-----Original Message-----
From: Asudani, Rajesh
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 10:51 AM
To: 'Bhushan Punani'; Rajesh H. Asudani; Bhushan Punani; anand...@gmail.com; 
Jayshree raveendran; sdr...@gmail.com; L Govinda Rao; 
srikala.bhar...@gmail.com; Merry Barua; G. Syamala; rajive raturi; Uma Tuli; 
malabik...@yahoo.com; mita...@gmail.com; S.Y Kothari; s.khun...@nic.in; K.G 
Verma; chandan.mukher...@gmail.com; pi...@nic.in; Poonam Natrajan; 
rehab...@ndc.vsnl.net.in; Director IPH; k Ramakrishna; Rajiv Rajan; Bhargavi 
Davar; bvda...@gmail.com; torchbearer...@gmail.com; ak...@senseintindia.org; 
jpgadk...@gmail.com; Menon; as_naraya...@hotmail.com; Major HPS Ahluwalia; 
r.desir...@nic.in Dr Arbind Prasad; Sudha Kaul
Subject: RE: Comments on disability law drafting subcommittee reports

Blind graduates Forum of India,AN NGO wishes to submit following memorandum to 
the committee drafting the new disability law.
Hope it will be paid the desired attention.

Blind Graduates Forum of India
Memorandum to the Committee drafting new disability legislation

We feel that the title of the act should be simple, meaningful and quotable 
easily. So, it is in fitness of things that the new act be called:
"Rights of persons with disabilities act".


Reasonable accommodation

While defining reasonable accommodation, the phrase "where in a particular 
case" should be omitted. We opine that provision of enabling environment which 
reasonable accommodation envisages should be made in the context of possibility 
and probability that persons with disabilities would be able to participate 
maximally in a given activity. So, even if said reasonable accommodation may be 
construed to impose a disproportionate burden in a particular case, it may be 
desirable to introduce it in the general context of persons with disabilities 
clarified above.
The phrase "on equal basis with others" used at various places is enigmatic. 
What is precisely meant by others is left to conjecture. And persons with 
disabilities are not only to be placed at par with non disabled as far as 
rights and dignity is concerned, but they are to be regarded human beings with 
certain impairments who have their own specific rights and needs also which may 
not be reflected by prescription of "on equal basis with others". While 
defining reasonable accommodation, the phrase "netted in a particular case" is 
used. How this netting is to be done is a very vague and contentious issue. 
Instead of netting in a particular case, the proposition should be: "ensure 
effective participation of persons with disabilities in a particular 
institution/establishment". In a particular case, it may be construed to place 
a disproportionate burden if expensive assistive technology is demanded by a 
blind employee. But if it is perceived as ensuring equality of opportunity to 
blind as a whole in an institution if assistive technology is installed there, 
it may not be so construed. It may happen that in a particular establishment, 
only a handful of persons with disabilities may actually work or study, and so, 
reasonable accommodation may be denied to them, as netting in their particular 
case may go against it, but not so, if it is thought to afford equality widely 
to disabled at large irrespective of actual number present at the time. The act 
does not lay down 40% as the minimum extent of disability. So, does it mean 
existence of conditions defined as disabilities is sufficient for all purposes 
and there is no need of quantifying them into percentages? If it is so, mention 
of severe disabilities as person with more than 80% disability clearly 
indicates at quantification in percentage form. How this percentage is to be 
arrived at medically is vague and subjective proposition. Severe and moderate 
and mild disabilities may be laid down clearly in terms of quantities like 
visual acuity between x: x and y:y is severe and that between z:z and a:a is 
moderate and so on. Benefits/entitlements also should be apportioned based on 
the mildness, moderateness or severety of disability, as it is clear that more 
often than not, severely disabled are left out of their rightful entitlements 
both on paper and in practice. Operational aspects can also be included in 
determining the extent of disability. Definition of inclusive environment is 
confined to education and does not lay down anything.
Twin definition generic and enumerative is welcome. However, some operational 
aspect also needs to be brought in it. It may be stipulated that:
"when impairments reversible/irreversible in combination with prevalent 
infrastructure and/or attitudes, in any situation, lead to making a person more 
vulnerable than an average person without such impairment similarly situated, 
or invariably require human or mechanical assistance for a person to accomplish 
certain task effectively and without undue risk, such impairments may 
reasonably be regarded disabling." This does make the definition context 
dependent. however, enumeration of general categories also lays down that 
certain impairments do have such an impact in general. This operational aspect 
would leave the scope open for certain impairments to be defined as 
disabilities in particular contexts and take appropriate action of entitlement 
or non discrimination for them.
Besides, Exclusion of persons with sexual disorders on grounds of no demand 
from them and no explicit entitlements for them in act is utterly unwelcome. 
Some entitlements like 1% reservations in jobs would go a long way in uplifting 
their standard of living, and no demand on their part may be a result of their 
being utterly outside the fold of activities and know of things. A petition was 
also filed before supreme court last year but it rejected plea of  any 
entitlements to them and asked to approach parliament instead.
It is high time that they are put at par with persons with disabilities.

