I don't understand how does this model event helps blind people to come in
to main streaming?  Does that mean no blind couple got married so far?  How
do they judge couples based on the application? I would appreciate all these
big big organizations and guests to provide main stream employment and
educational opportunities rather than providing gifts, gold and money which
are not sustainable for once career.   These organizations may give
temporary money and gifts but what about the entire career?  Thank you.
-----Original Message-----
From: AccessIndia [mailto:accessindia-boun...@accessindia.org.in] On Behalf
Of accessindia-requ...@accessindia.org.in
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 11:54 PM
To: accessindia@accessindia.org.in
Subject: AccessIndia Digest, Vol 59, Issue 327

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: PARAVOOR:Mass wedding held for visually challenged
      (Himanshu Sahu)
   2. Re: PARAVOOR:Mass wedding held for visually challenged
      (Himanshu Sahu)
   3. Re: PARAVOOR:Mass wedding held for visually challenged
      (Asudani, Rajesh)
   4. about the mass wedding at Paravoor (reem shamsudeen)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2013 09:22:11 +0530
From: Himanshu Sahu <sahu.himanshu2...@gmail.com>
To: accessindia@accessindia.org.in
Subject: Re: [AI] PARAVOOR:Mass wedding held for visually challenged
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

On 2/24/13, avinash shahi <shahi88avin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> By Express News Service - PARAVOOR
> 24th February 2013 09:22 AM
> Photos
>  The mass wedding of visually challenged couples, held by the Lioness 
> Board, the women?s wing of the Lion?s Club of District 318 C, at 
> Paravoor, on Saturday. As part of bringing physically handicapped 
> people into the mainstream, Lioness Board, the women?s wing of the 
> Lion?s Club, of  District 318 C, held a mass wedding that saw 18 
> visually challenged couples taking marital vows at Paravoor on 
> Saturday.
> http://newindianexpress.com/states/kerala/article1476830.ece
> ?Porutham 2013?, held at Paravoor Vyapara Bhavan, was inaugurated by 
> Lions Club district governor Abraham Panjikkaran. Union Minister for 
> Food and Civil Supplies K V Thomas was the chief guest at the 
> function.
> While delivering the keynote address, Thomas said that the mass 
> wedding would be a model for the nation, and the event was an occasion 
> to learn how a society could be responsible.
> The couples were presented with 2.5 sovereigns of gold ornaments each 
> and `15,000 in cash.
> The money was distributed by municipal chairperson Valsala 
> Prasannakumar and actor  Mythili. Aluva Rural SP Satish Bino 
> distributed financial aid for enabling self-employment for the 
> visually challenged couples.
> From 102 clubs under District 318 C, dresses and household utensils, 
> including pressure cookers, were given as gifts to the newly-weds.
> Club president Indira Bai Prasad, secretary Susheela Varghese, Prof 
> Monamma Kokkad, chief co-ordinator A Rajan, Human Rights Commission 
> chairman Justice Benjamin Koshy offered felicitations.
> Out of the 205 applicants, 18 couples were selected. The club would 
> conduct a mass wedding for 50 couples in 2014, said Indira Bai Prasad.
> --
> Avinash Shahi
> MPhil Research Scholar
> Centre for the Study of Law and Governance Jawaharlal Nehru University 
> New Delhi India
> Register at the dedicated AccessIndia list for discussing 
> accessibility of mobile phones / Tabs on:
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> .in

Thanks and regards
                   Himanshu Sahu
Reach: 09051055000
Skype: himanshu.cute4u


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2013 09:23:39 +0530
From: Himanshu Sahu <sahu.himanshu2...@gmail.com>
To: accessindia@accessindia.org.in
Subject: Re: [AI] PARAVOOR:Mass wedding held for visually challenged
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

(sorry for earlier blank mail)
Dear Avinash,
I appreciate your sharp observation and opinion about various aspects
of so called ?mainstream?. This encourages me to explore other
dimensions of the issue and provides me the opportunity to participate
in this constructive and healthy discussion.

