Dear Srinivasu,

thanks so much for the inputs, its really useful in turms of tagging,

On 3/3/13, Mukesh <> wrote:
> Dear Yogesh,
> These features are already available in latest browsers which we are using
> now a days. So I have decided not to use these function which required more
> time to load the web page.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: yogesh J
> Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 5:15 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [AI] Making an accessible dialog box
> respected mukesh sir!
> I have one suggestion for you!
> but Iam not sure its work or not!
> please try it sir!
> please go to the websight which have such feature like your need,
> then  go to view source!
> there you may be find it!
> On 3/3/13, Mukesh <> wrote:
>> Dear Srinivasu,
>> Excellent! I'm agree with your accessibility check list but only I have a
>> a
>> question how to change the background and text colour for low vision
>> visitors? Yes, there is an option in latest browsers to change the size
>> of
>> font but no option to change the background and text color for low vision
>> visitors for exa. 'yellow on blue, white on black, etc..
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Srinivasu Chakravarthula
>> Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 1:07 PM
>> To:
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: [AI] Making an accessible dialog box
>> Vinod,
>> Re tagging PDFs, please read on at
>> Secondly, please note that you need to think beyond screen readers when
>> it
>> comes to accessibility. In fact, accessibility is for all users, devices
>> and
>> technologies. would be a great start to learn
>> about
>> accessibility. Also, refer to quick accessibility checklist I have
>> created
>> at
>> Good luck,
>> Regards,
>> Srinivasu
>> Twitter: @vasutweets
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On Mar 2, 2013, at 12:09 PM, Vinod Benjamin <>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear learned friends,
>>> this was very useful info, i am also creating a web site which is
>>> accessible with screen readers , i would like to ask similar question
>>> as mukesh sir asked , how to creat script for increase and decrease
>>> font and color , and how to tag a file which is a pdf in html, also
>>> how to creat a PLS file to play in winamp or windows media player.
>>> Regards,
>>> Vinod.
>>> On 3/2/13, Mukesh <> wrote:
>>>> Dear Prashantji,
>>>> Excellent! It's a very useful information for us.
>>>> I have created a html document and want to use the function 'increase
>>>> and
>>>> decrease font' option  and 'change background and font color option' by
>>>> java
>>>> script coding. Refer '' site.
>>>> is it possible? Please send me a code to perform this function.
>>>> Waiting for your response soon. Thanking you in anticipation.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Prashant Ranjan Verma
>>>> Sent: Friday, March 01, 2013 9:24 PM
>>>> To: accessindia@accessindia. org. in
>>>> Subject: [AI] Making an accessible dialog box
>>>> Source
>>>> Making an accessible dialog box
>>>> Posted at February 12, 2013 07:00 am by Nicholas C. Zakas
>>>> Tags: Accessibility <>
>>>> ,
>>>> JavaScript <>
>>>> In today's web applications, dialog boxes are about as common place as
>>>> they
>>>> are in desktop applications. It's pretty easy to show or hide an
>>>> element
>>>> that is overlayed on the page using a little JavaScript and CSS but few
>>>> take
>>>> into account how this affects accessibility. In most cases, it's an
>>>> accessibility disaster. The input focus isn't handled correctly and
>>>> screen
>>>> readers aren't able to tell that something is changed. In reality, it's
>>>> not
>>>> all that difficult to make a dialog that's fully accessible, you just
>>>> need
>>>> to understand the importance of a few lines of code.
>>>> ARIA roles
>>>> If you want screen reader users to be aware that a dialog has popped
>>>> up,
>>>> then you'll need to learn a little bit about Accessible Rich Internet
>>>> Applications (ARIA) roles. ARIA[1] roles supply additional semantic
>>>> meaning
>>>> to HTML elements that allow browsers to communicate with screen readers
>>>> in
>>>> a
>>>> more descriptive way. There are a large number of roles that alter the
>>>> way
>>>> screen readers perceive different elements on the page. When it comes
>>>> to
>>>> dialogs, there are two of interest: dialog and alertdialog.
>>>> In most cases, dialog is the role to use. By setting this as the value
>>>> of
>>>> the role attribute on an element, you are informing the browser that
>>>> the
>>>> purpose of the element is as a dialog box.
>>>> <div id="my-dialog" role="dialog">
>>>>    <-- Your dialog code here -->
>>>> </div>
>>>> When an element with a role of dialog is made visible, the browser
>>>> tells
>>>> the
>>>> screen reader that a new dialog has been opened. That lets the screen
>>>> reader
>>>> user recognize that they are no longer in the regular flow of the page.
>>>> Dialogs are also expected to have labels. You can specify a label using
>>>> either the aria-label attribute to indicate the label text or the
>>>> aria-labelledby attribute to indicate the ID of the element that
>>>> contains
>>>> the label. Here are a couple of examples:
>>>> <div id="my-dialog" role="dialog" aria-label="New Message">
>>>>    <-- Your dialog code here -->
>>>> </div>
>>>> <div id="my-dialog" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="dialog-title">
>>>>    <h3 id="dialog-title">New Message</h3>
>>>>    <-- Your dialog code here -->
>>>> </div>
>>>> In the first example, the aria-label attribute is used to specify a
>>>> label
>>>> that is only used by screen readers. You would want to do this when
>>>> there
>>>> is
>>>> no visual label for the dialog. In the second example, the
>>>> aria-labelledby
>>>> attribute is used to specify the ID of the element containing the
>>>> dialog
>>>> label. Since the dialog has a visual label, it makes sense to reuse
>>>> that
>>>> information rather than duplicate it. Screen readers announce the
>>>> dialog
>>>> label when the dialog is displayed.
