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Harish Kotian

Leprosy-cured Indians don't find jobs easily
Jan 29, 2013, 12.00AM IST IANS

Leprosy-cured Indians don't find jobs easily (Thinkstock photos/Getty Images)
India has 13 million people who have been cured of leprosy, but they still find 
it hard to get a job due to the stigma attached to the disease. This, despite 
the government making provisions for their employment, health experts and 
activists say.

According to the experts, people cured of leprosy are covered under the 
Disability Act and get one percent reservation in government jobs. In spite of 
this, the majority of those cured are unable to benefit.

"Stigma is the major cause for such people not being able to benefit," Rajive 
Raturi, who heads the Disability Rights Initiative (DRI) of Human Rights Law 
Network, a nationwide collective of lawyers and social workers, told us.

He said when a person who has been cured of leprosy applies for a government 
job, he has to produce the medical certificate. But their candidature gets 
rejected when it is found that they suffered from leprosy.

"They are often rejected due to the fact that as soon as the doctors or any 
person concerned sees leprosy as the cause of the disability, they ignore the 
applicants," Raturi said, adding most of the people are thus forced to beg on 
the streets or at religious places.

Another activist said that such people are already in such a precarious 
condition that they don't know where to go for redressal.

According to Vinita Shanker, executive director, Sasakawa India Leprosy 
Foundation, there needs to be a special category for former leprosy patients as 
they have more health-related issues like recurrent joint pains and vision 
problems after their cure.

"In India, under the Disability Act, leprosy-cured persons are categorised as 
those with loco-motor disability. This is a deterrence as visual disability is 
a major fallout of the disease," Shanker told us. The charitable trust was set 
up by Yohei Sasakawa, chairman of the Nippon Foundation, in 2006.

According to Shanker, Sasakawa devoted all his professional life fighting 
leprosy not only in Japan but all over the world.

"We have to fight stigma from society and change mindsets. These people are as 
capable of working as any healthy person," Shanker said.

In order to correct this anomaly, a group of NGOs working in this field had 
petitioned parliament in 2008 seeking amendment in certain laws, including the 
Disability Act, which they consider as discriminatory against people cured of 

According to P.K. Gopal, president of the International Association for 
Integration, Dignity and Economic Advancement (IDEA), India, which is supposed 
to have eliminated leprosy seven years ago, still records the highest number of 
fresh cases globally.

Leprosy is a chronic disease caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium leprae and 
Mycobacterium lepromatosis. It is primarily a disease of the skin and nerves. 
Skin lesions are the primary external sign. Left untreated, leprosy can be 
progressive, causing permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs and eyes.

According to the World Health Organisation, 65 per cent of all new cases of 
leprosy globally are from India.

The union health ministry's latest data shows that between April, 2010, and 
March, 2011, India recorded 126,800 fresh cases of leprosy of which 12, 463 
were children under the age of 15. Around 4,000 of these patients had 
disabilities due to leprosy. Last year, 127,000 new cases were detected in 

India currently has about 54 percent of all the new leprosy cases in the world, 
followed by Brazil with about 17 percent, then Indonesia with about seven 

"Despite the fact that 13 million people have been cured so far, people still 
attach a stigma to it," Gopal, who himself is leprosy-cured, told us.

The petition made to parliament included certain other discriminatory laws like 
the Hindu, Muslim and Christian Marriage Acts which give a right of divorce to 
a person whose spouse has leprosy.

Among other countries reporting more than 1,000 new cases in 2006 are Angola, 
Bangladesh, China, The Democratic Republic of Congo, Madagascar, Myanmar, 
Nepal, Nigeria, The Philippines, Sri Lanka and Tanzania.

It is estimated that probably at least three million people are living with 
some permanent disability due to leprosy, although the exact figure is not 

Gopal said the government has to do something, like providing them vocational 
training, to stop these people from returning to begging.

"They are needed to be treated equally and should not be subjected to 
discrimination. Government should come out with some training programmes for 
them so that they stop begging," Gopal added.

With thanks and regards

                                (Rajesh Asudani)
Assistant General Manager
Reserve Bank of India
Cell: 9420397185
o: +91 712 2806846
R: 2591349

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