As we talk about accessibility, equality, freedom to choose profession
and lifestyle, our reference points are those standards norms in the
very society where we live or dream about to live.
For example, we demand tactile on railway/metro platforms, equality of
opportunity in different aspects of society (which is compared with
sighted people), we fight for identification of those jobs for VIs for
which we are forbidden from getting in.
All of these because we wish to perform and experience the same things
without any hurdle which sighted people do. Of course, in this
?mainstream? also wickedness exist and already defined as ?bad? in the
evolution of human society and positively we cheer the values which
are defined as ?good?.
Further we often judge against standards of our skills with those set
by this sighted world, we try to match it, we try to get it approved
by this sighted world only. In a nutshell, we try to imitate all those
?good? through which we are accepted in this mainstream.
Now the issue comes about marrying with non-disabled. Here I would
like to turn the very question upside down!
Instead of focusing on how many disabled are interested and married
with non-disabled, and whether blind should marry with blind or
sighted, let us concentrate on how many non-disabled are interested in
marrying with disabled and, in this particular context, as well as
other similar past and future events, how much of non-disabled
volunteered on their own or through the persuasion of event organising

I am sure, the number would be insignificant. So, here I again turn
back to my original question, ?how it helps to brings disabled into
mainstream?? And ?how the article claims the same without propounding
eh new definition of ?mainstream??

Not long back, we use to hear that we are disabled, deprived,
disadvantaged and even to the extent of sinner. But with the changing
scenario, now we are talked as differently abled, capable, equal and
mere an abnormality of body not of mind, soul and intellect.
With the reference of these shifting notions, at least in the
cherished conceptions and theories, the question arises that how much
impact it has made on the mind-set of those with whom we have to deal
on a day-to-day basis. Do we experience the same affection which our
sighted friends offer to other sighted one? Do they fall into our love
as they do easily with our sighted counterparts while interacting
during studies, work and other activities?
Here underlies the answer of the question whether marrying with
non-disabled is enough to be called in a mainstream? Obviously, its
not enough, but a very significant indicator demonstrating that those
who are in mainstream are not distinguishing between disability and
non-disability. This is a higher stage of acceptance which can be
evolved only through love, regular interaction, extreme sensitivity,
and of extreme kindness. Of these, acceptance through kindness is not
tolerable for many, including me.
Of course, marrying of blind with other blind does not have anything
to question about, as I also feel that it offers a considerable level
of compatibility of thoughts and experience, but not tangible
comfirtibility. But as pointed by one of the members, what message it
gives to society is a matter of concern. Aren?t we defining our own
boundaries and imposing confinements on our own flight?

One of our female members raised the issue of male chauvinism and
highlighted the various aspects of the relationships and companionship
within our community. Here I too have to touch upon the rationality of
marriages in this fast moving world.
This is not an exclusive phenomenon of VI community; in fact, this is
just an extension of this sighted world or ?mainstream?. We solemnize
a marriage after getting satisfied with certain material attributes
apart from the emotional, viz., body, beauty, income, family,
education and so on.
This is a feature more or less followed by our community members as
well. For example, a well educated girl/boy belonging to well-to-do
family, in a normal course of marriage (as an arrange marriage, not
love marriage) may look for a VI boy/girl of same background, but not
for an uneducated having poor economic condition (exceptions are
always welcome). In fact, to my shock, in VI community we (specially
parents) still think of getting a VI partner of same religion and
The other aspect of marrying within the community may expose the dark
reality of marriage and attached with it, the concept of profit and
loss in terms of percentage of eyesight. My observation is that even
within blind community partial blindness is preferred and full
blindness is neglected irrespective of male or female. In this regard,
I feel that a scientific approach, taking into consideration the
tangible challenges of blindness, a partial, irrespective of male or
female, should marry with a full blind and vice-versa. It offers the
satisfaction of companionship with fewer hardships.
This practice may ease the resentment and aggravation of not being
accepted by so called ?mainstream? and as I have been repeatedly
pointing out, may serve as an alternative and exclusive model of
?mainstream?, at least in the context of marriage of VIs and even for
cross-disability based on scientific rationales.
However, personally I am a proponent of the notion that blind should
go for sighted one subject to the fulfillment of desired qualities.
This may be because still I cherish the freedom enjoyed in my sighted
days and feel comfortable with my surroundings which are of course,
?mainstream? for me!

Now, in my personal capacity I would like to ponder upon the questions
raised by you.

