Yes. Great Achievement to be done.

On 4/27/12, Mohit Shah Shah <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I  recently came back from the U.S. where I saw many great things.
> One of the things that I saw was how visually impaired people do
> everything quite gracefully with a guide dog.
> This really tempted me to think whether the use of guide dogs would be
> possible and feasible in India.
> Although it's true that India doesn't have the best of roads, it's
> also true that most indoor places like malls, airports, hotels,
> offices, etc have the same kind of structure all over the world.
> The roads in India have improved largely over the last few years and
> most of them now are at par with most nations.
> So, with that being said, the only major issue, I believe, is that
> people feel that Indians, in general, hate and are scared of dogs, so
> the experiment wouldn't work.
> Now, my point is this: How many people have you seen who look at the
> white cane with awe and respect?
> I, for one, haven't come across many such people.
> I believe that we can and must work towards promoting the use of guide
> dogs in India.
> I saw a blind man who was giving his guide dog instructions like,
> 'Find the stairs' or 'Find an empty chair' or 'Find this XYZ person'
> and the dog was able to do those things perfectly.
> Now, I don't think you can really do such things with a cane, even
> though I have full respect for those who use the cane -- me being one
> amongst them.
> So, what do you all think about this proposition?
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