dear friends

Internet Browsing
•What is Forms Mode?

Forms mode allows the user to type in an edit field on a website.
Enter Forms Mode by pressing the Enter key on the edit field. Press
the Numpad Plus-key to turn Forms Mode off temporarily, or press Enter
to submit your form when you are done typing text into the edit field.

•What are some features of JAWS in Internet Explorer that can make
navigating the web easier?

JAWS provides many useful commands, including: -- Ctrl+o: Takes you to
the Open Dialog where you type your web address in Internet Explorer;
Ctrl+l takes you to the Open Dialog in Firefox.

-- Links List Dialog, Insert+F7: In Internet Explorer and Firefox,
provides a list of only the links on a web page. Use your up- or
down-arrow keys to navigate through the links list. You can also press
the first letter of a link, and JAWS will take you to all the links
that begin with that letter. Pressing Enter on the link of your choice
takes you out of the dialog and to that link.

-- Headings List dialog, insert+f6: In Internet Explorer and Firefox,
extracts the headings on a web page and tells you what heading level
each heading is--1 through 6 and reads the heading title. Pressing
Enter on the heading you want takes you directly to that heading, and
JAWS will begin reading from there.

-- Forms List Dialog, Insert+F5: Provides a list of all the Form
fields such as edit fields, search buttons and radio buttons on a web
page. Pressing Enter on a form activates Forms Mode so that you can
input text, check or uncheck radio buttons or activate the search
button. This option is available in Internet Explorer and Firefox.

-- Next non-link, n: Skips over the remaining links and takes you to
the first instance of text in Internet Explorer and Firefox.

-- List Frames, Insert+F9: lists all the frames on a website in both
Internet Explorer and Firefox.

-- Jump to Next Frame, m: skips to the next frame on a web page in
both Internet Explorer and Firefox.

-- Skip to next list, l: skips over the list you are reading and takes
you to the next list for both Internet Explorer and Firefox.

-- Auto Language Detection: In the Internet settings in Jaws,
Eloquence will start reading in the language the web page is written
in, depending on if the page is coded correctly. JAWS language support
is for Castilian Spanish, French, British English, American English,
German and Italian, among others.

•Can JAWS read tables easily?

JAWS has two different ways of reading a table: Simple Layout Mode and
Screen Layout Mode. Simple Layout mode, the default option, reads
tables the same as in all prior versions of JAWS, and Screen Layout
Mode lets you view tables the way a sighted person would see them.

To change from Simple layout to Screen Layout Mode:

1. While in Internet Explorer, press Insert+V to bring up the JAWS
Verbosity settings.
2. Press the Down-Arrow key once, and you will hear "Document
presentation Simple layout."
3. Press Spacebar to toggle between Simple layout and Screen Layout.

Other useful commands are:
-- Jump to next table: t.
-- Jump to cell within current table: Control+j; Windows logo key+j in Firefox.
-- Return to Previous Cell in Table: Ctrl+Shift+j; Shift+Windows Logo
Key in Firefox.
-- Table List: Ctrl+insert+r lists the tables on a web page; works for
Explorer and Firefox.

•Is there a voice alias that can help me navigate the web easier?

Yes. The "Web Rentacrowd" alias is excellent for web navigation, and
it works the same way in both Internet Explorer and Firefox. Remember,
if you don't like the voices used, you can change them. Please see the
question "How can I change voices in the Voice Alias Dialog".

•Can JAWS read PDF files?

Yes, with JAWS Version 5 or later, and Adobe Acrobat Version 6 or
later, provided that the documents are authored correctly, most PDF
files are accessable to a JAWS user. A list is being compiled for
people who author PDF documents. A partial list can be found under the
JAWS Help Topic, "JAWS and Adobe Acrobat Reader."

•Why are there duplicate settings in the JAWS Verbosity Menu and the
Configuration Manager?

If you make adjustments in the verbosity menu, Insert, they are
temporary; if made in the Configuration Manager, those adjustments
apply to all websites until you adjust another setting.

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Access with Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel
•Can JAWS tell me about the appearance of a document?

Yes. You can use the following helpful voice aliases (for more
information, please see the Voice Aliases questions "What is the Voice
Alias Dialog" and "How do I modify a voice"): All Caps, Quotation
Voice and Italic Voice. In the Sounds and Schemes manager (please see
the question about the Sounds and Schemes Manager), there are schemes
that speak when there are different fonts and colors.

Also, useful navigational commands in MS Word are: -- Say Character
formatting: Insert+F (pressed twice quickly tells you the insertion
-- Adjust point Size: Ctrl+Shift+P
-- Say Font Color: Insert+5
-- Say Line and Column: Insert+Delete
-- Describe Border of Text: Alt+Shift+B

•Is there an easy way to correct spelling mistakes with Microsoft Word?

Here are some useful spell check and editing commands:

-- Read Misspelled Word and Suggestion in spell check: Insert+F7
-- Announce Footnotes or Endnotes: Alt+Shift+E
-- List Hyperlinks: Insert+F8
-- List Spelling Errors: Ctrl+Shift+L
-- List Revisions: Ctrl+Shift+V
-- List Grammatical Errors: Ctrl+Shift+G

•What is the JAWS skim reading feature for Microsoft Word?

The skim reading feature of JAWS allows you to only read the first
line, word or sentence of each paragraph in a document. You can also
create a custom summary to search for particular phrases. To open the
Skim Reading Dialog:

1. Press Insert+F2 and select Skim Reading Dialog box from the list of
2. Press Ctrl+Insert+Down Arrow.

As you Tab through the options, you will notice that you can scan by
line or sentence. The Scanning Indicator checkbox, if checked, will
have JAWS sound tones to indicate that it has skimmed through text and
did not find what you specified in 20 units of text. Uncheck the check
box if you don't want to hear the tones. Choose Start Skim Reading
will cause JAWS to start the process.

•How do I start reading a document without continuously pressing the
Down Arrow key?

Press Insert+Down Arrow if you are at the top of a document. JAWS will
begin reading from the point of your cursor to the end of the

•What are some navigational keystrokes for Microsoft Excel?

There are many helpful keystrokes that help make nagigating Excel easier.
-- Ctrl+Shift+C lists current cells in a column.
-- Alt+Shift+C reads the column title.
-- Insert+Numpad Enter reads the columntotal.
-- Ctrl+Shift+R lists the cells in the current row.
-- Insert+Delete reads the row total
-- Alt+Shift+R says the row title.
-- Ctrl+Shift+Apostraphe lists the cells with comments.
-- Alt+Shift+Apostraphe reads the comments.
-- Ctrl+Shift+S lists theworksheets.
-- Alt+Shift+V says the range of cells that are visible in the active window.
-- Alt+Shift+H reads a hyperlink.
-- Insert+F says the cell's font and atributes.
-- Ctrl+F2 says the current formula.
-- Insert+F7 reads spelling errors and suggestions.
-- Alt+Page up moves to the prior screen and spreadsheet, while
Alt+Page down moves to the next screen andspreadsheet.
-- Ctrl+Page down moves to the next sheet, while Ctrl+Page up moves to
the previous sheet.
-- Ctrl+Down arrow, Ctrl+up arrow, Ctrl+Left Arrow and Ctrl+right
arrow move the cursor to the edge of the current data region.
-- Ctrl+Spacebar selects the current column.
-- Ctrl+Shift+H selects a hyperlink.
-- Ctrl+Shift+8 selects the current region.
-- Shift+spacebar selects the row.
-- Ctrl+Shift+o slects the objects on a worksheet.
-- Shift+Backspace collapses the selection to the current cell.

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