>>>> The role of alertdialog is a specialized type of dialog that is
>>>> designed
>>>> to
>>>> get a user's attention. Think of this as a confirmation dialog when you
>>>> try
>>>> to delete something. An alertdialog has very little interactivity. It's
>>>> primary purpose is to get the user's attention so that an action is
>>>> performed. Compare that to a dialog, which may be an area for the user
>>>> to
>>>> enter information, such as writing a new e-mail or instant message.
>>>> When an alertdialog is displayed, screen readers look for a description
>>>> to
>>>> read. It's recommended to use the aria-describedby element to specify
>>>> which
>>>> text should be read. Similar to aria-labelledby, this attribute is the
>>>> ID
>>>> of
>>>> an element containing the content to read. If aria-describedby is
>>>> omitted,
>>>> then the screen reader will attempt to figure out which text represents
>>>> the
>>>> description and will often choose the first piece of text content in
>>>> the
>>>> element. Here's an example:
>>>> <div id="my-dialog" role="alertdialog" aria-describedby="dialog-desc">
>>>>    <p id="dialog-desc">Are you sure you want to delete this
>>>> message?</p>
>>>>    <-- Your dialog code here -->
>>>> </div>
>>>> This example uses an element to contain the description. Doing so
>>>> ensures
>>>> that the correct text will be read when the dialog is displayed.
>>>> Even if you omit the extra attributes and just use the appropriate role
>>>> for
>>>> your dialogs, the accessibility of the application improves
>>>> tremendously.
>>>> Setting focus to the dialog
>>>> The next part of creating an accessible dialog is to manage focus. When
>>>> a
>>>> dialog is displayed, the focus should be placed inside of the dialog so
>>>> users can continue to navigate with the keyboard. Exactly where inside
>>>> the
>>>> dialogue focus is set depends largely on the purpose of the dialogue
>>>> itself.
>>>> If you have a confirmation dialog with one button to continue in one
>>>> button
>>>> to cancel then you may want the default focus to be on the cancel
>>>> button.
>>>> If
>>>> you have a dialog where the user is supposed to enter text, then you
>>>> may
>>>> want the focus to be on the text box by default. If you can't figure
>>>> out
>>>> where to set focus, then a good starting point is to set focus to the
>>>> element representing the dialog.
>>>> Since most of the time you will be using a <div> element to represent a
>>>> dialog, you can't set focus to it by default. Instead, you'll need to
>>>> enable
>>>> focus on that element by setting the tabIndex property to -1. This
>>>> allows
>>>> you to set focus to the element using JavaScript but doesn't insert the
>>>> element into the normal tab order. That means users won't be able to
>>>> press
>>>> tab to set focus to the dialog. You can either do this directly in HTML
>>>> or
>>>> in JavaScript. For HTML:
>>>> <div id="my-dialog" role="dialog" tabindex="-1"
>>>> aria-labelledby="dialog-title">
>>>>    <h3 id="dialog-title">New Message</h3>
>>>>    <-- Your dialog code here -->
>>>> </div>
>>>> For JavaScript:
>>>> var div = document.getElementById("my-dialog");
>>>> div.tabIndex = -1;
>>>> div.focus();
>>>> Once tabIndex is set to -1, you can call focus() on the element just
>>>> like
>>>> any other focusable element. Then the user is able to press tab to
>>>> navigate
>>>> within the dialog.
>>>> Trapping focus
>>>> Another accessibility issue with dialogs is making sure that focus
>>>> doesn't
>>>> go back outside of the dialog. In many cases, a dialog is considered to
>>>> be
>>>> modal and therefore focus shouldn't be able to escape the dialog. That
>>>> the
>>>> dialog is open and pressing tab ends up setting focus behind the
>>>> dialogue
>>>> then it's incredibly difficult for a keyboard user to get back to the
>>>> dialogue. So, it's best to prevent that from happening by using a
>>>> little
>>>> bit
>>>> of JavaScript.
>>>> The basic idea behind this technique is to use event capturing to
>>>> listen
>>>> for
>>>> the focus event, a technique popularized by Peter-Paul Koch[2] and now
>>>> in
>>>> use by most JavaScript libraries. Since focus doesn't bubble, you can't
>>>> capture it on that side of the event flow. Instead, you can intercept
>>>> all
>>>> focus events on the page by using event capturing. Then, you need only
>>>> determine if the element that received focus is in the dialog or not.
