Disabled children in West Africa face a life on the streets and abuse
that comes with it [AP]

Dakar, Senegal - Ten-year-old Gisele has grown up being told she was
cursed by God. Paralysed from the waist down when she was an infant,
she lives in a rural area of Guinea and spends all day at home, often
sitting motionless for hours.

She is left alone as her siblings and cousins go to school and the
adults work at a local farm. When she needs to move, Gisele drags
herself across the floor with her hands. From the threshold of her
house she watches other children play and have fun - something she has
never been able to do.

For a child of her age, Gisele looks gaunt and lifeless. Most days,
she is fed just once. Friendless and neglected, she is lacking
nutrition, hygiene, clothing and care.

Her family see her as a life-long liability they wish they never had.
They do not see any value in sending her to school for the bother of
carrying her physically and the challenges she would face - being
mocked by other children among them.

Gisele still believes that one day she will be able to go to school
and become a French teacher. Her faint hopes are competing against the
"curse of God" she is rudely reminded of every single day of her life.
Gisele, however, has some luck on her side for the fact she is still
alive. In parts of Togo, she would have been simply drowned for her

Drowning Togo's 'snakes'

"In my community, children who have cerebral palsy and cannot stand
are called snakes because they lie on the ground," Manuel, a social
worker in Togo, said. "To eliminate such a child, ceremonies are
organised at the river, where the child is left to drown and it is
said that the snake is gone."

In Sierra Leone, it is common for children who are blind or suffering
polio to be branded a "devil".

As the UN General Assembly holds the first ever meeting of Heads of
Government and State on disability and development on Monday, a report
- "Outside the Circle" by child rights organisation Plan International
and the University of Toronto reveals the horrific scale of
discrimination and abuse faced by children with disabilities in West
Africa. This includes shocking reports of infanticide and trading in
body parts of children with disabilities.

The research shows that children with disabilities are subject to
profound levels of poverty, exclusion and discrimination in a region
marked by deprivation and harmful practices rooted in traditional

To eliminate such a child, ceremonies are organised at the river,
where the child is left to drown and it is said that the snake is

- Manuel, aid worker in Togo

Examples reported to researchers on what had caused children's
impairments included beliefs that it was a punishment from God; the
result of "sins" committed by parents; an act of the devil; that the
child was a sorcerer; witchcraft on the child or family; or the mother
had looked at a disabled child during pregnancy.

Across the region, it is common for children with disabilities to be
regarded as "supernatural", "bizarre" or "demons". They are widely
excluded from social life, and denied access to basic human rights
such as education. Ten-year-old Aichatou, who lives about 100km from
the Nigerian city of Niamey with her family, was born with a club

Her grandmother described her condition as work of an "evil genie" out
to punish the family.

Aichatou has been through numerous painful experiences, including
being kicked by other children in the village and referred to as a
goat as she cried and crawled to safety.

Same old story

Throughout communities in West Africa, the stories of abuse and
neglect of children with disabilities are strikingly similar.
Eight-year-old Laurent progressively lost his sight in childhood as
his family could not afford the treatment for his condition. Now
totally blind, he is sent to beg at the city centre in Guinea by his
family daily.

Sometimes his siblings accompany him, but most often he is left on his
own. He gets harassed and mistreated by other children. Occasionally
he also gets beaten by older children, and sometimes even by adults.

"I would like to attend school like other children. I want to be a
political leader," he says.

Laurent's family, however, think otherwise. They believe that begging
is the only option for him as they continue to push him to bring money
every day.

According to the World Health Organisation and the World Bank, an
estimated 15 percent of the world's population has a disability, and
an estimated 106 million children have moderate and severe

In West Africa, children with disabilities are not adequately
accounted for in any government records. As a result, services to
children with disabilities are substantially under-resourced and
decisions are being made based on inadequate information.

There is no consistent definition of disability and no data collection
mechanisms in West Africa. Birth registration in the region is among
the lowest in the world, and in case of children with disabilities,
the associated stigma and shame often means parents never disclose
such children in any public documents. As a result, disabled children
remain invisible to authorities and more vulnerable to abuse and
violation of their rights.

All governments in West Africa have committed to including children
with disabilities in their societies by ratifying relevant UN
treaties, such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

However, in the majority of cases, little has been achieved. "Stories
of abuse and neglect are common but not often documented and
verified," says Aidan Leavy, member of Plan's Disability Inclusion
Working Group.

Gender discrimination

Children with physical impairments, especially those still able to
move unassisted, are relatively less discriminated against than those
with intellectual, mental and sensory disabilities, who could not
easily tell of their abuse. Girls with disabilities, meanwhile, are
highly vulnerable to physical, emotional and sexual abuse, as well as

"There is a difference between girls and boys who are disabled. For
example, the boy, he can go for a walk without problems, but the girl,
she may be a victim of rape or unwanted pregnancy, and then he who
rapes her declines his responsibility," says the father of a girl with
a disability in Guinea, who asked not to be identified.

The UN states all children have the same human right to develop their
potential and access education. Yet despite this, children with
disabilities are less likely to start school, have lower rates of
school attendance, and fewer chances to achieve higher levels of

This trend is not just restricted to West Africa. Globally, wide gaps
exist in school attendance between children with disabilities and
their non-disabled peers. In some countries, such as Indonesia, the
difference is as high as 60 percent for primary school attendance.
This trend continues into secondary education.

The UN's Millennium Development Goals failed to acknowledge the plight
of people with disabilities, particularly children.  Disability still
today remains largely invisible and ignored in most mainstream
development processes.

The historic UN General Assembly session on disability and development
is, therefore, an opportunity for world governments to redeem their
commitment to human rights for all.

* Names in this article were changed to protect identities

Avinash Shahi
Doctoral student at Centre for Law and Governance JNU

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