I just wish to add my concern, what if Disabled children could speak
for themselves.
Only enrolment without enabling infrastructures will compound the pain
of little kids.
in childhood when peer classmates say: 'andha? langda? bahra?' we
can't conceive what it feels to children with disabilities. mental
trauma coupled with physical unease drives them to hate their
sign language is not used at 99 per cent schools and colleges so what
will hearing impaired children will do in such so called mainstream
On 3/14/14, Asudani, Rajesh <rajeshasud...@rbi.org.in> wrote:
> Frankly, I think today's education has become so much graphical that no
> teacher in mainstream schools would be able to teach blind students.
> I don't comment about other disabilities.
> So, we are pushing totally blind children into educational hell by forcibly
> procuring admissions for them in normal schools...
> Special teachers of SSA are not a panacea and just serve a symbolic function
> of meeting special needs...
> Long live inclusive education..
> I have long maintained that special schools at primary level and integration
> thereafter with full supportive services is the need of the hour..
> -----Original Message-----
> From: AccessIndia [mailto:accessindia-boun...@accessindia.org.in] On Behalf
> Of SC Vashishth
> Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 11:26 AM
> To: AccessIndia: a list for discussing accessibility and issues concerning
> the disabled.; Flight we the PwD
> Subject: Re: [AI] Need your urgent views on implementing reservation
> provisions for RTE
> Thank you Harish for these two important points. We need to see that
> minimum 3% doesn't become maximum 3% and 3% reservation should not come in
> the way of the fundamental right of Free and compulsory education in an
> appropriate setting conducive to all children with disability (no
> restriction in terms of percentage).
> I am pasting the last two orders of the court in the matter i.e. order of
> 21 Feb 2014 and 26 Feb 2014 for your info. The High court has now impleaded
> the Chief Commissioner for advice and today the Commissioner office has
> called in a meeting of the senior officials of the Education department
> (Delhi Govt), Min. of Social justice & HRD etc to discuss the issue.
> Appl.2556/2014    PRAMOD ARORA  ..... Petitioner     versus      HONBLE LT.
> GOVERNOR OF DELHI AND ORS  ..... Respondents      CORAM:     HON'BLE MR.
> R     21.02.2014        Issue notice.    Ms Zubeda Begum, Adv. accepts
> notice and states that she will take  instruction having regard to the
> section 62 of the Persons with  Disabilities (Equal Opportunities,
> Protection of Rights and Full  Participation) Act read with the National
> Trust for the Welfare of  Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental
> Retardation and Multiple  Disabilities Act, 1999. It is contended by the
> petitioner that the  proposal promoted by the Govt. of NCT to earmark 3%
> under the 1995 Act is  inadequate since that quota or sub-quota will almost
> certainly get  exhausted given the nature of applications of students with
> other  disabilities and the clubbing with the 25% of the
> quota.    Furthermore the clubbing with the 25% economical weaker groups
> (EWS)  would also subsume or entirely extinguish the claim of the
> special  children to their right to education.    The respondents shall
> file their counter affidavit within a week and  the Central Government?s
> counter affidavit shall indicate steps taken  pursuant to 1999 Act in
> particular the funding mechanism provided  thereunder and the
> categorisation of various disabilities for the purpose  of granting its
> benefit.    The petitioner?s contend that at the moment 43 odd schools
> have  infrastructure to cater to the educational needs of such special
> children  and have in the past admitting 3 or 4 applicants in each batch.
> It is  submitted that as interim measure - these particulars have been
> furnished  as Annexure B ? may be allowed to give three seats. It is
> indicated that  in any event if the petitioners do not succeed at the final
> stage such  seats can be released in accordance with the scheme to the wait
> listed  candidates.    List on 25th February, 2014.    Dasti under
> signature of the Court Master.       S. RAVINDRA BHAT, J  R.V.EASWAR,
> J    FEBRUARY 21, 2014*
> ARORA   ..... Petitioner    versus      HONBLE LT. GOVERNOR OF DELHI AND
> ORS  ..... Respondent      CORAM:     HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE S. RAVINDRA
> BHAT   HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE R.V.EASWAR     O R D E R     26.02.2014      1.
