Yes, Wonderful efforts, indeed!

With thanks and regards

(Rajesh Asudani)

Assistant General Manager
Market Intelligence Unit
Reserve Bank of India

Tel.: 0712 2806358
(In youth you want things, and then in middle-age you want to want them.)

-----Original Message-----
From: AccessIndia [] On Behalf Of 
shalini singh
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2014 12:55 PM
Subject: [AI] proposal been send by Nationalo Federation of the Blind to 

Dear friends,
The National Federation of the Blind had again took an initiative to raise
voice for the interest of visually impaired people by sending a proposal
 with certain suggestions on the office memorandum.
below is the propoosal been send by the NFB please have a look at it:-





New Delhi, Dated the 29th December, 2005


Subject:           Amendment to consolidated instructions with regard to
reservation for persons with disabilities.

With a view to amend the consolidated instructions issued by this Office
Memorandum bearing No. 36035/3/2004-Estt. (Res) dated 29.12.2005 to bring
them in line with the judgment dated 08.10.2013 of the Hon’ble Supreme
Court of India in Civil Appeal No. 9096/2013 titled as Union of India Vs.
National Federation of the Blind on the manner of computation of
reservation for persons with disabilities in terms of Section 33 of “The
Persons with Disabilities ( Equal Opportunity, Protection of Rights and
Full Participation) Act- 1995”, as well as to amend the office memorandum
no.36012/24/2009-Estt.(Res) dt. 3.12.13, the following instructions are
issued with regard to reservation for persons with disabilities (Physically
Handicapped persons) in posts and services under the Government of India.
These instructions shall supersede all previous instructions issued on the
subject so far.


Three percent of the total number of vacancies in the strength of a cadre
for persons with disabilities  irrespective of mode of recruitment
including by direct recruitment, promotion and deputation shall be reserved
for persons with disabilities of which 1% each shall be reserved for
persons suffering from (i) blindness or low vision, (ii)  hearing
impairment and (iii) locomotor disability or cerebral palsy separately for
each of them in all groups of posts

3.         *EXEMPTION FROM RESERVATION:  *   If any Department/ Ministry
considers it necessary to exempt any establishment partly or fully from the
provision of reservation for persons with disabilities, it may make a
reference to the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment giving full
justification for the proposal.  The grant of exemption shall be considered
by an Inter-Departmental Committee set up by the Ministry of Social Justice
and Empowerment.


The Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment have identified the jobs/posts
suitable to be held by persons with disabilities and the physical
requirement for all such jobs/ posts vide their notification No.
16-15/2010-DD III Dt. 29.7.2013.  The vacancies in the posts in the cadre
strength identified as suitable in the said notification for the respective
category of the disability as amended from time to time in terms of section
32 of the act, shall be used for appointment against reservation for each
of the afore mentioned three categories of disability to the extent of 1%
each to implement scheme of 3% reservation for persons with disabilities in
accordance with section 33 of the act but the identification will have
nothing to do in the computation and entitlement of 3% reservation for
persons with disabilities as well as with respect to entitlement of 1%
reservation for each of the 3 categories of disabilities respectively.  It
may however, be noted that:

(a)       The nomenclature used for any job/post shall mean and include
nomenclature used for other comparable jobs/posts having identical

(b)       The list of jobs/posts notified by the Ministry of Social Justice
& Empowerment is not exhaustive.  The concerned Ministries/ Departments
shall have the discretion to identify jobs/posts in addition to the
jobs/posts already identified by the Ministry of Social Justice &
Empowerment.   However, no Ministry/ Department / Establishment shall
exclude any identified job/post from the purview of reservation at its own

(c)       If a job/post identified for persons with disabilities is shifted
from one group or grade to another group or grade due to change in the pay
scale or otherwise, the job /post shall remain identified.


(I) Under no circumstance, identification of posts shall be used to reduce
the quantum of 3% reservation for persons with disabilities in an
establishment WHICH shall be computed against total number of vacancies in
the strength of a cadre.

(ii)  Every establishment shall ensure that reservation is distributed
between the aforementioned 3 categories of persons with disabilities
equally to the extent of 1% each.

disability cannot be denied the right to compete for appointment against an
unreserved vacancy provided he meets the eligibility criteria of the given
post.  Thus a person with disability can be appointed against an unreserved
vacancy also.

with disabilities selected on their own merit without relaxed selection
standards along with other candidates, will not be adjusted against the
reserved share of vacancies.  The reserved vacancies will be filled up
separately from amongst the eligible candidates with disabilities which
will thus comprise physically handicapped candidates who are lower in merit
than the last candidate in merit list but otherwise found suitable for
appointment, if necessary, by relaxed standards.  It will apply in case of
direct recruitment as well as promotion, wherever reservation for persons
with disabilities is admissible. Relaxation in medical standards owing to
disability will not constitute relax standards.

