below is the text of the same:

a)      Only capital letters should be used.
b)      Application should be filled in black or blue ball pen only.
c)      Useone box tor one letter/number
d)      Leave one box blank after one word.
e)      Write your name, application number and telephone number at the
back ot your demand draft/banker's cheque.
0     Paste latest photograph in the box provided and sign in the box below
the photograph and at the bottom of the application form g)    In case
of joint application, paste the latest photograph of the joint
applicant in the box provided and sign in the box below the photograph
and at the bottom of the appltcation form. h)     The application
shall only be submitted through a designated Bank as
1.      Wntename ofthe applicant as given in PAN card/letter(Permanent
Account Number issued by the Income Tax Department).
2.      Write father's name of applicant as given in PAN card/letter.
3.      Write name of spouse of the applicant (if married).
4.      Permanent account number of appticanlneedstobegrven.
5.      Give detail of bank account of applicant. If an applicant has
withdrawn money from any other account or firm's account or company's
account. the bank details of the first applicant whose name is given
in the application form needs to be given. These bank details would be
printed on the refund cheque along with the name and refund cheque can
be deposited in that account if name of the applicant and bank
particulars match with the bank's records. In case of application in
joint name refund cheque would be issued in the name of applicant and
hence. bank details of the applicant need to be given.
Provide IFSC Code to enable refund directly to the account. 6-8. Give
phone number with STO code, email id and mobile number, if any. It
would be in the interest of the applicant to give these details as it
helps the bank to contact the applicant in case of any need.
9.      Wnte code for the category to which the applicant belongs. In case
applicant is from reserved category. The code for each category is
given below:-
Category        Code
Scheduled caste SC
Scheduled tribe ST
War Widows      WW
Persons with disability PD
Ex-Servicemen   EX
GeneralCategory GE
Disability Clause: A person with disability shall apply in his'her own
name but the application may be submitted through his/her legal
guardian if he/she is unable to do so himselt/herself.
10.     Residential address of the applicant needs to be given.
11.     Correspondence address for dispatch of refund
cheque/demand-cum-allotment letter to be mentioned
12.     (A)    In case of a |Oint application mention the name of the (oint
applicant. (B)    Mention relation of joint applicant with the
applicant in case of any reserved category.
13.     (A)   Mention the name of the spouse, if both husband and wife apply
separately. (B)   Mention application no. of the spouse, if both
husband and wife apply separately.
14.     Please write the code (given in annexure 'A') for the locality for
which applicant wants to fill all preferences and put (X) cross marks
in preferences not filled.
15.     Write details of the registration money of
?1,00.(XX)/-or?10.000/-■L'.vSi as the case may be. Demand
draft/banker's cheque should be in favour of DDA HOUSING - payable at
Delhi/New Delhi only. In case applicant has used online application
form, registration money atongwith ?150/- (inclusive VAT) towards the
cost of form to be entered in online form alongwith the completely
filled application form.
16.     Registration money can also be deposited through NEFT/RTGS/net
banking through online application published by collecting bank.
However. Debit/Credit cards are not accepted for payment of
Registration money.
NOTE    (i) Please read the instructions carefully before filling up
the application form. In case any column is not filled up
property/filled wrongly. the liability of rejection of such
application will solely rest on the Applicant. )ii) In case of
discrepancies in language, English language will be valid.


I.      This scheme is called "DDA Housing Scheme, 2014". of ihe Delhi
Development Authority".
II.     Thisschemeshallfemainopen(rom01.09.2014to09.10.2014.
III.    Details of flats under this Scheme ate given at annexure 'A'.
IV.     In respect of 811 flats of old inventory, the same will be
restored to original condition before handing over the possession to
Ihe alkntee.
V.      700 flats under EWS category
I.      The applicant must be a citizen of India.
II.     He/she should have attained Ihe age of majority, i.e.. an
applicant should have completed 18 years of age as on ihe date of
submitting Ihe application.
III.    The applicant must no! own any dwelling unit (including
resideniial plotVflat in full or in pad on lease hold or free hold
basis in Delhi. New Delhi or Delhi Cantonment, either in his/her own
name or in the name of his/her spouse or in the name of any of his
dependent relations including unmarried children.
IV.     Family means spouse and dependant relations including unmarried 
V.      Bolh husband and wife can apply for flats separately subject lo
fulfillment of eligibility conditions wilh Ihe stipulation that if
both are found to be successful only one shall be allotted a flat.
VI.     One person can submit one application only either in his/her own
name or as a Joint applicant.
VII.    Aperson who has already been allotted a plot/house/flat by the
ODA or any other land owning agency in Delhi, irrespective of size,
shall nol be eligible to apply for another flat under this scheme.
VIII.   There is no income criterion, except for applicants applying for
EWS flats. The applicant can apply according to his/her requirement
and affordability.
IX The income of applicants applying for EWS flats should notexceed?1
X.      The applicant should have an account in any bank and ihe
particulars must be filled in the application form. It is assumed that
ihe bank has followed 'KYC' norms of Reserve Bank of India in respect
of such account.
XI.     Applicant must have Permanent Account Number (PAN) allotted under
the provisions of Income Tax Act and the same must be quoted in the
application form except when applying only for a EWS flat.

XII     In case of joint application under SC/ST reserved category, the
joint applicant should be from within the Family as defined in the
sub-clause (IV) above.
XIII    In case of joint application under war widows, persons with
disabilities, ex-servicemen reserved categories. Ihe applicant
himself/herself should fall within the reserved category and the joint
applicant should be from within the Family as defined in sub-clause
(IV) above.
The details of reservations under this schemeare as given below:-
I.      15 % of the flats for applicants belonging to Scheduled Castes.
II.     7.5% for applicants belonging to Scheduled Tribes.
If adequate number of applications are not received from applicants
belonging to ST category, remaining flats shall be disposed of in
favour of applicants belonging to SC category and vice-versa.
III.    1% for war widows and Ihose receiving liberalised pension from
armed/paramilitary services.
IV.     3% for persons with disability as defined in Section 2 of The
Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities. Protection of
RighisandFullParticipation)Act. 1995.
V.      1 % for ex-servicemen.
a. In case number(s) of flats in respect of reserved category comes to
a fraction, i.e.. less than 0.5 it would be rounded off lo zeroand if
it is 0.5or more it would be rounded off to one.


b. If requisite number of applications are not received from the above
mentioned five categories, all remaining flats shall be offered to
persons of general category.
i Applicant applying only for EWS flat under this scheme shall have to
deposit the registration money of r 10.000/-.
ii. Applicant applying for flats other than EWS flats under this
scheme shall have to deposit the registration money of Rs. 1.00.000/-.
In case an applicant wishes to apply for EWS as well as other category
the applicant would need to deposit registration money of ?
HI. The registration amount shall be deposited along with a single
banker's cheque/demand draft of any bank drawn in favour of "DDA
Housing" payable at Delhi/New Delhi in any of the Nodal branches of
the Banks mentioned in annexure'BV
iv. Duly completed application, in all respects along with the
requisite payment, should be received by a designated Bank as per
annexure B before close of banking hours of the last date for
submission of applications. DDA shall not be responsible in any manner
for delay in receipt of an application for any reason whatsoever
beyond the closure time. Payment by cheque, multiple bankers'
cheque/multiple demand draft will not be accepted with the application
form. The payment in the form of NEFT/RTGS/Net banking in case of
online application will be accepted. Payment through credit/debit
cards are not permitted.
v. Application forms will not be accepted after date of closure. In
case it is found at any stage that the issue date of payment
instrument is after the closure of the scheme, such applications would
be summarily rejected and the applicant would be solely responsible
for it. DDA would not entertain any such application in draw of lots.
vi. The applicant may give one or more preferences of his/her choice
by writing locality codes, given in annexure 'A', in appropriate box
and put a cross (X) against the preferences not exercised. It is
presumed that applicant has seen the locality before giving
preference. If any box is left blank or preferences are not given in
prescribed locality codes, form would be considered incomplete and
would be rejected. No preference for sector/ pocket/ floor can be
exercised by the applicant and no request for change of sector. pocket
or floor shall be entertained by the DDA.
vii. The application form should be signed only by the applicant
himself/herself, who wants to get a flat under this scheme except in
the case of a person with disability who being unable to do so applies
through his/her guardian. No applicant should make any cutting,
erasing or overwriting in the application form. In case a person
desires to make changes, it is advised to obtain and fill up a fresh
application form.
viii. No conditional application forms will be considered. Incomplete
application forms shall be rejected summarily without conveying any
reason to the applicant.
5.      There will be no requirement of submitting any document at the time
of submission of application. Only the successful applicants will be
required to submit supporting documents as per the Scheme.
(i) Self attested copy of PAN (Permanent Account Number). except when
application is only for EWS flat issued by Income Tax Department.
(ii) Proof of residence, e.g., self-attested copy of passport,
government identity card, election card, ration card, driving license,
telephone bill, electricity bill, water bill, house tax receipt, bank
pass book (page carrying name and address). CGHS card or Aadhar card.
(iii) Self attested copy of bank pass book/statement of account
mentioned in the application form for the last one year or copy of
income tax return filed for the financial year 2012-13, i.e.,
assessment year   2013-14. It should be ensured that the



concerned bank nas followed KYC norms of Reserve Bank of India in
respect of such account.
(Iv) Ownership proof ol the properly ol the residence of the applicant.
(v) Proof of Income for EWS Category from the office of concerned SDM/Tehsildar
In addition to (A) above, persons applying under any of the
(j) An attested copy of the original certificate from the District
Magistrate/Sub Divisional Magistrate of the area concerned in case the
applicant belongs to the reserved category of SC/ST.
(ii) An attested copy of the original certificate issued by the
Medical Board of a Govt. Hospital in case the applicant is applying
under the reserved category of persons with disability. An attested
copy of guardianship certificate, wherever applicable be attached.
(iii) An attested copy of Discharge Certificate from the competent
authority of Ministry of Defence /Armed Forces in case of
(iv) An attested copy of "Requisite Certificate' issued by the
Ministry of Defence/Armed Forces/Para Military Forces, in case
applicant comes under reserved category of war-widows which would
include those receiving liberalised pension.
a.      Copy of bank account pass book/bank statement duly attested
by the Bank Manager from which the allotment money has
been deposited alongwith payment proof.
b.      Affidavit as per proforma given in annexures-CandD.
c.      Undertakings as per proforma given in annexure-E.
d.      Photograph and three signatures of self and spouse, if any.
duly attested as per proforma given in annexure-F.
e.      Identity proof and address proof.
f.      Self-attested copy of PAN card as mentioned in the
AJI the eligible applicants shall be considered for allotment through
a computenzed draw based on random number technique. The draw shall be
held in the presence of independent observers. RESULT OF ALLOTMENT
I.      The results of the draw shall be displayed on the notice board of
DDA at Vikas Sadan. D-Block. INA, New Delhi-23. In addition the result
shall be displayed on the website of DDA with the address and will also be published in leading national
II.     The demand-cum-allotment letters will be dispatched to the
successful allottees by registered/speed post. However, it shall be
the responsibility of the applicant to check the result of the draw.
DDA would not be responsible for delay/non-receipt of the
demand-cum-allotment letter by applicant /allottee.
III.    A separate wait list of applicants equal to 5% of total flats
will also be declared in order of priority. The wait list will be
valid only for 15 months from the date of issue of demand letters to
successful applicants. The registration money of wait listed
registrants shall be refunded along with unsuccessful registrants.
However, before going for the draw in case the same takes place (or
allotting the surrendered/cancelled flats. all such eligible
waitlisted Applicants shall be asked to deposit the registration
money. 15 days' time shall be given to them to do so and only those
names shall be included who have deposited their registration money
prior to the draw. Adraw will be held only once after 12 months from
the date of issue of demand letters for allotment of the surrendered
flats to the wait listed registrants as per the priority decided
initially. Only those flats which are surrendered within 12 months
from date of