Adoption of purely medical certification for the time being on ground that no 
suitable tools exist for socio-medical certification is flawed. An 
interdisciplinary board for certification consisting of medical practitioners, 
social workers and  persons with disabilities themselves may use index of daily 
activities and other valid tools to assess actual disability resulting from a 
given impairment and barriers. Further, medical monopoly even for certifying a 
person fit for a given educational course or job should be negated immediately 
through suitable legal provisions.
Stipulation that a certificate once issued should be recognized by all 
authorities all over India without any additional formalities should be couched 
in a mandatory language and full faith and credit clause envisaged in the 
constitution should be applied to such certificates.

Awareness Raising
While providing for various awareness raising measures, it must be born in mind 
that UNCRPD includes awareness about persons with disabilities  in the human 
rights framework. So, it may be stipulated in order to concretize this right 
that no negative, exclusionary or harmful presumption be drawn on the basis of 
disability to deny persons with disabilities amenities/facilities/services 
available to public at large.

Besides, awareness of medical fraternity should be included specifically as 
almost always, doctors are the first point of contact between disabled and 
system, even they are the bearers of information that a person is finally 
disabled. So, they be properly informed and be duty bound to guide disabled 
person to proper resources.
Uniform nomenclature recognized by disability legislation be followed while 
mentioning/referring to various categories of disabled persons in state 
proceedings/transactions/laws etc. The explicit provision is necessary, as 
various bodies refer to various categories of disabled persons arbitrarily and 
fancifully in the names they deem fit. This causes needless confusion and often 
results in undue denials and discriminations. For instance, many a times 
advertisements or provisions mention that they are meant for physically 
disabled or handicapped persons. This leaves unanswered what categories are 
included in them. Often they are aimed only at orthopedically disabled persons 
but often Visual and auditory disabilities are also aimed to be included. So, 
uniformity in reference in accordance with the disability statute should be 
prescribed in the statute.

Normative penalties for non-compliance with accessibility norms are welcome. 
However, clear cut legal provisions entailing such penalties are the need of 
the hour since trusting discretion of enforcement authorities in such matters 
is too much in Indian context. If enforcement authority succeeds in enforcing 
clearly laid down norms and time frame for accessibility norms, much would be 
achieved. Act should clearly provide for, say, five years, within which 
required accessibility would be fully achieved.
Monetary penalty must be retained for cases of willful default. Further, 
monetary penalty should be clearly linked with the cost of providing 
accessibility measures and a further punitive aspect. Fine so recovered may be 
employed preferentially for making good the accessibility default.

Human Resource Development

Right to Life
what has been provided is surely commendable. Apart from it,  right to life 
must include right to "An unimpaired body and mind." So, the act should 
strongly provide for cost of all measures to do away with impairments like 
keratoplasty, cochlear implants, prosthetic limbs, etc. to be born by 
government. Donation of body parts like cornea and others in case of death at 
least in government hospitals be provided for to reduce avoidable lack of 
organs. Religious and other objections to such provisions may be suitably 
tackled by having recourse to reasonable restriction on fundamental rights to 
religious freedom and it is not essential hallmark of any religion not to 
donate parts of a dead body. If human welfare is the fundamental tenet of all 
religions, then taking parts of a dead body for enhancing life of living ones 
cannot be faulted on any ground.
All technological assistive devices including mobility aids, reading devices, 
softwares vision or other sensory enhancement devices be blanketly exempted 
from import duty and other levies. Government should bear the full cost of such 
devices or highly subsidize them as alleviation of disability by improving the 
impaired sense, or limb falls under right to life.
Freedom of speech and expression