> During the course of hearing, learned Standing Counsel for the  Central
> Government has produced a letter dated 25.2.2014, which seeks to  clarify
> the decision with regard to the 3% quota earmarked under the  Persons with
> Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection  of Rights and Full
> Participation) Act, 1995.    2. Learned counsel for the parties had urged
> that a change had been  brought about by the amendment to the Right of
> Children to Free and  Compulsory Education Act, 2009 by amending Act, 2012,
> especially Sections  2 (d) and 2(ee) r/w Section 3(iii).    3. Moreover,
> learned counsel for the petitioner had argued that the  change does not in
> any manner affect or seek to affect the right of  children with
> disabilities under the 1995 Act, especially Section 26 and  39 and that the
> 3% quota earmarked in the said 1995 Act would prevail  over and above the
> 25% quota amended by the RTE Act.    4. Learned counsel for Government of
> NCT argued that the 3% quota  would have to be split up within the 25%
> quota by way of horizontal  reservation and the balance within the 75% open
> category.    5. The letter dated 25.2.2014 instructing the counsel in this
> regard at one stage states that private schools can earmark seats for
> children  with disability within the 75% quota, but at a later stage,
> favourably it  also states that appointment of children with disability as
> a  disadvantaged group is an enabling provision and would not be
> a  reservation one and that the sub-categorization of 75% reservation
> under  Section 12(i)(c) of the RTC Act is within the domain of the
> State.    6. Apparently, the Central Government and the Government of NCT
> appear  to point out the same objective, although they are doing so in a
> diverse  manner.    7. This Court is of the opinion that before proceeding
> further and  ruling upon the feasibility of a horizontal reservation within
> the 25%  quota earmarked for EWS category students, and allocating 3% from
> 75%   which can be suitably notified by the concerned unaided schools,
> the   State Government should having regard to the total number of intake
> of   all the private schools, work out the available 3% quota as a whole
> and   also indicate which schools are equipped to deal with what kind of
> disability, keeping in mind the sub-categorization in Section 2(i) of the
> 1995 Act. To illustrate, if the total intake of seats for a given year   is
> in the range of one thousand, the disability quota would be 3%, i.e.   30
> seats, which would, for each of the seven sub-categories in 2(i), work
> out to 4 seats.    8. The Government of NCT before carrying out the
> exercise should  indicate which schools are geared up to cater to the
> concerned  disability, i.e. sight disability, hearing impairment,
> locomotive  disability, blindness and the other categories mentioned in
> Section 2  (ee)(B) of the 2012 Amendment to the Right to Education
> Act.    9. This is in order to facilitate a broad scheme whereby the seats
> are  specifically earmarked having regard to the facilities in that school
> so  that the highest concentration of students to be admitted from
> such  category are admitted to the concerned institutions.    10. The
> Central Government shall indicate the funds available in terms  of the
> various schemes under the National Trust for Welfare of
> Persons  Disabilities Act, 1999 and the trusts created under that Act as
> well as  the existing schemes formulated by it in that regard.    11. The
> Court is of the opinion that for a fuller appreciation of the issues which
> are likely to arise in the present proceedings, it would be  essential to
> implead the Chief Commissioner for Persons with  Disabilities, Ministry of
> Social Justice and Empowerment, Sarojni House,  6, Bhagwan Das Road, New
> Delhi.    12. It is clarified that the reference to reservation for
> disabilities  in the previous order was 3% and the reference to Section 62
> was  inadvertent, the correct provision being Section 26.      13. The
> quota of the 1995 Act shall be kept vacant to await the outcome of the
> final decision in this case.    14. List on 12th March, 2014 for further
> proceeding/hearing.    15. Dasti under the signatures of the Court
> Master.     S. RAVINDRA BHAT, J   R.V.EASWAR, J   FEBRUARY 26, 2014*
> On 14 March 2014 10:04, Kotian, H P <hpkot...@rbi.org.in> wrote:
>> Hi
>> The disabled children should have higher privelledges in securing seats
>> on
>> the grounds of:
>> 1 Infra structure at the school conducive to them
>> 2 Distance factor and infra structure fascilities commuting to school.
>> Harish Kotian
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: AccessIndia [mailto:accessindia-boun...@accessindia.org.in] On
>> Behalf Of SC Vashishth
>> Sent: 13 March 2014 19:47
>> To: Flight we the PwD; AI List
>> Cc: Ad Subhash Chandra Vashishth
>> Subject: [AI] Need your urgent views on implementing reservation
>> provisions for RTE
>> A matter bearing Number W.P.(C) 1225/2014 titled Pramod Arora Vs. UOI &
>> Ors. is pending in the High Court of Delhi regarding Admission of
>> Children
>> with Disabilities in Schools in Delhi particularly under the Right to
>> Education Act. This includes the 75% paid +25% (freeship quota for
>> disadvantaged) to be respected by Private schools  under the RTE Act.
>> When there are more number of students before the private schools (mostly
>> the number is more than the vacancies in the schools) there is a draw of
>> lots among the eligible students - in both the 25% reserved categories
>> and
>> 75% general paid categories. The Govt. refunds certain portion of the fee
>> etc to the private schools for those admitted under the 25% quota in the
>> private schools.
>> Now in this draw of lots the situation is that many disabled children get
>> left out - due to direct and indirect discrimination and sometimes due to
>> just the system in place. The Act provides for free and compulsory
>> education for the disabled children up to the age of 18 years and 14
>> years
>> for non-disabled children.
>> I solicit your urgent views on how to ensure maximum children with
>> disabilities could be admitted in not only government but also private
>> schools with appropriate environment conducive to them. Also the manner
>> of
>> effecting reservation in education in light of PWD Act.
>> I need the views by 1 PM tomorrow i.e. by 14 March 2014
>> --
>> Warm regards,
>> Subhash Chandra Vashishth
>> Advocate
>> Mobile: +91 (11) 9811125521
>> Please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to. Consider
>> environment!
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Avinash Shahi
M.Phil Research Scholar
Centre for The Study of Law and Governance
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi India

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