Dear Friends,

We would like to convey our heartfelt good wishes for the year 2011 and at
the same time we would like to announce that Human Rights Law Network in
partnership with Sruti Disability Rights Centre is organizing a State Level
Workshop for Women with Disabilities on 20th and 21stof January at Seva
Kendra 52B  Radhanath Chowdhury Lane Kolkata 700 015.

Admittedly, the census 2001 puts the figure of women with disabilities at
9.31 million constituting 42.46% with disabilities in India. The figure may
also rise as it is extremely difficult to identify disabled people specially
disabled women as they are hidden by their families because of the stigma
attached to disability. India being a signatory to the United Nations
Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities acknowledges the right of
women with disabilities and requires their involvement in all developmental

Consequently it is imperative that women with disabilities are empowered in
order to enable them to engage with civil society and statutory bodies to
assert their human rights. This workshop is a platform which aims towards
the legal empowerment of women with disabilities. This meeting will initiate
the process of starting a network of women with disabilities. The
significance of this workshop is even more since 2011 census is ensuing.

Therefore, your organization which works tirelessly for the abovementioned
cause is cordially invited to take part in the said workshop. We at HRLN,
Kolkata and Sruti Disability Rights Centre are looking forward to your
active participation and taking our partnership to a new level in order to
achieve our common object of women empowerment together.

Please note that boarding of participants who are coming from the districts
is organized at the venue itself. For logistic reasons, you need to inform
how many participants from your organization will be joining us and how many
of them will require accommodation by 18th January 2011. Please contact us
at the below mentioned address or mail to with a copy to at the earliest.

With regards

Debashis Banerjee


HRLN Kolkata

*Human Rights Law Network, Kolkata*

Sohini Apartment, Flat 1A

3, Parbati Chakraborty Lane

(Near Kalighat Fire Station)

Kolkata - 700026

Ph: (033) 24546828 / 32967154

Website - HRLN <>

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