
I wonder what is wrong with you guys. Despite closing this off-topic thread and 
again reuttering that action is being taken, still why this thread is continued 
and forcing me to add more to the list

Please again, do not make any more comment on this thread.

This thread continues to be closed.

Harish Kotian

-----Original Message-----
From: AccessIndia [] On Behalf Of 
ishita kapoor
Sent: 04 December 2013 14:35
To: AccessIndia: a list for discussing accessibility and issues concerning the 
Subject: Re: [AI] Deaf, mute dalit widow molested by caste Hindu trio in 

now you people have start blaming rss for horable situation for disabled.
i am afraid this logic will not take you anywhere.

On 12/4/13, jignesh thakur <> wrote:
> Avinash how Gujarat came in discussion?
> Here discussion was regarding disable and Hinduism.
> I can understand your extreme love for Gujarat and I thank you for
> that. But keep it for some Gujarat oriented debate
> If a disable person is good in singing then what is wrong if rss use
> him or her in that profession.
> Please understand all disable are not jnu scholars.
> Some of them are only good in singing so let them sing bhajans in
> stead of bagging.
> To give them job in jnu is not in the capacity of rss.
> On 12/3/13, P Subramani <> wrote:
>> studies of disabilities and disabled persons on castelines is in
>> itself illogical and unscientific, v disabled persons must b above
>> such faulty lines as castes and religions have neverever favoraly
>> treated us,  the so called disableds are xploited by such groups,
>> media has its own agenda and they come up with such catchy  items and
>> headlines, disableds r disableds v do not belong to any caste r
>> religion as v  neither get  benefits of castes r religions unlike the
>> able bodyed,  rather than being united and fighting for more rights
>> and benefits, v r fighting among selves, exposing our weakness
>> On 12/3/13, muruganandan.k <> wrote:
>>> Mr. Avichal Bhatnagar, well, RSS has no other way to mobalize people
>>> and claim them all as Hindus. This strong Brahminical hold in the
>>> disability sector has been the root-cause of the disabled mass not
>>> getting organized and politicized as in the west. Those you say to be
>>> serving the disabled decide what to read for a blind, what not to
>>> read, and even what to identify with. So, the service of RSS, if any,
>>> is only its part of its effort to mobalize people and keep them a part
>>> of Hinduism. This mobalization tactis in fact works better in
>>> gathering people into Kara Seva.
>>> coming to your second point, one must be against any form of violence
>>> against anyone. But it is ridiculous to say that the affense against
>>> an oppressed section is not more severe than the normal instance. Will
>>> you treat the killing of a strong man and that of a meek child equal?
>>> and, what do you really mean when you say that media must show the
>>> slogans 30-32 say that the four Varna of people were born from Brahma
>>> according to their due place in the hierarchy. Please cite evidence
>>> for proving the Varnas were based on colour. Please refer any
>>> anthropological peace on the caste system. Its not mere labour
>>> division, but a structured hierarchy in which one's societal position
>>> is determined by birth.
>>> I think it is not proper to reply in this plotform for your comic
>>> assertion of saints working for caste abolition.
>>> On 12/3/13, avinash shahi <> wrote:
>>>> Though I adhered the Moderator's call and stopped responding few days
>>>> back.
>>>> But Here you have brought in an interesting aspect to a discussion
>>>> which is very fruitful if we carry on...
>>>> Please site sources how RSS is helping disabled in profound manner?
>>>> By taking them to sing songs and bhajans/keertans in temples...
>>>> And I must inform you one of the activists has filed RTI in Gujarat to
>>>> ascertain that how many disabled have been employed in State's public
>>>> sectors since Mr Modi is the CM..... Wait for the outcome provided
>>>> they supply right info!
>>>> On 12/3/13, Avichal Bhatnagar <> wrote:
>>>>> Absolutely false!
>>>>> For your info, RSS is helping the disabled in the most profound
>>>>> manner.
>>>>> And I must mention that RSS is strictly against the caste system.
>>>>> If a dalit disabled is exploited, its wrong, but if an upper caste
>>>>> disabled is exploited, its not that bad after all, isn't it?