8.         *DEFINITIONS OF DISABILITIES:*  Definitions of categories of
disabilities for the purpose of this Office Memorandum are given below:-

(i)(a)  Blindness:            “Blindness” refers to a condition where a
person suffers from any of the following conditions, namely:-

(i)        Total absence of sight; or

(ii)       Visual acuity not exceeding6/60 or 20/200 (snellen) in the
better eye with correcting lenses; or

(iii)         Limitation the field of vision subtending an angle of 20
degree or worse;

(b)  *Low vision:* “Persons with low vision” means a person with impairment
of visual functioning even after treatment or standard refractive
correction but who uses or is potentially capable of using vision for the
planning or execution of a task with appropriate assistive device;

(ii)  *Hearing Impaired: *“Hearing impairment” means loss of sixty decibels
or more in the better ear in the conversational range of frequencies;

(iii)(a)*Locomotor Disability:*    “Locomotor disability” means disability
of the bones, joints or muscles leading to substantial restriction of the
movement of the limbs or any form of cerebral palsy.

(b) *Cerebral Palsy:*-       “Cerebral Palsy” means a group of
non-progressive conditions of a person characterized by abnormal motor
control posture resulting from brain insult or injuries occurring in the
prenatal, peri-natal or infant period of development.

©            All the cases of orthopaedically handicapped persons would be
covered under the category of “locomotor disability or cerebral

9.         *DEGREE OF DISABILITY FOR RESERVATION*  :  Only such persons
would be eligible for reservation in services/ posts who suffer from not
less than 40 per cent of relevant disability.  A person who wants to avail
of benefit of reservation would have to submit a Disability Certificate
issued by a competent authority in the format given in Annexure-I.

competent authority to issue Disability Certificate shall be a medical
Board duly constituted by the Central or a State Government.  The Central/
State Government may constitute Medical Board (s) consisting of at least
three members out of which at least one shall be a specialist in the
particular field for assessing locomotor /cerebral/ visual/ hearing
disability, as the case may be.

11.      The Medical Board shall, after due examination, give a permanent
disability certificate in cases of such permanent disabilities where there
are no chances of variation in the degree of disability.  The Medical Board
shall indicate the period of validity of the certificate, in cases where
there are chances of variation in the degree of disability.  No refusal of
disability certificate shall be made unless an opportunity is given to the
applicant of being heard.  On representation by the applicant, the medical
Board may review its decision having regard to all the facts and
circumstances of the case and pass such orders in the matter as it thinks

12.      At the time of initial appointment and promotion against a vacancy
reserved for persons with disability, the appointing authority shall ensure
that the candidate is eligible to get the benefit of reservation.

13.      *COMPUTATION OF RESERVATION:*  Reservation for persons with
disabilities in all Group of posts viz. group  A,B,C & D shall be computed
on the basis of total number of vacancies in the strength of a cadre in an
establishment irrespective of mode of recruitment including by direct
recruitment, promotion and deputation although the appointment of persons
with disability would be made by utilizing vacancies in the posts
identified as suitable for each of the three categories of disability to
the extent of 1% each.   Thus it is possible that number of persons
appointed against reservation in an identified post may exceed 3%.

*ILLUSTRATION:*        If there are 100 vacancies or 100 posts in an
establishment the concerned establishment will have to reserve a minimum of
3% for persons with disabilities out of which at least 1%  has to be
reserved separately for each of the following disabilities:

*i)      * Persons suffering from blindness and low vision;

*ii)    *Persons suffering from hearing impairment;

*iii)  *Persons suffering from locomotor disability or cerebral palsy.

Appointment of 1 blind person against 1 vacancy reserved for him/her will
be made against vacancy in an identified post, for instance, the post of
peon, which is identified for the blind in Group D.  Similarly, one hearing
impaired will be appointed against 1 reserved vacancy for the said category
in the post of Store Attendant Group D.  Likewise 1 person suffering from
locomotor or cerebral palsy will be appointed against the post of Furash
Group D post identified for that category of disability.


*(a)  *All establishments shall maintain separate vacancy based rosters for
each cadre in the establishment to give effect to reservation to persons
with disabilities as per the format annexed as annexure II to this
memorandum which is on the basis of earlier vacancy based roster prior to
R.K. Sabbarwal’s case.

