Behind closed doors in Washington, American officials are shaping an overhaul 
of the 1994 federal statute that requires phone and broadband carriers to 
ensure their networks can be wiretapped. 

  a.. Times Topic: Wiretapping and Other Eavesdropping Devices and Methods
Based on a chilling recent precedent, the risk is substantial that this 
so-called technical updating will spread far beyond what's said to be 
contemplated - and greatly expand the already expansive power of the government 
to spy on Americans. Congress should be especially cautious about the scope of 
the revision. 

The precedent is the 2008 amendment of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance 
Act, or FISA. While it also needed updating to keep pace with technology, the 
Bush administration added measures that sanctioned spying without a warrant, 
without suspicion, and without court approval. Retroactively, it gave legal 
cover to more than five years of the administration's illegal spying. Congress 
turned those provisions into law. 

The Obama administration has no similar tracks to cover, but the risks of 
executive overreach are still there. It's essential for Congress to be 
deliberate about providing a check on the executive branch and striking a 
balance with other American interests. 

In September, The Times reported that officials were "preparing to seek 
sweeping new regulations for the Internet," so that all communications services 
- e-mail transmitters like BlackBerry, social networking Web sites like 
Facebook, peer-to-peer providers like Skype - will be able to comply with a 
wiretap order as online communications increasingly replace phone calls. 

Last month, The Times reported that it's not just new technologies that 
officials are focusing on, it's those already covered by the 16-year-old law, 
like phone and broadband carriers, because they "have begun new services and 
made system upgrades that caused technical problems for surveillance." 

The government's contention is that it seeks only to maintain its ability to 
conduct surveillance so that it can engage in legitimate spying via new 
technologies with the same proficiency that it can via old ones. If the goal 
were as straightforward as that, it would be difficult to challenge. Despite 
its abuses, wiretapping has long been accepted as a tool of law enforcement 
when used properly. 

The problem is that the hub-and-spoke design of phone and broadband 
communication is very different from the decentralized design of the Internet - 
and even more so from peer-to-peer connections. If, as some experts say, 
requiring Internet providers to be able to unscramble encrypted messages or 
intercept any transmitted communication also calls for them to function like 
centralized carriers, the shift will reverse what made the Internet - and made 
it a fount of economic growth. 

The huge scale of the potential disruption underscores how little we know about 
why this overhaul is needed. Officials have recounted how some carriers have 
been unable to carry out wiretap orders and how the F.B.I. has spent tens of 
millions of dollars to help fix the problems. But there is no public data about 
how often a communication service's technical makeup thwarts surveillance 
approved by a court. Congress must understand why these changes are so pressing 
before it considers the likely major new legal requirements needed to ensure 
that new technologies can be wiretapped. 

A version of this editorial appeared in print on November 3, 2010, on page A26 
of the New York edition.
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