1.      NGOs are supposed to indulge into activities related with
rehabilitation, welfare and empowerment. And marriage of VIs is
definitely a complicated proposition. So, here NGOs offering such
platform should be seen as facilitating one of the welfare measures.
But a deliberate wide publicity given to such events, in no respect
should claim it as an attempt to bring VIs into ?mainstream?.
2.       A significant number of adult blind people form a part of such
events because still we are unorganized; we are not able to find
suitable partners in our personal and familial capacity. It is more
difficult, as pointed by another member, to those who are from poor
financial and uneducated background. Undeniably, such mass-marriages
accompanied with material support help many.
And, definitely marriage is a cherished goal for any adult whether
physically challenged or physically fit!
And I am also one of the eligible candidates amongst them! (Smile)!

Ending my mail here, I apologize for its being lengthy and pointing
some of harsh realities. But these are wholly my personal views and do
not intend to hurt or demoralize anybody in person.
Hope to get further opinions of learned members on the issue?

On 2/26/13, Himanshu Sahu <sahu.himanshu2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2/24/13, avinash shahi <shahi88avin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> By Express News Service - PARAVOOR
>> 24th February 2013 09:22 AM
>> Photos
>>  The mass wedding of visually challenged couples, held by the Lioness
>> Board, the women?s wing of the Lion?s Club of District 318 C, at
>> Paravoor, on Saturday. As part of bringing physically handicapped
>> people into the mainstream, Lioness Board, the women?s wing of the
>> Lion?s Club, of  District 318 C, held a mass wedding that saw 18
>> visually challenged couples taking marital vows at Paravoor on
>> Saturday.
>> http://newindianexpress.com/states/kerala/article1476830.ece
>> ?Porutham 2013?, held at Paravoor Vyapara Bhavan, was inaugurated by
>> Lions Club district governor Abraham Panjikkaran. Union Minister for
>> Food and Civil Supplies K V Thomas was the chief guest at the
>> function.
>> While delivering the keynote address, Thomas said that the mass
>> wedding would be a model for the nation, and the event was an occasion
>> to learn how a society could be responsible.
>> The couples were presented with 2.5 sovereigns of gold ornaments each
>> and `15,000 in cash.
>> The money was distributed by municipal chairperson Valsala
>> Prasannakumar and actor  Mythili. Aluva Rural SP Satish Bino
>> distributed financial aid for enabling self-employment for the
>> visually challenged couples.
>> From 102 clubs under District 318 C, dresses and household utensils,
>> including pressure cookers, were given as gifts to the newly-weds.
>> Club president Indira Bai Prasad, secretary Susheela Varghese, Prof
>> Monamma Kokkad, chief co-ordinator A Rajan, Human Rights Commission
>> chairman Justice Benjamin Koshy offered felicitations.
>> Out of the 205 applicants, 18 couples were selected. The club would
>> conduct a mass wedding for 50 couples in 2014, said Indira Bai Prasad.
>> --
>> Avinash Shahi
>> MPhil Research Scholar
>> Centre for the Study of Law and Governance
>> Jawaharlal Nehru University
>> New Delhi India
>> Register at the dedicated AccessIndia list for discussing accessibility
>> of
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>> please
>> visit the list home page at
>> http://accessindia.org.in/mailman/listinfo/accessindia_accessindia.org.in
> --
> Thanks and regards
>                    Himanshu Sahu
> Reach: 09051055000
> Skype: himanshu.cute4u

Thanks and regards
                   Himanshu Sahu
Reach: 09051055000
Skype: himanshu.cute4u


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2013 09:58:15 +0530
From: "Asudani, Rajesh" <rajeshasud...@rbi.org.in>
To: "accessindia@accessindia.org.in" <accessindia@accessindia.org.in>
Subject: Re: [AI] PARAVOOR:Mass wedding held for visually challenged
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Firstly, I am not comforted by the thought that mainstream is a myth.
Secondly, marrying a disabled or not, is surely a personal choice but
disabled couples surely face much more hurdles and as a rule, are not
well-included in the mainstream of the society.

-----Original Message-----
From: AccessIndia [mailto:accessindia-boun...@accessindia.org.in] On Behalf
Of avinash shahi
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 7:10 PM
To: accessindia@accessindia.org.in
Subject: Re: [AI] PARAVOOR:Mass wedding held for visually challenged

I'm glad to read conflicting claims with regard to 'Mass Marriage Melange'.

and thought to join in this vibrant discussion and deliberation.

