of enactment of the Amendment Act and the time limit shall not be 
later than
(b) A new "Section 46B-Accessibility of Information in the public domain to 
with disabilities" is proposed to be added. This Section is based on Art. 
21("Freedom of
expression and opinion and access to information") of the UNCRPD. This Section
will make it mandatory for appropriate Government and local bodies to ensure 
of all information in the public domain in accessible format suitable to the 
needs of
persons with disabilities and notification of standards for accessibility of 
(c) A new sub Section 48(2) is proposed to be added, relating to research and 
in the area of universal design, which is also ultimately expected to improve 
access for
persons with disabilities.                                     The time limit 
for making transport/road/built environment accessible should be reduced from 
31/12/2017, to 31/12/2012. Introduction of sections 46A, 46B and 48(2) is 
welcome, but their non-observance should be made a ground for action and 
monitory penalties on government, apart from specific relief being awarded. The 
sections should also provide for live assistance at public places frequented by 
23                             Right to life    Nil           Eradicating 
disability through medical measures, technological measures and through 
appropriate modifications in structures and procedures should be viewed as 
integral part of right to life and primary responsibility of government and 

24           Situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies
     Statute should provide for all necessary measures to ensure the protection 
and safety of persons with disabilities in situations of risk, including 
situations of armed conflict, humanitarian emergencies and the occurrence of 
natural disasters.
25                             Equal recognition before the law                 
                Nil                                  Explicit enunciation of 
persons with disabilities as fully competent legal persons, provision of 
support with effective and appropriate safeguards wherever called for, for 
exercising legal capacity.
26                             Financial transactions                           
                Nil                                  Government to ensure the 
equal right of persons with disabilities to own or inherit property, to control 
their own financial affairs and to have equal access to bank loans, mortgages 
and other forms of financial credit, and shall ensure that persons with 
disabilities are not arbitrarily deprived of their property.
27                             Free legal aid      Nil                          
         Costs to be essentially awarded whenever a disabled successfully sues 
for violation of rights, free legal aid to be mandatorily provided for every 
litigation under disability law.
28                             Liberty             Nil                          
         Government should ensure that persons with disabilities Are not 
deprived of their liberty unlawfully or arbitrarily, and that any deprivation 
of liberty is in conformity with the law, and that the existence of a 
disability shall in no case justify a deprivation of liberty.
29                             Freedom from degrading treatment and torture     
                Nil                                  Statute should provide 
that: No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading 
treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his 
or her free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.
30                             Exploitation abuse and violence                  
                Nil                                  Articles 23 and 24 of the 
constitution be suitably amended to prevent exploitation violence and abuse on 
account of disability or resulting in disability.
31           Living independently and being included in the community    Nil    
       All the infrastructure including houses, whether built by government or 
private parties to be fully accessible, and government to ensure that: (a)      
          Persons with disabilities have the opportunity to choose their place 
of residence and where and with whom they live on an equal basis with others 
and are not obliged to live in a particular living arrangement;
                (b)          Persons with disabilities have access to a range 
of in-home, residential and other community support services, including 
personal assistance necessary to support living and inclusion in the community, 
and to prevent isolation or segregation from the community;
    Community services and facilities for the general population are available 
on an equal basis to persons with disabilities and are responsive to their 
32                             Technological aids  nil                          
         All technological assistive devices including mobility aids, reading 
devices, softwares vision or other sensory enhancement devices be blanketly 
exempted from import duty and other levies. Government should bear the full 
cost of such devices or highly subsidize them as alleviation of disability by 
improving the impaired sense, or limb falls under right to life.
33           Freedom of expression and information     Section 46A providing 
for information in public domain in accessible format.           It includes 
for disabled use of accessible modes and so, government should: a) Provide 
information intended for the general public to persons with disabilities in 
accessible formats and technologies appropriate to different kinds of 
disabilities in a timely manner and without additional cost;
                (b)          Accept and facilitate the use of sign languages, 
Braille, augmentative and alternative communication, and all other accessible 
means, modes and formats of communication of their choice by persons with 
disabilities in official interactions;
                (c)           Urge private entities that provide services to 
the general public, including through the Internet, to provide information and 
services in accessible and usable formats for persons with disabilities;
                (d)          Encourage the mass media, including providers of 
information through the Internet, to make their services accessible to persons 
with disabilities;
34                             Health              Some cursory provisions made 
in new chapter on healthcare                                  Government 
should: Provide those health services needed by persons with disabilities 
specifically because of their disabilities, including early identification and 
intervention as appropriate, and services designed to minimize and prevent 
further disabilities, including among children and older persons; Provide these 
health services as close as possible to people's own communities, including in 
rural areas; Require health professionals to provide care of the same quality 
to persons with disabilities as to others, including on the basis of free and 
informed consent by, inter alia, raising awareness of the human rights, 