Suitable accessibility measures be again emphasized in making this freedom 
meaningful to sensorily impaired. Human assistance in addition to mechanical 
aid be also emphasized. Priority of making materials accessible for disabled 
over Intelectual property rights  hindering it, be clearly provided for.

Access to Justice

Legal services authority be clearly mandated to provide free legal aid to 
clients with disabilities. This free legal aid must be provided at least in 
disability related litigation.
All judicial proceedings including documents be made accessible to persons with 
sensory disabilities by converting them into accessible formats, or by 
providing readers and interpreters at the cost of government.


The proposed Disability rights authority or disability commission be vested 
with Awareness, sensitization, evolution of policy and law, monitoring 
implementation of law and coordination of various activities under the act at 
the national level proactively, Chief commissioner being at the helm,  with 
state units/commission functioning under state commissioners and with even 
district committees.
However, adjudication of disability rights disputes should not be entrusted to 
this authority or state commissioners or chief commissioners. Implementation 
and adjudication should be kept separate.
Disability disputes resolution forums on the lines of consumers forums be 
constituted, comprising of a judicial members coupled with persons from other 
fields, general public and persons with disabilities, at national state and 
district level.
This will ensure effective and prompt and binding adjudication of disability 
Such disability fora be invested with full powers of civil court including 
initiating contempt proceedings for non-compliance of its orders. If suit is 
brought in HC for non compliance of disability forum order, the HC should be 
bound to issue interim enforcement decree before deciding the petition on 
merits. Very non-enforcement of disability forum order should give rise to 
negative presumption against the defaulter and the onus to prove that the order 
is erroneous should be on the defaulting institution and not upon the disabled 
litigant. Aggrieved person with disability  should not have to again prove 
her/his right in HC.
Further, state commissioners and chief commissioner should be preferentially 
persons with disabilities themselves, or should have demonstrated experience in 
disability field at any rate, and such appointments should be by way of 
independent charge always.

Disability rights commissions may also be assigned the task of ensuring 
enforcement of orders of disability disputes redressal fora.
Proposed education authority should not be a transitory body merely, but should 
have  existence at least in every state on the continuous basis with a  mandate 
 to advice and assist educational institutions about best methods of making all 
students with disabilities benefit from education and be active participants in 
the process.

Legal capacity
Now, if we say that all persons have capacity to act and take decisions, it 
would not be true of moderately and profoundly mentally retarded persons and 
persons having extreme mood and thought disorders. The proposition is true 
regarding sensory and physically impaired persons and those with specific 
learning disabilities only. However, the whole discussion of legal capacity 
seems to be based on the premise that legal capacity has to be posited only of 
mentally challenged. This view is erroneous and legal capacity has to be 
predicated of persons with disabilities as a whole. Legal capacity implies that 
a person is regarded as a person in law with all rights and obligations. So, 
sensorily and physically impaired persons have to be given their due legal 
status with necessary support and modifications wherever called for. For ex. 
writing an exam with scribe is an instance of legal capacity being exercised 
with adequate support. If scribe is denied, person is thwarted from performing 
an action, and so legal capacity is infringed. This is not supportive decision 
making, but supportive exercise of legal capacity. Instead of laying supportive 
decision making, supportive access to data, information and places has to be 
laid down. Decision, if it is to be predicated of a person, must be made by the 
person herself/himself after data, information and places are made accessible 
in every situation. Otherwise, if a person is not able to appreciate the facts 
and reality even after such steps, then no further support is warranted for 
making decisions, or else, they would be the decisions of support giving 
individual and not of the person herself. Such support may include simplifying 
the contents and transforming it into various accessible formats etc for 
sensorily disabled.
Saying that transition from guardianship to supportive exercise of legal 
capacity can be universally adopted for all disabilities including mentally 
challenged, is not justified. However, decisions taken by those with varying 
psychological conditions, after due support, may be given priority, and may not 
be unnecessarily interfered with, if they do not involve any harm to 
themselves, society in general, and do not pose great financial burden on 
exchequer. Disability commission only to oversee legal capacity with supportive 
decision making is a restrictive proposition. Even though, it is proposed as 
constitutional body, no amendments in the constitution are suggested. Further, 
persons with mental illness are proposed to be included in it. It would be 
worthwhile to understand that mental illness is not, despite suggestions to 
that effect, simply cognitive emotional and spiritual variation, but there are 
some markers of psychopathology like loss of interest in all activities, 
inability to utilize one's potential, destructive behaviour, extreme mood 
shifts etc. Normal variation is as a rule well tolerated in society. So, what 
is gained by positing legal measures for mentally ill, instead of effective 
treatment, is beyond the understanding of this author and he will not further 
comment on the issue in his comments. Any specific learning impairments like 
dyscalculia, dysgraphia etc. can be regarded educational disabilities and may 
be given equalizing measures, but beyond that, no reason is seen in adopting 
legal measures for other mental illnesses except laying down that their basic 
needs be catered to by society and state and they be given benefit of all 
available psychological and psychiatric treatment. Legal capacity is sine qua 
non for all other rights, is the right observation.

