Addressed to All,
Well in my personal opinion:
1. The normal website has no accessibility issue.
2. One should not opt for net banking for visually challenged, for the following reasons: A. It is restricted in its features, i.e., you cannot transfer funds using NEFT / RTGS. For more restrictions, kindly read the page of net banking for VC, on their website and compare with the normal features of website. B. Again my personal opinion, we should not encourage such separate facilities designed for us, unless there is no alternative to that. Because if we do so, then the day will not be far when we will have everything specially setup for us. Instead of this, we should try to insist others to include the accessibility or any other thing as per the context, in the main thing itself. C. even if we are ready to take such special facilities, then whenever there will be an update or a new feature, we will have to either wait for the feature to be included for us, or we will have to fight for that too. I think that the chances of latter are more. Or if we take it as infrastructure, then we will be restricted as the network will not be so strong as it is in general cases. Not cighting examples for avoiding confusion, controversies, and chaos. My intention is not that we should deny every special facility, but we should try to accommodate ourselves and adjust others according to our needs in the main streem. Things are changing no doubts, but it will take a lot of effort and time so we must take every step cautiously. I am not at all giving you a lecture, because you are more experienced than I am, and you know what is right or wrong for you. I am just expressing what I feel. And sir, if I can be of any assistance to you for using the normal website, I will be happy to help. Even if you can use NVDA, the website will be fully accessible.
Thanks and Regards,
Amar Jain.
-----Original Message----- From: amarnath de
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2011 8:49 PM
Subject: [AI] required help regarding net banking at state bank ofIndia(urgent)

   Hi all,

Hope, all are doing well. now I would like to share a problem with you which I believe that, you can help me a lot.

I have a savings account in State Bank Of India, Integrated Office Complex branch. The branch has issued me net banking but due to inaccessibility of screen reader I could not been able to use my account. I did not have the access of "net banking for visually challenged". The branch did not have the right allow to access the page. I am repeatedly requested the "happy room" of State Bank Of India regarding the matter but I am surprised that they did not have any idea regarding this issue.

Now, I need some visually challenged persons details which I can forward for their convenience and they can get the idea about how they have got the accessibility and how they use this facility etcetera.

Can anyone help me? If so, he/she may contact in my personal email ID .com and can give his/her mobile/telephone number in which the concerned officer can talk to him. It will, not only serve my purpose, but also help the other blind users who are living in Delhi.

So friends, please help me to come out from this problem.

Here is my skype ID:

Thanks and regards.

Yours sincerely,
Amarnath De.
Get numbers right this time, help the census with correct disability info!

Get numbers right this time, help the census with correct disability info!

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