dignity, autonomy and needs of persons with disabilities through training and 
the promulgation of ethical standards for public and private health care; 
Prohibit discrimination against persons with disabilities in the provision of 
health insurance, and life insurance to be provided in a fair and reasonable 
manner; declare discriminatory denial of health care or health services or food 
and fluids on the basis of disability a punishable offence. Make issue of 
disability certificate a non-cumbersome and efficient and fool-proof process
35                             State activities    nil                          
         All the state activities including elections be made accessible by 
adopting appropriate formats and technology
36                             Data collection     Nil                          
         All data collection exercises including census, surveys of general 
nature, should invariably include persons with disability in addition to 
specific disability surveys undertaken from time to time.
37                             No negative presumption                          
                Nil            No negative, harmful, exclusionary or 
discriminatory presumption be drawn or denial be affected on the basis of 
disability in respect of rights, amenities or facilities offered to public at 
large or citizens and any exclusion of the disabled there from not duly 
supported by law be deemed an penal offence.
38                             Disability records  Nil                          
         Disabilities records and certificates be accepted throughout nation 
even if issued by one state as they should be declared as records under article 
261 of constitution and full faith and credit clause be applicable to them.
39                             Nomenclature        Nil                          
         Uniform nomenclature recognized by disability legislation be followed 
while mentioning/referring to disabled persons in state 
proceedings/transactions/laws etc.
40                             Special measures to compensate disability        
                Nil            Any and all special measures to compensate 
disability ex. Making books accessible by converting them into digital 
format/specialized format, providing human assistance, equipments, etc. be 
deemed as equalizing measures and form the part of right to equality under 
article 14 of the constitution.
41           Guiding principles      A new "Chapter III-A-Guiding Principles 
for Appropriate Governments and Local
Bodies", is proposed to be included - based on Art.3 ("General Principles") of 
This Chapter lists the steps to be taken by appropriate Governments and local 
authorities, within
their economic capacity, to secure various rights of persons with disabilities, 
as follows:
(i) Respect for inherent dignity, individual autonomy including the freedom to 
one's own choices, and independence of persons;
(ii) Non-discrimination;
(iii) Full and effective participation and inclusion in society;
(iv) Respect for difference and acceptance of persons with disabilities as part 
human diversity and humanity;
(v) Equality of opportunity;
(vi) Accessibility;
(vii) Equality between men and women;
(viii) Respect for the evolving capacities of children with disabilities and 
respect for the
right of children with disabilities to preserve their identities.               
copy and paste exercise from UNCRPD is welcome, nonetheless, concrete steps to 
actualize these principles into enacted law and implemented action be thought 
42           Rehabilitation    A new Chapter IVA ("Rehabilitation"), is 
proposed to be included, replacing the existing
provisions of Section 42 ("Aids and appliances to persons with disabilities") 
and 66 (""Appropriate
Governments and local authorities to undertake rehabilitation"). A new 
provision is proposed
regarding involving family care givers and guardians of persons with 
disabilities in their
rehabilitation, for which adequate training shall be provided.                  
                                                                  The chapter 
is welcome, but it is too vague. Merely schemes for providing aids and 
appliances are not enough. Blanket exemption from import and other duties to 
appliances purchased by NGOs and also individuals is called for.
43           Incentives to employers With regard to Section 41 ("Incentives to 
employers to ensure five percent of the work force
is composed of persons with disabilities"), the incentives are now proposed to 
be provided
only to employers in the private sector, since the public sector is already 
mandated as per law to
provide reservation in employment and there is no justification for giving 
                                  Substitution of "May" in place of "shall" 
makes section recommendatory and non binding. Meaningful incentives like tax 
exemptions etc. have mandatorily to be provided to private sector to achieve 
inclusion of disabled in employment.
44           Health care and social security     (a) A new Chapter VA 
("Healthcare") is proposed to be added based on Art. 25 ("Health")
of the UNCRPD, to provide for appropriate Governments and local authorities to 
healthcare to persons with disabilities within a reasonable distance from their 
especially in rural areas. The healthcare is to be provided free of cost for 
persons with
disabilities whose family income is below limits as notified by the appropriate
Governments. Barrier-free access is to be provided in Government run or aided
hospitals/institutions/centers and priority in attendance is to be given. The 
Act, at
present, has no provisions regarding healthcare.
(b) Section 56 ("Persons with Disabilities in need of Care and Protection") - 
appropriate Governments would be required to promote care and protection of 
with disabilities in the family and the community and establish and maintain 
homes where
there is no family/community support. Special attention is to be given to 
persons with
severe disabilities and women and children with disabilities.
(c) A new Section 66 ("Maintenance Allowance and Disability Pension") is 
proposed to
be added, replacing the existing section, to provide social security for 
persons with
disabilities, especially to those with severe and multiple disabilities, 
especially women, by
appropriate Governments, within the limits of their economic capacity and 
(d) Section 67 ("Insurance")- The existing Section, which only covers insurance 
employed persons with disabilities, is proposed to be replaced with a Section 
on a
comprehensive insurance scheme for persons with disabilities in general.        
    A new chapter and not a subsection is required for healthcare provisions. 
Location matters as courts are prone to absurd interpretations. Here, section 
31B may imply linkage with education. For providing free healthcare to 
disabled, earning limit has to be higher than general poverty line. Specific 
health care required for correcting disability or arising out of disability 
should be provided free/affordably to disabled.
The words, "within economic capacity and development" be removed from pension 