Liberty and security of person
exploitation violence and abuse: Articles 23 and 24 of the constitution be 
suitably amended to prevent exploitation violence and abuse on account of 
disability or resulting in disability. The provision is required, as these 
things are the norm for persons with disabilities rather than exception in 
their daily life. Disability is often the causing factor, or often the direct 
result of such practices. So, the concerned articles of the constitution must 
include the disability perspective.
freedom from degrading treatment: Statute should provide that: No one shall be 
subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. 
In particular, no one shall be subjected without his or her free consent to 
medical or scientific experimentation. The provision is called for the persons 
with disabilities are often thought to be less than full human beings and are 
subjected to experiments without information and consent.
Liberty: Government should ensure that persons with disabilities Are not 
deprived of their liberty unlawfully or arbitrarily, and that any deprivation 
of liberty is in conformity with the law, and that the existence of a 
disability shall in no case justify a deprivation of liberty. The provision is 
in sync with convention and is required as the existence of a disability more 
often than not, becomes a justifying ground for depriving a person essential 
liberties like freedom of expression of movement etc. To ensure these and other 
freedoms, it is not only required to secure them by adopting general measures, 
but some disability specific measures have also to be put in place. For 
instance, freedom of speech and expression for blind person looses its meaning, 
if she is not provided with information in accessible format and such a freedom 
becomes meaningless for a hearing/speech impaired  person if he is not provided 
the means to express thoughts in the way he can and they be made manifest to 
all in format accessible to non-deaf, for instance by interpreting sign 
language. So, this subject is as vital as it is vast, and needs an in-depth 
elaboration and implementation.

Proposed education reform commission is a welcome development. However, its 
mandate must also include putting in place practices and systems to best ensure 
inclusiveness of all persons with disabilities in education. It may also 
suggest best suitable assistance in various settings. All capablizing measures 
called reasonable accommodation including deployment of technology and human 
support should be used for the purpose, without essentially altering the nature 
of basic process and aims of education and qualities assessed. For instance, 
substituting written  exam with audio recording for visually challenged is 
totally unwelcome, giving human support for writing in form of scribe, or 
allowing technology like computers for writing are desired approaches. The 
preconditions for any human support including scribes and interpreters should 
only be that she/he should not be eligible to appear for the same exam when 
she/he is so acting, or should not have been so eligible. This should be 
explicitly provided in the statute and should not be left to policy or bylaws.
5% Reservation in educational institutions with 2% for girls with disabilities 
and additional 1% for children of parents with disabilities are welcome 
provisions. However, following disability provisions including reservation 
should be made preconditions for recognition of any educational institutions. 
Withdrawing recognition or withholding grants must be posited as normative 
penalties for ensuring implementation.
Scholarships on the ground of disability be given in addition to and not in 
exclusion to scholarships on other grounds like merit and caste. Fee for higher 
education and professional  courses for students with disabilities be 
reimbursed by state on the lines of similar provisions for SC and ST students.
Work employment  occupation