Issue of demand letters would be included (or allotment to waitlisted
registrants. The wait list is created Just to ensure that the
surrendered flats (if any) are allotted to same registrants rather
than keeping them vacant and the list will be valid only for 15 months
and, hence, il doesn't create any right of the wait listed registrants
if they fail to get a flat from the surrendered ones. If successful,
the cost would be the cost of the flat on the date the demand
cum-allotment letter is issued.
I.      No interest will be paid if the draw is held within three months
from the last dale of closure of this scheme in case of successful
II.     In case of unsuccessful applicants, no interest will be paid, if
the amount is refunded within three months from the last date of the
closure of this scheme.
III.    In case registration money is not refunded within three months
from the closure of this scheme, in case of unsuccessful applicants,
simple interest @ 8% p.a. will be paid on the registration money for
the period beyond three months after the closure of this scheme.
IV.     Applicants not getting refund within one month from holding the
draw are advised to contact the nodal branch of the bank in which
application was deposited. DDA will not pay any interest in case of
postal delay or applicant not available at given address or in case of
incomplete address.
I.      DDA will refund the registration money through the nodal branch, as
indicated in annexure 'B', of the bank wherein the allottee had
deposited the application form. The concerned bank shall be
responsible for the dispatch of refund cheques to (he unsuccessful
applicants. The bank shall bear the responsibility for any loss on
this account. DDA or the bank will not entertain any application for
refund, loss/mutilatton, and non-encashment of refund cheque one year
after the closure of this scheme.
II.     For getting refund, the applicant has to clearly mention his/her
bank account number. In case the application is in joint name. refund
will be made in the name of the first applicant only and. therefore,
only his/her bank account number should be given. This acco.n: n.rv:^
and bank particulars w II bo printed en cheque, hence applicant should
carefully fill these particulars in the application form.
Note: In case the application money has been paid from the account of
the firm/company, otc. of the applicant, still for the purpose of
refund, the applicant's bank details have to be provided as the same
would be printed on refund cheque and in case of mismatch of account
number and payee's name, the bank would not clear the instrument. In
order to avoid such a situation, it is advised to recheck this before
submitting the application form.
III.    In case applicant has given address of a place/office, where
entry of courier is restricted, all communication including
dispatch of refund cheque/demand letter would on failure of
courier be through prescribed mode only. Applicant is advised
to contact nodal officer of the bank as given in annexure 8 in
such cases. DDA/8anks in such cases would not be
responsible for delay/ non receipt of communication by
I. A successful applicant shall have the option to surrender the flat
before the issue of the possession letter. Allotment will be
automatically cancelled in case payment is not made within the
prescribed period. No show cause notice shall be issued for the
purpose. In both the cases, amount deposited is refundable without any
interest. However, cancellation charges as prescribed below shall be


SI. No. Sunender' Cancellation within (otlowing days from the date of
issue ot demand letter  Incase  ol

        EWSFUts Others  
1.      Before issue of demand letter   NIL     NIL     
2.      1 si day U 90th day     1000/-  5000/-  
3.      9 Uh day «l 180th day   2000/-  25OO0.'-        
4.      181thday U365thday
I.e.. date ol automatic cancellation    5000/-  50000/- 
11.     Following documents are lo be submitted for refund in case of
a.      Original alloimenl-cum-demand letter issued by DDA in
respect of allotted flat.
b.      Proof of residence in case there is change of address as given
in the application form.
c.      Photocopy of passbook or bank Manager's/In charge's
certificate in case there is change in bank particulars from that
given in the application form.
Note: In case flat is cancelled automatically as stated above, refund
will be made after deduction of cancellation charges as stated above
and no interest would be paid on amount deposited
A) The tentative disposal cost of the flats is given at annexure 'A'.
The above cost includes land premium, cost of construction and 20%
surcharge on land premium and cost of construction. Cost of
construction includes departmental charges and interest during
construction period. The land premium is normally revised every year
on first April while cost of construction is revised twice during the
year on 1st April and 1st October. The variation in cost within
category is due to variation in plinth area of the flats. There may be
some more flats added or deleted at the discretion of DDA. If Ihe area
changes, the cost of flats will change accordingly.
B. For maintenance of common areas, in respect of new housing pockets
constructed after October. 2010 a maintenance fund is being created.
For this purpose, for a period of 30 years, the civil and electrical
maintenance charges have been added to the disposal cost. The entire
maintenance funds collected would be placed in a corpus as an escrow
account and maintenance (running & Capital) would be carried out of
the interest earned out of the corpus. The fund will be apportioned to
the RWAs registered with DDA and will be managed by a Committee in
which DDA will be represented by the Executive Engineer of the
concerned zone. The civil and electrical maintenance of all the newly
constructed flats will be carried out only from the interest arising
out of the corpus created for maintenance by registered RWA. In case,
there is any shortfall, the concerned RWAs. registered with DDA. will
have to bridge the gap through contribution from the allottee and DDA
will not contribute any fund towards maintenance. The fund becomes
operative from the date the first demand-cum-altotment letter is
(a)     Flats at S.No.(s) 1-24 of annexure 'A* are old flats. Benefit of
depreciation on construction cost has been provided at the time of
computation of tentative disposal cost of these flats. One time
maintenance has also not been charged (hereon.
(b)     Flats at S. No.(s) 25-34 of annexure 'A' are of new inventory.
Flats at S.No. 26, 29 to 34 of annexure 'A' are nearing completion.
Tentative cost and plinth areas mentioned are on approximate basis.
The disposal cost and plinth area would be finalized at appropriate
stage of completion and. thus. demand would be raised accordingly.
(c> In addition to Ihe above, allottee is liable lo pay conversion
charges at the time of execution of the Conveyance Deed.
(d) The cost of the flat and charges shall be paid as per the
demand-cum-allotment letter and Clause 16 below.
The allotment of flats shall be made on cash down basis except under
PD & EWS category who will have the option of making payment either on
cash down basis or in instalments.


Allottee is liable to make the payment as per Ihe demand-cum-allotmen!
letter wilhin 90 days from ihe date 0! issue ol the said Letter
without interest. Thereafter, the allottee is liable to deposit the
amount in not more than next 9 months along with interest @ 12% pa.
compounded as on 31st March. If the payment including interest is not
made within 365 days, including interest, from the date of demand
letter, allotment of the flat will be automatically cancelled. No show
cause notice/intimation will be given by the DDA for cancellation. No
time extension for payment beyond the date of automatic cancellation
would be given in this scheme. Also no restoration is allowed once the
flat is automatically cancelled due to non payment. If the allottee
fails to deposit the demanded amount within 365 days from the date of
issue of demand-cum-allotment letter, the amount deposited will be
refunded without interest and after deduction of cancellation charges
as mentioned in para 11 (i).
Not*: All allottees are advised to ensure that full amount including
interest, if any, is deposited before date of automatic cancellation.
The payment of the demanded amount by the successful allottee will
have to be made by RTGS/NEFT/Online mode. Payment has to be made from
allottee's account and at the time of possession, copy of
passbook/bank statement has to be furnished. A copy of the
demand-cum-allotment letter will be sent to the concerned
Commissioner. Income Tax Department. For making payment through
RTGS/NEFT/Online mode, banks can be selected and e-challan can be
generated by visiting ODA website
a.      To prevent speculative applications and to ensure that only
genuine persons apply, as per demand-cum-ailotment letter a
successful allottee, including an allottee under the EWS and
PD category making payment on cash down basis, upon
payment of 90% of the cost of the flat and completion of other
formalities/submission of documents, execute an Agreement
to Sell with DDA in the prescribed format which shall be
registered with the Sub-Registrar as per law whereupon the
possession of the flat shall be handed over to such allottee.
b.      Allottee shall not be entitled to transfer or otherwise part with
the possession of the whole or any part of the flat without
execution of Conveyance Deed. In the event of sale/transfer
being made without execution of Conveyance Deed, such
sale/transfer shall not be recognized by the Authority and
allotment of such flats will be cancelled and possession will be
c.      A Conveyance Deed in the prescribed format transferring the
title to the flat shall be executed in favour of the original allottee.
which shall be registered with the Sub-Registrar as per law.
upon receipt of a request from the original allottee, after a
period of 5 (five) years from the date of handing over
possession subject to payment of the balance 10% cost of the
flat alongwith interest as per policy and the conversion charges
and all other dues provided the original allottee has not in any
manner sold, transferred or alienated the whole or any part of
the flat by any agreement of whatsoever nature and parted
with possession thereof.
d.      In the event of the death of the original allottee during the said
period of 5 (five) years, the Conveyance Deed shall be
executed in favour of the legal heirs of the original allottee as
per policy/guidelines of DDA in respect of mutation but in case
of death of the original allottee after the said period of 5 (five)
years, the Conveyance Deed shall be executed in favour of the
legal heirs of the original allottee as per law.
i. The allottees shall be entitled to take delivery of possession only
after he/she has completed all the formalities, paid all dues and
furnished/executed all the documents as required in the demand cum
allotment letter and as per clause 16 above.
ii. If the allottee does not take possession of the flat within 3
months from the date of issue of possession letter, he/ she



