in my view, difference of one acadamic year for a a scribe doesn't make any difference provided that he / she belongs to same field for which the candidate is from. of course, invigilation must be adiquately strict. i strongly uphold the idea of not having any percentage limits for a scribe. in many exams it is really simple to include computer based examination for us. in order to make rules more flexible, choice could be given to choose between computer based test (CBT) or writing exams with scribe's assistance.

in my previous mail i forgot to mention about use of assistive technology in cat examination. IIM authority gives facility of magnifying software for low vission candidates. if they can accomodate use of such technology for low vission candidates, why can't they be asked to include screen readers as well? i dont advocate suggestion of writing exams in brail as it involves many perplexcities as pointed by many members. and also, it is a very tedium task to write 80 90 pages in brail. but, obviously question papers can be provided in brail to them who wish. examining authority should in no case compele students to take writer selected by them (authority). even if choice is given than also writer would not be capable of fulfilling our expectations. writers have the grand responsibility because our triumphant depends on their dexterity of flawless writing and reading!
and thats all! these were my ideas. rest depends on you mam!!!
Kartik Sawhney wrote:
According to me, there should be no rules regarding the qualifications
of the writer whatsoever. The only golden rule should be strict
invigilation and nothing else. A scribe one year lower also causes a
No. of problems in technical and professional examinations wherein the
technicalities of the question or the diagram etc. cannot be properly
explained to the candidate by him/her as he/she has absolutely no


On 9/9/10, Swasti Mathur <> wrote:
in CBSE board rules for scribe are very linient. they dont compel neiter
to have writer from different field or subject nor have any upper or
lower percentage limits. a very simple rule which is to be followed is
that writer should be in a standard less than the candidate is appearing
for exam. candidates are permited to bring there own writers. a minor
loophole exist there that scribe should not be in blood relation with
candidate, implying sibling of vi candidate could not be writer of the
candidate. this in my view is not in any way problematic issue as there
are many people around us who fulfill above norms.
why not to have such flexible rules for all exams which are simple to be
abide with?
madam, lets not focus on making all exams computer based. i agree that
there are many technical issues involved in doing so. i know it will be
a troublesome step for many as technology has not maneuvered all around
india. i too hold antagonistic views for making all exams computer based
for vi candidates.
but, it is really easy to make use of screen readers in those exams
which are already computer based  thereby reducing dependability on
scribe. what's the harm in doing so when our vi folks will become
Kanchan Pamnani wrote:
Thanks friends I have been reading all the mails and should start
compiling them next weekend so if there are more issues lets discuss them

1. There will be no compromise on Candidate's right to choose his scribe
2. At this stage we cannot insist that all exams be taken on line-sorry
techies you need to be practical about this. We are talking about the
country and all exams.

Lets look at other issues and dont waste time on the above 2. Maybe we can
think of different kinds of exams and their pecularities.

Some years ago National Federation of the Blind had won a judgement which
stated that the Blind can give the U P S  E in braille. I needed to know
if anyone has really done it in braille or has anyone even heard of a
person who did it in braille. I need to know the experience.

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