45           Awareness raising A new Section 70A ("Creation of Awareness on 
Disability Issues") is proposed to be added,
as per Art. 8 ("Awareness-raising") of the UNCRPD, mandating that appropriate 
and local authorities shall take measures for awareness-raising, combating 
prejudice and
promoting positive perceptions about persons with disabilities.
                                  Law about Prevention of atrocities on basis 
of disability providing penal offences is the need of the hour. Arbitrary and 
unjustified denial of disability specific rights and general rights to disabled 
should be an offence.
46           recreation  A new Section 70B ("Recreation") is proposed to be 
added, based on Art. 30 ("Participation in
cultural life, recreation, leisure and sport") of the UNCRPD, relating to 
development and utilization
of creative, artistic and intellectual abilities of persons with disabilities 
and measures for their
participation in mainstream sports, recreation and tourism, by the appropriate 
Governments and
local authorities, within the limits of their economic capacity and 
development.                                               The rider "within 
the limits of their economic capacity and development" must be deleted.
47           Central and state level monitoring  (a) The Central Coordination 
Committee (CCC), as provided in Section 3, is proposed to
be re-named as the "Central Advisory Board" and the Central Executive
Committee(CEC), as provided for in Section 9, as the "Central Coordination and
Monitoring Committee", since the existing nomenclature does not adequately 
the functions of these bodies. Similar changes are proposed to be made in the
nomenclature of the State Coordination Committees (Section 13) and the State
Executive Committees (Section 19).
(b) New Sections- 9A and 19A- are proposed to be added to incorporate 
provisions relating
to tenures of nominated members of the Central and State Coordination and 
Committees respectively.
(c) Certain changes are proposed in the composition of the Central Advisory 
Board under
Section 3 and the Central Coordination and Monitoring Committee under Section 9 
à-vis those for the existing CCC and CEC, respectively, so as to account for 
changes in
nomenclature in some of the Ministries and inclusion of some more ex-officio 
whose presence in these bodies seems necessary.
(d) Similar changes (as in Sections 3 and 9) are proposed in Sections 13 and 19 
regard to composition of the State Advisory Board and State Coordination and 
Committee. The Chief Secretary is now proposed as the Chairperson of the State
Committee, instead of the Secretary, Department of Social Welfare of the State, 
as per
the present provision.
                                  Apart from changing nomenclature, these 
monitoring mechanisms be made accountable for implementation of the act, 
collectively. While nominating nine persons with disabilities on Central and 
state advisory board,  phrase, as far as practicable, be employed only in 
respect of mentally retarded, and all other disabilities be represented 
essentially by persons having that disability. Nine and not five, persons with 
disabilities, representing all disabilities in a single nomination period 
instead of two, be nominated on central and state coordination and monitoring 
committee, and phrase "as far as practicable" be restricted to mentally 
48           District monitoring     At present, the PwD Act provides for 
consultative/monitoring at the Central and State levels only.
It is now proposed, through a new Section 22A to provide for constitution of a 
Committee on Disability also, as a district-level mechanism for monitoring 
implementation of the
decisions taken by the State Advisory Board and the State Coordination and 
Committee.          Nomination of nine persons with disabilities on district 
level committee should be compulsory and not to be diluted with representatives 
of NGOs who may be non-disabled. The phrase: as far as practicable, be 
restricted to mentally retarded and all other disabilities be represented by 
persons having such disabilities.
49           CCPD and Commissioners  (a) New provisions relating to details of 
terms of appointment, conditions of service,
resignation and removal are proposed to be introduced in Section 57 (for Chief
Commissioner) and Section 60 (for State Commissioners). Appointment of the Chief
Commissioner and State Commissioners on a full-time basis is proposed to be made
mandatory. Besides, the proposed provisions specify that serving Government
employees cannot be appointed on the post of Chief Commissioner or State
Commissioner, except in States with < 5 million population as per last census.
(b) Further to the existing powers of summoning and enforcing attendance of 
witnesses, the
Chief Commissioner and State Commissioners are proposed to be provided one more
power of a Civil Court, under Section 63, viz. the power to "examine on oath" 
which is
essential to enable it to enquire/investigate complaints properly, and is 
enjoyed by other
similarly placed bodies/ Commissions.
(c) In addition, a new provision has been made under Section 59 to ensure that 
the Chief Commissioner, while looking into the complaint regarding deprivation 
of rights /
non-implementation of laws, rules, etc. for welfare and protection of rights 
for persons
with disabilities, makes a recommendation to an authority, that authority shall 
necessary action on it and inform the Chief Commissioner of the action taken 
within three
months from the date of receipt of the recommendation. In case, that authority 
does not
accept a recommendation, he shall convey reasons for non-acceptance to the Chief
Commissioner within three months and shall also similarly inform the aggrieved 
person.                             In qualifications for Chief 
commissioners/commissioners, she/he should, preferably be a person with 
disabilities, should be inserted. Proposed Section 59(2) and 62(2) must 
immediately be deleted. Recommendation of CCPD/commissioners should be made 
binding, and if a party is not willing to accept it, they should be appealed in 
appropriate fora. Alternatively, CCPD/Commissioners be made purely 
administrative bodies coordinating efforts and overseeing implementation of the 
act, and disability dispute resolution forum on the lines of Consumer dispute 
resolution forum and state and national commission be constituted.
50           Recognition of institutions for persons with disabilities   (a) 
New proviso has been added in Section 51("Registration of institution") that
recognition of institutions shall meet the minimum standards and norms for 
recognition as
may be prescribed.
(b) New Sub-Section 52(7)- A time-limit is proposed to prescribe for disposal of
applications for registration of new institutions.
(c) New Sub-Section 52(7)- An institution for care of mentally ill persons, 
which is licensed
under the Mental Health Act, 1987, shall not be required to be registered under 
this Act.

