Received this email from another list. Have copied the attachment below the 

There is a job vacancy at Jaipur - the position is of a consultancy nature - 
working with the State Education Department. 

Position title - Consultant (Inclusive Education Department) for Blind and Low 
Vision Children

The job description is attached along with this email. Please feel free to 
circulate amongst your network and ask persons to directly get in touch with 
Ms. Sugandhi Baliga (HR Manager at Sightsavers, India Region) by the 10th of 

Could you kindly help us in circulating this information through your network?

Thanks and Regards



Job Description : Consultant Inclusive Education Department (Blind and Low 
Vision) - Government Inclusive Education programme strengthening project, 
(Government Of Rajasthan)


Location: Jaipur 


Background of the project 

Sarva Sikhsha Abhiyan (SSA) has made significant move by identifying about 2.5 
Lakh children with special need in the state of Rajasthan and enrolling 2.4 
Lakh of the identified children in the mainstream schools. Various initiatives 
such as developing existing SSA resource rooms as model resource rooms, 
appointing resource teachers to support the education of Children with special 
need (CWSN), clinical and functional assessment of the children, distribution 
of aids and appliances, making barrier free environment at schools, orientation 
and training of school teachers on disability have been initiated under 
inclusive education programme of SSA. The enrolment of children with specific 
need in the schools has given new hope to the children and their parents and is 
creating demand for specific support services. 


Lack of human resources has been one of the major challenges across the county 
in supporting the inclusive education component of the SSA. Two hundred and 
sixty nine (269) resource teachers have been appointed so far for 33 districts 
of the state - but looking at the number of identified children (2.48 Lakh) 
this is inadequate. Availability of resource teachers specialized to a 
particular disability remains another challenge. For 33552 identified visual 
impaired children in the state 66 special educators trained in VI are available 
which is highly inadequate. Due to less number of resource teachers' children 
with visual impairment find difficulty in receiving regular specific support 
and their educational need is not fulfilled properly. Lack of human resources 
also restricts the district authorities to extend other support services to the 
children with specific need. 


State also lacks technical manpower for assessment of low vision children and 
as a result very few children in the state have been assessed for low vision 
and given low vision devices. Children requiring plus curriculum training need 
regular and intensive support in the beginning so that they learn Braille and 
other plus curriculum skills and their integration in the mainstream schools 
becomes easier. Involvement of the parents and the community in the education 
of the children with specific need has not been significant in the state. 
Sightsavers has been supporting the Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) 
programme in the two districts along with other districts in Rajasthan for the 
last 8 years. The CBR programme will facilitate in mobilizing community support 
in the implementation of the project. 


Realizing the current challenges being faced in the implementation of the 
inclusive education component in the state this partnership of Sightsavers with 
Government of Rajasthan is intended to pilot new approaches in two needy 
districts Jaisalmer and Barmer and undertake some specific state level joint 
initiatives. The ultimate aim of this collaboration is to see that all the 
blind and low vision children in the two pilot districts receive quality 
education and state initiative to promote inclusive education for children with 
specific need is strengthened.  


Sightsavers would be strengthening the state cell of inclusive education by 
supporting the salary component of a consultant for Blind / Low Vision for 3 
years who will be supporting the IE cell in reporting and documentation along 
with coordinating the district pilot projects of the two districts. Sightsavers 
would be extending technical support to the IE cell in planning out the 
services to low vision children of the entire state and also provide resource 
support for training and capacity building activities as agreed in the 


Key Responsibilities of the Consultant


The Key responsibilities of the Consultant mainly consist of the following:


1.      Extending technical and managerial support to the State IED cell in the 
entire cycle of programme management consisting of planning, implementation and 

2.      Take lead in documentation of the success stories and interventions 
under IED component of SSA in the state of Rajasthan.

3.      Provide technical inputs on strengthening Resource rooms in the 
Districts of Rajasthan.

4.      To gather information on progress being made in the pilot Districts for 
facilitating discussions and decisions in the state level programme steering 

5.      Support IED cell in planning and conducting training and capacity 
building activities for the various functionaries under the IED component.

6.      Support IED cell in development of and revision of various training 
modules developed for the IED component as and when necessary.

7.      Take lead in development of necessary Information Education and 
Communication (IEC) material for the IED programme.

8.      Provide inputs to the state IED unit in undertaking clinical and 
functional assessment of CWSN.

9.      Support select Resource Teachers for planning training programmes at 
District level.

10. Undertake visits to the field to review and monitor the IED programme 
across the state of Rajasthan.

11. Liaison and coordinate with District SSA officials of pilot Districts 
(Barmer and Jaisalmer) and extend requisite support from state IED cell for 
programme strengthening.

The Consultant will be placed at the IED cell-SSA for this project. The 
Consultant shall be paid a remuneration of Rs.30000/- (Rs. Thirty thousand 
only) per month inclusive of any tax. Income tax (Tax Deducted at Source) will 
be deducted as applicable before making the payment. 



Get numbers right this time, help the census with correct disability info!
Question 9 relates to disability.

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