Hello Friends,

Here is an interesting video I  thought I might wish to share.

This week on TED.com
November 16, 2013

Talk of the week
Chris Downey: Design with the blind in mind
11:40 minutes · Filmed Oct 2013 · Posted Nov 2013 · TEDCity2.0

What would a city designed for the blind be like? Chris Downey is an
architect who went suddenly blind in 2008; he contrasts life in his
beloved San Francisco before and after -- and shows how the thoughtful
designs that enhance his life now might actually make everyone's life
better, sighted or not.

Watch now »


Payal Jethra

The bird let loose in Eastern skies,
Returning fondly home,
Ne'er stoops to earth her wing, nor flies
Where idle warblers roam;
But high she shoots through air and light,
Above all low delay,
Where nothing earthly bounds her fli
Nor shadow dims her way.

   - Thomas Moore, "Oh That I had Wings"

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