Hi Shreedhar,

Many thanks for that list of hotkeys. I will install the scripts and try 
again. Will also try calling from within the browser.

Thanks again.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Shreedhar TS." <tss....@gmail.com>
To: "Geetha Shamanna" <gee...@millernorbert.de>; "accessindia" 
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2011 12:49 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] GoogleTalk and Jaws 11 again

On 2/1/11, Geetha Shamanna <gee...@millernorbert.de> wrote:
> I recently installed GoogleTalk. Despite using the Jaws cursor, I was 
> unable
> to answer or make a call using the keyboard. Does anyone have a list of
> hotkeys that work in Jaws 11? Does it work better with Jaws 12? I am
> particularly interested in making video calls.
Hi, If you are using JAWS scripts for Google Talk, the hot keys work
in all the versions of JAWS. I do not know specifically about JAWS 12.
Hear is the list of hot keys that works in GTalk.
jawsKey+q says currently loaded script file name and the application
name. This key works in all the Google talk windows.
f1 opens the google talk help on the web.
Control+Shift+A: opens the Add Friend dialog.
Control+Shift+S: opens the Google Talk settings dialog.
control+shift+O gets the list of online contacts alongWith their
status. Alternately speaks the contact search results.

The following hot keys function in the Google Talk chat windows.

If message threads are repeated constantly, try closing and reopening
the chat window.
Alt+1: reads the last message.
Alt+2: reads the second to last message.
Alt+3: reads the third to last message.
alt+4 reads the 4th last message.
alt+5 reads the 5th last message.
alt+m reads the message text window and alternately opens GMail inbox
on the web when in the google talk main window.
control+shift+m moves the cursor to the message text window, and moves
back to the edit box if it is already in the message window.
Control+L: reads the last two messages.
Control+Shift+L: reads the last three messages.
Control+M: toggles the Mute button on and off during a call.
alt+s  activates the send files button.
alt+v activates the send voicemail button and alternately opens the
voice mail messages on the web when in the main google talk window.
alt+n reads the Mail notifications.

The following hot keys are directly provided by Google Talk. (work
even without scripts)

F9: opens a compose message window on the web.
F11: calls the selected contact or answers the incoming call.
F12: ends a call or rejects an incoming call or ends a voicemail.
Tab and Shift+Tab: shifts the focus to different Google Talk windows.

I do not know much about video call in GTalk. However, you can use
gmail (standard view) and you can make the video call in your browser.

Hope this info is useful.

Thanks and regards.

To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act

 Mobile:  9980989171

Yahoo chat ID:  tss_abs

skype: shree475 

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