I just came across this status of Javed then I also responded let us
read what he said:
block quote
of the Joint Forum today evening at AADI. The mood was defined as
'cautious optimism'  The clouds have lifted and there is great hope.
The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill will be tabled in Rajya
Sabha on Wednesday, 5th February, 2014. By doing this, the Government
would fulfill our key most demand to "Save the Bill". In any case, the
bunch of misdirected souls who wanted to "Kill the Bill" have mostly
fallen silent. Their desperate attempt to misguide the Nation has
failed and thank God, rightly so. NOW, we can focus on where the focus
should have been in the first place: On how to strengthen the present
draft Bill or let's put it this way - on how to reduce/remove the
lacunae that have crept into the Cabinet approved Bill. Some very
serious anomalies, no doubt. The very definition of disability, the
entire very complex issue of legal capacity, the deep concerns
expressed repeatedly by disabled people in government jobs vis a vis
promotions, and so on. As you are aware, the Joint Platform worked
tirelessly in Delhi and over 3 meetings, drew up a list of 20 non
negotiables (while we were being mocked at and being called names!).
Relentlessly, as if possessed, we have pursued our POSITIVE AGENDA of
ensuring that India finally gets a rights based law for it's 70+
million disabled citizens. We want the Bill to be passed with the
amendments as suggested by the Joint Platform. So far so good.
Ministry of Social Justice is supporting us and the file has already
moved. Once again, the ball is in the court of the Law Ministry. Let's
see. By Monday or Tuesday, we should find out. My hands are firmly set
on my wheels. Ready to take off! Of course, with a very silent prayer
on my lips.
block quote end
Once I read this I responded...
Mr Javed Abidi People have some burning questions from you. Once you
didn't know about the contents of the approved Bill why didn't you
inform persons with disabilities whom you claim to represent that you
didn't know anything about the Bill? Laws are not framed on emotional
grounds law-making is very complex process. this Bill has many
inadequacies and once enacted in current form disabled people will
lose hugely. And remember you were very jubillant prior the Census
figures about disabled people got released? why Government has
overlooked World Bank figures so outrightly? you say you are in the
disability sector over the last 20 or odd years there are many who are
fighting hard for last thirty or thirty five years. Don't misguide
please we read laws we know laws... What you want ticket? please don't
play with the lives of innocent disabled people.

On 2/1/14, pranjal patil <pranjal.bl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Abidi sir,
> I agree with you that you have been a very strong disability activist.
> But here are my questions:
> 1. why did you lead a campaign in favour of passing  this bill without
> any debate among stakeholders and even without looking at the content
> of the bill?
> 2. it is very true that it was only NFB which could get access to the
> copy of this flawed bill. Had nfb not circulated the draft in public
> domain, the passing of this bill would have done an immense damage to
> the  very interests of the disableds.
> 3. why did you not try to seek a copy of the bill from the government?
> 4. why did you not tell the disableds that you have not looked at the
> approved cabinet draft?
> --
> M.Phil research scholar
> Centre for West Asian Studies
> School of International Studies
> Jawaharlal Nehru University
> New Delhi: 110067

Avinash Shahi
M.Phil Research Scholar
Centre for The Study of Law and Governance
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi India

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