shall be liable lo pay watch aixl ward charges at the prescribed rates
beyond a period of 3 months from the date of issue of possession
letter up to a maximum period of one year from the date of issue of
possession letter. At present watch & ward charges are 72500/- per
month for HIG flats. 72000/- per month for MIG flats and expandable
houses. 715007- for LIG/one bed room fats and 71000/- for Janta/E WS.
iii. If the physical possession is still not taken over then the
allotment shall be automatically cancelled. No show cause notice shall
be served before cancellation. However, in exceptional cases the
physical possession can be given beyond 12 months and up to 24 months
on payment of said charges in addition to prescribed
restoration/cancellation charges provided prior permission of DDA is
obtained. Any amount deposited towards the cost of the flat shall be
refundable without interest in such a case of cancellation after
deduction of penalties.
iv. The property is being offered on "as is where is basis". The DDA
will not entertain any request for additions or alterations or any
complaints whatsoever, regarding property circumstances except as
defined in para 19 of the Regulations referred to above or about cost
of flats, its design, quality of material used, workmanshipor any
other defect. Note: Late submission of documents shall be regularized
on necessary charges as prescribed for delay in submission of
documents. But no extension for making the payment will be allowed in
any circumstances.
The allottee can avail housing loan by mortgaging the flat to
following institutions without prior approval of the DDA. However, an
intimation regarding institution to which it has been mortgaged must
be sent to concerned Dy. Director (Housing). DDA-i. Government of
India; ii. State Government: iii. Union Territory Administration; iv.
Public Sector Undertakings/ Autonomous bodies; v. Nationalized banks;
vi. Life Insurance Corporation of India: vli. General Insurance
Corporation of India: viii. Housing Development Finance Corporation:
ix. Cooperative banks; x. MCD; xi. NDMC; xii. All Joint Sector
companies, irrespective of the percentage of share holding; xiii.
University of Delhi; xiv. All organizations, private or public, which
receive the approval of Govt. of India, State Govt, for the purpose of
general mortgage permission and are recognized by RBI as a Housing
Finance Company, xv. All Financial Institutions extending loans to
individuals for house building, if they are leading companies with
good market standing and repute say with a capital base of 75 crores
or so. xvi. All Financial Institutions/Banks which are controlled by
RBI or the Govt. of India irrespective of the percentage of Govt,
share holding, xvii. All public companies with a capital base of 75
crores provided they have a scheme (or granting H8A to their employees
and the mortgage is required for grantof such advances, e.g.. HUDCO.
The flat shall be used only for residential purpose and cannot be put
to any other use. The allottee shall not be entitled to sub divide the
dwelling unit or amalgamate it with any other dwelling unit or to make
any structural additions/alterations.
Every successful applicant is required to become a member of the
registered agency/association of Apartment Owners to be formed for the
purpose of maintenance of common portions and common services for
these housing pockets, in accordance with the provision, of the law in
this behalf before the possession of the flat is handed over to
him/her. The maintenance of common area in respect of new housing
pockets constructed after 2010 will be taken care as per clause 12(B).
If it is found that the applicant has applied although he was not
eligible as per conditions laid down in clause 2 of this Brochure or

has (alsely claimed the benefit of reservation or has given false
affidavit/information including quoting wrong PAN number or suppressed
any material fact at any lime whatsoever, the
application(s)/allotment(s) will be rejected/cancelled summarily
without issuing any show cause notice for the same. In case of such
cancellation/rejection, all payment deposited against
application(s(/allotment(s) shall be forfeited. In case multiple
applications are received by any individual, such applications would
be marked void before the final draw and registration amount will be
refunded through respective collecting banks. However, if by any
chance multiple allotments are made in the draw to a particular
individual who has submitted multiple applications in such cases all
the allotments to the particular individual would be cancelled and
registration money forfeited. This will be without prejudice to DDA's
right to tako such othor action as may bo permissible in law. 22.
(0    3% reservation in allotment of flats will be provided to persons
with disability as defined in Section 2 of the Persons with
Disabilities (Equal Opportunities. Protection of Rights and Full
(ii)    Attempt shall be made to make allotment of flats to persons
with disability at ground floor. (iii) The allotment of ODA flats to
persons with disability would be on hire purchase basis. The initial
payment in case of hire purchase allotment would be 25% instead of 50%
of the total cost applicable for general category. Rest of the amount
would be taken in monthly instalments over a period upto 15 years.
(iv) 5% rebate in the cost subject to a maximum of f 1.00 lakh will be
given to the persons with disability who are allotted flats under the
above quota. The remaining conditions of allotment will remain the
same. The conveyance deed papers will be executed in the name of
original allottees only. (v) In order to ensure that Ihe concessional
provisions meant for the persons with disability do nol lead to misuse
or speculation, it has also been decided thai the letter of allotment
of such flats would specifically state that alienation of possession
of the flat prior to 15 years from the delivery of possession to the
allottee would result in automatic cancellation of the flat and under
no circumstances such cancellation would be withdrawn. In addition,
the conveyance deed for all such cases would also include the
following specific clause which would be included in the letter of
allotment itself and the allottee should by way of affidavit
specifically agree to the same being a part of Ihe conveyance deed
before the possession of the flat is delivered to the allottee.
specifically agrees that he shall not part with possession of the
whole or any pan of the flat at any time prior to the expiry of 15
years from the date of actual delivery of possession thereof by the
vendor to the allottee/vendee and to that limited extent, the title in
the property shall be deemed to continue to vest in the vendor. It is
further specifically agreed that in case the allottee/ vendee violates
terms of the present conveyance deed, the entire conveyance deed shall
be deemed to be void and in that eventuality, the vendor shall be
entitled to take back possession of the demised property from the
In case the allottee/vendee dies prior lo Ihe expiry of Ihe slated
period of 15 years, his/her legal representatives and heirs shall be
bound to honour the slated condition, but shall be entitled to occupy
the said flat. (vi) The concession shall be applicable lo persons who
come within the meaning of disability as defined in the Persons with
Disabilities (Equal Opportunities. Protection of Rights and Full
Participation) Act. 1995 and duly certified by a Medical Board. (vii)
The permissible benefit under tins clause will be given only to
those   applicants who   have   been allotted the


Hat under 3% reserved quota, tf the flat is allotted under general
category, the above benefit will not be extended to them in any case
or manner whatsoever and they will neither claim such benefits nor any
requests in this regard will be entertained by the DDA. 23.   OTHER
A.      DDA reserves the right to alter any term and condition/ clause
of this scheme at its discretion as and when considered
B.      DDA reserves the right to increase or decrease the
number of flats on offer in this scheme. DDA also reserves the
right to withdraw some/all flats depending on the
C.      The allotment under this scheme shall be on the terms and
conditions contained in this brochure, demand cum allotment
letter and the DDA (Management & Disposal of Housing
Estate) Regulations. 1968.
D.      As per provisions contained in Regulations No.17ofDDA
(Management & Disposal of Housing Estate) Regulations,
1968. all rates, fees, taxes, charges, assessment of municipal
taxes and other levies of whatsoever nature shall be borne by
the allottee or the registered agency/association of Apartment
Owners' as the case may be and shall be payable by the
allottee or Association of Apartment Owners'/ Registered
Agency within the period specified in this behalf.
E.      Any dispute shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Delhi Courts
F.      In all the correspondence within DDA regarding allotment, etc.,
the applicants are advised to quote their application form no.,
file no. etc.. and such correspondence be addressed to Dy.
Director concerned. D-Block, Vikas Sadan, DDA, New
G.      In case of any grievance, the applicant can contact Director
(H)-l / Director (H)-ll. Commissioner (H). Principal
Commissioner (H) or the Vice-Chairman, DDA during their
public hearing days. However, on financial issues the applicant
is advised to first contact Financial Adviser (Housing). D-8tock.
1 st floor. Vikas Sadan. New Deihi-110023.
H. It is not possible to check the eligibility of applicant at the
time of acceptance of the form. Therefore, those who are not eligible
would register their names at their own nsk and would not be entitled
for allotment of flats if at a later stage it is detected that they
are not eligible under this scheme.
I. The applicant should mention his/her PAN/GIR No. and I.T
Circle/Ward/District The application form without this information
shall be considered incomplete and is liable to be rejected.
J. Allottee will be required to intimate the source of payment. For
the purpose, he will have to submit a copy of bank pass book, loan
documents, if raised, duly attested by the 8ank Manager.
K Allottee will be required to submit an affidavit duly attested that
he/she has not executed any general/ special power of attorney,
agreement to sell, bayanna receipt or any other document in respect of
his/her registration/flat allotted to him/her.
L. The demand cum allotment tetter will be issued after verification
of the information/document furnished by the applicant in the
application form for allotment of flat. In case, if it is found at any
stage that the documents/ information furnished by tho applicant are
incorrect/ false/untrue, the allotment shall stand cancelled
automatically without any notice and the claim of the applicant in
such cases will not be entertained. The registration amount will also
be forfeited.

1.      Punjab National Bank, Mr. M.K. Sindhwani, ECE House. 28-A. KG.
Marg. Connaught Place. New Delhi-110001.
2.      Stale Bank of India. Sh.M.K. Gupta. Chief Manager. Vikas Sadan.
3.      Central Bank of India, Sh.N.D. Kaushik. Chief Manager. Vikas Sadan.

