Dear Swati M Sharma,

> Any such course available in Delhi?

At this moment, the JMMT courses will carry on at BPA, Ahmedabad, and at NIVH,
 Dehradun, only.

We organizing persons in charge are going to discuss on additional venues for 
future pending issue. So, if you give your specific idea, I am deeply grateful

Warm regards,

Trainer of JMMT

>> An Introduction to JMMT
>> (Guidelines for Applicants)
>> A new vocational training course is introduced at BPA, Ahmedabad on 
>> September
>> this year, and at NIVH, Dehradun early next year. This is a health/medical
>> fie
>> ld manual therapy courses for one and two years called JMMT which stands 
>> for J
>> apanese Medical Manual Therapy. JMMT originally developped in Japan for 
>> centur
>> ies for the blind people as a substantial job and it has been developped 
>> combi
>> ned with acupuncture, Shiatsu, and acupressure. Dr. Sasada, the major 
>> trainer
>> of this JMMT project, has modified it for global use by combining other 
>> overse
>> a methods, e.g., Chinese, Thai, and western scientific approaches. The 
>> followi
>> ng five principles are specialty of the JMMT.
>> 1. Mind-Body Unity
>> The mind controls body, and the body also controls mind and this is the 
>> human
>> nature. How to control the mind by the body is the important issue. The 
>> therap
>> y approach is done not only by the analytic way, but also approach by the 
>> holi
>> stic way, in another words, focusing on both microscopic approach and 
>> macrosco
>> pic approach, or medical scientific way and traditional complementary 
>> medicine
>> way. The mind position as the therapist is also the most important and it 
>> is
>> done by following three methods.:
>> A. Good breathing; Chakra/Dantian Breathing, deep abdominal breathing.
>> B. Good posture; Focusing body structure and keep good allignment of the 
>> spine
>> .
>> C. Relaxation of core muscles; For obtaining methods good breathing and 
>> postur
>> e, relaxation of core muscles is important.
>> 2. Developping Talking-Hands
>> This method is especially designed for the blind therapist. The 
>> therapist's co
>> ncentrates with his/her hands to communicate with the client's body to 
>> adjust
>> for the best effective therapy in dosage, direction, techniques, etc. 
>> Developi
>> ng Talking-Hands means developing healing power. One of the specific 
>> methods i
>> s called "Search-antenna" which is effective to select definite distal 
>> points
>> to giving pressure. One hand touch on painful region, another hand search 
>> dist
>> al region as the transmitter according to meridian theory or kinematic 
>> chain.
>> 3. Adaptive Symptoms
>> The JMMT covers various chronic and acute discomforts such as pain, 
>> fatigue, n
>> umbness, and other discomfort symptoms. It is especially effective recent 
>> incr
>> eacing lifestyle related diseases. JMMT covers various functional diseases
>> but
>>  doesn't cover structural, infectious diseases or traumatic acute stages.
>> 4. Non-oil, Gender-free, Therapy
>> There is no need for the client to be undressed and just wear relaxing 
>> clothe
>> like a T-shirt and track pants. The therapist does pressure/kneading 
>> massage u
>> sing a cotton cloth, and then it is recognized as  a gender-free 
>> therapeutic m
>> anual therapy.
>> 5. Promoting Vocational Independence for the visually challenged
>> In India, there are a lot of adult blind who lost their sight lately. 
>> Therefor
>> e this is a good opportunity for them as their vocational independent and 
>> soci
>> al participation. The project aims at better vocational independence and 
>> empow
>> erment of the visually challenged in India. This course has no age limit 
>> as a
>> candidate in its eligibility, so every visually challenged is welcomed as 
>> long
>> as having 12th Standard education background, good health and enough 
>> motivati
>> on, please join us.
>> Remarks
>> This JMMT project started on Feb. 2013 and is carry on for three years by 
>> coll
>> aboration among four agencies, which are SNESVI of Tsukuba Univ. (Japan) 
>> as th
>> e promoter, Nab and NIVH (India) as counterparts, and JICA (Japan) as the 
>> spon
>> sor.
>> if you are interested in this JMMT course, please contact us at the 
>> following
>> mobile number until the end of July 2013.
>> Dr. BK Panchal
>> +9198-9811-7936
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