Subject: My experience in our judisial system

Dear Friends,

The following mail is from a Visually Challenged friend's, who brings out the 
difficulty faced by him before the Madras High Court.  Please go through the 
mail in detail and help him if you can, please.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sudarsanan ." <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, November 08, 2009 12:17 PM
Subject: my experience in our judisial system

Dear friend,
Subject: several writ dismissals of visually challenged in Madras high court 
and his horrible experiences in our judicial system.
Kindly spare time to read this message in which, I explained my struggle for 
justice for several years, still justice not done to me. I here by giving 
history of struggle for justice.
My name is sudarsanan.
I am visually impaired person (partially blind) and aged about 42 years. I 
completed my diploma in mechanical engineering in 1991 and diploma in 
refrigeration and air conditioning in 1997. I suffered genetic problem of 
retinitis pigmentosa in both eye during the period of
End of 1980's (on set of disability is from 1983 as per medical panel report 
of vocational rehabilitation center for handicapped by govt of India 
photocopy of report with me). They issued ID card in 1993. I registered as a 
partially blind in special employment exchange for handicapped in 1992. I 
took technical teaching line as an instructor (junior training officer) to 
teach in mechanical related trades like A/C mechanic, fitter, turners extra 
in private ITI. This private ITI is approved by director general of 
employment and training, New Delhi, under union ministry of labour. I am 
working in this type of different institution from 1994. This post comes 
under the group C.  In December 8, 2000 government of Tamil nadu announcing 
the recruitment of 237 junior training officer post in government run 
industrial training institutes by diploma holders on the basis of seniority 
in employment exchanges. This was published in THE HINDU newspaper on 
 As per equal opportunities of people with disability act 1995 they should 
give 3% for handicapped persons that is 1% for ortho 1% for hearing impaired 
1% for visually impaired which means two posts must be allocated for 
visually handicapped persons. I approached the appointing authority of above 
said post director of employment and training through the letter in 9 
January 2001 and approaching state commissioner for disabled for help. 
Disable commissioner recommend my name for the post through his letter to 
appointing authority (copy of that letter is sent to me). But they didn't 
respond to me so, I sent advocate notice to him and district employment 
officer for handicapped. After that they stating that allotted 6 post for 
physically handicapped is sponsored up to 1985, your seniority comes only 
1992 because of that you are not considered for sponsoring. But they didn't 
answer how many visually handicapped persons appointed?
So I approach madras high court for justice by filing writ petition in 2001
History of First writ petition dismissal on 2001:
It was dismissed because of the technical ground that petitioners not 
challenge the lack of seniority reason of the government side reply so that 
writ petition is not sustainable and petitioner given liberty file another 
writ petition. Following is the main lines in the judgment.
" Though the petitioner has filed the above writ petition seeking to issue a 
writ of mandamus directing the first respondent to include the petitioner's 
name in the list of the eligible candidates for providing employment as 
Junior Training Officer in Government Industrial Training Institutes as per 
the announcement published on 9.12.2000 in 'The Hindu' dated 9.12.2000, the 
petitioner's request had already been rejected by the respondents on certain 
grounds. Hence, the petitioner without challenging that order, cannot 
sustain the prayer sought for in this writ petition. The petitioner is at 
liberty to challenge those orders by filing a separate writ petition.
Giving such liberty, the writ petition is dismissed"

In view of my financial position, I'm not able to file another writ 
petition. In such situation one advocate firm comes to help me with the help 
of that firm I filed second writ petition in 2003, before filing second writ 
petition another advocate notice is send, it clearly ask how many visual 
impaired persons are appointed.
History of second writ petition dismissal on 2004
It was again dismissed on petitioner does not able to clear what statutory 
provision, the petitioner have, irrespective of seniority employment officer 
side bound to sponsored him? Following is the main lines in the judgment.
" The impugned order is put in issue by the petitioner on the ground that 
the petitioner is entitled to preference under section 33 of the persons 
with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full 
participation) Act, 1995, which provides that every appropriate Government 
shall appoint in every establishment such percentage of vacancies not less 
that three percent for persons of class of persons with disability of which 
one per cent each shall be reserved for persons suffering from (1) blindness 
or low vision (2) hearing impairment (3) locomotors disability or cerebral 
palsy in the posts identified for each disability.
I am not able to understand how that provision is made applicable to the 
impugned order. The   impugned order is one issued by the District 
Employment Officer, stating that the candidates registered upto 24.6.1985 
were only sponsored against the vacancies of Junior Training Officers at 
Govt. I.T.I. As the petitioner has registered his name only in the year 1992 
(sp.17.6.1992) his name has not been sponsored against the vacancies on the 
ground that he lacks seniority.
Learned counsel for the petitioner is not able submit to point out any 
statutory provision as to that even in the Employment Exchange they are 
bound to sponsor the physically challenged persons irrespective of 
seniority. Hence the writ petition is dismissed"
But section 33 clearly says 3% quota for disabled and section 36 clearly 
says if no disabled person is found in recruiting year it should be carry 
forward in to next years successively in pwd act. Both writ petition does 
not give answer about 1% visually handicapped quota. So I filed another writ 
appeal in 2004 through the help of same advocate firm. Mean time, I 
approached the director of employment and training in 2007 asking 
information about how many visually handicapped person appointed in junior 
training officer post under the right to information act 2005 they told in 
their letter no visually handicapped persons appointed because of their 
inability further they say visually handicapped quota is filled by the 
another person. Now it very clear they did not follow 1% quota for visually 
handicapped persons.
On 28 February 2009 union public service commission published recruitment 
notification in THE HINDU daily news paper says training officer post 
vacancies in director general of employment and training is suitable for 
blind, low vision persons and further, it says diploma in mechanical 
engineering qualification is essential with 5 years experience in machine 
related work or teaching/training in technical institute. But this post 
in-group B. this training officer post is in identified job list in-group B 
in government of India's social justice ministry.