>>>>> I agree, that dalit disabled are facing more challenges as compaired
>>>>> to others, but that doesn't make attrocities commited on them of a
>>>>> more severe nature.
>>>>> If the media is really keen on highlighting the so called "caste
>>>>> inequality", then why doesn't it have guts to show the other side as
>>>>> well?
>>>>> I am writing this because Hinduism as a whole has been criticised,
>>>>> which is totally unexceptable.
>>>>> The molesters are criminals, and the sufferers are the victims.
>>>>> Why is the identity of other disabled victims and their culprets not
>>>>> revealed if it is the case?
>>>>> The gods of Hinduism have always enlightened the society about the
>>>>> caste
>>>>> system.
>>>>> Even the saints are working in the same direction.
>>>>> And as it is said, half knowledge is more dangerous than having no
>>>>> knowledge at all.
>>>>> Hinduism describes the 4 Varnas, and not 4 castes.
>>>>> These Varnas were based on skin colour.
>>>>> Later, they became based on occupation.
>>>>> How can Hinduism be criticised for the mistake of the society?
>>>>> On 12/3/13, muruganandan.k <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello, do those defending Hinduism mean to say caste system does not
>>>>>> give any power or authority for the dominant "HINDU UPPER CASTES"?
>>>>>> continuing this discussion may lead to the revelation of some
>>>>>> disturbing facts about the prevalence of caste hierarchy among the
>>>>>> disabled. Have you ever minded of the total Hindu disabled
>>>>>> population,
>>>>>> their caste ratio,  and the percentage accessing higher education and
>>>>>> assistive technologies from the lowered castes? I can understand your
>>>>>> Hindu-mind, and would respect it if it also thinks of all Hindus as
>>>>>> equal. Are you, first of all, true to your own religious sentiments?
>>>>>> If you are so true to your religion, why should be affended when some
>>>>>> other Hindu completely ignored by you is given focuss and importance?
>>>>>> But, this is exactly Hinduism, which has leegalized and sanctified
>>>>>> oppression and exploitation. only at the abolition of Hinduism lies
>>>>>> the liberation of all the marginalized sections, which necessarily
>>>>>> includes the disabled community.
>>>>>> note: I write this since the moderator's closing of this thread was
>>>>>> not respected by those comented yesterday and today.
>>>>>> On 12/3/13, vishal sharma <> wrote:
>>>>>>> had it been an offender from a religious minority ,the media would
>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>> have disclosed or mentioned the religious identity . fearing
>>>>>>> communal
>>>>>>> clashes ,but conveniently forgetting even such news ,like the 1 v r
>>>>>>> discussing ,could also cause tensions and consequent clashes among
>>>>>>> hindus. or may b that was the desired intention ,to create
>>>>>>> disharmony
>>>>>>> and division among hindus?
>>>>>>> On 12/2/13, jignesh thakur <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi avinash sorry to say but because of leftist thinking you are
>>>>>>>> trying
>>>>>>>> to project upper cast Hindus anti disable.
>>>>>>>> And this is not new or unnatural for the person like you.
>>>>>>>> And this isn't right place to discuss Indian express though I can
>>>>>>>> prove that the said news paper always prints anti Hinduism
>>>>>>>> articles.
>>>>>>>> i can discuss this personally with you.
>>>>>>>> On 11/30/13, avinash shahi <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Who am I to pronounce whether you're wrong or right? you have your
>>>>>>>>> own
>>>>>>>>> understanding and I respect it.
>>>>>>>>> But mind you The Indian Express is not Left-leaning daily.
>>>>>>>>> And I wonder how some of you are maintaining that caste is not a
>>>>>>>>> defining ascriped identity which determines your action and its
>>>>>>>>> outcome?
>>>>>>>>> Caste system is the bedrock of Hinduism and one can not deny its
>>>>>>>>> exploitative nature. And Scheduled caste disabled are still very
>>>>>>>>> far
>>>>>>>>> from using screan-reading softwares and aquiring high salaried
>>>>>>>>> jobs.
>>>>>>>>> And violence on scheduled caste disabled women is rampent.
