The Hindu : Business / Companies : We are working on an operating system: Google

New Delhi, October 30, 2009
AP TO CHALLENGE MICROSOFT: Google is working on an operating system and could 
soon challenge Microsoft in that front. File Photo: AP
To tap the fast growing web and personal computers market, internet giant 
Google is working on an operating system, a move that is likely to pose a stiff 
challenge to Microsoft's dominance.

"We are working on an operating system... we feel, when other operating systems 
became part of the Web, the world was not connected the way it is today," 
Google Global Sales Operations and Business Development President Nikesh Arora 

"Whether our operating system replaces the existing ones, I don't know. 
Customers will choose that," he said, while speaking at the HT Leadership 
Summit here.

In July, Google announced plans to launch its own operating system for personal 
computers. The planned open source 'Google Chrome Operating System' is expected 
to be available in the second half of 2010.

Microsoft has about 90 per cent share in the global market for operating 

"Google Chrome Operating System is an open source, lightweight operating system 
that will initially aim at netbooks... Later this year, we will open-source its 
code, and net-books running Google Chrome Operating System will be available 
for consumers in the second half of 2010," Google had said in a blog.

The blog, which was written by Vice-President (Product Management) Sundar 
Pichai and Engineering Director ELinus Upson, said the operating systems that 
browsers run on were designed in an era where there was no web.

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