Facilitating mass marriages of visually challenged has become an
entrepreneurial come social-service self-satisfying practice these
in fact in many parts of the country, specially in mega metros and
mini metros, scores of marriages are arranged, and solemnized.
This growing phenomena raises many questions.
1. Is getting married to a non-disabled really take you in the domain
of 'mainstream'?
When Actor seeks actress for marriage, player looks player for
marriage, poet desires  poetess for marriage, then why can't blind man
marry to a blind woman?

Now question begs attention, who defines mainstream?
and is marrying to a non-disabled is enough to be called in the mainstream?
I don't think so.
Choice of marriage is purely subjective. and if so called mainstream
occupants are morally bbound to accomodate marginalized, hence
marginalised have an ethical duty towards their fellow beings
irrespective of jender.
Marriage is not a constitutional right which one can expect from so
called mainstream people to accomodate the rest from  the periphery.
Marriage entails: mutual respect, equal concerns, and and love along
with sacrifice.
And mainstream is a myth, which celebrates untouchability, cheers
masculinity, and despises disability.

Now will leave with two more questions Which need further
contemplation, but I'm not in a position to take any view; hope many
people here will put some light on these questions.
1. Why NGOs Which are traditionally supposed to facilitate educational
and employable empowerment of visually challenged has picked  up new
attractive dimention in  their spheres to organize marriage of
visually challenged?
2. And why adult blind people flock in huge numbers to seek spouse via
these NGOs?

On 2/25/13, Asudani, Rajesh <rajeshasud...@rbi.org.in> wrote:
> I am compelled to congratulate Himanshu for his scientific approach..
> -----Original Message-----
> From: AccessIndia [mailto:accessindia-boun...@accessindia.org.in] On
> Of Himanshu Sahu
> Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 2:20 PM
> To: accessindia@accessindia.org.in
> Subject: Re: [AI] PARAVOOR:Mass wedding held for visually challenged
> Hello,
> Let me be very specific with the topic,
> 1.      It does not make any difference to me that which organization
> organized the mass wedding or what they have done earlier in this
> respect. This may be of liking to those who are involved in it or
> benefitted through it and publicizing it. Further I do not deny the
> necessity of such mass marriages and appreciate the initiative. But
> still my simple question remains unanswered that "how it brings VIs
> into mainstream"?
> 2.      Well, knowing me personally is not going to solve your confusion,
> but for the sake of correcting your hypothesis I am compelled to
> inform you that I lost eyesight 10 years back and have been the member
> of list for last 4 years. And I too know many of VI couples friends.
> But here as well, as earlier, I am not able to understand that being
> new or old member of list, and, knowing VI couples or not, is how come
> related with the issue of bringing VIs into mainstream?
> 3.      In answer to your next question, I would only say that marrying
> within community or outside community and whether blind couple are
> happy or not, is a broad topic and I am not interested to deviate from
> the actual topic that is "how it brings VIs into mainstream"?
> Friend, in the zeal of getting your project acclaimed aren't you
> trying to establish a plain charitable mass marriage as inclusion of
> VIs into mainstream? Definitely mass marriage is a part of
> rehabilitation but not the inclusion into mainstream. I would have
> rather appreciated it if all VIs were married with sighted
> counterparts and then one would have called it as an attempt to
> bringing VIs into mainstream. Still the sighted world is well-known
> and well-established "mainstream" and all of hue and cry made by VI
> community has more or less similar theme to get incorporated into this
> mainstream as we are kept secluded from it.
> For the better clarification of the term "mainstream", please refer to
> the below mentioned some of the dictionary meanings of the term:
> "To incorporate into the prevailing group"
> "Representing the prevalent attitudes and values of a society or groups"
> And, "normal", "typical", "conventional" etc.
> So, it demonstrates that what we are talking about is not an attempt
> of incorporation into mainstream, and if one wishes to deny it have to
> innovate or forcefully create a new definition of incorporation into
> mainstream! And I extend my best wishes to those who want to do this
> novel Endeavour.
> On 2/24/13, avinash shahi <shahi88avin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> By Express News Service - PARAVOOR
>> 24th February 2013 09:22 AM
>> Photos
>>  The mass wedding of visually challenged couples, held by the Lioness
>> Board, the women's wing of the Lion's Club of District 318 C, at
>> Paravoor, on Saturday. As part of bringing physically handicapped
>> people into the mainstream, Lioness Board, the women's wing of the
>> Lion's Club, of  District 318 C, held a mass wedding that saw 18
>> visually challenged couples taking marital vows at Paravoor on
>> Saturday.
>> http://newindianexpress.com/states/kerala/article1476830.ece
>> 'Porutham 2013', held at Paravoor Vyapara Bhavan, was inaugurated by
>> Lions Club district governor Abraham Panjikkaran. Union Minister for
>> Food and Civil Supplies K V Thomas was the chief guest at the
>> function.
>> While delivering the keynote address, Thomas said that the mass
>> wedding would be a model for the nation, and the event was an occasion
>> to learn how a society could be responsible.
>> The couples were presented with 2.5 sovereigns of gold ornaments each
>> and `15,000 in cash.
>> The money was distributed by municipal chairperson Valsala
>> Prasannakumar and actor  Mythili. Aluva Rural SP Satish Bino
>> distributed financial aid for enabling self-employment for the
>> visually challenged couples.
>> From 102 clubs under District 318 C, dresses and household utensils,
>> including pressure cookers, were given as gifts to the newly-weds.
>> Club president Indira Bai Prasad, secretary Susheela Varghese, Prof
>> Monamma Kokkad, chief co-ordinator A Rajan, Human Rights Commission
>> chairman Justice Benjamin Koshy offered felicitations.
>> Out of the 205 applicants, 18 couples were selected. The club would
>> conduct a mass wedding for 50 couples in 2014, said Indira Bai Prasad.
>> --
>> Avinash Shahi
>> MPhil Research Scholar
>> Centre for the Study of Law and Governance
>> Jawaharlal Nehru University
>> New Delhi India
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>> of
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>> please
>> visit the list home page at
>> http://accessindia.org.in/mailman/listinfo/accessindia_accessindia.org.in
> --
> Thanks and regards
>                    Himanshu Sahu
> Reach: 09051055000
> Skype: himanshu.cute4u
> Register at the dedicated AccessIndia list for discussing accessibility of
> mobile phones / Tabs on:
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Avinash Shahi
MPhil Research Scholar
Centre for the Study of Law and Governance
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi India

