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Harish Kotian

Dear Friends,
Greetings from EnAble India!

Capacity Building Program for Computer & Employability Trainers of Persons with 
Vision Impairment

Conducted by: EnAble India, Bangalore
Supported by: Tech Mahindra Foundation & Axis Bank Foundation
The TOT (Training of Trainer) on "Computer Training for Visually Impaired" 
course is being conducted for the teachers of different schools, NGOs & 
individuals who will provide computer training for visually impaired children & 
adults. This program was launched to enhance the teaching methodologies of the 
trainers in various aspects like computer skills, Employability etc.

An Executive Summary of the Program:
Details  TOT for CTVI (Computer Training for Visually Impaired) Program
Objective            To build capacity for the teachers of different schools, 
NGOs & individuals who will provide computer, Employability & Life Skills 
training for visually impaired children & adults.
Duration              10 days  (excluding Sunday)
(26-March-2013 to 05-April-2013)
(9:30 am to 6:00 pm)
Training Venue EnAble India Training Center, Asvas Premise, Dairy Circle, 
Medium of TOT                English
Methodology    It is an instructor led program using Tutor manuals and Teaching 
aids clubbed with group discussions and mock sessions.
Eligibility             NGO/GO professionals/trainers, who know computers well, 
who have worked with visually impaired
Exit Kit  CTVI Training Kit (CTVI Startup kit, Tutor manuals, Student manuals, 
Practical exercises, Tactile Diagram models, Spelling tool, English Tutor 
Guide, VI Employability student  manual, CTVI Automation tool for practical 
exercises, Templates of project office, Computer curriculums, Life Skills 
How to Enroll    1. Need to contact EnAble India, Bangalore and register for 
the TOT.
2. Need to fill the TOT registration form
3. Trainer will be selected after evaluation test
Contact Details EnAble India, Bangalore - 080 2563 4253, 4282 3636, Mobile: 
Mail id -
Course Fee         Nil
Registration Fee              Rs.2500 (Registration fee will be refunded at the 
successful completion of the training)
Accommodation              Food & Accommodation will be provided for the 
participants for free of cost
Address of stay Will be confirmed with the shortlisted participants
Note: Institutions interested to send their trainers has to enrol to the course 
on or before 18th March 2013

Details of TOT
1. TOT for CTVI:
*              IT and computers is the biggest enabler for the educated persons 
with vision impairment. It has a deeper impact for the persons with vision 
impairment than for persons without disability.
*              Computer education for the persons with vision impairment 
enables them in their basic education, higher education, research, daily living 
and employment.
*              In today's environment with paper less offices and information 
available in the internet, computers represent freedom for the persons with 
vision impairment.
*              There are very few schools and institutions offering computer 
training for persons with vision impairment
*              More importantly there are very few trainers who teach computers 
and IT for the persons with vision impairment
*              Also, there is no standardized formal curriculum. Hence quality 
IT education cannot be guaranteed.

To address this gap, in 2005, Enable India started Training the Trainers course 
for trainers who will teach computers to the persons with vision impairment. 
This program was launched to enhance the teaching methodologies of the trainers 
in various aspects of computers.
This TOT is being conducted for the teachers of different schools, NGOs & 
individuals who will provide computer & Employability training for visually 
impaired candidates. The course provides training on general teaching 
techniques and specific teaching techniques for the persons with vision 
impairment using screen readers, industry orientation and usage of right 
resource aids. The trainers are equipped with a standard curriculum that they 
can follow at their respective institutions.
More than 120 trainers have been trained so far and indirectly more than 3000 
students with vision impairment have been benefitted so far. Our training 
material is used by many trainers from India and abroad.

Computer Syllabus Outlines
1.            Disability Awareness
2.            Importance of computers for visually impaired
3.            Screen reader behavior
4.            Teaching Methodology
5.            Evaluation methodology
6.            Group discussions and Mock sessions
7.            Practical sessions using screen reader with Computer Basics, MS 
Office and Internet
8.            Understanding the manuals ("why" the manual has and "what" )
9.            Mastering the usage of training materials like Manuals, Tactile 
diagrams, Audio files.
10.          Mastering the usage of e-learning tools like Enable India's 
spelling tool and computer training automation tool
11.          Introduction to training templates
12.          Guidelines for course preparation / curriculum preparation/ lesson 
plans based on need of organization and student
13.          Preparing rough plan for your training
14.          Self-growth being a trainer
15.          Initiation for the 6 months online training

Employability Syllabus Outlines
1.            Training Environment
a.            Ice Breakers
b.            Setting up expectations
c.             Training Rules
d.            Weekly performance reviews
2.            Disability Specific Skills
a.            Note Taking
b.            Mobility
3.            Goal Setting
a.            Goal Orientation
b.            Reflecting on potential
4.            Analytical & Logical Thinking
a.            Analytical skills
b.            Problem solving
5.            Application of assistive technology
a.            Introduction to assistive technology
b.            Projects to personalize assistive technology [Making things 
6.            Aligning self to the sighted world
a.            Body Language
7.            General Employability Fundamentals
a.            Learning's, Savings & Trust Bank
8.            Job preparation
a.            Sectors for visually impaired
b.            Role models
9.            Company & Workplace Awareness
a.            Company visits
b.            Real World Exposure

Aids used:
*              PC with screen reader
*              Tactile diagrams
*              Use cases for discussion
*              Training material in Braille, large font and normal font print
*              Audio materials
*              Success stories of visually impaired
*              Tools such as Evidya spelling tool, Evidya Automation tool
*              Manuals - Evidya Computer, Employability and Life Skills manuals 
and resource kit (English and Hindi)

Introduction to EnAble India:
Enable India is a non-profit organization working tirelessly since its 
inception from 1999 towards the economic independence and dignity of persons 
with disabilities. We cater to the needs of all kinds of disabilities like 
visually impaired, hearing impaired, physically disabled, mental retardation, 
mental illness and more across India.
Our major thrust areas are employment, pre-employment services, and work place 
solutions, supplemental education, consulting and enabling other institutions 
working for the disabled.

Thanks & Regards,
Santosh Kumar Y
Program Manager - Training & Solutions,
EnAble India,
Bangalore - 560 095

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