History of writ appeal dismissal on 2009
In the first hearing our side proved non-filling of visually handicapped by 
showing the Right to information act letter,
It says visually handicapped quota filled by another person. So Madras high 
court division bench asked the govt pleader to produce seniority list. Now 
first respondent filed counter affidavit in which he says following lines.
1. Further submitted that as per the provision of Section 33 of the Persons 
with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full 
Participation) Act 1995 herein after referred to as the Disabilities Act, 
seniority list of the persons who have registered with the second respondent's 
office has been maintained. Section 33 of the Act provides reservation for 
persons with the disabilities, but it does not bar the criteria of the 
seniority, which is being maintained. Since the seniority of the appellant 
namely 17.6.1992 did not come within the cut off date of 24.6.1985, his name 
could not be sponsored for the above vacancies. From the second respondent's 
office nearly 104 names of disability persons via persons suffering from 
blindness of low vision, hearing impairment and loco motor disability or 
cerebral palsy were sponsored to the Commissioner ate of Employment and 
Training, Chennai. Similarly, the names were sponsored from the Special
 Employment for Physically Handicapped Offices from all over Tamilnadu. I 
state that six vacancies were filled up by the first respondent with the 
persons who are Physically Handicapped Persons (ortho), out of six vacancies 
which the reserved for the Physically Handicapped Persons. The persons who 
are suffering from blindness or low vision and hearing impairment were not 
selected due to the nature of works viz. handling of tools and equipments 
for conducting the classes and also theory classes.
2. With regard to the averments contained in Grounds 8 to 10 are concerned, 
it is submitted that in reply to the representation given by the appellant, 
it has been informed that since his seniority viz. 17.6.1992 did not come 
within the cut off date of 24.6.1985, his name could not be sponsored for 
the above vacancies.
3. It is submitted that the Special Employment Office forwarded the name of 
the persons who are Physically Handicapped in accordance's with the 
seniority list, which is being maintained by them.
Hence, the order passed by the Learned Single Judge is legal and in 

In this situation my advocate says why they now says this non-suitability 
instead of not telling this in earlier reply in 2001.
So division bench asked the government side to produce seniority list.
But government side now interpretation the my advocate notice in the 
following ways,
Since the advocate notice does not specifically ask the appointments of 
blind persons. It generally talk about physically handicapped persons, so 
employment officer and appointing authority reply is correct and quoting the 
following lines from my advocate notice.
"Because they are Physically Handicapped Persons, thereby depriving 
employment opportunity to my client and many others like him"
Now division bench says reply is correct for the advocate notice. So writ 
appeal is not sustainable because your advocate notices itself talk about 
physical handicapped persons not specifically asking the blind persons. When 
my advocate argues it violates the section 33 of PWD Act 1995, which clearly 
says 1% quota for blind and low vision persons. But division bench says, it 
has to challenge separately and giving liberty given petitioner to file 
another writ petition and then dismissed the writ appeal.
During these herring times government pleader submit the appointing 
authorities report in witch he says technical committee advised not to 
appoint blind persons to these post because of machine involvement and 
electrical circuits involvement. So commissioner instructed the employment 
officer not to sponsor the blind persons for this post.

In my advocate notice, it clearly states that, because of non reply for my 
client letter on 9-1-2001, he issue the advocate notice to them after that 
only all other things come, so I'm not able to understand how this 
interpretation is acceptable.
I physically present during the writ appeal hearing with my mobility stick. 
At one point of time, I very closely standing before division bench, because 
of arguments is in low voice at that time judges noticed me then asked me 
come to closer and sit advocate allotted seat.
In this present position, if it is filed in the Supreme Court, it takes 
another 10 to 15 years, so my advocate firm advise me to file writ petition 
to challenge not suitability issue and seek remedy for appointment on the 
basis of affidavit in which, he says my name is sponsored to TNEB for 
technical assistant post.

 In August 2009, I asked the physically handicapped employment exchange, 
what are the post identified for the diploma mechanical engineering blind 
persons under RTI ACT. He states junior training officer post in government 
industrial training institute is identified for blind persons. Several 
contradictions are there in the affidavits and giving false information's in 
the court. Kindly advise in this matter.
Thanking you,

Land line no 044-26624708.
Mobile 0-9444009839.

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The harder the conflicts, the more  glorious the triumph - Thomas Paine.
True friendship consists not inn multitude of friends, but in their worth and 
value - Ben Jonson.

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