*(b)  *Each register shall have cycle of 100 points and each cycle of 100
points shall be divided into three blocks comprising the following points:

                        1st Block-        point No.1 to point No. 33

                        2nd Block-       point No.34 to point No.66

               3rd Block-        point No.67 to point No.100

*(c)   *Points 1, 34 and 67 of the roster shall be earmarked reserved for
persons with disabilities-One point for each of the three categories of
disabilities.  The head of the establishment shall decide the categories of
disabilities for which the points 1,34 and 67 will be reserved keeping in
view all relevant facts.

*(d)  *  If the vacancy falling at point no.1 is not identified for the
disabled, one of the vacancies falling at any of the points from 2 to 33
shall be treated as reserved for the disabled and filled as such.  Likewise
a vacancy falling at any of the points from 34 to 66 or from 67 to 100
shall be filled by the disabled.  The purpose of keeping points 1, 34 and
67 as reserved is to fill up the first available suitable vacancy from 1 to
33, first available suitable vacancy from 34 to 66 and first available
suitable vacancy from 67 to 100 by persons with disabilities.

*(e)   *There is a possibility that none of the vacancies from 1 to 33 is
suitable for any category of the disabled.  In that case two vacancies from
34 to 66 shall be filled as reserved for persons with disabilities.  If the
vacancies from 34 to 66 are also not suitable for any category, three
vacancies shall be filled as reserved from the third block containing
points from 67 to 100.  This means that if no vacancy can be reserved in a
particular block, it shall be carried into the next block.

*(f)    *After all the 100 points of the roster are covered, a fresh cycle
of 100 points shall start and the same shall continue likewise till the
placement of each of the vacancy in the strength of cadre in every


(a)        Reservation for each of the three categories of persons with
disabilities shall be made separately.  But if the nature of vacancies in
an establishment is such that a person of a specific category of disability
cannot be employed, the vacancies may be interchanged among the three
categories with the approval of the Ministry of Social Justice &
Empowerment and reservation may be determined and vacancies filled

(b)  If any vacancy reserved for any category of disability cannot be
filled due to non-availability of a suitable person with the disability,
such vacancy shall not be filled and shall be carried forward as a backlog
reserved vacancy’ to the subsequent recruitment year.

(c)   In the subsequent recruitment year the ‘backlog reserved vacancy’
shall be treated as reserved for the category of disability for which it
was kept reserved in the initial year of recruitment.  However, if a
suitable person with that disability is not available, it may be filled by
interchange among the three categories of disabilities.  In case no
suitable person with disability is available for filling up the post in the
subsequent year also, the employer may fill up the vacancy by appointment
of a persons other than a person with disability.  If the vacancy is filled
by a person with disability of the category for which it was reserved or by
a person of other category of disability by inter se exchange in the
subsequent recruitment year, it will be treated to have been filled by
reservation.  But if the vacancy is filled by a person other than a person
with disability in the subsequent recruitment year, reservation shall be
carried forward for a further period upto two recruitment years where after
the reservation shall lapse.  In these two subsequent years, if situation
so arises, the procedure for filling up the reserved vacancy shall be the
same as followed in the first subsequent recruitment year.

16.      In order to ensure that cases of lapse of reservation are kept to
the minimum, any recruitment of the disabled candidates shall first be
counted against the additional quota brought forward from previous years,
if any, in their chronological order.  If candidates are not available for
all the vacancies, the order carried forward reservation would be filled
first and the relatively later carried forward reservation would be further
carried forward.


(a)       While filling up the reserved vacancies by promotion by
selection, the disabled candidates who are within the normal zone of
consideration shall be considered for promotion.  Where adequate number of
disabled candidates of the appropriate category of handicapped not
available within the normal zone, the zone of consideration may be extended
to five times the number of vacancies and the persons with disabilities
falling within the extended zone may be considered.  In the event of non
availability of candidates even in the extended zone, the reservation can
be exchanged so that post can be filled by a person with other category of
disability, if possible.  If it is not possible to fill up the post by
reservation, the post may be filled by a person other than a persons with
disability and the reservation shall be carried forward for upto three
subsequent recruitment years, whereafter it shall lapse.