Application of reservation provision to private sector is welcome, but legally, 
there are many hurdles to be overcome in giving it statutory sanction.
Following article 12 jurisprudence in defining establishment also will go a 
long way but it also cannot assure employment non discrimination in private 
For this, we suggest that private players receiving any sort of aid/concessions 
from government like Special economic zones etc. be mandated to follow 
disability non discrimination provisions including reservation and 
nondispensation. Similarly, private entities providing public utility services 
earlier provided  by government like telecommunication, ensurance, aviation, 
etc. be also similarly mandated. It can be constitutionally and legally 
While applying the principle of equal pay for equal work to disabled, provision 
should be more specific allowing for reasonable differences in output linked to 
disability until disability is suitably and fully compensated in work 
environment by reasonable accommodation. Provision for exemtion in existing 
section 47 providing for non dispensation on the ground of disability acquired 
while in the job and no discrimination in promotion on the ground of 
disability, should be deleted. No establishment should be exempted from this 
mandatory provision. The phrase in existing section 47 "disability acquired in 
the course of employment" be substituted with "if a person acquires disability 
while in employment", as the former phrase has given rise to erroneous 
interpretation that disability acquired must be linked to performance of work 
duties. Reservation in promotion must be provided for, for without it 
concretizing the mandate that no discrimination in promotion can be done on the 
basis of disability, becomes almost impossible. While making reservation in 
promotion, even zone of consideration should be extended for employees with 
disabilities on the lines of SC and ST.
We reiterate our following suggestions:
Saying merely that roster system should be followed reflects no thought on the 
part of subcommittee. In fact, following roster system for disabled is 
self-defeating, confusing it with general roster system. In fine, 5/6% of total 
cadre strength in all four classes of jobs should be filled by disabled, this 
should be the goal. Recruitment has to be by reserving percentage of vacancies 
occurring in all posts at a given time. This recruitment is facilitated by 
identification of posts and need not be confined to them only. Nobody should be 
refused employment on the ground of disability if it is demonstrated that work 
can be performed by suitable technical assistance or alternative methods. For 
this, panels at the national and other levels have to be constituted, which 
should decide controversial cases. They should be interdisciplinary panels with 
representation from persons with disabilities. Burden of such reasonable 
accommodation or enabling environment should be born by mainly estate and 
grants for it be given to private players. Persons qualifying in vertical lists 
including open competition should not be marked against reserved vacancies, 
provided they have not taken benefit of any relaxed standards. Reasonable 
accommodation like scribes, extra time, concession in fee, be differentiated 
from relaxed standards like relaxation in qualifying marks, upper age limit, 
etc.  Persons wit low vision or mildly visually impaired whatever they called 
be deemed to be separate category for reservation and 0.5% reservation be 
provided for them. In fact, reservation for each disability be bifurcated into 
that for mildly/moderately disabled on one hand, and severely disabled on the 
other, as severely disabled have not received any benefit out of present system 
of reservation, and are, as a rule not selected for any posts. This is more 
apparent in case of blind, where a separate category of low vision exists, but 
reservation is for blind/low vision. This is a brief view, subcommittee should 
deliberate upon it suitably and come up with workable provisions...
  . Carried forward vacancies should form a separate lot and should not be 
merged with future vacancies in recruitments. Reservation in promotion should 
be provided. If intervening posts are not identified, that's not a problem in 
new approach as identification is not the sole basis for recruitment or working 
of disabled. But in any case, due reasonable accommodation should be provided 
for such unidentified posts, and they be deemed as identified. Medical 
standards for any post should take cognizance of disability and whether a 
disabled can work by making enabling environment even though not fulfilling 
those medical standards on account of disability. Only medical doctors cannot 
decide such issues and national level panels as suggested are required. The 
fact that environment cannot be made so enabling at present, is not a factor 
for denying the job. Efforts be made for making it so, and meanwhile person 
should be as productive as she can. Supreme court ruling denying promotion to 
disabled on grounds of safety, security of machinery and colleagues, efficiency 
etc. needs to be clearly negated, by constitutional amendment, if the need be.
Persons with disabilities  should be exempt from routine transfer and their 
request for postings to place of choice be given utmost priority.

