hi mukesh bhai, do you have uploaded this book anywhere?

On 7/19/2012 11:16 AM, mukesh jain wrote:
By now most of you would have seen the movie “Taare Zamin Par”,
directed by Aamir Khan. I am sure it has touched the viewers’ hearts
and has been successful in bringing awareness about a condition called
“dyslexia“. But many cinema goers forget the whole message once they
get back to their other pressing commitments. But I would like to
recommend this resourceful book (wich I am now listening) which
explain this condition in detail so that many parents and teachers
can be sensitized to this issue faced by number of school going

The word Dyslexia means difficulty with lexicon or words. “Learning
disability” is a much broader term that explains the difficulties that
many children face in the areas of reading, writing, spelling,
calculating, thinking and reasoning and memorizing. A child can
experience the difficulty in one or two or more of the above mentioned
areas of learning.

These children may experience difficulty in acquiring, understanding
and using the language to express their thoughts through speech or
writing. Learning disability is also known as developmental dyslexia
(as it typically occurs during the child’s developmental years).
Difficulty in reading and understanding the words is referred to as
dyslexia, difficulty in writing is referred to as dysgraphia and
difficulty in understanding the concept of numbers and calculation is
referred to as dyscalculia. And the latest phrase coined to explain
the child’s difficulty experienced at school is “academically abused”!
A very strong term that can make all of us sit up and think over

Because of the learning difficulties that bog down a child, many
secondary difficulties may arise in the form of poor motivation, poor
interest in activities, loss of self-worth, low self-esteem, social
withdrawal and occasionally speech difficulties too. All this
frustrates a child to such a level that it can lead to anger and rage
and aggression or it can be the other extreme of depression and
suicidal ideations!

In India, many teachers and parents have not even heard of such a
condition. My aim of recommending this book  is certainly not to
‘label’ a child as dyslexic so that the professionals like
psychologists and special educators can make money, but to reduce the
heaps of insults and punishments that these children are meted out at
schools and at homes by the insensitive adults! Teachers and parents
need to identify the problem early so that an early intervention can
‘lift them up’. Here in india, if a child is not faring well in any
subject, the parents routinely send them to tuition classes, starting
from LKG, thus increasing the burden for the child. These ordinary
tuition classes are nothing but mini-schools, where the child’s
learning difficulties go unaddressed. To bring all this to the notice
of teachers and parents of young children and also to the general
public, this book is strongly recommended.

Book description:
"A must read for parents, educators, and people with dyslexia."
-Gordon F. Sherman, Ph.D., Past-President International Dyslexia

Did you know that many successful architects, lawyers, engineers—even
bestselling novelists—had difficulties learning to read and write as
children? In this groundbreaking book, Brock and Fernette Eide explain
how 20% of people—individuals with dyslexia—share a unique learning
style that can create advantages in a classroom, at a job, or at home.
Using their combined expertise in neurology and education, the authors
show how these individuals not only perceive the written word
differently but may also excel at spatial reasoning, see insightful
connections that others simply miss, understand the world in stories,
and display amazing creativity. Blending personal stories with hard
science, The Dyslexic Advantage provides invaluable advice on how
parents, educators, and individuals with dyslexia can recognize and
use the strengths of the dyslexic learning style in: material
reasoning (used by architects and engineers); interconnected reasoning
(scientists and designers), narrative reasoning (novelists and
lawyers); and dynamic reasoning (economists and entrepreneurs.)

With prescriptive advice and inspiring testimonials, this
paradigm-shifting book proves that dyslexia doesn’t have to be a
detriment, but can often become an asset for success.

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