(b)       In posts filled by non-selection, the eligible candidates with
disabilities shall be considered for promotion against the reserved
vacancies and in case no eligible candidate of the appropriate category of
disability is available, the vacancy can be exchanged with other categories
of disabilities identified for it.  If it is not possible to fill up the
post by reservation even by exchange, the reservation shall be carried
forward for upto three subsequent recruitment years whereafter it shall

Reservation for backward classes of citizens (SCs, STs and OBCs) is called
vertical reservation and the reservation for categories such as persons
with disabilities and ex-servicemen is called horizontal reservation.
Horizontal reservation cuts across vertical reservation (in what is called
inter-locking reservation) and persons selected against the quota for
persons with disabilities have to be placed in the appropriate category
viz. SC/ST/OBC/General candidates depending upon the category to which they
belong in the roster meant for reservation of SCs/STs/OBCs.  To illustrate,
if in a given year there are two vacancies reserved for the persons with
disabilities and out of two persons with disabilities appointed, one
belongs to a scheduled caste and the other to general category then the
disabled SC candidate shall be adjusted against the SC point in the
reservation roaster and the general candidate against unreserved point in
the relevant reservation roster.  In case none of the vacancies falls on
point reserved for the SCs, the disabled candidate belonging to SC shall be
adjusted in future against the next available vacancy reserved for SCs.

19.      Since the persons with disabilities have to be placed in the
appropriate category viz. SC/ST/OBC/General in the roster meant for
reservation of SCs/STs/OBCs, the application form for the post should
require the candidates applying under the quota reserved for persons with
disabilities to indicate whether they belong to SC/ST/OBC or General


(i)        Upper age limit for persons with disabilities shall be relaxable
(a) by ten years (15 years for SCs/STs and 13 years for OBCs) in case of
direct recruitment to Group C and Group D posts (b) by 5 years (10 years
for SCs/STs and 8 years for OBCs) in case of direct recruitment to Group A
and Group B posts where recruitment is made otherwise than through open
competitive examination; and (c) by 10 years (15 years for SCs/STs and 13
years for OBCs) in case of direct recruitment to Group A and Group B posts
through open competitive examination.

(ii)      Relaxation in age limit shall be applicable irrespective of the
fact whether the post is reserved or not, provided the post is identified
suitable for persons with disabilities.


If sufficient number of persons with disabilities are not available on the
basis of the general standard to fill all the vacancies reserved for them,
candidates belonging to this category may be selected on relaxed standard
to fill up the remaining vacancies reserved for them provided they are not
found unfit for such post of posts.  Thus, to the extent the number of
vacancies reserved for persons with disabilities cannot be filled on the
basis of general standards, candidates belonging to this category may be
taken by relaxing the standards to make up the deficiency in the reserved
quota subject to the fitness of these candidates for appointment to the
post / posts in question.

22.      *MEDICAL EXAMINATION:*   As per Rule 10 of the Fundamental Rules,
every new entrant to Government service on initial appointment is required
to produce a medical certificate of fitness issued by a competent
authority.  In case of medical examination of a person with disability for
appointment to a post identified as suitable to be held by a person
suffering from a particular kind of disability, the concerned Medical
Officer or Board shall be informed beforehand that the post is identified
suitable to be held by persons with disability of the relevant category and
the candidates shall then be examined medically keeping this fact in view.

Persons with disabilities shall be exempt from payment of application fee
and examination fee, prescribed in respect of competitive examinations held
by the staff Selection Commission, the Union Public Service Commission etc.
for recruitment to various posts.  This exemption shall be available only
to such persons who would otherwise be eligible for appointment to the post
on the basis of standards of medical fitness prescribed for that post
(including any concession specifically extended to the disabled persons)
and who enclose with the application form, necessary certificate from a
competent authority in support of their claim of disability.

24.      *NOTICE OF VACANCIES:  *  In order to ensure that persons with
disabilities get a fair opportunity in consideration for appointment to an
identified post, the following points shall be kept in view while sending
the requisition notice to the Employment Exchange, the SSC, the UPSC etc.
and while advertising the vacancies:-

(i)        Number of vacancies reserved for SCs/STs/OBCs/Ex-Servicemen/
Persons suffering from blindness or low vision/ persons suffering from
hearing impairment/persons suffering from locomotor disability or cerebral
palsy should be indicated clearly.

(ii)      In case of vacancies in posts identified suitable to be held by
persons with disability, it shall be indicated that the post is identified
for persons with disabilities suffering from blindness or low vision;
hearing impairment; and/or locomotor disability or cerebral palsy, as the
case may be, and that the persons with disabilities belonging to the
category/categories for which the post is identified shall be allowed to
apply even if no vacancies are reserved for them.  Such candidates will be
considered for selection for appointment to the post by general standards
of merit.

(iii)     In case of vacancies in posts identified suitable for persons
with disabilities, irrespective of whether any vacancies are reserved or
not, the categories of disabilities viz blindness or low vision, hearing
impairment and locomotor disability or cerebral palsy, for which the post
is identified suitable alongwith functional classification and physical
requirements for performing the duties attached to the post shall be
indicated clearly.