Medical insurance to persons with disabilities should be provided by state and 
should not be linked to their being below or above poverty line. Disability 
itself constitutes a valid ground for backwardness and BPL prescription is not 
required as disability involves what Prof. Amartya sen has termed "Conversion 
costs". It means despite incurring expenses they may not be adequately 
transformed into corresponding elevation in living standards of disabled 
persons due to various factors. Being Below poverty line is anyway ground for 
affording medical insurance and so, existence of disability per se, be regarded 
adequate for medical insurance. Insurance should cover disability specific 
treatments also in addition to general health needs. Awareness raising is 
welcome but it should be equally employed for all disabilities and not confined 
to inappropriate depiction of mental illness only.
Menace of fake disability certificates be dealt with sternly by making it penal 
offence to issue it and have it issued or be in any way linked with its 
issuance and also to use it at any place and avail any benefits/facility on the 
basis of such certificate. Disability certificate should serve as proof of 
disability for availing all government facilities without undergoing any other 
formalities and procedures may be put in place for dealing with situations 
where a public servant acting in good faith has suspicion about authenticity of 
certificate so produced.
 Health rights fall under right to life and it should include all rectification 
and alleviation measures for impairment like corneal transplant cochlear 
implant etc. to be performed by state.
Culture sports and recreation
Law should clearly mandate that at least 5% funds by all government literary 
and art bodies like sahitya academies, etc. be spent on promoting such 
activities in disabled and making them equal participants in such activities at 
general level. Separate recognition of disability discourse in literature and 
other arts be encouraged at par with movements like dalit literature etc. 
Recognition and prizes be instituted to encourage and award persons with 
disabilities engaged in artistic and literary pursuits. Certain percentage of 
Grants   be given to artists with disabilities to further their talents.
Women and children with disabilities
Adequate provisions to address double vulnerability of women and children with 
disabilities on the lines of UNCRPD articles 6 and 7 be enacted. Example: they 
may be given priorities in all schemes meant for disabled. Example: Higher 
sentence be prescribed for offences against women with disabilities like rape, 
domestic violence, extracting child labour from disabled children etc.
Offences and penalties
fake disability certificates:  Issuing fake disability certificates or Making 
use of fake disability certificates should be declared a criminal offence 
warranting exemplary punishment in addition to forfeiting any benefit like job 
etc. obtained by producing such a fake certificate. Mentioning the extent or 
percentage of disability well beyond the actual disability should also be 
included in the definition of faking a certificate.
no negative presumption: No negative, harmful, exclusionary or discriminatory 
presumption be drawn or denial be affected on the basis of disability in 
respect of rights, amenities or facilities offered to public at large or 
citizens and any exclusion of the disabled there from not duly supported by law 
be deemed an penal offence. The provision is required in the statute, as many a 
times, persons with disabilities are arbitrarily deprived even the general 
amenities offered to public at large or a section thereof, even though their 
disability is not a relevant factor in denying such amenities. Such examples 
include admission to many courses, unescorted railway tickets, entry to certain 
areas, refusing unreserved job posts etc.
Monetary penalty should be retained in cases of willful default and be linked 
to the cost of thing not done and some penal measure.

Disability disputes redressal forum or any other adjudicatory bodies 
established by the new act should have powers to impose such penalties and 
recover them as well, in addition to awarding specific relief or compensation 
to disabled litigants.
Penalty on arbitrariness: If it is pronounced by the competent authority that 
an official exceeded his jurisdiction which resulted in breach of this law, and 
further caused difficulty to the disabled as a result, such official should be 
personally penalized and the same should be recorded in his service file.
portrayal of disability and disabled persons: Derogatory or irrelevant negative 
portrayal of disability be made ground of censorship and film certification 
board should have a disabled member on it.
Abusing in the name of disability should be declared a criminal offence on the 
lines of caste abuse.