4.      Corporation   Bank,    Mr.Rajiv   Kumar   Sharma.   AGM   M-41,
Connaught Circus. New Delhi-110001.
5.      Syndicate Bank, Sh.lndersaln Baluja. Asstt.Geoeral Manager.
Subhanchal Hostel. I.N.A.. NewDelhi-110023.
6.      Union Bank of India, P.K. Dass. Asstt. General Manager, 73-74,
Sheetla House. Nehru Place. New Delhi-110019.
7.      Induslnd   Bank,   Sh.Rajiv Malik. Dr.   Gopal Dass Bhawan. 28.
Barakhambha Road, New Delhi-110001.
8.      Kotak Mahindra Bank. Mr.lnder Bir Gujral, A-1/24, Safdarjung
Enclave. Ground Floor. New Delhi-110029.
9.      IDBI Bank, Sh.Shashank Mehendru 81 Sh.Vikas Rai.19. Surya Kiran
Bldg.. KG. Marg, New Delhi-110001.
10.     ICICI Bank Ltd., Sh.Raman Walia. Veera Towers. S 26-28, Green Park
Extenston. Near Uphaar Cinema. New Delhi-110016.
11.     Yes Bank, Retail 8lock. Upper Ground Floor. DLF Cybre City. Tower
12.     HDFC Bank, 1" Floor. Harsha Bhawan. Middle Circle. M-Block.
Connaught Place, New Delhi-110001.
13.     AXIS Bank, Sh Devender Kumar. Eros Corporate Tower. Ground Floor.
Nehru Place. New Delhi-110019.
For full address of branches you may kindly visit Bank's Individual
Website Punjab National Bank Bank: BRANCHES
Delhi: ECE House 28-A Kasturba Gandhi Marg. Sansad Marg, Delhi.
A-10.Shivaji Marg. Kirti Nagar, Plot No.18 Wadhwa Complex,Sec-10
Dwaraka. G-242. Naraina, Retail Huh A- Block Connaught Circus. Retail
Assests Branch, Gurdwara Road, 1/21-Anf Ali Road. Chawri Bazar. Raghu
Ganj, C 912-914, Sector 7. Dwarka, Gurdwara Road Karol Bagh, Najafgarh
Road, Nangloi, Ahimsa Bhawan Shanker Road, New Rajinder Nagar, R-565.
Fire Stn.. Shanker Road. Sec-22. Dwarka, B-1. Ram Nagar. Om Vihar. Opp
Pillar No 708 Uttam Nagar, Sardar Patel Marg. Chanakya Puri.
488/11,DMA House. Ansati Road. Darya Ganj, Gopi Nath Bazar. Delhi
Cantt., BF 81. Janakpuri, Janpath, Delhi, 4, L-Block. Connaught Place.
Najafgarh Village Delhi, 9021. Multanl Dhanda. PN8 House. Paharganj.
7-Prabhat Kiran BkJg, Rajondra Place, Tropical 8uilding H-22. Con
Circus. 10. Main Road. West Patel Nagar. Near Metro Station Pillar No.
222. Sec-22. Dwarka. F-122. Vikaspuri. J2/15A. B.K.Dutt Market Rajouri
Garden. 8-1.Community Centre Janak Puri, 4. Community Centre. Pahase-1
Mayapuri, 59/1, New Rohtak Road, Nangal Raya, Delhi, 88. Bhera
Enclave. Pashchim Vihar, 39 &40 Central Market. West Punjabi Bagh.
1/17. Main Najafgarh Road. Bus Stand. Tilak Nagar, Vikaspuri. Delhi,
A-9. Connaught Place, New Delhi House. 27 Barakhamba Road, C-3/9.
Prashant Vihar, Block-D, DDA Market, Anand Vihar, Ashok Vihar (Khrms).
G.T. Road, Azadpur Commercial Complex, 1st Floor. Plot No. 40-41, Bara
Hindu Rao, Pt. Yad Ram Public School. Tanki Road. Bhajanpura, 303/1,
Burari, 13. Alipur Road. Civil Lines. KK-9. Block-B. Shopping Complex
, Dllshad Garden. H.N.642. Chandertok.100 Ft. Road. Main Durgapuri
Chowk, 411 Jheel Kuranja. Gandhi Nagar, 29. 1st Floor. Above Shop
No.73-74. Gokhle Market, A-17. Gujranwala Town, 8A-Kamla Nagar, Plot
No-366. Khasra No-121. Village Kanjhawala. Khari Baoll. Delhi. Padam
Nagar. Kishan Ganj, F-2/3. Krishna Nagar, D-33, Acharya Niketan. Mayur
Vihar Phase-1, 8-1. DDA Market (Near Ryan School).


Mayut Vihar Phase-3. D-14. A/1. Model Town-3, 2030- Narela Ana) Mandi.
Narela, DDA Market. CSC-1. Palpargan). DP-4. Local Shopping Centre.
Pitampura, F-90. Vikas Marg. Preet Vihar, Village & PO Qutabgarh.
D-1/1. R.P. Bagh, 500/13. Arjun Nagar. Radhey Puri, UG-11,12.13 1st
Floor. Vardhman Big V Plaza. DDA Local Shopping Centre. Ranibagh, Baaj
Shopping Arcade, Csc-2(Near Pockel-6). Rohini Sec.24. Nikhil Plaza
Tower. Rohtni Sector-5, S.N. Colony, Delhi. AG-102. Sanjay Gandhi
Transport Nagar, Scope Tower (Laxmi Nagar), Khasra No-65. Main Bawana
Road. Shahbad Daulatpur, 1/235. Shri Ram Nagar GT Road, Shahdara,
499-Sainik Vihar. Shakur Basti, AM-60. Shalimar Bagh. Shastri Nagar.
Delhi. Subzi Mandl. Ghania Ghar, 71-Ram Vihar Opp. Surajmal Vihar.
Shahdara. B-258. Rajiv Gandhi Road. Swaroop Nagar, 381-Zoor Bagh. Tri
Nagar, Shop No-8.9 & 10. Vijay Nagar, 3604, Gali No. 8. Vishwas Nagar,
A-5. Vivek Vihar, Phase-2. N-13. South Extension Part -I, Chhatarpur
Road. Fatchpu Beri. B-73, Greater Kailash, Ignou Complex. Maidan
Garhi, Near Eros Cinema, J.P. Extension, II K-59. Lajpag Nagar, Shop
No.1. Main Market. Lodhi Colony, 3. Commercial Complex. Ashram Chowk,
D-80. Malviya Nagar, A-16, DDA Shop.Complex. Defence Colony, G-6. Hauz
Khas, H.No. 158. VBI Mochi. Moti Bagh. NSIC Complex. Okhla Indl.
Estate. Sector-4 Market, R.K. Puram, J Block. CSC, Sarita Vihar. 1-2.
Community Centre. Sheikh Sarai, Plot No.5. Local Shopping Centre,
D-Block, C Block. Janpath. Shop No.187. Sarojini Nagar Market, Green
Park. Gulmohar Enclave,
Gurgaon : MGF Plaza. MG Road, Fountain Chowk. Gurgaon, Sadar Bazar.
Gurgaon. Sec.4. Huda Market. 8hanu Complex. Mahraull, Gurgaon. Shop
No.14. The Peach Tree. 96 Phase-I UV, Old Delhi Road. Gurgaon, JMD
Pacific Square. Sector-15 Part-2. Panipat: GT Road, Karnal
:GTRoad.Sonepat : 5. HSIDC Complex. Kundli. Kurukshetra : Pipli Road.
Ratgal Distt.
Noida: Mata Mandir Road.Distt. Udham Singh Nagar Kashipur. Sedor-27
Naya Bans. Faridabad : Malhura Road. Ballabgarh, Rly Road. Faridabad,
Local Shopping Complex. Faridabad, SCO 61, Sector 31. Faridabad 1st
Floor. NIT, Rohtak: Opp. Myna RestaurantCivil Lines,
Hardwar: Sector4. BHEL Complex 249001
Jaipur : PNB House. 2 Nehru Place, Rajasthan : Manu Marg, Alwar,
K-159. Ghatal Indl.Area. Bhiwadi, MandiAtal Band. Bharatpur,
Agra : Dayalbagh, Agra, Lucknow : 1/1 Vivek Khand Gomti Nagar,
Moradabad : PNB House Ram Ganga Vihar. Phased. Muzaffarnagar : Shiv
Chowk Muzaffarnagar City Meerut : Abu Lane. Ghaziabad : Mohan Nagar,
Distt. Ghaziabad :43.AmbedkarMarg. Ghaziabad :G T Road. Ghaziabad : C-
Bulandshahar : PNB House. Yamuna Puram. Near RTO Office,
Chandigarh : PNB House. Sector 17-B. Sec-22 B. SCO 1118-19, Sec.22-B,
Dehradun :Paltan8azar(AstelyHa1l)
State Bank of India : BRANCHES
Delhi: 234, Govind Ashram, G T Road, Shahdara, Anaj Mandi Shahdara,
F-3/25, Krishna Nagar.Opp. Police Stn Near Jheel Gandhi Nagar, C 61
Anand Vihar, F-149. Mangal Bazar Laxmi Nagar, Plot No.9. Block-B.
Shoping Centre. Mayur Vihar, 7. Local Shoping Centre B-Block, Dilshad
Garden, 101/A Near Mayur Opp Asn Day Boarding. Pratap Nagar, 9
Rajdhani Enclave, Nirman Bhawan. Maulana Azad Marg, N Block. IP State,
C-30. Malviya Nagar, llnd Floor. B-37/38. Connaught Place 1st floor
Podium Block, Chandralok Building. Janpath, C-30 DDA


Shopping Complex Defence Colony. Parliament House Anex. Sansad
Matg, Rail Bhawan. Rati Matg, Parliament House, 23, Himalaya
House. K G Marg, S.T.C. Building Janpath, J-20. Saket, C-18. Central
Market Lajpat Nagar-ll, S-13. Near Uphar Cinema. Green Park Extn.
16 Comumty Centre Zamrudpur. G K-l, 109. Samman Bazar. Jangpura,
19/9 Near Desh Bandhu College, Kalkajl, E-228. Near National Heart
Institute. East of Katlash, Fly Over Market Defence Colony, 118-Asian
Games Village Cmplx. Shahpur Jat. Ansal Chamber-1. Ring Road
Bhikaji Cama Place. C-6. Panchsheel Enclave. J.B.Tito Marg. Masjid
Moth. CGO Complex Lodhi Estate. Near Jawaharlal Nehru
Stadium.Lodhl Road. Dori Walen. Karol Bagh, Kamla Nagar. 4. DLF
Industrial Area. Moti Nagar, H-325. Now Rajinder Nagar, 394. Ganga
Niwas. Chandni Chowk. 26 B Pusa Road. Hotel Akshay Palace. E 1/7
Near Metro Pillar 177. East Patel Nagar, Back of H P Petrol Pump.
Friends Colony. M-52. 53 Mathura Road. Ishwar Nagar, Jwahar Lai
University Campus, E-194. Naraina Vihar, 12/56. Desh Bandhu Gupta
Road. Ajmal Khan Road Karol Bagh, North Block. Central Secretariat,
Airforce West Command Subroto Park. Delhi Cantt, C-73. Anand
Niketan. Moti Bagh, M-2. South Ext. Part-ll, 11. 1st Floor. B Block,
Parliament Street, State Bank of India. 11 Parliament Street, 16,
Chamam Singh Park Near Kibri Palace, G-83 to G-86/87. Vardhman
Plus City. Sec 23. Dwarka, E-2/28. Sec-7. Rohini, B-4/7.Prince Road.
Model Town-1, P.O. Rithala, ISBT Kashmiree Gate, Near Melcalf
House. Behind Old Sectt, 2/10 Pradhan Market.Nirankari Colony, H-
6A. Vijay Nagar, A-8lock. Jahanglrpuri, PO-Pooth Khurd. Pooth
Khurd, Main Railway Road. Narela Mandl. Narela, A 30, Opp Vishal
Cinema.West.   Vishal   Enclave,        '     Hari    Nagarwest,   R-50.
Inderpuri.West, Sagar Tower . Dist Centre Janakpuri West. A 336 Meera
Bagh, GI-23, Industnal Area, GI Karnal Road, 65/1 New Rohtak
Road.Central. Najafgarh Road Market. Rajouri Garden, Shop
No.25-26,Main Market Subhash Nagar, G-3 Vikaspuri, Tis Hazari Court
Complex, North Campus. Delhi University, Sector -1 Block - VII. R K
Puram. Aiims Campus Ansari Nagar, Plot No. 8,15,16.109. Uttam Nagar,
Apra Plaza-ll, Sector-10. Dwarka. Palam Colony. Delhi. Nangli
Sakrawati. Delhi, Keshav Puram, Delhi. Block- A Local Shopping.
Paschim Vihar. D-Btock.Central Market. Prashant Vihar. Deepak Plaza.
Plot No. 3. Community Centre. Saraswati Vihar. Main Market, Shakur
Basti. Jawala Hori Village. Delhi. 39. North West Avenue. Punjabi
Bagh. Nangloi, West Delhi.
Haryana: Unitech Trade Centre. Sushant Lok. Gurgaon, M G Road.
Gurgaon, 4. New Colony Gurgaon, 364. Udyog Vihar. UV Ph-2
Dundahera.Gurgaon, Shivaji Nagar.Khandsa Road.Gurgaon, G'F Unit No-AGF
1 & SPG.Palam Vihar. Gurgaon, DLF Phase -III. Gurgaon. DIF Outub
Enclave. Outab Plaza Market. DIF Phase-I. Gurgaon, SCO No-63,Huda
Shopping Complex.Sector 56. Gurgaon. Shop 201.202.203 . 8 Block
Market.South City-2. Gurgaon, SCO-36.Sector-31 .Gurgaon, Sec 14
Gurgaon, 19.Housing Board Colony.Jharsa Road Sector-15.Gurgaon,
Chawala Colony. Mathura Colony, Ballabhgarh, Faridabad, 12/6 Mathura
Road. Sarai Khwaja, Faridabad, SCO 106 Sec-16. Faridabad, Gur Mandi.
Rohtak Road. Sonepat
Uttar Pradesh: Sector-26. Dist Gatum Budh Ngr. Noida, Navyug Market.
Ghaziabad. Meerut Roorkee Road Meerut Cantt. Meerut, Chhipitola.
M.G.Road. Agra. Railway Road. Mathura, Main Branch Aligarh.
Uttarakhand: Ranipur Distt. Haridwar, Distt Udham Singh Nagar.
Rudrapur. Udham Singh Nagar, 4. Convent Road Dehradun, Haldwani,
Rajasthan : Arya Nagar Alwar , High Cort Campus- Jodhpur. Main Branch
Udaipur,  23-C,  Madhuban,  Udaipur,   Bikaner  Cantt.   PO