(iv)     It shall also be indicated that persons suffering from not less
than 40% of the relevant disability shall alone be eligible for the benefit
of reservation.

proper implementation of the provisions of reservation for persons with
disabilities, the requisi6tioning authority while sending the requisition
to the UPSC, SSC etc. for filling up of posts shall furnish the following
certificate to the recruiting agency:-

*“*It is certified that the requirements of the Persons With Disabilities
(Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights & Full Participation) Act, 1995
and the policy relating to reservation for persons with disabilities has
been taken care of while sending this requisition.  The Vacancies reported
in this requisition fall at points No.         of cycle No.          of 100
point reservation roaster out of which          number of vacancies are
reserved for persons with disabilities.”


(i)        Soon after the first of January of every year, each appointing
authority shall send to its administrative Ministry/ Department:-

a)              PWD reported in the prescribed proforma (Annexure III)
showing the total number of employees, total number of employees in the
posts which have been identified suitable for persons with disabilities and
number of employees suffering from blindness or low vision, hearing
impairment, and locomotor disability or cerebral palsy as on the 1st
January of the year, and

b)             PWD Report-II in the prescribed proforma (Annexure IV)
showing the number of vacancies reserved for persons suffering from
blindness or low vision, hearing impairment, and locomotor disability or
cerebral palsy and number of such persons actually appointed during the
preceding calendar year.

(ii)      The administrative Ministry/Department shall scrutinize the
information received from all appointing authorities under it and send
consolidated PW D report-I and PW D Report-II in prescribed Performa in
respect of the Ministry/Department *including information in respect of all
attached and subordinate offices *under its control to the Department of
Personnel and Training by the 31st March of each year.

(iii)     The following points may be kept in view while sending the
reports to the Department of Personnel & Training:-

(a)   The reports sent to the DOPT should not include information in
respect of public sector undertakings, statutory, semi-Government and
autonomous bodies.  Statutory, semi Government and autonomous bodies shall
furnish consolidated information in the prescribed performa to the
administrative Ministry/Department concerned who may scrutinize, monitor
and maintain it at their own level.  The Department of public enterprises
may collect similar information in respect of all public sector

(b)  The attached / subordinate offices shall send information to their
administrative Ministry/Department only and shall not send it direct to
this Department.

(c)   The figure in respect of persons with disabilities shall include
persons appointed by reservation as well as appointed otherwise.

(d)  The PWD Report I relates to persons and not to posts.  Therefore,
while furnishing this report the posts vacant etc. should not be taken into
account.  In this report persons on deputation should be included in the
establishment of the borrowing Ministry/Department /Office and not in the
parent establishment.  Persons permanent in one grade but officiating or
holding temporary appointment in the higher grade shall be included in the
figures relating to the Class of service to which the higher grade belongs.


Liaison officers appointed to look after reservation matters for SCs/STs
shall also work as Liaison Officers for reservation matters relating to
persons with disabilities and shall ensure compliance of these

28.      All the Ministries/ Departments are requested to bring the above
instructions to the notice of all appointing authorities under their
control.  All the heads of Departments are also informed that the Hon’ble
Supreme Court has also directed to compute the reservation for persons with
disabilities and implement the scheme of reservation in line with the
interpretation of section 33 given by Hon’ble Supreme Court within a period
of three moths and accordingly all the heads of departments are directed to
ensure compliance of the said directions and implement the scheme of
reservation within a period of three months.

                     ( K.G. VERMA)

                                Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India


(i)             All Ministries/ Departments of the Govt. of India

*(ii)           *Department of Economic Affairs (Banking Division), New

*(iii)         *Department of Economic Affairs (Insurance Division), New

*(iv)          *Department of Public Enterprises, New Delhi

*(v)            *Railway Board.

*(vi)          *Public Service Commission/ Supreme Court of India/ Election
Commission/ Lok Sabha Secretariat/Rajya Sabha Secretariat/ Cabinet
Secretariat/ Central Vigilance Commission/ President’s Secretariat/ Prime
Minister’s office/ Planning Commission.

*(vii)        *Staff Selection Commission, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi

*(viii)      *Office of the Chief Commissioner for Disabilities, Sarojini
House, 6 Bhagwan Das Road, New Delhi-110001

*(ix)          *Office of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India, 10,
Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi

*(x)           *All Officers and “Sections in the Ministry of Personnel,
Public Grievances and Pensions and all attached subordinate offices of this

*(xi)          *Information and Facilitation Centre, DOPT, North Block, New

*(xii)        *200 spare copies for Estt. (Res) Desk.

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