Mainstreaming disability: Implementing bodies be made more representative of 
disabled. All constitutional bodies from Parliament to Panchayat to have at 
least one disabled representative. Articles 15 & 16 of Constitution be amended 
to Prohibit discrimination on basis of disability per se. Disability budgeting 
on lines of gender budgeting be implemented. Art. 17 of constitution be amended 
to wipe practice of disability exclusion on analogy with prohibition of 
Prevention of atrocities act for disabled On the lines of SC atrocity 
prevention act, be enacted Abuse, verbal or non-verbal, in the name of 
disability be declared an offence.
central and state level monitoring: Apart from changing nomenclature, these 
monitoring mechanisms be made accountable for implementation of the act, 
collectively. While nominating nine persons with disabilities on Central and 
state advisory board as proposed in amendments, phrase, as far as practicable, 
be employed only in respect of mentally retarded, and all other disabilities be 
represented essentially by persons having that disability. Nine and not five, 
persons with disabilities, representing all disabilities in a single nomination 
period instead of two, be nominated on central and state coordination and 
monitoring committee, and phrase "as far as practicable" be restricted to 
mentally retarded.
curbing arbitrariness by state governments: Rationale of Disability legislation 
falling under concurrent list, so Central law prevailing unless state law 
assented to, or PWD Act enacted Under article 253, be employed to negate varied 
state interpretations harmful to disabled and uniformity be brought in 
implementation of disability legislation. Any move by state governments to 
which takes away from the provisions of the act should be explicitly 
prohibited. The provision is necessary in wake of some states like maharashtra 
carving out arbitrary additional categories of disabilities like Partially 
sighted, in addition to those mentioned in the disabilities act, and even not 
identifying posts for totally blind which are explicitly identified for them by 
central government.
Government Schemes: Disability be factored in while making any government 
scheme. All existing government schemes should be evaluated from disability 
perspective continuously. Disability audit of all the schemes irrespective of 
the fact whether they are primarily intended for disabled or not, must be made 
mandatory. Special schemes for disabled US43 of existing PWD act be framed and 
national fund for persons with disabilities: Creation of National fund for 
persons with disabilities proposed in amendments is welcome. Five members 
nominated by central government to represent different disabilities on the 
governing body of the fund under section 68D {1(viii)} must be persons with 
disabilities themselves. Uses of the fund be prescribed in greater detail. All 
additional expenses in securing rights to persons with disabilities under 
disability law, like reasonable accommodation, be made legitimate uses of fund.
optional protocol: The committee should recommend that Optional protocol to the 
convention be immediately adopted by India. Even small countries like 
bangladesh have done so, and we perceive no reason why India should shy away 
from signing the optional protocol. The fact that it has not done so for any 
other convention, is not a sound ground for refusing to break new grounds and 
signing and ratifying the protocol for the convention on the rights of the 
disabled, as it would open up direct avenue to approach the committee in cases 
of unredressed violation of rights of the disabled. we can perceive in India's 
refusal, a US like snobbish mentality that says we would not sign the 
convention as our standards are superior to those laid down in it. India is 
doing so for protocol.
universal disability audit: Audit of government funds including grants to All 
NGOs and all other expenditure should include details of expenditure for 
persons with disabilities, as they are one of the weakest classes in society 
and every activity touches them.
Putting disabled at par with SC/ST
As a rule, persons with disabilities be  given all relaxations and concessions 
at par with weakest sections of society like Shceduled castes and tribes. Many 
times, relaxed standards in qualifying marks and upper age etc. are prescribed 
for SC/ST but not specifically for persons with disabilities. So, it must be 
made mandatory for all bodies to offer similar relaxations for PWDs as well. A 
recent delhi HC judgment clearly layed down that Disabled cannot be treated at 
par with SCs for relaxed qualifying marks in absence of any legal mandate for 
the same.