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Message: 4
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2013 10:23:43 +0530
From: reem shamsudeen <reemshamsud...@gmail.com>
To: accessindia <accessindia@accessindia.org.in>
Subject: [AI] about the mass wedding at Paravoor
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

dear Himanshu and friends, it is great to base my point from the view
of a scientificaly proven statement about "mainstream". meanwhile,
thanks Avinash for clearing my way to it. Himanshu, i know that you
were answering to Habeeb's quaries. i am not interested in such
intervensions. the only thing i wanted to assert here is that if
"mainstream" means practising the prevailing, then it should be
cleared that in the present society what is the prevailing practise...
here i am talking about a society which is divided, and subdivided on
religion, caste, community, rich and poor, and which uphold millions
of practises. here who decides if you are mainstream or not, ofcourse,
your social and economic status. now, leaving these so called deciding
factors aside which are definitely societal, and personaly not my cup
of tea, i am really worried if my accessindian friends who are
"educated", "enlightened" believe that the Visually Impaired community
live in darkness. as Europeans put it, is it the "whitemans burden" of
the sighted people to bring us to the real light? really sorry to say
this, you are still surrendering your identity, dignity and even
yourself.... we all must have been friends with both the communities,
visually impaired and the sighted.. and we all must have guided by
both the communities in different ways. we should not forget our
qualities and strength, even when we make hue and cry about ourselves
being included among the non-disabled people. dear friend,
"mainstream" is that concept even accademissions are trying to
dismandle. ofcourse we have problems, and they are our major weekness.
 to survive with it, it is our duty to find out alternatives to
resolve these problems, and in our ways ofcourse, we should seek
support from our fellow beings. but i believe that seeking support,
and making partners are two different things.

End of AccessIndia Digest, Vol 59, Issue 327

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