Pawanpurl. Bikaner, Main Branch. Sanganeh Gale. Jaipur, Opposite
Collactrate, Civi Lines. Ajmer. Snganganagar. Ganganagar, New Mandl
Hanumangarh. Bhilwara, Jhunjhunu, Bhiwadi. Dislt Alwar, LIC Building.

Delhi: Vikas Sadan. Anand Vihar. Oda Rohini, Delhi Cantt.. Ghaziabad.
Janakpuri. Jyoti Nagar. Kashmere Gate, Lawrence Road. Milraw. Narela,
New Seelampur. Paharganj. L R P G College Ghaziabad. Palparganj Road.
Press Area. Ramtirtha Nagar. Rohini. I T Park. Savila Vihar.
Shahadara, Tilak Nagar. Vlkas Mlnar. Navyug Market Ghaziabad.
Indirapurm. Ashoka Hotel. Badarpur. 8arakhamba Rd.. Bengali Market.
Connaught Circus. Defence Colony. Fandabad. Greater Kailash - II,
Green Park. Gurgaon. Kalkaji. Khan Market. Lajpat Nagar. Malaviya
Nagar. Manesar. Mehrauli. Nehru Place. Nepz Noida. Nizamuddin,
Panchsheel Park, R W A. Sec. 15 A Noida, South Extension. Udyog
Bhawan. Sonepat, Meerut, Rohtak. Bahadurgarh
Corporation Bank: BRANCHES
Delhi: Flal Nos.-124 to 130 3 Ansal Chambers 1 Madame Bhikaji Cama
Place, Plot no. - 14. Pockei-C8. Dwarka, sector-17. First Floor Plot
No. 7 Main Market Panka) Plaza Sector-6 Dwarka, 48 Community Center
Friends Coloney, M-4 Greater Kailash Part-2, 1670/1 Gobindpun
Extention Kalkaji, O 64 Hauj Khas Mam Market Hauj Khas, Block 11
Ground Floor C.G.O Complex Phase-1 Lodhi Road, Plot No. 100 Block-E
Lajpat Nagar II, E-52 & E-53. Mala Chowk. Mahtpatpur, B-88/4 Mayapuri
Industrials Area Phase-1, 4. Rati Ram Park. Shivaji Marg Delhi Road
Najafgarh, Plot No. -14, Savitri Arcade. Community Centre. Okhla
Phase-I, RZ-2 Adil Bagh Dabri Main Road Palam, Plot No 3 LSC. Pocket H
& J Sarita Vihar, Personal Banking Branch Office No 104 First Floor
Sector B Pockel 8S9 CSC Vasant Kunj, D-50 Vasant lok
Gurgaon: A-2/80pp. Outab Plaza OLF Enclave Phase 1 Sikandarpur.
SCF-87/88ShopmgAreaSector14, Fandabad : 1 G47B.PN.I.TOpp.MainBus Stand
Syndicate Bank: Branches
Delhi : 13/30. Rachna Bldg, Ajmal Khan Road, D 27-28, Rajan Babu Road.
Adarsh Nagar, 64/60-61. Narela Road, Alipur 29-A/1 .madho Mansion.lst
Floor. Asaf Ali Rd., 8-2/11, Phase Ii, Ashok Vihar, A-257.derawal Ngr.
Gtk Road. Azadpur, 1176. Kanjhawala Road. Bawana, Mamc, Bahadur Shah
Zafar Marg 49-51 Bhogal Raod, Main Road. Vpo Bijwasan, JTD Bldg. Near
Moti Cinema. Chandni Chowk, N-35. Scindia House. Connaught Circus,
Main Road. Chatlarpur, 22. Thimaya Marg. Delhi Cantt, G-37. Dilshad
Colony, Plot No 13B. Sector 23A. Dwarka, Plot 27. Sec 12 A. Dwarka.
Rz-5a.palam Vihar.sector 6. Dwarka, 13. Sani Nagar. East Of Kailash,
Manna Colony, Gandhi Nagar, Kmgway Camp. Gtb Nagar, Haiderpur Village,
No 2,kaushalya Park. Hauzkhas, Subhanchal Hostel Bldg. Ina Colony, 4
Nehru House. Bahadurshah Marg. I P Estate, C- 23,24, Janak Cinema
Complex, Janakpuri, D-31, Kamla Nagar, 38, DLF Industrial Area.
Najafgar Rd. Kirti Ngr, 26-27-28, Lok Nayak Bhawan. Khan Market, C-34,
DDA Shopping Complex, Lajpat Nagar, 6-7. Rishi Bhawan. Phase I.
Mayapuri, C-4/19. Acharya Niketan, Phase I. Mayur Vihar, C-35. Malviya
Nagar, K1/1. Model Town Ml, 1643, Thana Road. Opp Police Stn.
Najafgarh, Bhanot Bkjg, RBC, DDA Complex. Nangalraya, 2114. Bawana
Road. Narela Vikas Marg. Nirman Vihar, 1-1/A.G.Floor. Bazar Marg. Old
Rajinder Ngr, RZ-443. C/1 Gah No-24. Sadh Nagar. Palam Colony, Wz-1.
Palam Village, 8-2. DDA Market. Paschim Vihar. C D Block. Aggarwal
Chambers. Pitampura, Lan. Pusa Campus, Z-1B. Rajouri Garden, Plot No
2, Shopping Complex. Sec 5. Rohini, 7. Sethi Bhawan. Rajendra Place,
Tamil Sangam Bldg, Sec V. R K Puram, 4146-4150. PahariOhiraj. Sadar
Bazar, GF 01,parsvanath. Metro Station. Shahdara, Ag-38, Shalimar



Bagh, DTC Depol. Sarojini Nagar. 112A. Meenakshi Garden. THak Nagar.
1980. Tola Ram Bazar, Trinagar, Wz-13A/13B, Najafgam Road, Uttam
Nagar, B-3. Rama Park. Mohan Garden. Uttam Nagar. C-18.shoppin'G
Centre 1. Paschimi Marg, Vivek Vihar, G-11, Vikaspuri, Bldg No
2-3,cenlral Mkl. West Punjabi Bagh.
Gurgaon : U-16^3. DLF Phase-3. DLF City, 472/11 Old Railway Road.
Bahadurgarh : K-1436/37 Railway Road, Faridabad : 48. Neelam Bata
Road, Shop No. 139. Huda Market, Sector-37, Sco 138. Sector-21c
Market. Sonepat : Shop No. 31. Hsiidc. Commercial Market. Kundli,
Sector -14 Market.
Ghaziabad : Plot No. 11, Ward No. 87. Vaibhav Khand, Shipra Sun City.
Indrapuram. C-2, Mahalaxmi Mall. RDC. Rajnagar, 111-A-1. Near Income
Tax Office. Vaishali
Noida : Plot No. S-9. Gurgaon Shopping Mall. Greater Noida, B-16/17
Sector-18. Morna
Union Bank India : BRANCHES
Delhi : D - 2. Panchwati Commercial Centre. Azadpur, 45. Lekhram Road.
Daryaganj, 24. Community Centre. Ashok Vihar, D - 74. Anand Nikelan,
4/14 -A. AsalAM Road, C - 8. Anand Vihar, H.No.7-2. Rly Xing Narela,
At Bakaner. Lampur Road. Bakaner, Ground Floor. 700. Conductor Colony.
Near Bus Stand. Burari, 625. Chandni Chowk. P.B. No. 1522. 3581.
Chawri Bazar, Post Box NO.1151.H-27, BhagatSingh Road. Chander Nagar,
11/111. 112. Jain 8hawan, Sadar Bazar, Delhi Cantt.. Ground Floor. 7
D. Mandakini Enclave. NRI Complex. C R Park. Main Road. 14/15F. 1st
Floor. Cannaught Place. A-163. Bihari Park. Devli Road. Bansal Plaza.
1st Floor. Plot No. 13. Sector 6. Contral Market Dwarka, Comm Hall L
BLKI FLR Savda Ghevra Via Munda City, Garhi Maindu, Delhi. 1KH No 399.
Ghitorni, A-51. Gokalpur. Nift Campus, Hauz Khas. Near Gul Mohar Park,
At & Post Holumbi, Delhi, 8
-       A. Madhu Vihar, Near Patparganj Bus Depot. 326 0 Jamia Nagar. C •
15. Community Centre. Behind Janak Cinema. Janakpurl, A • 34, Kailash
Colony Market, 10184. Arya Samaj Road. Karol Bagh, 1366 -68. Kashmere
Gate, 111/112, Fatehpuri. Khari Baoli, RC Plaza Nr Kiran CK Kirari
Suteman Ngr. 37, DLF Industrial Area. Kirti Nagar, 0-9. Lajpat Nagar
II, F - 1. New Khanna Market. Lodhi Colony, Main Road. Mangolpur Khurd
P.O. Mangolpuri Kalan, 225. Mukhmelpur. B - 5. Model Town 2, Palika
Bhawan, Opp. Hyatt Regency Hotel. Sachdeva Public School Building, FP
Block. Maurya Enclave. Pitampura, 72. Mundka. Swarn Park. Main Rohtak
Road. C-196. Mayapuri, Phase-ll. G
-       237. Naraina Vihar, 73 - 74. Sheetal House. Nehru Place, Ground
Floor. Dr.Vidya Sagar Health Centre Bldg..Village - Saidul Ajaib. Neb
Sarai, Estate Maintenance Bkj GPRA Complex. New Moti. R2-26. Roshan
Mandi. Najafgarh, At 8 Post Ochandi. Delhi. 38. Central Market.
Punjabi Bagh {W), WZ-15. Channa Mai Park. East Punjabi Bagh. MTNL Bldg
Door Sanchar Bhavan 0 Block Prashant Vihar Sec 14, Rohinl, 46. Ground
Floor. Local Shopping Centre L.U.Block. Pitampura, Jwala Heddy
Shopping Complex. Paschim Vihar, 2/2. Desh Bandhu Gupta Road. Pahar
Ganj. 26/2. East Patel Nagar, J -13/2. Patel Market. Rajouri Garden
Extension, 63. CSC • II. Sector 9, 1st Floor, Rohini, Floor Ambedkar
Bhawan Institutional Area Sec. 16 Rohini. Maharaja Agarsen College.
Sector 22 Rohini, UG-1-10. UGF Vardhman Golden Plaza, Plot 33. Plot No
4. Sector 8, Delhi - Gurgaon Road -S.-i-n.-ik.-!. J - ?'<? Saket, C-4
Community CMtCS Safdarpnq Development Area, G 101 Hall Local Shopping
Centre F G PKT, Sarita Vihar. Shaheed Bhagat Singh E Sheikh Sarai. 52.
Sunder Nagar, 44 -A. Kamla Nagar. Subzi Mandi. 6117. Qutub Road Comer.
Sadar Bazar, 4. Raj Block. Naveen Shahdara, Post Box No. 1578. S.B.
Sarafa Market, Chandni Chowk. Shram Shakt Bhavan Ground Floor Rati
Marg. BQ, Commercial Complex. Shalimar Bagh, D - 43. ND South

