Nasscom's disabled-friendly initiative gets ecstatic welcome 

Ramya Kannan 

CHENNAI: Earlier this week, through the contemporary media for newsbreaks, 
@javed_abidi tweeted about the constitution of Nasscom's disability advisory 
group (DAG).

Mr. Abidi, a vociferous campaigner for the rights of the disabled in the 
country, could scarcely contain his excitement. "It is phenomenal," he said 
later, over telephone. "In fact, I think the word should be 'historic'. We have 
been lobbying with the Nasscom for more than one-and-a-half years now. It is 
good to see they have finally understood the issue of disability and its 
connect with IT."

The disability sector is ecstatic with the DAG finally put in place. It is 
headed by Pradeep Gupta of Cyber Media, who has been sensitive to the 
requirements of the disabled. Ten members from the disability and IT sectors 
and a couple of representatives from the Nasscom Foundation, including Som 
Mittal, are part of the DAG. They are scheduled to meet on Monday.

In using technology, there are a number of issues disabled users face which 
others cannot even perceive. Text size, contrast and audio-video formats, and 
assistive devices are considerations. "The group's agenda is to focus on 
accessibility, employability and assistive technologies," said Nasscom 
Foundation CEO Rufina Fernandes.

The aim is also to leverage the members' strengths to translate policy into 
tangible action. "We already have members who, as part of the industry, have 
been at the forefront of disabled-friendly initiatives," Ms. Fernandes said. 
Besides more access, both to websites and technology, the broader goals of 
advocacy and imparting skills that facilitate employability will be pursued.

Easy websites 

Web Content Access Guidelines (WCAG) were evolved to make the worldwide web 
more accessible to all. Working on the principle, as Tim Berners-Lee, Director, 
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and inventor of the WWW, put it: "The power of 
the web is in its universality. Access by every one regardless of disability is 
an essential aspect." 

The WCAG drew up the initial guidelines for site developers and web designers 
that would take care of the needs of older users and people with disability. 
The guidelines focus on aspects that will make websites easy for all, not 
merely special groups, to access. WCAG 1.0 claims that following the guidelines 
"will also make Web content more available to all users, whatever user agent 
they use [e.g., desktop browser, voice browser, mobile phone and 
automobile-based personal computer] or constraints they may be operating under 
[noisy surroundings, under or over-illuminated rooms, in a hands-free 
environment]. Following these guidelines will also help people find information 
on the Web more quickly."

In December 2008, W3C announced a new set of standards, WCAG 2.0. It is more 
broadly applicable to different technologies and has clearer criteria, and 
tools available to tell if your design fits the mould. Apart from increasing 
the font size, providing higher contrasts and incorporating text into voice 
components on any site, there is the need to develop hardware (such as special 
keyboards) and software with local customisation to benefit a large number of 
disabled users and facilitate their employability.
Source: Date:31/01/2010 URL: 
With best wishes,
Janardhana Naidu.

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