>>>>>>>>> Below sharing few paragraphs from recently published book:
>>>>>>>>> 'Disability
>>>>>>>>> Gender and State Policy' hope this helps.
>>>>>>>>> block quote
>>>>>>>>> Prevalence of Disability among Dalits
>>>>>>>>> With an estimated figure of 1.8 per cent persons with disabilities
>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>> the overall population of India, the prevalence of disability
>>>>>>>>> among
>>>>>>>>> dalits is found to be remarkably higher (2.4%). About 92 per cent
>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>> households with disabled members across social groups have at
>>>>>>>>> least
>>>>>>>>> one disabled person. About 7 per cent of dalits and upper caste
>>>>>>>>> households and 5 per cent of ST households have two disabled
>>>>>>>>> persons.
>>>>>>>>> It may be noted that there is a positive relationship between the
>>>>>>>>> number of disabled persons in households and average size of
>>>>>>>>> households across all social groups. The variations across gender
>>>>>>>>> reveal higher prevalence of disability among males than females
>>>>>>>>> across
>>>>>>>>> all social groups. The gender gap is, however, relatively lower
>>>>>>>>> among
>>>>>>>>> dalits and STs than other social groups, suggesting equal
>>>>>>>>> vulnerability of both males and females belonging to dalit and ST
>>>>>>>>> communities to disability. The gender gap across different types
>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>> disability shows that among dalits, the prevalence of locomotor,
>>>>>>>>> hearing and speech disabilities and mental retardation is
>>>>>>>>> relatively
>>>>>>>>> higher among males than females and the reverse is true for visual
>>>>>>>>> disability (blindness and low vision). Mental illness, as a mild
>>>>>>>>> form
>>>>>>>>> of mental disability, is higher among females across all social
>>>>>>>>> groups. The prevalence of locomotor, speech and hearing
>>>>>>>>> disabilities
>>>>>>>>> is relatively higher among dalits; whereas, the prevalence of
>>>>>>>>> mental
>>>>>>>>> disability is higher among upper caste groups. Among PWD, higher
>>>>>>>>> proportion of disabilities shows in younger age group (Dalai,
>>>>>>>>> 2002)
>>>>>>>>> also among SCs and STs (Pal, 2010; Addlakha 2013 p: 266).
>>>>>>>>> block quote end
>>>>>>>>> Now As far as Madam Ishita said: 'I'm leftist and it is my duty to
>>>>>>>>> criticise Hindus'. I just wish her to think, : how many Access
>>>>>>>>> Indians
>>>>>>>>> are Scheduled caste and scheduled tribe Disabled?
>>>>>>>>> I end here.
>>>>>>>>> On 11/30/13, jignesh thakur <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> This is nothing but unfortunate effort to defame certain culture
>>>>>>>>>> by
>>>>>>>>>> communist sponsored media.
>>>>>>>>>> The same media says that we should not link any religion with
>>>>>>>>>> terrorism and they are connecting rape with particular religion
>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>> class.
>>>>>>>>>> Am I wrong avinash?
>>>>>>>>>> I am against this incident but to blame upper class of Hinduism
>>>>>>>>>> shows
>>>>>>>>>> writers morality and mentality.
>>>>>>>>>> And unfortunate thing is you are defending such writers like
>>>>>>>>>> always.
>>>>>>>>>> On 11/30/13, Avichal Bhatnagar <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> If it would have been vice versa, it would have been a miner
>>>>>>>>>>> mishap,
>>>>>>>>>>> right?
>>>>>>>>>>> On 11/30/13, muruganandan.k <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> hello, the amount of a criminal offense can be properly
>>>>>>>>>>>> accounted
>>>>>>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>>>>>> if we take the vulnerability of the affected person... First of
>>>>>>>>>>>> all,
>>>>>>>>>>>> all the disabled persons are not equal, some are far less equal
>>>>>>>>>>>> than
>>>>>>>>>>>> the others. Caste is the vital marker which marginalizes the
>>>>>>>>>>>> disabled
>>>>>>>>>>>> to a great extent in South Asia. Fighting against castism and
>>>>>>>>>>>> disability rights are not entirely separate issues... Only when
>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>> wound is exposed that it can be healed! I would strongly put
>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>> those protecting the caste system have no right to claim any
>>>>>>>>>>>> special
>>>>>>>>>>>> provision as a disabled person. I think its perfectly right to
>>>>>>>>>>>> say
>>>>>>>>>>>> "Caste Hindus"! thanks for sharing this news Abinash!
