Wonder what is the reference of the latest disability figure. To my 
understanding the Census figure on disability is still not out.
Harish Kotian.

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Sent: 18 October 2012 10:13
To: accessindia@accessindia.org.in
Subject: [AI] FW: (WorldOpinion) Book Review: The Future of Disability Law in 
India, ByJayna Kothari

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Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 7:33 PM
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Cc: worldopinion
Subject: (WorldOpinion) Book Review: The Future of Disability Law in 
India,ByJayna Kothari

The Future of Disability Law in India
A Critical Analysis of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal
Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act 1995
Jayna Kothari
OUP India
240 pages | 215x140mm
978-0-19-807762-6 | Hardback | 15 March 2012
Price:  £25.


In her book, Jayna Kothari takes us through the debates on equality in
the context of disability. The Indian Constitution does not have any
substantive equality provisions under the Fundamental Rights chapter
in favour of disabled persons. There is no guarantee from the state to
prevent discrimination due to disability. It is unfortunate that our
founding fathers did not realise the need for such a provision. As the
author explains, disability results in consequences that include
marginalisation in every sphere of life, be it denial of education,
employment, recreation, income, identity or social recognition. This
has, in turn, led to the invisibility of disabled people as subjects
of human rights law.

India began late in disability legislation. The first was the Persons
with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full
Participation) Act, 1995 (PWD Act). The author begins her book
observing that despite being on the statute book for more than 16
years, the Act is not understood well by lawyers, judges, academics,
students and civil society groups.

According to the recent Census data cited in the book, there are 21.9
million people with disabilities in India, that is, about 2.13 per
cent of the total population. The author suggests that this figure may
be an underestimate if one accepts the World Health Organisation (WHO)
argument that at least 10-12 per cent of the population in any country
is likely to be disabled.

In the first chapter, the author rightly asks why disability has not
been included in the Constitution as a ground for prohibition of
discrimination. Taking her cue from the Delhi High Court's judgment in
the Naz Foundation case, she suggests that grounds analogous to those
stated in Article 15 (prohibition of discrimination on grounds of
religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth) should also be protected
grounds for discrimination. Her plea is that disability should be
included as a ground for non-discrimination under Article 15(1) as it
is analogous to the protected grounds. Similarly, she suggests that
the non-discrimination provision under Article 16(2) should be read to
include disability as an analogous ground for non-discrimination in
public employment. Article 16(2) says that no citizen shall, on
grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, descent, place of birth,
residence or any of them, be ineligible for, or discriminated against
in respect of, any employment or office under the state.

She argues that persons with disability can also be considered by the
state as socially and educationally backward classes under Article
15(4), and the principle of substantive equality would require the
state to make special provisions or legislation for their advancement.
She makes a convincing case for the inclusion of persons with
disability within "backward class of citizens" which, in the opinion
of the state, is not adequately represented in the services under the
state and therefore would qualify for special provisions in its favour
under Article 16(4).

The author finds the definition of disability under the PWD Act both
faulty and inadequate and because of this she regrets that we have
been able to capture only a fraction of the complex reality of
disablement. The PWD Act mentions only seven specific disabilities:
blindness, low vision, leprosy-cured, hearing impairment, locomotor
disability, mental retardation and mental illness.

Calling this a medical model (rather than a social model) of
disability, Jayna Kothari argues that the Act ought to have focussed
on the effect of impairment, which may prevent persons from carrying
on their day-to-day activities or having access to facilities. She is
in favour of a broader definition of disability, one which defines a
disabled person as someone who has a disability. Such a broad
definition, she claims, will empower the disabled as they will no
longer have to prove that they are abnormal or focus on their deficits
when they assert their rights.

Among the disabilities left out in the current definition under the
PWD Act are muscular dystrophy, cystic fibriosis, and some forms of
hearing and vision loss. Others such as seizure conditions, multiple
sclerosis, loss of a limb, cancer, paralysis, HIV/AIDS, persons
suffering from internal organ failure and epilepsy also do not find a
mention in the current definition under the Act. Kothari feels that
disability law should also apply to people with perceived disabilities
such as stuttering, which are not disabling but create prejudice and
discrimination. In an interesting judgment delivered in 2005, the
Delhi High Court held that the definition of disability under the PWD
Act should be broadened to include heart diseases as well.

The draft Bill to replace the PWD Act (now on the website of the
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment) defines a disabled person
as follows: "Persons with disabilities are persons with any
developmental, intellectual, mental, physical or sensory impairments
including those mentioned in Schedule 1 of the Act, which are not of a
temporary nature, and which in interaction with various barriers may
hinder full and effective participation in society on an equal basis
with others." Schedule 1 identifies 20 disabilities. To Jayna Kothari
(as told to this reviewer over phone), however, this listing of
disabilities makes no sense as it can never be exhaustive. Besides,
impairments, according to her, must be long-term rather than "not of a
temporary nature" to attract the Act's application.

Law and its limitations

While the Right to Education Act, 2009, guarantees the right to
education for all children between six and 14, the PWD Act goes far
beyond and mandates that all children with disability shall have the
right to access free education until the age of 18 years. Jayna
Kothari laments that this justiciable right is hardly being
implemented as the large majority of disabled children continues to be
excluded from public schools and others are placed in inappropriate
programmes. Worse, the Act does not require private schools to admit
children with disabilities or to provide appropriate and accessible
education for them. Reservation requirements in institutions of higher
education in favour of the disabled are enforced with reluctance, she
points out.

The PWD Act aims to offer equal opportunities in public employment by
reserving 3 per cent of vacancies for persons with disabilities. In
practice, however, the quota system is not enforced effectively. Jayna
Kothari points out that disabled persons end up getting jobs as
sweepers, cleaners, telephone attendants and music teachers (for the
visually impaired). She finds that reservation and identification in
the higher posts is very often not made, and people are forced to
approach the courts for proper identification and reservation.

Sheer exasperation over society's ignorance of disabled persons'
abilities provokes the author to suggest that a complete removal of
reservation and a movement towards non-discrimination in employment
with the provision of reasonable accommodation might ensure greater
access to employment for persons with disabilities.

The book makes a persuasive plea to apply the disability law's
affirmative action requirements to the private sector and its punitive
provisions against private bodies and individuals guilty of abuse of
disabled persons. The draft Bill on the Ministry's website applies to
the private sector, though it is not clear whether all stakeholders
will endorse it.

The chapter on the U.N. Convention on Rights of Persons with
Disabilities (CRPD) and its impact on the Disability Law in India in
Jayna Kothari's book is especially useful to understand the future of
the disabled population in the country. The CRPD came into force on
May 3, 2008. India was one of the first 20 countries to sign and
ratify it. As the PWD Act falls short of the gamut of rights granted
in the CRPD, the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment agreed to
draft a new law in tune with the CRPD. It, therefore, set up a
committee under the chairmanship of Dr Sudha Kaul for the purpose.
This committee submitted its report and a draft Bill, titled the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill, 2011, to the Ministry on
June 30 last year. Both the report and the Bill have now been placed
on the Ministry's website inviting comments from the public. As the
book makes no reference to the report and the draft Bill, one wonders
whether the author could have delayed the publication of the book so
as to include her comments on the proposed new law.

The author's justification (as told to this reviewer over phone) for
omitting any analysis of the draft Bill is that there have been
several successive drafts and there have been serious objections to
the draft Bill from the Law Ministry, while the Ministry of Social
Justice and Empowerment has not accepted it. She has since e-mailed
her detailed critique of the draft Bill to this reviewer for following
up this issue further.

Avinash Shahi
MPhil Research Learner
Centre for the Study of Law and Governance
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi India

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