51           National fund for persons with disabilities     A new Chapter XIII 
A ("National Fund for Persons with Disabilities") is proposed to be added
in pursuance of the Supreme Court judgment dated 16.04.2004 in Civil Appeal 
Nos. 4655 and
5218 0f 2000 (Indian Banks' Association & Ors. Vs Devkala Consultancy Service & 
Ors.). This
judgment, inter alia, contained directions for immediate creation of a Trust 
Fund to be managed
by the CAG of India and subsequent creation of a statutory Trust Fund through 
amendment of the
PwD Act. In pursuance of the judgment, the Trust Fund for Empowerment with 
Persons with
Disabilities (chaired by CAG of India) was registered on 21.11.2006. Another 
Fund, the National
Fund for People with Disabilities has been in existence since 1983. Now these 
Funds are sought
to be merged and a statutory National Fund for Persons with Disabilities is 
proposed to be
created the new proposed Chapter.


                                  Five members nominated by central government 
to represent different disabilities on the governing body of the fund under 
section 68D {1(viii)} must be persons with disabilities themselves. Uses of the 
fund be prescribed in greater detail. All additional expenses in securing 
rights to persons with disabilities under disability law, like reasonable 
accommodation, be made legitimate uses of fund.
52                             Women and children with disability               
                Nil                                   Adequate provisions to 
address double vulnerability of women and children with disabilities on the 
lines of UNCRPD articles 6 and 7 be enacted. Example: they be given priorities 
in all schemes meant for disabled. Example: Higher sentence be prescribed for 
offences against women with disabilities like rape, domestic violence, 
extracting child labour from disabled children etc.

Rajesh Asudani

Assistant General Manager (PPS),
Reserve Bank of India
O: 0712 2806676
Res: 0712 2591349
Doth God exact day-labour, light denied?"
John Milton

Rajesh Asudani

Assistant General Manager (PPS),
Reserve Bank of India
O: 0712 2806676
Res: 0712 2591349
Doth God exact day-labour, light denied?"
John Milton

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