Just because you bought or were given a new PC, it doesn't mean you have to
throw away the old one. Loyd Case shows you how to make the most of an older

Make do and mend is the mantra for these times of ongoing recession, and the
phrase is as true of technology as it is of anything else. Some of us favour
recycled tyres as the material for our protective laptop bags; others are
more willing to choose a budget rather than premium brand for our next
Whether you 'think green' or just need to cut costs, reusing and recycling
is an
idea few of us can ignore.

It's an open secret that technology moves on faster than most of us can keep
pace with, and what's old hat to one family member may be shiny and slick to
another. You might wipe the contents of a cramped hard drive and pass it on
to a
grateful niece, while you take advantage of the low cost of storage and fit
triple-capacity disk in your PC, for example. That would be far less
expensive -
and more rewarding - than dumping that old machine completely.

But we're not just looking at modest upgrades and outlandish recycling
We've also got some useful suggestions of what to do with a clunky old PC if
you've already splashed out on a speedy new Windows 7 machine with endless
amounts of RAM and terabytes of storage.

Chances are that now-unloved PC remains perfectly functional. Unless it
is fit only for the electronics graveyard of your local recycling centre, we
recommend taking a look at your outgoing tech to see what it could still do
you. Over the following pages, we outline a number of suggestions to help
you started.

1. Convert it into network storage or a home server

If you're running a home network and have multiple users, reusing your old
PC as
network storage or a server may be just the ticket.

However, it's not just a matter of plugging in an old PC to a network
and starting it up. Most desktop systems aren't configured to be effective
servers or storage systems. For one thing, they probably consume too much
You'll want to set the Bios power management to run cooling fans in quiet
if that option exists.

You'll also need to set up the operating system (OS) so that it doesn't shut
down at inconvenient times, yet still runs in a low-power state when it's
being actively used.

You may want to run your server 'headless' (without a monitor), and without
keyboard and mouse. While you'll need a display and input devices for the
initial setup, make sure the system will work properly without them. Having
scheduled reboot hang because the system halted during startup (it couldn't
a keyboard, perhaps) is annoying, to say the least.

Also, the OS is unlikely to be well-suited for storage applications,
particularly for multiple users. While XP, Vista and Windows 7 can function
as storage repositories for a couple of users, you'll want to create
accounts for each person who might need access. You may also want to set up
storage quotas.

A better solution would be to install a proper network OS. One choice is
Home Server. However, that will cost you at least ukp60 or ukp70, and it may
prefer newer hardware. An alternative is to use FreeNAS (freenas.org).

FreeNAS is open-source software designed to turn a computer into a NAS
It's based on FreeBSD, a Unix variant. If you're uncertain whether you want
commit to an unfamiliar OS, FreeNAS can be downloaded as a LiveCD version.
is an ISO file which, when burned to a CD, will boot off an optical drive
run completely from memory.

2. Donate it to a local school or hospital

If your PC isn't too archaic, consider donating it to a local school or
hospital. Even if it's way beyond its sell-by date, it could go to a local
school's computer lab and be used as a test bed to take apart and
Alternatively, local schools might use it for parts, although they may shy
from used gear, given the unknown pedigree or wear of older hardware.

Consider buying some low-cost educational software packages and
them before handing the system over, but be sure to provide the licence
information. As with selling a system, you'll also want to remove any
that you've reinstalled on your new PC.

No charitable or publicly funded organisation is ever going to be unhappy
you are offering them a PC. Even if they can't use it, they may be able to
it or use it for parts. Computer Aid International can also send computers
underdeveloped countries, provided that the specifications are high enough.

3. Turn it into a Linux PC

You've heard about this Linux thing, and maybe you'd like to give it a
But the thought of trying to create a dual-boot system on your primary PC
you a little nervous. Now you can experiment to your heart's content on your

Check out Ubuntu, the user-friendly Linux distro that geeks love to, well,
The great thing about Linux is all the built-in support for older hardware,
installation is usually easy. In fact, installing Ubuntu is sometimes
than installing Windows.

A wealth of free software for Linux is just waiting to be tried out. If you
think you've got the tech nous and a bent for tinkering, you might try
a Hackintosh - a PC that can run MacOS X. It can be done, but it takes a
amount of effort.

The main Hackintosh site (hackintosh.com) is a good place to start, but
expect a
long and somewhat bumpy trip. You'll also need to buy an OS X licence.

A number of true Unix-based OSes are also available, ranging from FreeBSD or
PC-BSD (based on the Berkeley Unix version) to OpenSolaris, based on the Sun
Microsystems version of Unix.

4. Give it to a deserving relative

If a family member has modest computing needs, you may want to consider
on your old machine. Giving a system to a family member can be fraught with
peril, though. That's because you are now the go-to person for tech support.
you've been warned: give a PC to a friend or relative, and you're now on

One thing you'll definitely want to do is completely erase the hard drive
reinstall the OS from scratch. If it's an off-the-shelf system from a major
manufacturer, restoring it to its original condition from the restore
or restore disc will accomplish the same thing.