Yours sincerely

(Rajesh Asudani)
National Vice President

(Dr. Vinod Asudani)
National Hon. Secretary

(Dr. Shirish Deshpande)
Prof. & Head
Post Graduate Department of Law, RTMNU, Nagpur (in personal capacity)

October 18, 2010

-----Original Message-----
From: Bhushan Punani [mailto:blinab...@bsnl.in]
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2010 3:13 PM
To: Rajesh H. Asudani; Bhushan Punani; anand...@gmail.com; Jayshree raveendran; 
sdr...@gmail.com; L Govinda Rao; srikala.bhar...@gmail.com; Merry Barua; G. 
Syamala; rajive raturi; Uma Tuli; malabik...@yahoo.com; mita...@gmail.com; S.Y 
Kothari; s.khun...@nic.in; K.G Verma; chandan.mukher...@gmail.com; 
pi...@nic.in; Poonam Natrajan; rehab...@ndc.vsnl.net.in; Director IPH; k 
Ramakrishna; Rajiv Rajan; Bhargavi Davar; bvda...@gmail.com; 
torchbearer...@gmail.com; ak...@senseintindia.org; jpgadk...@gmail.com; Menon; 
as_naraya...@hotmail.com; Major HPS Ahluwalia; r.desir...@nic.in Dr Arbind 
Prasad; Sudha Kaul
Subject: Re: Comments on disability law drafting subcommittee reports

Thanks Mr. Rajesh Asudani for making very valuable comments on different 
chapters including chapter on Education. Thanks for confirming most of 
provisions which the Sub Committee on Education has included in the chapter.
I am pleased to respond to some of the comments as follow:

1. You idea regarding establishing "Multi-disciplinary Admission Committees"
for deciding controversial cases regarding admission to various courses is 
worth appreciating. We expect this part will be convered by "Committee on 
Authorities." It is advisable to have single authority under the New Act for 
redressal of all the Grievances under the Act. We are confident that commitee 
on "Authority" will address this issue regarding authority on deciding the 
nature of disability eligible to be admitted to a particular course.

2. We shall include your idea regarding reimbursement of fee in case of 
professional courses as is being done in case of SC

3. Your idea about secondary education upto Secondary level is fine and we 
shall modify the relevant sections accordingly.

4. Actually developing guidelines in case of amanuensis will be part of "Rule 
and Regualtions" under the Act. The large committee is already considering to 
make a recommendation that the exising drafting committee should also be 
involved while drafting the rules under the Act.

5. "Books in accessible format" is already a part of chapter on education.

I must thank you once again for sparing so much time and making comments on all 
the chapters on which presentations have already been made.

With best wishes,

Bhushan Punani
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rajesh H. Asudani" <rasud...@gmail.com>
To: "Bhushan Punani" <blinab...@sancharnet.in>; <anand...@gmail.com>; "Jayshree 
raveendran" <j.raveend...@abilityfoundation.org>;
<sdr...@gmail.com>; "L Govinda Rao" <drgovinda...@gmail.com>; 
<srikala.bhar...@gmail.com>; "Merry Barua" <actionforaut...@gmail.com>; "G.
Syamala" <syamal...@gmail.com>; "rajive raturi" <rajive.rat...@hrln.org>; "Uma 
Tuli" <amarj...@del2.vsnl.net.in>; <malabik...@yahoo.com>; <mita...@gmail.com>; 
"S.Y Kothari" <kothari...@yahoo.com>; <s.khun...@nic.in>; "K.G Verma" 
<kgverm...@yahoo.co.in>; <chandan.mukher...@gmail.com>; <pi...@nic.in>; "Poonam 
<poonat...@yahoo.com>; <rehab...@ndc.vsnl.net.in>; "Director IPH"
<dir...@nic.in>; "k Ramakrishna" <nabinfocen...@yahoo.co.in>; "Rajiv Rajan"
<dlu.so...@gmail.com>; "Bhargavi Davar" <camhp...@gmail.com>; 
<bvda...@gmail.com>; <torchbearer...@gmail.com>; <ak...@senseintindia.org>; 
<jpgadk...@gmail.com>; "Menon" <paltime...@yahoo.co.in>; 
<as_naraya...@hotmail.com>; "Major HPS Ahluwalia" <chair...@isiconline.org>; 
"r.desir...@nic.in Dr Arbind Prasad" <arbindpras...@gmail.com>; "Sudha Kaul"
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2010 2:46 PM
Subject: Comments on disability law drafting subcommittee reports

> Madam / Sir
> Hope you would go through the comments and ponder over the points.
> Rajesh Asudani
> Assistant General Manager
> Reserve  Bank of India
> Nagpur

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