by Bridgette Meinhold, 12/29/09

Researchers at Stanford University recently announced that they have
developed a new artificial retina implant that uses photovoltaic power
and could help the blind see. The problem with previous implants was
that there was no way send power to the chip in order to process light
and data inside the eye. Now, miniature photovoltaic cells are being
used to provide power to the chip as well as to transmit data through
the eye to the brain. The new device has great promise to help people
afflicted by the loss of photoreceptor cells by using the power of the

The device is placed behind the retina and is essentially an array of
mini solar devices. In addition, the system utilizes is an external
video camera that captures images, a pocket pc to process the video
feed, and a bright near-infrared LCD display built into video goggles,
which transmit infrared light pulses to the photovoltaic device in the
eye. The light pulses then produce electricity in the device, which
transmits data through the eye so the brain can process it into a hazy

The implant is built to a width of 3 mm wide and 0.03 mm thick, and
includes 3 layers of flexible photovoltaic cells mounted with silicon
posts. This new system is capable of producing vision of 20/200, which
is beyond what is considered legally blind, but the researchers
reasonable expect to achieve 20/100, which would produce a picture
clear enough that a person could recognize faces and read large print.

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