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Press Release:
Taxi Technology for Passengers who are Blind or Visually Impaired
Contact:   Don Hoffman (Lighthouse), 212-981-5118
Partnership leads to accessibility improvements for blind and visually
impaired taxi
riders in New York and around the nation
April 17, 2012, New York - In partnership with Creative Mobile
Technologies (CMT)
and Lighthouse International, Council Member James Vacca, Chair of the
Council Transportation
Committee, and former New York Governor David A. Paterson today
announced groundbreaking
software enhancements designed to enable blind and visually impaired taxi riders
to independently access the credit card payment system and other
technology features
in New York's yellow medallion taxicabs as well as taxi fleets around
the nation.
CMT created adaptive software that will allow blind or visually
impaired taxi passengers
to hear the fare changing in regular intervals during the trip and
facilitate all
aspects of the credit card or cash payment functions upon reaching
their destination,
including selection of payment options, verification of fare and
selection of tip
percentages.  CMT's audible touch screen system, which can be
activated by a special
card or by simply asking the driver, will transform the screen into
large, easy-to-navigate
sections that are operated by touch and prompted by step-by-step
spoken instructions.
"I consistently hear that New York City is one of the most difficult
places for blind
and visually impaired individuals to navigate," said Vacca. The
payment system in
taxicabs has been a great improvement for passengers, and visually
impaired riders
deserve to enjoy the same benefits of that system. This nationwide initiative to
make taxis more accessible for visually impaired riders is a major
achievement, both
for the industry, and for this community. I want to commend CMT and
Lighthouse for
making this a priority.  This technology will make a real difference
for people who
need it."
This software is critical to the blind and visually impaired community's ability
to independently pay taxi fares. Prior to implementation of this new
software, blind
and visually impaired passengers who chose to use credit cards were
forced to rely
on cab drivers to swipe their card and enter the correct amount,
including tip. Not
only is this a violation of current TLC rules, but also it exposes the
visually impaired
passenger to the potential for fraudulent transactions, including overpayment.
"As a blind New Yorker I am part of a community that until now did not
benefit from
the convenience of being able to use a credit card in the city's cabs
when the technology
was first mandated in 2008," said David A.Paterson, 55th Governor of
the State of
New York. "I applaud CMT for extending electronic payment to an often
community by making New York City taxis independently accessible for
the vision impaired.
Council Member James Vacca and Lighthouse International also deserve a
great deal
of gratitude for their undying stewardship of this significant issue."
In addition to its NYC rollout, CMT also plans to introduce software
in 4,500 credit
card and payment systems in taxis around the country including
Chicago, Boston, San
Francisco, Philadelphia, Anaheim, Detroit, Kansas City, Columbus and Charlotte.
CMT and Lighthouse International will issue blind and visually
impaired individuals
a card, compatible with any CMT taxi nationwide, that will activate the adaptive
software, though an activation card will not be required to engage the system.
"CMT is excited to work alongside Chairman Vacca and Lighthouse International to
produce these innovative software solutions that will revolutionize
the taxi experience
for our blind and visually impaired customers," said Jesse H. Davis,
President of
Creative Mobile Technologies.  "We are very proud of the CMT team for developing
this innovative technology, and we praise the hard working advocates
at Lighthouse
International who provided us with invaluable feedback in shaping its
and to Chairman Vacca who has demonstrated great leadership on this
issue. We look
forward to rolling out this feature in New York City and in CMT
markets throughout
the nation."
"This is an excellent example of the private sector working with
government leaders
and advocates to voluntarily change a system that has excluded the
independent participation
of thousands of people who are blind or visually impaired for far too
long," said
Mark G. Ackermann, President and CEO of Lighthouse International. "We
are delighted
to have played a role in this nationwide initiative and will continue working to
ensure that every taxi in the nation is accessible to people with a
visual impairment.
Many thanks to Council Member James Vacca for his continued leadership on behalf
of people who are blind and visually impaired and to Creative Mobile
for their willingness to make this a reality."
"Having a credit card system that talks will make riding in a taxi
more accessible,
enabling me to pay by credit card independently. I applaud the efforts
of Council
Member Vacca and Creative Mobile Technologies for making this
possible," said Ellen
Rubin, independent access consultant.
"We applaud this innovation, which we believe will enhance the ability
of visually
impaired New Yorkers to more independently use taxis and to pay for
their trips with
credit and debit cards," said Commissioner David Yassky, Chairman of
the Taxi and
Limousine Commission. "This is another good example of leveraging
technology to help
overcome barriers to accessibility, and we look forward to working with the tech
community to bring further innovation to taxis with the goal of making
taxis more
accessible to everyone."
Lighthouse International estimates that the prevalence rate of vision
loss in New
York City is 362,000. This number will only increase because of the
aging population
and age-related causes of visual impairment and blindness, as well as
blindness due
to uncontrolled diabetes.
This announcement is the latest in a string of pro-accessibility
measures championed
by Vacca, whose own father was blind. On March 28, the New York City
Council passed
three bills aimed at improving mobility for blind and low vision
individuals navigating
the city. Vacca's bill, Introduction 745, requires the Department of
to post maps of major street redesigns on its website in a format accessible for
people with sight and hearing disabilities. Lighthouse International
played a major
role in securing the passage of this legislation, which Mayor
Bloomberg will sign
today at 5 p.m. in the Governor's Room at City Hall.
*About Lighthouse International:*
Founded in 1905, Lighthouse International is a leading non-profit
organization dedicated
to fighting vision loss through prevention, treatment and empowerment.
It achieves
this through clinical and rehabilitation services, education, research
and advocacy.
For more information about vision loss and its causes, contact
Lighthouse International
at 1-800-829-0500 or visit
*About Creative Mobile Technologies (CMT):* Founded in New York City
in 2005 by taxi
industry leaders, Creative Mobile Technologies (CMT) provides more
than 20,000 taxicabs
in 60 cities and 35 states with a variety of taxi technologies and
enhancements including
credit and debit card processing, media and advertising content, text messaging,
interactive passengers maps, GPS, electronic trip sheets and
back-office fleet management
systems. CMT has more than 6,600 units in New York City alone.  CMT's
unique "for
the industry, by the industry" business model has empowered taxi
fleets and individual
taxi operators throughout the country with customized solutions born
out of the company's
deep roots in the taxi industry.  CMT's FREEdom Solution integrates
all of the technology
including dispatching, banking and media components that has helped to bring the
American taxi industry into a new era of efficiency and innovation.

Amar Jain.

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