>>>> If
>>>> not, set the focus back to the dialog. The code is pretty simple:
>>>> document.addEventListener("focus", function(event) {
>>>>    var dialog = document.getElementById("my-dialog");
>>>>    if (dialogOpen && !dialog.contains( {
>>>>        event.stopPropagation();
>>>>        dialog.focus();
>>>>    }
>>>> }, true);
>>>> This code listens for the focus event on the document so as to
>>>> intercept
>>>> all
>>>> such events before the target element receives them. Assume a
>>>> dialogOpen
>>>> variable is set to true when the dialog is open. When a focus event
>>>> occurs,
>>>> this function traps the event and checks to see if the dialog is open,
>>>> and
>>>> if so, if the element receiving focus is within the dialog. If both
>>>> conditions are met, then focus is set back to the dialog. This has the
>>>> effect of looping focus around from the bottom of the dialogue back to
>>>> the
>>>> top. The result is that you can't tab out of the dialog and so it's a
>>>> lot
>>>> harder for a keyboard user to get lost.
>>>> If you are using a JavaScript library, chances are that it has a way of
>>>> delegating the focus event in such a way that you can achieve this same
>>>> effect. If you need to support Internet Explorer 8 and earlier without
>>>> a
>>>> JavaScript library, then use the focusin event instead.
>>>> Restoring focus
>>>> The last part of the focus puzzle with dialog has to do with restoring
>>>> focus
>>>> to the main part of the page when the dialog is closed. The idea is
>>>> simple:
>>>> in order to open the dialog, the user probably activated a link or a
>>>> button.
>>>> The focus then shifted into the dialog, where the user accomplish some
>>>> task
>>>> and then dismissed the dialog. The focus should move back to the link
>>>> or
>>>> button that was clicked to open the dialog so that it's possible to
>>>> continue
>>>> navigating the page. This is an often overlooked aspect of dialog in
>>>> web
>>>> applications, but it makes a huge difference.
>>>> As with the other sections, this requires very little code to work. All
>>>> browsers support document.activeElement, which is the element that
>>>> currently
>>>> has focus. All you need to do is query this value before showing the
>>>> dialog
>>>> and then set focus back to that element when the dialog is closed. For
>>>> example:
>>>> var lastFocus = document.activeElement,
>>>>    dialog = document.getElementById("my-dialog");
>>>> dialog.className = "show";
>>>> dialog.focus();
>>>> The important part of this code is that it keeps track of the last
>>>> focused
>>>> element. That way, all you need to do when the dialog is closed is to
>>>> set
>>>> focus back to it:
>>>> lastFocus.focus()
>>>> In total, this adds to very short lines of code to what you probably
>>>> have
>>>> already for your dialog.
>>>> Exiting the dialog
>>>> The very last piece of the puzzle is to allow the user a quick and easy
>>>> way
>>>> to exit the dialog. The best way is to have the Esc key close the
>>>> dialog.
>>>> This is the way dialogs work in desktop applications and so it's very
>>>> familiar to users. Just listen for the Esc key to be pressed and then
>>>> exit
>>>> the dialog, such as:
>>>> document.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) {
>>>>    if (dialogOpen && event.keyCode == 27) {
>>>>        // close the dialog
>>>>    }
>>>> }, true);
>>>> The keyCode value for the Esc key is 27, so you need only look for that
>>>> during the keydown event. Once received, close the dialog and set focus
>>>> back
>>>> to the previously focused element.
>>>> Conclusion
>>>> As I hope is obvious from this post, it really doesn't take a lot of
>>>> extra
>>>> code to create a dialog that is easily accessible both by screen
>>>> readers
>>>> and
>>>> those who use only a keyboard. For just a few lines of code you can
>>>> take
>>>> your users from being incredibly frustrated to being incredibly happy.
>>>> There
>>>> are a lot of web applications out there that use pop-up dialogs but
>>>> very
>>>> few
>>>> get all of these pieces correct. Going halfway leads to more
>>>> frustration
>>>> than anything else, so I hope this post has inspired you to make your
>>>> dialogs as accessible as possible.
>>>> References
>>>> WAI-ARIA <>  (W3C)
>>>> Delegating the focus and blur events
>>>> <>
>>>> by
>>>> Peter-Paul Koch (Quirksmode)
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>>>> Regards
>>>> Mukesh Baviskar
>>>> Mobile: 9403161157
>>>> Skype id: mukeshbaviskar
>>>> Blog:
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>> Regards
>> Mukesh Baviskar
>> Mobile: 9403161157
>> Skype id: mukeshbaviskar
>> Blog:
>> Register at the dedicated AccessIndia list for discussing accessibility
>> of
>> mobile phones / Tabs on:
>> Search for old postings at:
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> --
> with regards J. yogesh
> Add me to your skype: romio.yogesh
> connect with me on facebook: yogeshyogi
> follow me on twitter: romioyogesh
> minds are like parashoot
> when it is open it is working fine
> Register at the dedicated AccessIndia list for discussing accessibility of
> mobile phones / Tabs on:
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> with the subject unsubscribe.
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> Regards
> Mukesh Baviskar
> Mobile: 9403161157
> Skype id: mukeshbaviskar
> Blog:
> Register at the dedicated AccessIndia list for discussing accessibility of
> mobile phones / Tabs on:
> Search for old postings at:
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