
NTPC receives NCPEDP – Shell Helen Keller Award 2009

NTPC has received the prestigious NCPEDP – Shell Helen Keller Award
2009 from Union Minister of Human Resource Development, Shri Kapil
Sibal for its practices,
policies and belief in equal rights and gainful employment for persons
with disabilities in New Delhi. Award was received by Shri R.C.
Shrivastav, Director
(HR), NTPC. Shri Shekhar Gupta, Editor, Indian Express presided over
the function. Presently 476 individuals with physical disabilities are
employed with
NTPC out of these 96 are in executive cadre.

National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People
(NCPEDP) honors individuals Companies/ organizations/ institutions
sharing its vision and
through their policies and practices demonstrating their belief in
equal rights and employment for persons with disabilities. Other
awardees in the category
were IBM India Pvt. Ltd., Steel Authority of India Ltd. (SAIL) and
Wipro Ltd. This is the third occasion that NTPC has received Shell
Helen Keller Award.
NTPC also received Govt. of India’s National Award for Best Employer
(Physically Challenged).

At NTPC, Corporate Social Responsibility is an article of faith. Over
the years, the company has established a healthy tradition of blending
corporate growth
and social commitment. One of the many CSR initiatives of the company
is its belief in a diverse and all-inclusive workforce. NTPC rightly
believes that
just providing employment to people with disabilities is not enough;
focused attention needs to be given to these employees both pre and
post employment.
Interactive meetings with physically challenged employees are
organised on regular basis.

Equal Opportunity Cell-Information and Communication Training (ICT)
Centre has been set up jointly by NTPC Foundation and Delhi University
to enable the
disabled students to learn IT Skills and helps them move along with
the mainstream society. The centre is equipped with special software
and hardware to
cater to the training needs of disabled students having visual,
hearing, mobility and cognitive impairments.

TPC gives Scholarships to 5 Physically Handicapped(PH) students
pursuing Degree in Engineering Course and 5 students pursuing MBA/
PGDBM Course amounting
Rs.1500 each. NTPC- Vindhyachal has an exclusive school named Asha
Kiran for deaf /dumb and mentally retarded children.

NTPC has received the prestigious NCPEDP – Shell Helen Keller Award
2009 from Union Minister of Human Resource Development, Shri Kapil
Sibal for its practices,
policies and belief in equal rights and gainful employment for persons
with disabilities in New Delhi. Award was received by Shri R.C.
Shrivastav, Director
(HR), NTPC. Shri Shekhar Gupta, Editor, Indian Express and Shri Javed
Abidi, Executive Editor, NCPEDP are also seen.

mukesh jain.

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