Part 1,173-174. D SID C Okhla Industrial Area Phase 1.2 - 3. Shankar
Vlhar Shopping Complex. Shankar Vihar, GR FL Main Sherpur RO, Karwal
Nagar Road, 5-B/3. Tilak Nagar. Najafgam Road. PO Tilak Nagar. 2141.
Ganeshpura, Old 8us Stand. 12 DSIDC Complex A Nangloi Near Udyog
Nagar. D Block, 9 Shopping Centre - II Poorvi Marg. Vasant Vihar. 114,
First Floor. Local Shopping Centre. C-Block, Vikaspuri, 1st Floor, 16.
Mercury House, Wazirpur Commercial Complex, 21/3-4. Arvind Marg. Yusuf
Gurgoan : Sohna Road. Al Village S Post. Badshahpur, Begumpur Khatola,
PO Khandsa, Village Bhondsi. Sohna Road. SCO - 19, Housing Board
Colony. Saraswati Vihar. Chakrapur Road, Bhim Nagar Chowk. New Railway
Road, SCO 39, Sector 31. Jharsa Road, Dist.Gurgaon, Kasan Road. At
Village & Post Manesar. Manesar, Dist. Gurgaon, House No. 1, Ward No.
6.Near Baba Atta Wala Chowk.Pataudi, Haili Mandi Road, K.K.
Palace.Bajghera Road. Rajinder Park. SCO-34. Huda Market. Sector-23.
Gr.Fioor, Prabhat Tower. Rao Mohar Sing Market. Golf Course Road,
Sector-27, Ground Floor. Mala Chowk.P.O. Wazirabad. Sector 52.
Sco-93.Sector-10A. Huda Complex, SCF 19, Sector 4. Huda Market, GF
Ward No. 5. Shiv Colony.Opp New Bus Stand, Delhi-Atwar Road. Sohna,
Dist Gurgaon, G-6 A Ground Floor, Bestach Central Square. Sector 56,
Sushant Lok,
Noida : Shop No.5. Ishan Tower. Near Shiv Mandir. DS Road, Union Bank
Of India Fa10/A Deepak Vihar. Khoda Colony, Opposite Sector-57. Union
Bank Of India Plot No 17. Sector 66, Opposite Upflex. Mamura, Sector
29, Brahmputra Complex. Dist.Gautam Budh Nagar, Gr.Fioor. C-2, Sector
-12, Noida. Dist.. G.B.Nagar. C 56a/28. Sector -62..Dist. Gautambudh
Nagar. Omega Green. Ptot No.513.C Block. Sector 44. M-7.CMC Market.
Main Dadri Road. Baroula , Sector-49, Sharma Market Shop No. 182. Near
Red Light. Sector -51. Sector-6 Noida. Near Noida Authority. UPFC
Building, CFC Bldg.. Greater Noida, Surajpur. Noida-Dadri Road. Dist.
Gautam Budh Nagar. 19. Knowledge Park II, Greater Noida, Institutional
Area. Gautam Budha Nagar
Faridabad : Anbhir Pali Road. P.O. Faridabad. 58. Neelam Bata Road.
Faridabad. SCO-39. Sector-7, 2705. Huda Market. Village Jharsently.
Sector 59, G. T. Road, Dist. Faridabad, Palwal : Agra By Pass Road,
P.O. Palwal
Indus Ind Bank: BRANCHES
Delhi: B-1/8, Ashok Vihar, Phase II, Municipal No -43 to 46, Laxmi
Niwas Building. Main Road- Chandni Chowk, A -276, Bhishma
PithamahaMarg. Defence Colony, Grounds 1st Floors. Antriksh Plaza,
Plot No2. Sector-10. MLU. Dwarka. M-56. (Main Market) Greater Kailash
II. B-8. Opposite Model Town II. Gujranwala, Part I, S 6, Building No
1S&19, Oriental House, Gulmohar Community Centre, Yusuf Sarai, Ground
& 1st Floor,' RG Square Mall*. Unit No G-11.12S28 and F-110 &111. Plot
No 2, LSC at Mandawah Fazalpur. Indraprastha Extension) IP Extn).
Patparganj, B 23. Community Centre. Janakpuri, Shop No.GF-1.2 & 5.
Ground Floor, TDI Centre. Jasola, 134/4.Lala Lajpat Rai Marg, Kailash
Colony ,18/8. Keltron Chambers. Arya Samaj Road. Karol Bagh, 1st Ring
Road, Lajpat Nagar IV. B-225, Near Bikanerwaia, Phase-1. Naraina
Industrial Area. No.4070 - 4075. Naya Bazar. Shop No- G-5.G-6.G-7
Skipper House, Building No-62-63. Nehru Place, Ground Floor &
Basement. #No. 6. ODA Market. New Friends Colony. Shop no G-1 building
no. 5. Capital Exim Centre. Local Shopping Centre. Okhla Industrial
Area, Near C Lai Chowk. Okhla Indl Aroa PH-II. Plot No. 2. State Bank
Nagar. Pashchim Vihar, Ground Floor. No. A-4. lok Vihar. Pitampura.
C-61. Vikas Marg. Proot Vihar 21 WestAvenuo. Punjabi Bagh West,
J-2/21. Rajori Garden, Aggarwal E-Mall. CSC Block No. E, Sector - 7.
Rohini, Common Cause House, 5, Instl Area. Nelson Mandela Road, Vasant
Kunj, Ground Floor, 2W/3, Opp. Metro Pillar No 195. West Patel Nagar,



Haryana: SCO no. 10. Sector - 16, HUDA Commercial Complex, Fatidabad.
Ground Floor at Shop No 2. Suncity Business Tower*, Sector-54. Golf
Course Road. Gurgaon, Block A. Sushant Lok. Phase I, Tower B, First
India Place.'Gr. Floor, Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road. Gurgaon, SOC 7. Sector
14. Gurgaon. Ground ♦ 1st Floors. SCO-3.Sector-10A, Gurgaon Ground
Floor( Shop no G-5) & Upper Ground ftoor,( Shop No UG-5), Bestech
Central Square. Block-G. Sector-57. Sushant Lok-ll, Gurgaon. SCO-8.
Sector31/32AMain HUDA Market. Gurgaon, Ground floor. Shop No. A-12A.
A-15. A-19. Omaxe City Centre. Sector-49. Sohna Road. Gurgaon Lower
Ground Floor, Shop No LG- 7. 8 8 9 and UG-6. "Bestech Centre Point".
A- Block. Galeria Market Road. Sushant Lok-1, Gurgaon, Vanijya Kunj'.
Unit No 1.2.15 & 16 .Enkay Tower, UdyogVihar, Phase-V. Gurgaon, SCO
No. 91 Green Square Market. Near Telephone Exchange . Hissar, SCO 254.
Sector 12. Part 1. Karnal. SCO 19 & 20. SubhashPark . Civil Lines.
Mumbai: Shop No 2'3. Atlanta Building. Ground Floor. Nariman Point,
Acme Plaza. C.T.S. No. 320pp. Sangam Talkies. Andheri-Kuria Road,
Rajasthan : Sangam Complex. Gr.Flr.Church Road, Jaipur
Utlar Pradesh: K's Trident. 10 Rana Pratap Marg. Lucknow, C-76. RDC.
Raj Nagar. Main Road. Ghaziabad, N 10-11. Sector 18. Noida. Plot No
14. Block A/3. Sector-110 Noida, Ground Floor Shop No 21-24. & 1st
Floor. Shop No 36-39. 'Shopping Planet". C-232 A/1, Main Oadri Road.
Sector- 48. Noida, 8-1/A, Shop no. 21. Sector 51 Noida. Shop No 22
&23{Grourxl Floor) and ShopNo.21 & 22 (First Floor) "Stellar IT
Park'.Tower 2. Sector 62,Noida. H-1.A/1. Zygon Square. Sector 63
Noida. Ground Floor, Plot No 8-2, Alpha-1. Commercial belt. Greater
Noida. Hall No. 13. Gaur Gravity Mall . Gaur Green City. Plot No-8,
Vaibhav Khand. Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, Ground Floor "Tyagi Market". «
22, Tej Garhi. Garh Road. Meerut, Block No 48/6. Ground floor, Puneet
Vrindavan Building 'Sanjay Place. Agra
Uttarakhand: Ground Floor. 59/4. International Trade Center. Ra)pur
Road.'Opposite Uttaranchal Secretarial. Dehradun
Bihar: Showroom No. SR02. Rajendra Ram Plaza.'Exhibition Road. Patna
Punjab: Platinum Plaza, 39 Mall Road. Amritsar, SCO 12. 13. Canal
Colony. Near NRI Silk Store. Pakhowal Road. Ludhlana. 365 A-Shoppers
Square.Opposite Gymkhana Club. Lajpat Nagar Jalandhar, SCO.
No.53-54Sector 8-C. 'Madhya Marg Chandigarh
Madhya Pradesh: Krishna Complex. Lai 8ahadur Shastri Square. Jail Road. Raipur
Jharkhand: Jain Enclave Bldg.. 56/B, Main Road.'Near Hero Honda Showroom, Ranchi
Kotak Mahindra Bank: BRANCHES
Delhi : A 1/24 Safdarjung Enclave, G-F 3A-3J. Ground Floor. Ambadeep
Building. 14. Kasturba Gandhi Marg, 3-Jagnli Enclave, Anand Vihar,
C-2/11, Ashok Vihar-2, 739. 1st Floor, Katra Hardayal, Chandni Chowk,
Hauz Ouzi.Unit No.3372-3382, Chawri Bazar, G-39. Ground Floor. Outer
Circle. Connaught Place. 4053 Chittranjan Park. 19 Netaji Subhash
Marg. Daryaganj. A-270 Bishma Pilamah Marg. Defence colony, C-19 ,
Community Center. Opposite IIT Gate.
SaldarjungDevolopmentArea.G1-4.PankajArcade.Plotno:16.Sector 5.Dwarka,
F-02. Ground Floor. East of Kailash, 1/11 Ground Floor. East Patel
Nagar, G-5-13. Plot No.1S2.Basement B - 4,Local Shopping Centre,
Pamposh Enclave. Greater Kailash I, M43-A. Greater Kailash II, Ground
floor, Basemeni, S-5,Green Park Main Market, Greon Park

