Dear AI Friends,

Client Service Department is thrilled with the results of the free Low
Vision Assessment and Low vision aid programme taken up by the
department and we have continued our efforts to benefit more and more
blind persons with Low/Partial vision.

So far vision of 170 persons is improved with the aid, with the
improved vision the blind persons are able to read text books, writing
on black board, News papers and performed different activities for
which vision is necessary.

We are conducting one more assessment camp at NAB R. M. Alpaiwalla
complex, near Reay Road Railway Station (E) on Monday 28th February,
2011 between 9.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. in coordination with the low
vision specialists from Lotus Eye Hospital, Juhu and the sponsors.
Hence we appeal you to provide us the list of Names with contact
numbers of the clients of your department. We will appreciate if the
list reaches to us before 25th February, 2011, but earlier is better.

Any blind person with Low/Partial vision can enroll their names with
us on our Tel. No. 2372 6747 during office hours. This will help us in
implementation of our project on large scale and its benefits to the
many more needy persons.

Hemant J. Patil
Asst. Director
Rustam Alpaiwala Complex
124, Cotton Depot. Cotton Green
MUMBAI 400 033.
Tel: 2372 6747.

Get numbers right this time, help the census with correct disability info!

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