5. Dedicate it to distributed computing

Want to do a little good for humanity? You could dedicate your old PC to one
the various distributed-computing projects.

One of the best known is Folding@Home (folding.stanford.edu). Folding@Home
computing resources from all over the world to help study protein folding,
essential element to understanding how many diseases operate.

If your old PC has a fairly new graphics card, that hardware can often pitch
to offer even more computing resources. Other distributed-computing ventures
include Seti@Home (setiathome.berkeley.edu), where you can participate in
search for extraterrestrial intelligence, and the Great Internet Mersenne
Search (mersenne.org), which is dedicated to finding new prime numbers.

6. Use it as a dedicated game server

If you have a favourite multiplayer game, check whether you can host a
server on
a local computer - you might consider making your old system a dedicated
server. Online multiplayer games often support dedicated servers.

We recently ran a Civilization 4 server for a few months, and are in the
of setting up a Minecraft server. The good thing about many of these
game servers is how little system horsepower they need. We ran a Freelancer
server on an old Pentium 4 laptop, at times supporting eight simultaneous
with no performance issues.

7. Use it for old-school gaming

Related to the idea of using an older system as a dedicated game server,
consider repurposing that box for old-school gaming. Install Windows 98 and
can run older Windows 95 and DOS games, for example. Note that this isn't as
necessary as it used to be - online services such as Steam and Impulse are
offering older games that have been rewritten to work under newer OSes, and
DOSBox (dosbox.com) lets you emulate a legacy DOS environment to get your
classic gaming fix.

Perhaps the most complete site for older PC games is Good Old Games
It offers a large number of older titles, and all work fine under newer
OSes. So
if you've always wanted to go back and play Planescape: Torment, now is your

If you want to go really old-school, install multiple arcade machine
(Mame) software. That will allow you to play arcade games and those written
older consoles, provided you have access to the related files to run them.
warned that Mame can become a gigantic time sink, albeit a very fun one.

8. Make it a secondary computing server

If you're into video editing using a title such as 3ds Max, Adobe After
or Sony Vegas, having another PC to help with distributed rendering chores
speed up final renders for complex projects.

Each application handles distributed rendering a little differently, so
need to consult your documentation. Typically, you'll install a lightweight
program on the secondary rendering system, which will take data and commands
from the primary PC and return results when done. The main program on your
production system - or a separate manager - handles the rendering across
multiple systems.

9. Set it up as a light-duty living-room PC

A small PC in your living room can be used for quick web surfing and to
email. It's also ideal for the kids to do their homework on when they get
of being cooped up in their rooms. This can work particularly well if you've
networked storage somewhere in the house, so people can get to their files
whether they're on a personal system or a communal one.

If you do have this type of communal PC, your first inclination might be to
create separate accounts for each person. We've found that this isn't really
necessary. Since it's communal, no one really keeps private information on

Note that you'll want security software that's as bulletproof as possible.
you have multiple users accessing the same PC, someone will no doubt
hit a website that may attempt to download a Trojan horse or other malware.

10. Strip it for parts

If you're happy to build your own PC, you could reduce the cost of a new
by salvaging parts from the old one. Good candidates for salvage include the
case (if it's not a proprietary, prebuilt system), the optical drive, the
supply and even the memory modules.

Depending on how much you actually reuse, the distinction between a new
and one that's simply been upgraded is a hazy one. If you replace the
motherboard, CPU, memory and primary hard drive, but keep the case, power
supply, optical drive and graphics card, is that a new system or an old one
that's simply been upgraded?

That will still leave you with a few old computer parts. Which brings us to
next point.

11. Recycle it

Despite what the song says, it is that easy to be 'green' - but it isn't
cheap. The simplest way to ditch your PC without damaging your conscience is
visit recycle-more.co.uk and find your nearest recycle bank.

Your local authority should be able to collect the PC for a small fee, but
will simply dump it into landfill - be sure to ask. Legally, you shouldn't
to foot that cost.

Under UK Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) regulations, PC
retailers are honour-bound to provide take-back facilities for customers to
return old equipment whenever a replacement item is purchased - free of
The standard and variety of service differs depending on the size of the

Some of the bigger ones, including PC World and Dixons, will recycle old
electronics if you're buying a similar product. Dell will collect your old
for free, regardless of brand, when you're buying a new PC. Others, such as
Amazon, will direct you to a designated collection facility.

12. Sell it

Somewhere on eBay, someone is looking for a computer. They may not be able
afford a new PC, or are looking for a second PC for the family. Your old PC,
the right price, may be just what they need. Assuming it all goes smoothly,
everyone wins: you unload your old hardware, which finds a good home with a
user who can appreciate it.

However, it's not always that simple. For one thing, scammers browse auction
sites such as eBay, looking to convince unwary buyers to take deposits that
mysteriously vanish when they try to cash them. Always be suspicious of
who list overseas addresses.

Our general rule of thumb is to stick to selling locally or, if it's on
only in the UK. Also, using an escrow site such as PayPal (required for eBay
anyway), gives you a sense of security, although clever scammers still
manage to
take advantage of PayPal.

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