Hi Mam, congratulations. Sorry I can't answer your questions but just wanted to extend my heartiest congratulations to you on your ascension to this office.

-----Original Message----- From: Aarthi Burthony
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 3:00 AM
To: accessindia
Subject: [AI] Seeking Urgent Advice

Dear All,

I hope that all of you is keeping fine.

On my side, I am pleased to inform you that I have been nominated as
the President of DIS-MOI which is a regional NGO based in Mauritius
having as objective tomilitate for the promotion and protection of
human rights in Mauritius and the other islands of the South West
Indian Ocean. Together with my friend Rajen Coopan I preside the
Commission on Disability Rights. I have also been nominated as the
Secretary of theWomen with Disabilities which association works under
the aegis of the Ministry of Social Security.

I am seeking your precious advice on a very sensible matter which is
as follows:

In first place, to set the background of the case there is a need to
expose the involved institutions:

1. Lois Lagesse Trust Fund (herein after referred to as the LLTF) is
the institute for the blind having been set up under the Lois Lagesse
Trust Fund act 1983
2. Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Board Act (herein after
referred to as the TEDPB) is the institution responsible for the
training and employment of persons with disabilities has been set up
under the Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Amendment Act
3. The Equal Opportunities Commission (herein after referred to as the
EOC) has been set up under the Equal Opportunities Act 2012

Here is the gist of the vcase:

Mrs. Desiree Cheng is a late blind lady of 51 years old. She is blind
with one eye and sees at 20% with the other eye. She is of low vision
since the age of 42 years old out of retinal detachment. She has been
employed on a contract term of 1 year in August 2012 by the LLTF. Her
contract of employment terminated in August 2013. She has been
informed via a letter dated september 2013, that her Contract of
Employment will be renewed on a month to month basis. She has been
since then working on a month to month basis contract.

Mrs. Desiree Cheng has beenprovided with transport facility by the
LLTF to attend work everyday since her employment at the LLTF. The
transport taking the visually impaired children at the specialised
pre-primary and primary schools found at the premises of the LLTF
passing in front of her residence picked her up in the morning and
fetched her back every afternoon. Since 20th January 2014, Mrs.
Desiree Cheng has stopped being provided with the transport facility
by the LLTF without prior notice. It is to be noted that Mrs. Desiree
Cheng has not recieved the required training of Orientation and
Mobility as a visually impaired to allow her to acquire personal
mobility so as to travel independently by public transport. The
service of Orientation and Mobility is no more being provided by the
LLTF since like 10 years as the LLTF claims of not having any trained
and certified Orientation and Mobility Instructor.

The LLTF has a Board of Directors whose Chairperson, Deputy
Chairperson and other members are nominated by the Minister of Social
Security. The actual Board of Directors of the LLTF is in place since
November 2011 and its Chairman and Deputy Chairman are both visually
impaired. The position of the LLTF is that Mrs. Desiree Cheng has to
attend work through her own means, that is,by public transport.

It should be mentioned that Mauritius as a State Party to the UNCRPD
has put a reserve on Article 9(2) when signing and ratifying the
UNCRPD. Article 9(2) stipulates that Braille and Sign Language has to
be put in place on public infrastructure to make it accessible to the
blind and hearing impaired. In its report dated 2012 to the United
Nation on the implementation of the UNCRPD; Mauritius gave as reason
to maintain the reserve on Article 9(2) that it is a lack of financial
means. Therefore, the Government of Mauritius claims of not having
enough financial means to implement Article 9(2) of the UNCRPD. The
community of persons with disabilities of Mauritius is therefore left
with an inaccessible public infrastructure.

Mrs. Desiree Cheng wrote to the Minister of Social Security and other
stakeholders informing them of the difficult situation she is facing.
She received her January andFebruary ssalry though she is no more
attending office. The issue of the LLTF not providing the blind
community with the required training ofOreintation and Mobility as
recommended under the UNCRPD has been reported in an article published
in a local newspaper. The Board of Directors of the LLTF claims of
having taken a decision on the matter but up to now the decision of
the LLTF Board has not yet been communicated to Mrs. Desiree Cheng.

The LLTF operates a specialised school for visually impaired children
in the north of the island. The Braille teacher who is blind working
in this specialised school is being provided with transport facility
to attend work everyday by the LLTF. The point raised here relies on
article 5 of the UNCRPD which stipulates that persons with
disabilities are entitled to the same service. Also, how can the LLTF
expect and insists on Mrs. Desiree Cheng to attend work by travelling
by public transport when no training of orientation and mobility has
been provided to her?

The actions taken by Mrs. Desiree Cheng are as follows:

1. Addressed a letter to the Training and Employment of Disabled
Persons Board requesting the said institution to enquire in the
2. Lodged a plaint at the Labour Office; and
3. Lodged a plaint at the Equal Opportunities Commission.

The TEDPB has not yet riverted back to Mrs. Desiree Cheng. The LLTF
has been convened at the Labour Office and Mrs. Desiree Cheng has been
heard by the EqualOpprotunities Commission.

It has to be taken into account that the Chairman of the LLTF is
Adviser to the UNCRPD at the Ministry of Social Security appointed by
the Minister. The conflict of interest is here noted as the Chairman
of the LLTF in his capacity of Adviser to the UNCRPD is the same
person who advises on this matter in which he is directly involved.

At the level of the Labour Office, it has been claimed by the LLTF
that the collective agreement signed between the Trade Union
representing the employees  and the LLTF mentions that every employee
of the LLTF has to attend work by means of public transport. It has
been noted by the Labour Office that the Collective Agreement does not
mention that the employees of the LLTF consists of blind and visually
impaired employees as well as of abled body employees. The Collective
Agreement has been noted to have been wrongly drafted and is illegal.
The Trade Union of the Employees of the LLTF did not consider the
special needs of the rights of the blind and visually impaired
employees of the LLTF.

All the above having been said: may you please kindly advise on the
matter as Mrs. Desiree Cheng is being morally affected of being
constrained to stay at home.


Aarthi Burtony

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