If the publication is delivered twice a month it should be called a magazine
instead of newspaper. And the visually impaired is not that deprived of
sources of news. By the time the "Braille newspaper" arrives all the news in
it would be outdated and would have been discussed and set aside on radio
and television.
It is perfectly possible to deliver Braille newspaper on a daily basis using
technology. But unfortunately some people are getting misguided.

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Sent: 09 April 2012 07:52
To: ramanjee1501; jnuvision; accessindia
Subject: [AI] Braille newspaper shows blind new world

Braille newspaper shows blind new world


Parimala Bhat reads Sparshdnyan, one of the world's few newspapers to cater
to the visually impaired.
rom delicious billion-dollar scandals to uplifting tales of the human
condition and narratives about the country's economic progress, India boasts
a bountiful supply of compelling stories.

Parimala Bhat wants to know about all of them. But the 52-year-old Mumbai
resident is blind and for years she had to rely on TV news channels to
satisfy her craving for news.

No more.

For the past several years, Bhat has subscribed to Sparshdnyan, a local
newspaper that has carved itself an unusual niche in India's surging media
industry: the paper, whose name translates to "knowledge by touch" is
written in Braille, making it one of the world's few newspapers to cater to
the visually impaired.

"You know how satisfying it is to sit and just read," says Bhat, a
healthcare worker with Air India. "It's the same for the blind. The TV and
radio are fine, but I love being able to save my paper for the night-time
when I'm by myself and get involved in a story. It's a different sense
reading the paper instead of listening to news. It's just incredibly

Published twice a month, Sparshdnyan is sent to about 400 subscribers in
Maharashtra. While its circulation may be modest, readership is growing
fast. Most issues are sent to institutes for the blind, where each copy is
read by an estimated 60 people. The paper's readership is estimated at about
24,000, says editor Swagat Thorat.

Three-year-old Sparshdnyan would seem to be a notable success story in
India's vibrant media sector. A team of local journalists volunteer their
time to write for the paper, which averages about 48 pages per issue, and
readers and government officials alike praise its coverage of local politics
and social issues, Thorat says.

"We get about 600 to 700 letters to the editor every month," says the
50-year-old. "We have readers from ten-years-old to 80 but I think more than
half, probably 60%, are between 18 and 35."

Thorat isn't the first news editor who has recognised there's a market for
the visually impaired.

Some newspapers, such as the Wall Street Journal, offer a service that reads
newspapers over the phone at a 300-words-a-minute clip, twice the speed of
the average conversation. It maybe informative, but it can hardly be called
relaxing. There are also computer programs offering text-to-speech programs
that similarly read stories aloud.

And while technology sure has improved the immediacy of news for the
visually impaired, there are still a handful of newspapers that rely on
centuries-old Braille.

A student at the Royal Institute for Blind Youth in Paris, Louis Braille in
the 1820s adapted a cipher language of bumps, called night writing, which
was created by a French Army officer for soldiers to send secret messages in
the dark. Braille developed a method of writing using a pattern of dots
aligned in two vertical rows - the letter "A" for instance, is a represented
by a single dot in the upper left corner.

Braille newspapers have been published in locations including Italy, Japan,
Ethiopia and California.

But even Braille supporters say there are drawbacks to the practice.
The paper required for it is expensive and thick, making publications
expensive to produce. The National Braille Press in Boston, for instance,
recently printed the Harry Potter series in Braille, a 56-volume effort with
each volume nearly a foot tall.

Sparshdnyan's news slant is eclectic. A recent issue featured the review of
an autobiography by a local college professor who is blind, an editorial on
corruption, an issue that has dominated headlines across newspapers this
summer, and a feature story about doctors who overmedicate.

There was also a section giving advice about public speaking, a travel story
on the Maharashtra district of Raigad, where tourists flock to hiking trails
1,000 metres above sea level, a recipe for keema pulao, and a general
knowledge quiz.

"We cover almost everything," Thorat says, "but there are a few topics we
don't like."

One, surprisingly, is India's national passion: cricket.

"The paper we use is very expensive because it's so thick for the Braille
and I just don't want to waste it on a topic that is covered in so many
other places," he says. "I want to make sure we have more on things like
science technologies, missions to Mars, and maybe more on India's foreign
policy." Despite positive reviews from his readers, it hasn't been all happy
news for Sparshdnyan.

For three years, the advertising company that has worked with Thorat has
failed to sell a single ad in his paper. It begs the question, why hasn't he
sacked his partner and found someone else to broker deals with local

"I still want a future with them and hope they can turn it around but I am
starting to think about getting someone new," says Thorat, who refuses to
identify the company that's said to be searching for ads for Sparshdnyan.

Thorat, who also produces documentary films about India's wildlife, says he
covers his Rs 30,000 administrative costs by selling wildlife photos and
films. A group of supporters pay the monthly bill of Rs
30,000 for paper. Since the paper is written in Braille, postage is free.

"It's important that this newspaper be published," says Suchita Shaha, a
Mumbai psychologist who has raised Rs 50,000 from friends and neighbours to
help cover Thorat's expenses. "It's not like it is in the West. There are no
facilities here in India for the blind, no seeing-eye dogs. We need to do
more to help."

Despite his difficulties attracting advertisers, Thorat says he believes
that there's a demand for more Braille newspaper coverage. An estimated 10
million Indians are visually impaired and within a year, Thorat plans to
launch a daily title.

"It will require about Rs 400,000 and this time I'll be running it as a
proper business investment only," he says.

One reason he's optimistic about a daily is that government policy in
Maharashtra prevents public-sector advertising in publications that don't
publish at least weekly. A daily Braille newspaper, Thorat says, would draw
ads for various employment schemes and other government programs.

"I still think private companies will come around," Thorat says.
"Right now, the blind in India just aren't being looked at as consumers.
Companies don't realise that they still buy hair oil and toothpaste and

Sitting next to a roadside tea stall where local men sipped on steaming
masala tea, despite the oppressive Mumbai summer heat and humidity, Bhat,
the Air India official, says she's come to love her bi-weekly newspaper fix.

"It seems like I start saying 'is it here yet' on the first day of every
month until it finally comes," Bhat says with a gleeful laugh.

"The best things and most beautiful things in the world Cannot be seen or
even touched. They must be felt within the heart."  - Helen Keller

Avinash Shahi
M.A. Political Science
New Delhi India

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