Unless the web designers consider  the requirements of all types of
their users, the minorities (in their view), though a considerable
number, will be ignored and they have to fight for their rlights.

On 10/24/13, habeeb. c <habee...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello friends,
> This post gives expression to many of the facts that a differently
> abled person suffers from in his every day life. Please read and
> commend.
> Infosys Labs - Web 2.0 Challenges Accessibility?
> Does Web 2.0 Challenge Accessibility?
> By Shrirang Sahasrabuddhe and Ajay Kolhatkar PhD
> Web 2.0 poses a volley of challenges for the differently-abled user
> and any step ahead in the technology must mull on inclusiveness
> Download
> With its global reach and versatility the world wide web has had a
> huge impact on the way we work and live. The web has enabled access to
> a range of news,
> information, services and entertainment. It has also provided means
> for social interaction, civic participation and in many cases, a means
> of livelihood.
> While for the able user the web opened a wealth of information and
> entertainment, it provided more independence, work opportunities and
> social interaction
> for people with different abilities (PwDA). Assistive technologies
> such as screen readers and speech recognition have made the websites
> easily accessible
> for people with visual and auditory impairments.
> Over the past few years developments in web technologies such as
> JavaScript, cascading style sheets (CSS), eXtensible Markup Language
> (XML) and Asynchronous
> Java and XML (AJAX) have transformed the web from being a mere
> information provider to an interactive medium that allows two-way
> communication between
> a website and its users. It has converted the web users from being
> passive consumers to being active producers and consumers of content.
> The new web harnesses
> collective wisdom of crowds through means such as wikis, blogging,
> tagging and social networking. Rather than being a means of
> disseminating marketing
> information the web is now being used to involve consumers in the
> processes of product design, development, marketing (buzz or word of
> mouth) and even
> after sales support. This new web — christened Web 2.0— provides
> interactions that are visually rich, contents that comprises
> multi-media and experiences
> that pan both real and virtual worlds. Most such visually rich
> applications rely extensively on user interactions especially using
> mice or other interface
> devices.
> While all the above are welcome changes for able users, for PwDAs it
> creates new challenges for access and usage. What follows is a brief
> discussion on
> the need to address the requirements of differently-abled people,
> challenges posed by some of the technologies and possible resolutions
> of some of these
> challenges.
> According to World Health Organization (WHO), close to 10% of the
> world’s population (a little over 650 million people) suffers from
> some form of disability
> [1]. However some country specific statistics, collated from the
> respective country’s census data, indicates that the malaise might
> actually be larger.
> Table 1 gives an indication of the percentage of PwDA population as a
> percentage of total population.
> As per the WHO, disability is an umbrella term that covers
> impairments, limitations on human activities and restriction in social
> participation. Since the
> use of information and communication technology (ICT) is increasingly
> becoming a vital part of educational, economic and social life for
> everyone today,
> people with different abilities are likely to be excluded unless
> efforts are undertaken to make ICT accessible.
> On a contrasting note, as per US Department of Labor estimates, the
> PwDAs in the US have discretionary income of $175 billion [8]. In the
> UK a similar estimate
> puts the number at £200 billion and in Canada the estimate is $26
> billion [8]. This clearly indicates that there is a huge untapped
> market that has expectations
> of high quality products and services that are available at competitive
> prices.
> Another important consideration is the fact that for most able users
> the internet is just one more medium for transaction. But for a
> differently-abled individual,
> it is probably the most important (and sometimes the only) means of
> interaction with the world outside. It also affords them the much
> desired sense of
> independence.
> In 2000, the National Organization on Disability and Aetna U.S.
> Healthcare instituted Harris Interactive to conduct a survey of
> Americans with Disabilities
> [9]. One of the findings of this research was that four out of ten
> people with disabilities were online and spent twice as much time on
> the internet compared
> to their able counterparts.
> Notwithstanding such an overwhelming case for making the web an
> accessible place, almost 97% of the WWW is inaccessible as per the
> United Nations Global
> Audit of Web Accessibility conducted in 2006 [10].