Main. M-11 . Guru Harkishan Nagar .Paschim Vihar , Shop No.
1-6,GroundFloor, Plot no-9. LSC. Mandavali. Faizalpur|. IP Extension,
PalparganJ, B -1/517 Janakpuri, A-312.Janakpuri, 9 Birbal Road
Jangpura Ext, 19-C UA Ground Floor Bunglow Road, Kamla Nagar, 16/10.
Ground Floor. Arya SamaJ Road. Karol Bagh, F-55. Ground Floor, Kirti
Nagar, 290. A G C R Enclave. Karkardooma, F 3 / 23 . Krishna Nagar, M
-57 Lajpat Nagar Part II, Plot No-33 Ground & Is! Floor, Ring Road.
Lajpat Nagar-IV, Ground & First Floor. C-71. Malviya Nagar. 0-209.
Ground Floor. Ring Road. Mansarover Garden, Ground and First Floor. V
4,Mayur Plaza IV. Plot No 4. DDA LSC Scheme. Mayur Vihar Phase 1, B-1.
Gujranwala Town Part-1, Model Town, Ground Floor, Basement &
Mezzanine. Plot No - 28. Community Centre. Naraina Industrial Area
Phase - 1. 4079. Ground Floor. Naya Bazar, Ground floor. Shop
1, Basement floor. Shop no. 8 -1. Deenar Bhavan, 44. Nehru
Place. D-960, New Friends Colony, 65/2. New Rohtak road. Karol Bagh,
LSC 3. Okhla Industrial Area Phase -II, 202, Okhla Industrial Estate,
Phase III, 79. Old Rajinder Nagar. 04/05 Desh Bandhu Gupla Road.
Paharganj, Harphool Singh Market. RZD - 2. Mahavir Enclave. Palam.
A3/14. Paschim Vihar, Ground Floor. 6, Delhi University Teachers
Housing Co-operative Society. Vaishali, Pitampura, 7 Ground floor.
Bharti Artist Colony. Vikas Marg. Preet Vihar, 4 Sector IV Market.
North - West Avenue Rd..Club Road. Punjabi Bagh, J-13/65, Rajouri
Garden, F-19/12. Sector 8. Rohini, 4893. Phoota Road. Opposite Westend
Cinema. Sadar Bazar, Ground Floor. E-25. Saket, M-3, Ground Floor.
South Extension Part-ll, 4, LSC. Sector C 6& 7. Vasant Kunj. G8 F8.
Vasant Square Mall. Vasant kunj, D-10 No-1 S 2. D Block. Local
Shopping Complex, Vasant Vihar, G-9, Vikas Puri, A-23. Yojna Vihar,
21, Community Centre, Gulmohar Park.Yusuf Sarai. C-3/7 Prashant Vihar,
B-154. Lok Vihar, Pitampura. Ground floor plot no-8
block-CVishalenclave,L- Kalkaji, AM-1 ShatimarBagh,
Haryana: Arjun Marg Branch, Ground & Mezzanine Floor.Shop No.- 27 &
28. Shopping Mall Complex, DLF Outub Enclave Complex. Phase -IGurgaon,
Vatika Business Park. GF 7 block 2.Badshahpur. Gurgaon, SG 20 &21. DLF
Galleria Market, DLF Phase IV. Gurgaon. Ground Floor.Tower B, Vatika
Atrium. Sector 53. Golf Course Road. Gurgaon, SCO-61. Sector-15.
Gurgaon, Ground Floor, JMD Regent Square. MG Road. Gurgaon, Shop No.
3, 3A, 3B & 4,Amrapali Commercial Cum Corporate Hub. Tower-J.Sector-2
. IMT Manesar. Gurgaon, SCO-91 Urban Estate Sector 22 Gurgaon, SCO-16,
Ground Floor. Sector-14, Gurgaon, SCO No. F/34 Sector-31/32-A Huda
Market Gurgaon , The Peach Tree Retail. No. 2VSushant Lok-1 ,C Block
Gurgaon, GF Enkay Tower Plot 8 & B-1,Vanijya Nikunj, Udyog Vihar
Phase-V Gurgaon. SCO-2.Sec-16.District Center. Faridabad, NIT. Near 18
2 Chowk. NIT. NH-2.Faridabad
Noida: Plot No.3. Block No.A-3, Sector 110. Noida, B-1/8. B-1/9.
Sector -51. Noida, H-1/A-16. ground Floor.Sec-63. Noida, 8-1 .Sector
16 Gautam Buddh Nagar. Noida, Plot - 31 and 32. Block-G. Sector - 18.
Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar .Noida, Shop No 3.4.5.GF Harsha Mall Alpha 1
Commercial Belt Greater Noida, Aditya City Center. Indirapuram.
Ghaziabad. C-77. Raj Nagar District Center ( R.D.C.).Raj Nagar.
All branches in Delhi & NCR. the branch address details can be taken
from IDBI Bank website i.e.
All branches in Delhi & NCR. the branch address details can be taken
Irom ICICI Bank website i.e.


Delhi :PlotNo.5. Block C, Ashok Vihar. Phase-1. UG 18.19.20,21 Somdutt
Chambers 1. 5 Bhikaji Cama Place, Plot No. 11/48. Shopping Centre.
Diplornalic Enclave. Malcha Market, Chanakya Puri. 1936. Ward No.-2.
Fountain Chowk. Chandnl Chowk, 56 Janpath. Alps Building. Connaughts
Place, C-1/713E. Palam Extension. Sector-7. Dwarka, F 27, Netaji
Subhash Marg . Oaryaganj, Pankaj Central Plaza. Plot No 5, MLU. Pocket
12. Dwarka. A/2A. Green Park, Plot No. M-31A. Greater Kailash-ll, M-
Block Market. Plot no B -7. Gujranwala Parti. and Ground Floor. Plot
no B 8. Gujranwala Part 1. GF Unit No 3 8.4. FF Unit No 3& 4. TOI
Centre. Plot No 7, Jasola District Centre. Jasola, No. 2FJ1
Jhandewalan Extension. G 09. G 10. G 11. G 12. Plot No 54 B,DDA
Community Centre. Janakpuri, Plot No 80. Block D. Saraswati Marg.
Kamla Nagar. C - 66. Kirti Nagar, Parsvnath Metro Mall. Kashmere Gate
Metro Station. Kashmori Gate. E 4/31 & 31A. Krishna Nagar. F-16.
Kalkaji, Plot No. 1085 C. Block No.-T, Arya Samaj Road. Karol Bagh, A
11/33, Alankar Cinema Road. Lajpat Nagar II. Plot No.C-79, Malviya
Nagar. B1/A12. Mohan Co Operative Industrial Estate, Plot No-3. Anupam
Plaza. LSC, Mayur Vihar Phase I, B 379. Meera Bagh, Outer Ring Road.
First Floor. 1 Community Centre. New Friends Colony, E-34. Naraina
Vihar. G1, G2, G3. Chiranjiv Tower. 43. Nehru Place, 'Capital Exim
Centre'. Unit G 3. Plot No 5. LSC Okhla Industrial Area. Phase 2,
Anchor 2. "D Mali'. Netaji Subhash Place. Pitampura. 275. Rajdhani
Enclave, Pitampura, G - 81. Preet Vihar, Vikas Marg, 195. Master
Somnath Marg. Ram Vihar. D-14. Prashant Vihar. Rohini, Plot 9. Block
E1. Sector 7. Rohini, Agarwal Corporate Tower. Plot No 23. District
Centre. Rajendra Place, S 529. School Block. Mother Dairy Road,
Shakarpur. D-12. South Extension Part-ll, E-31. Saket. AG 23. Shalimar
Bagh, Plot No-2 .OCF. Sector-B,Pocket-11 Vasant Kunj. A-42, Vishal
Enclave, Plot No. 6. Basant Lok. (Priya Cinema Complex Market) Vasant
Vihar, G 148. Vikaspuri, 10, West Avenue, West Punjabi Bagh,
Bangalore : Ground Floor, Prestige Obelisk, Municipal No 3. Kasturba Road,
Gurgaon : SCO 27.Sector 14, HUDA Market. Ground Floor. Khaitoni No
190. Khewat No 171/145, Village Jataula. Tehsil Farukh Nagar. Dist
Gurgaon, Retail Block. Upper Ground Floor. DLF Cyber City, Tower 8 C,
Unit No 3. Vatika City Point. M.G. Road, Faridabad : SCO-4. Sector 16,
Noida : Plot no.38. Block-H1A. Sector 63, Ground Floor and Part 1st
Floor of Vinayak Hospital'. NH 1. Sector 27. Atta, DSC Road (Surajpur
Dadri Road). Surajpur, Greater NOIDA, District Gautambudh Nagar,
Ghaziabad : Plot C-37. Rajnagar Dist Centre (RDC). BG 14.15 & BG 47.
Aditya City Center, Commercial cum Residential Plot No. 03. Vaibhav
Khand. Indirapuram.
Lucknow: Gr. Fir, Tulsi Complex. 12 Rani Laxmibai Marg. Hazratganj,
Ludhiana: B-XX. 2427-928. Govind Nagar. FirozpurRoad. Chandigarh: Shop
Cum Office (SCO)No. 151-152. Sector9C. Madhya Marg.
Kolkata : Ground Floor. 2/3 Judges Court Road. Alipore,
Patna : Ground & Mezzanine Floor and Unit No. 201 on 2nd Floor,
Rajendra Ram Plaza. Plot No. 875. Holding No. 373. Circle No. 6.
Exhibition Road,
Ahmcdabad : Part Ground Floor. Rudraksh. Plot No. 31. Rambaug. Maninagar,
Mumbai : Premises No 1A. Ground Floor. Mittal Chambers. Plot no. 228
of Block no. Ill of Backbay Reclamation. Nariman Point. Ground Floor,
Shree Amba Shanti Chambers. Opp. Hotel Leela. Andheri Kurla Road.
Andheri East,