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 11/30/13, Avichal Bhatnagar <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I agree,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The incident is really very horrible, but by writing words
>>>>>>>>>>>>> such
>>>>>>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "dalit woman" and "A caste Hindu trio" we are unnecessarily
>>>>>>>>>>>>> promoting
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the caste system.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> A criminal is neither a member of any caste/religion etc, nor
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> victim.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 11/30/13, ishita kapoor <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As expected from leftist.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is your duty to abuse hindus.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anyway this list is not for discussing such things.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Will meet somewhere ells.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry moderator sir for this remark.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 11/30/13, avinash shahi <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Your 'why' will be best answered by New Indian Express
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> literally...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> metaphorically, and of course actually, a caste hindu treo
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> speaks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> volumes...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in nutshell, Upper caste criminals who perpetrate sexual
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> violence
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> violate bodily autonomy of scheduled caste women connive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> police and the administration and remain scot free.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Intersectionality in disability is understudied reality in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> country.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We'll carry on this if you desire on some other platform?..
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 11/30/13, ishita kapoor <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a caste Hindu trio
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a caste Hindu trio
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a caste Hindu trio
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a caste Hindu trio
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what is this?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> though i condemn this but still...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 11/30/13, avinash shahi <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Express News Service - THOOTHUKUDI
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Published: 20th November 2013 08:20 AM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Last Updated: 20th November 2013 08:20 AM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A 36-year-old differently-abled dalit  widow, was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> allegedly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> molested
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a caste Hindu trio, who also abused her using her caste
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> name,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thoothukudi on Monday.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sources said that Amutha, widow of Mariappan and a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> resident
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> T
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saveriapuram here, was both deaf and dumb. After the death
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> her
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> husband Mariappan seven years ago, she was living with her
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> father,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sakthivel, who worked as a watchman.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Monday evening, she, along with her 13-year old niece,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kanagavalli,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> took her goats for grazing to a field on the western side
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Komaspuram village.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> While she was herding the goats, a caste Hindu trio closed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> her
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mouth
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with their hands and forcibly took her away. When she
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> resisted
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attempts, they abused the woman using her caste name,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> according
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> her
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> niece.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kanagavalli, who was alarmed by the brutality of the trio,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rushed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thalamuthunagar police station and informed about the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'kidnap'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> her
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> relative.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When police rushed to the spot, the trio fled the scene
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> leaving
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> woman in the same place.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, police managed to catch two of them. They were
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> identified
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Selvam (36), son of Munisamy, and Saravanamuthu(23), son
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shanmugavel, both from Davispuram in Thoothukudi. The
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> third
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> person,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lakshmana Kumar, son of Soundarapandi, took to his heels.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A case has been filed against the trio under various
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sections
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IPC and 3(1)(XI) of SC and ST (Prevention of Atrocities)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Act.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subsequently, police arrested the two persons. On Tuesday
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> morning,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> during a search police arrested the third person,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lakshmana
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kumar.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Avinash Shahi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> M.Phil Research Scholar
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Centre for The Study of Law and Governance
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jawaharlal Nehru University
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> New Delhi India
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Avinash Shahi
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>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> MURUGANANDAN.K
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>>>>>>>>> Avinash Shahi
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>>>>>>> Celebrating World disability day Dec. 3
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>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Ph.D Scholar,
>>>>>> Department of English,
>>>>>> Pondicherry University,
>>>>>> puducherry-14
>>>>>> mobile:+919787871008.
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Avichal bhatnagar
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>>>> --
>>>> Avinash Shahi
>>>> M.Phil Research Scholar
>>>> Centre for The Study of Law and Governance
>>>> Jawaharlal Nehru University
>>>> New Delhi India
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>>> --
>>> Ph.D Scholar,
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>>> Pondicherry University,
>>> puducherry-14
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