> In view of the situation described in the previous section, a world
> wide effort is on to make the WWW an accessible place for all. The
> efforts are at multiple
> fronts of instituting legal requirements, to creating new standards
> and guidelines for web development, to developing tools and services
> for assessing
> if a website is indeed accessible, to creating awareness amongst large
> organizations about the business case for accessibility. Several
> developed countries
> that already had laws governing people with different abilities, such
> as the Americans with Disabilities Act, the US Rehabilitation Act, the
> Disability
> Discrimination Act of UK and Disability Discrimination Act of
> Australia, have now included the internet as a public property and
> hence have mandated that
> websites be accessible to differently-abled people. All over the world
> special laws are being drafted and existing laws are being amended to
> ensure that
> a differently-abled person is not excluded from this new means of
> information sharing, socializing and in some cases, even earning a
> livelihood.
> Here we discuss the technological challenges that have resulted from
> the development and adoption of technologies that are collectively
> referred to as
> web 2.0 technologies.
> AJAX: Asynchronous Javascript and XML is increasingly becoming the
> lingua franca of the new web development. It makes web-based
> interactions much more spontaneous
> and user friendly, responses much more real-time, closely imitating
> desktop interactions. But the dynamic web, with its constantly
> changing and updated
> text, requires screen readers to reset the page and start all over
> again. This makes it difficult for visually-impaired users to
> comprehend the website.
> RIA: Rich Internet Applications such as Flash or Shockwave files that
> rely extensively on the usage of animation, graphic imagery and colors
> to represent
> information is a nightmare for the alternative access technologies
> that are rendering this information perceptible by the visually
> impaired users (color
> blind, partially impaired or fully impaired).
> User Generated Content: This has become the mainstay of Web 2.0 where
> users are contributing their opinion, experiences, expertise and
> feedback as web content
> in the form of blogs, wikis, tags, ratings and reviews. While this has
> been welcomed by able users, it has made life difficult for users with
> some form
> of impairment. The reason is that not all users are experts in making
> their content PwDA friendly, not everyone complies with the standard
> practices of
> making content easily accessible and not everyone really cares who
> consumes their content.
> Extensive Use of Colors: With millions of colors now being rendered by
> LCD screens and new-age CRT monitors, web designers are letting their
> creativity
> take wing, using colors not only to accentuate backgrounds but also to
> emphasize text on screen. Sometimes colors are used to announce
> special information
> and even to require user interaction, for example: ‘All fields marked
> with red asterix are mandatory.’ While this has made life easier for
> able users,
> users of assistive technologies are finding it very difficult. This
> applies not just to the physically challenged user but also to people
> who use monochrome
> monitors and ageing users with weak eyesight.
> Use of Mouse or Other Pointing Interfaces: Just as an exercise, an
> able user should disconnect all input devices like the mouse from the
> computer and try
> to accomplish the most routine of tasks, such as selecting a website
> link or browsing through a series of websites. The challenge will
> become evident.
> This does not mean that alternatives do not exist; it is just that it
> has become second nature to use a mouse or other pointing devices.
> This makes people
> with motor disability, who are unable to control a mouse, frustrated
> with web access today (not to mention those who cannot use the mouse
> because of old
> age).
> CAPTCHA: Since the focus of Web 2.0 is on user involvement and
> contributions, almost every interaction with the web today demands
> that users undergo a Completely
> Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart
> (CAPTCHA). For a visually impaired user this is inaccessible unless
> accompanied by an audio
> CAPTCHA option.
> Videos: On the web today amateur as well as professional videos are
> abundantly available and are increasingly consumed for their novelty
> as well as content
> with a human touch. Almost all aspects of our interaction with the web
> today viz., news, entertainment, education, commerce or social
> interaction is full
> of video content. This is not really accessible by visually as well as
> audio impaired users unless accompanied by a full text or close
> captioning.
> Fat Pipe Requirement: Most of the Web 2.0 content requires larger
> bandwidth and faster networks. These are not always available in
> remote locations and
> in lower income households which limits their use of the internet.
> Despite the challenges all is not lost for users with physical or
> technological impairment. Their spirit overtakes their disabilities
> and has demanded,
> nay, forced development of alternative access mechanism. Several
> approaches are being explored to make the web an accessible place for
> people with different
> abilities.