Delhi : 531-536. 1st Fkx>r.,Maha1axmi Bldg.. Chandni Chowk. H-38, H
69. Connaught Place, Outer Circle. Aggatwal Central Plaza Plo! No 11,
Sector 5, Dwarka, GF-01 -02-03. Laxmi Deep BWg., Vikas Warg. Laxmi
Nagar. RG Complex. Plot No.10. LSC. B Block. Mayur Vihar, Phase II.
HDFC Bank Ltd, G 22-33. Pankaj Central Market. HDFC Bank Ltd A-38.
Anand Vihar. 1450. East Jyothi Nagar.Main Loni Road. Shahdara, 8-5.
Ashoka Nlketan. Main Road. Vivek Vihar. HDFC Bank Ltd 72. Janpath,
GF-1. O&H. DCM 8LDG.. 16 Barakhamba Road. Barakhamba Road. 1st Floor.
Harsha Bhawan. Middle Circle. M Block, Cannaught Place, 3977-3980.
Roshanara Road, D-147. Kamla Nagar, HDFC Bank Ltd. AG-26. Shalimar
Bagh-ll. RG City Centre, SU, LSC. Lawrance Road, B-10 GujranwalaTown,
P;v:'. R rtg Road Model Town. 1961/5Railway Road. Narela, RG Complex.
Plot No.4,DDA Community Ctr. Sec. IX, Rohinl NN Towers.23A Community
Centre.Road No.44. Pitampura. B-3/2. Ashok Vihar Phase II. 2212,Gali
64-65.J Block. Naiwaia.Gurudwara Road. Karol Bagh. 2/10 East Patel
Nagar. New Rajinder Nagar Market. F-38. Kirti Nagar. 1st Floor. Pankaj
Plaza.Plot No.7 Pocket 4. Sector 11, Dwarka. G 14. Kirti Nagar,
Extension Kirti Nagar. D-117. Vikas Puri, Plot No. 28.Block
S.Community Centre, Janakpuri. J-12/21. Rajouri Garden. 22 . Sunder
Nagar Market, G-8. Hauz Khas. Hauz Khas Market. D-9. South Extension,
Part II. Site No.2. OCF Pocket, Sector-C. Vasant Kunj, H-7. Green Park
Extention, G-14. Ground Floor And F-6 First Floor. Sheikh Sarai. C-17.
Anand Niketan. Shop No M-29. Greater Kailash - II, C-32 Malviya Nagar.
14 . Anand Lok. A-9, Ring Road. Lajpat Nagar IV. Plot No 9. H And J
Block. Local Shopping Centre. Sariia Vihar. Plot No 4, Capital Trust
House II, Maa Anandamayi Marg. Okhla Ind Area Phase II. N-13. Kalkaji.
HDFC Sank Ltd B-88. Bhishm Pitamah Marg Defence Colony. A-71. East of
Kailash. Ground Floor Community Center Kamal Cinema. Safdarjung
Gurgaon : SCF-79. Sector 14, First India Place. Mehrauli Gurgaon Road,
DLF. Faridabad: SCO-6. Sector 16 Shopping Centre. Plot No.5 HI 2,
N.I.T.. Faridabad. Noida : K-2, Somdutt Chamber. Sector-18, Gautam
Buddha Nagar. Sector HO.Noida 201306 Gautam Buddha Nagar. B-1/51 & 60.
Sector50. Noida 201301 Gautam Buddha Nagar,
All branches in Delhi & NCR. the branch address details can be taken
from Axis Bank website i.e..


(WO TE: This affidavit should be on a non-judicial stamp paper of
110/- and shall be attested by Magistrale/Sub-Judge/Notacy Public and
an extra stamp worth Rs. 5/- should be affixed thereon.)
Affidavil 0' Sh./Smt    S/o/D/o/W/o Shri        FtfO    
aforesaid solemnly affirm and state as under:
1.      I am a citizen of India.
2.      I or my wife/husband or any of my dependant relations, including
minor children do not own in full or part on free hold or lease hold
basis any residential plot or house in the urban area of Delhi. New
Delhi or Delhi Cantt.
3.      I am applying for allotment of only one dwelling unit.
4.      I have attained the age of majority at the lime of applying for
registration. My date of birth is       .
5.      I have not sold, transferred, assigned or parted with the
possession of the whole or any part of the residence at No.     allotted
to me
against my Registration No.                     in the draw held on _           
by the DDA. That
I have not executed any Sale Agreement. Power of
Attorney or Agreement to Sale in favourof anybody.
6.      That I. S/o/D/ofW/o     
R/o       applied   for   registration   of
LIG/MIG/HIG/JANTA/EWS under DDAHousing Scheme. 2014     vide application
No.     and that I
have been allotted a flat No.   vide allotment letter No.       dated   .
That I am entitled for possession of the flat.
7.      That Smt. _^^^^^^^^^^^^_ DA> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^__ is my legally wedded 
8.      I have read, understood and before filling the application form I
have accepted all the termsandconditionsof brochureof DDAHousing
Scheme. 2014.
I,      , do hereby verify that the facts mentioned in Paras 1 to 8 above
are correct to the best of
my knowledge and nothing is false therein and nothing material has
been concealed.
Date:   ^

(NOTE: This undertaking should be on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.
10/- and shall be attested by Magistrate/Sub-Judge/Notary Public and
an extra stamp worth Rs.5/- should be affixed thereon.)
WHEREAS, I,      SlolDloWlo Shri        
RVo     on an application made to the Delhi Development
Authority under the Delhi Development Authority (Management & Disposal
of Housing Estates) Regulations. 1968 (hereinafter called the said
Regulation) have been allotted a        (hereinafter called the flat).
AND WHEREAS under the said is obligatory on my part to
form a registered agency with the Vice-Chairman.DDAfor the management
and administration of the common portions and common services attached
to the fiats, execute the conveyance deed for the flat and Joint lease
deed for the land, under the appurtenant to the flats before the
possession of the flat is handed over to me.
AND WHEREAS I in my own interest have applied to Delhi Development
Authority for the possession of the flat allotted for immediate
occupation, before the completion of the various formalities required
to be performed by me under the said regulations and execution and
registration of the documents provided in the Regulations.
I.      S/o/W/o/D/o     
R/o      hereby undertake that in the event of the
possession of the flat allotted being given to me earlier. I shall
abide by all the terms and conditions that are set forth in the DDA
(Management and Disposal of Housing Estates) Regulations. 1968,
including the documents containing therein, or may be set forth in the
Conveyance Deed for the fiat and the Joint lease deed (or the land
under the appurtenant to the flats by the Delhi Development Authority
and shall sign and execute the same with the Delhi Development
Authority and gel the same registered at my own cost and expenses in
the manner prescribed under the said Regulations within 90 days from
the date of handing over the possession of the fiat or such extended
period as may be permitted by the Vice Chairman of Delhi Development
Authority from time to time and that during the said period of 90 days
of such extended period as may be permitted. I shall be responsible
for looking after the maintenance of the common services attached to
the flat allotted.
1.      further undertake that we shall constitute and become, a member of
the Registered Agency prescribed under the said Regulations and abide
by the
constitution, a model form of which I have read and understood.
I also undertake not to make any addition and alteration in the
dwelling unit allotted to me without obtaining prior and written
permission from trie DDA. It will be open to DDA to cancel the
allotment and resume the possession of the dwelling unit, if I fail to
fulfil the undertaking given herein.
Signed by me    on      day of  Two Thousand Fourteen.
In the presence of witnesses:-1.
2.      /^      ALLOTTEE




Specimen signature and photograph of Shri R/o

S/o/D/Q/W/Q Shri



W/o Shri

        Specimen signature of Shri      Photograph of Shri



        Specimen signature of Smt.      Photograph of Smt.





Name of the Applicant

i                           I I  Name of Applicant's father:

             Name of Spouse of Applicant (if married)
l     l l  l l           l

Photograph of Applicant

PAN No. of Applicant:

5.3JT&S S fe itf JITS! SI TO    Applicant's Bank Account & Branch
sfc      IFSC Code:

6.      Phone No. (with STD Code)
7.              Mobile No.:
8.      I       Email-Id:
9.      SIS     Category code: 10.31T95S SI airanfa 131        Residential
Address of Applicant

                                                p       1       N               

Photograph of Join! Applicant.
if any
11.15 2T3£R ST 131
Address for correspondence:
                                                p       I       N               
12 (s). WJS3 3iTt3S/Sf ST/S TO - 3*icM*       Name of Joint applicant - optional

Relation (in case ot Heserveo category)
   Name of the Spouse, if both husband & wife apply separately
(8) 1 I      Application No. of the Spouse, if applied separately

14.SftQ3I S WI3 (SIS fcT$)      Locations Preference (write code)
Registration amount Draft/Bankers Cheque No     Date       Amount       Drawn on
maton has Been concealed therefrom iwe rm carefully read and understood me terms
and eond*onscontar*d« Die Brochure itongwithinstnxions and hereby
agree to aWe try them lVrtluWltfwei«Mtyemeragweninte8roch«to»
aopWd although We anvare not eligible as per conditions laid down in
clause 2 ol the Brochure or iM^e falsely claimed me txntH of
reservaoon or has given talse arftdwlWormaMn including guottg wrong
PAN Number
or suppressed any material fact at any time whatsoever, the
application;alOtmcnl(s) nil be rejected/canceled summanry without
issuing any show cause ncOce for the same. In case, of such
cancelaOon'rejectOn all


Signature of Joint Applicant

>       _
Application received on 

.. with the above mentioned particulars.

Authorised signature of the Bank Official with seal

Form No.
Name of the applicant   
Specimen signature of applicant 
Registration amount Draft/Bankers Cheque No     Date      Amount        Drawn on

Application received on with the above mentioned particulars.

Authorised signature of the Bank Official with seal

? 150/-
(Inclusive o! VAT)

Delhi Development Authority
Vikas Sadan, INA, New Delhi-110023 Please visit our website :

On 9/24/14, ramji tripati <> wrote:
> respected list members,
> can any one provide me dda housing scheme brochure in Unicode font
> which is accessible for screen reader.
> your help will be appreciated.
> --
> With thanks and regards
> (Ramji Tripathi)
> Personal Assistant,
> Varanasi: 221005
> Mob: 9453365780,
> 7524936161,
> 9454256751
> Facebook ID: ramji.tripathi.503
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(Deepak Kumar Singla)

"Help Ever Hurt Never"

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