Hi all, I apologise for the short notice - I have been quite unwell the past week.
I will be attending the new PwD Act Committee meeting in Delhi from 29th Sept-Oct 1st. Please do send in whatever inputs you have based on the documents below from the official NALSAR site http://www.disabilitystudiesnalsar.org/lawpolicy.php Other documents like work plan etc are available (unofficially) at http://wethepwdofindia.blogspot.com/ as circulated earlier. I notice that Capt. Johann has posted his comments and suggestions - I urge the rest of the group to contribute as well. I will be accessing email every day and would be happy to raise your concerns to the sub-groups and revert on proceedings once I'm back in Chennai. Warmly, Vaishnavi Jayakumar LAW AND POLICY REFORM The Centre has been examining for Government of India and Disabled Peoples Organizations the Legislative Changes required to harmonize Indian law with CRPD. New Persons with Disabilities Act The New PDA Committee has established sub-groups to settle the substantive content of the new law. The various discussion documents put together by the sub-groups are being uploaded under the title of the particular group. The deliberations of the sub-group are work in progress; hence the later version would prevail over the earlier version. In order to help the readers to keep track of the most recent document, every discussion document released by the sub-group would carry a date. And the document with the most recent date would be the current document. In order to help keep track of the deliberations of the Committee, the agenda of the discussions with CDS, NALSAR and the highlights of the NALSAR meetings are also being uploaded. Sub-groups: Preamble and Definition *Committee members:* Mr. Akhil, Dr. Karna (Team Leader), Ms. Poonam Natarajan (Ms. Merry Barua will provide her suggestions on Autism to this group) Preamble Definitions Act 2010 - September 2010<http://www.disabilitystudiesnalsar.org/Preamble_Definitions_Act_2010.php> CDS Report of the Preamble and Definitions Meeting - 20th September 2010<http://www.disabilitystudiesnalsar.org/preamble_n_definitions_meeting.php> Civil and Political Rights and Legal Capacity *Committee members:* Dr. Govinda Rao, Ms G Syamala (Team Leader), Mr. J P Gadkari, Mr. Rajiv Rajan, Ms Jayshree Raveendran, Ms Bhargavi Davar, Mr. Rajiv Rajan, Ms G Syamala, Ms Jayshree Raveendran. Minutes for Civil and Political Rights and Legal Capacity<http://www.disabilitystudiesnalsar.org/Minutes_Civil.php> Base Document on Civil Political Rights Disaggregated by Nature of Intervention <http://www.disabilitystudiesnalsar.org/Minutes_CPR.php> Education *Committee members:* Mr. Punani, Ms Poonam Natarajan, Dr. Uma Tuli, Mr. Narayanan, Ms Merry Barua. Agenda for Education Sub-Group Consultation 4th September 2010<http://www.disabilitystudiesnalsar.org/Agenda_Education.php> Minutes for Education Sub-Group Consultation 5th September 2010<http://www.disabilitystudiesnalsar.org/Minutes_Education.php> CDS Report on Education<http://www.disabilitystudiesnalsar.org/CDS_Report_Education.php> Employment and Occupation *Committee members:* Mr. Rajive Raturi, Ms Jayshree Raveendran (Team Leader), Mr. Ramakrishna, Mr. Punani, Ms Srikala, Mr. J P Gadkari, Mr. K.G. Verma (Rep. of DoPT). Agenda for meeting of Chapter on Employment and Occupation<http://www.disabilitystudiesnalsar.org/Agenda_Employment.php> Minutes for meeting of Chapter on Employment and Occupation<http://www.disabilitystudiesnalsar.org/Minutes_Employment.php> Accessibility *Committee members:* Ms Rukmini, Mr. Narayanan, Mr. Rajive Raturi, Mr. Rajiv Rajan (Team Leader). Agenda for Sub-Group Meeting on Accessibility<http://www.disabilitystudiesnalsar.org/Agenda_Accessibility.php> Report for Sub-Group Meeting on Accessibility<http://www.disabilitystudiesnalsar.org/Minutes_Accessibility.php> Chapter on Accessibility<http://www.disabilitystudiesnalsar.org/Chapter_Accessibility.php> Additional Chapter on Accessibility<http://www.disabilitystudiesnalsar.org/AdditionalChapter_Accessibility.php> Authoritiies *Committee members:* Dr. Uma Tuli, Mr. Pitam, Ms Poonam Natarajan (Team Leader), Mr. Cordozo, Comm (D) Assam, Comm (D), WB. Agenda for Sub-Group Meeting on Authorities<http://www.disabilitystudiesnalsar.org/Agenda_Authorities.php> Minutes of Sub-Group Meeting on Authorities<http://www.disabilitystudiesnalsar.org/Minutes_Authorities.php> CDS Report on Authorities<http://www.disabilitystudiesnalsar.org/CDS_Report_Authorities.php> Social Security *Committee members:* Mr. Rajive Raturi, Ms Jayshree Raveendran (Team Leader), Mr. Ramakrishna, Mr. Punani, Rajiv Rajan. Minutes - Working Paper of Chapter on Social Security<http://www.disabilitystudiesnalsar.org/Minutes_Social_security.php> Human Resource Development *Committee members:* Mr. Cordozo, Ms G Syamala (Team Leader), Mr. Akhil Paul, Rep. of M/o HRD, Dr. Govinda Rao. Update based on ongoing discussions meetings<http://www.disabilitystudiesnalsar.org/Minutes_HR.php> CDS Report of Human Resource Development Meeting<http://www.disabilitystudiesnalsar.org/CDS_Report_HR.php> Health and Rehabilitation *Committee members:* Dr. Srikala Bharath, Dr. Dharmendra Kumar, Ms Rukimini (Team Leader), Mr Vikas Amte, Rep. from M/o Health. CDS Report of Sub-Committee Meeting - Health and Rehabilitation<http://www.disabilitystudiesnalsar.org/health_n_rehabilitation.php> Independent Living Yet to come Financial Authority *Committee members:* Mr. Ramakrishnan, Mr. Mukherjee, Dr. Govinda Rao Voice your thoughts in the blog to discuss the Rights of persons with disability bill at: http://www.accessindia.org.in/harish/blog.htm To unsubscribe send a message to accessindia-requ...@accessindia.org.in with the subject unsubscribe. To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please visit the list home page at http://accessindia.org.in/mailman/listinfo/accessindia_accessindia.org.in