> Standardizing Accessible Web Development: The World Wide Web
> Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) has spent lot of
> efforts in bringing about
> the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (WCAG 1.0) way back in
> 1999 and the second version (WCAG 2.0) in 2008. These guidelines offer
> specific recommendations
> to make the web more accessible by following simple design principles.
> Across the world the adoption of WCAG 1.0 has been slow, but
> nevertheless has made
> its impact on the country specific guidelines. There will soon be laws
> in the USA, UK, Australia and several EU countries, forcing
> enterprises to abide
> by these guidelines.
> Design for Accessibility: Experts around the world are of the opinion
> that guidelines alone may not be sufficient to enforce accessible web
> development.
> A need is felt for adopting best practices right at the requirements
> and design stages that incorporates non-functional requirements
> related with accessibility.
> These practices need to be taught at various levels of vocational and
> professional training.
> Development of Accessible Web 2.0 Technologies: Companies like Adobe®
> and Microsoft® that make the building blocks of Web 2.0 technologies
> are themselves
> focusing efforts on making such technologies ready for accessibility.
> Examples are, Accessible RIA (ARIA), PDFs, Flash® and Silverlight®
> development platforms,
> AJAX and Java scripts that are alternatively accessible such as AxsJAX.
> Improved Alternate Access Mechanisms: Screen readers and magnifiers
> have existed for a while now. But several other alternate access
> mechanisms are being
> developed for people with multiple disabilities like physical
> impairment as well as speech/hearing impairment. Text/symbols to
> synthesized or digitized
> audio, speech to text convertors, close captioning creators and
> synchronizers, smart phrases and next word predictors, screen
> magnifiers, gesture recognition
> are all examples of these alternate/assistive accesses.
> Although the preceding section discussed potential problems with
> accessibility of Web 2.0 and their solutions, Web 2.0 accessibility is
> a much wider discussion.
> It probably needs to be approached with a multi-modal solution rather
> than a point solution. It also needs a well-orchestrated approach that
> considers
> not only the guidelines and best practices, but also the content going
> on the website, the authoring tools used to create the content, and
> the assistive
> technologies employed to make the web accessible. Most importantly the
> approach needs to be cognizant of the specific challenges faced by
> differently-abled
> people. Even before the design is put in place and introspection is a
> must to check whether the final results assume faculties that might
> not be available
> with some people. Once this level of sensitivity is imbibed into the
> entire developmental activity, the technologies are already available
> to make things
> happen. Accessibility then happens not by chance, but by design.
> list of 7 items
> Disability and Rehabilitation, World Health Organization. Available at
> http://www.who.int/disabilities/en/index.html
> Opens in a new window
> Americans with Disabilities: 2002, Household Economic Studies, US
> Census Bureau. Available at
> http://www.census.gov/prod/2006pubs/p70-107.pdf
> Opens in a new window
> Census 2001 - Health, disability and provision of care, National
> Statistics, Census 2001. Available at
> http://www.statistics.gov.uk/census2001/profiles/commentaries/health.asp
> Opens in a new window
> Introduction to disability and disability services in Australia,
> Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Available at
> http://www.aihw.gov.au/disability/natpic/index.cfm
> Opens in a new window
> 2006 Disability Survey, Statistics New Zealand. Available at
> http://www.stats.govt.nz/NR/rdonlyres/799A77CC-4DF6-445C-96DA-F5A266538A72/0/2006disabilitysurveyhotp.pdf
> Opens in a new window
> Advancing the Inclusion of People with Disabilities (2008), Human
> Resources and Skills Development Canada. Available at
> http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/eng/disability_issues/reports/fdr/2008/page03.shtml#overview
> One in six of the EU working-age population report disability,
> EuroStat News Release, December 2003. Available at
> http://ec.europa.eu/employment_social/health_safety/docs/ceremony_en.pdf.
> Opens in a new window
> Register at the dedicated AccessIndia list for discussing accessibility of
> mobile phones / Tabs on:
> http://mail.accessindia.org.in/mailman/listinfo/mobile.accessindia_accessindia.org.in
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