Hi friends, waiting for your reply mail. I am pasting the book title
again here.  Please check and upload for me. History. 1. History of
India (1707 to 1950 A.D.). 2. Modern Europe (1789-1950) sociology- 1.
Indian Social Problems. 2. ( Study of Indian Society. To read more
details please open my privius Mail.

On 11/7/14, Siddalingeshwar Ingalagi <ingalagisi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all, I need some text books of  History and SOCIOLOGY.
> I am mentioning here the sylabus and content of the books.
> please provide me as soon as posible.
> wating for your quick reply and response.
>  History and SOCIOLOGY
> Paper-I (Compulsory): History of India (1707 to 1950 A.D.)
> 1.    Anglo -French conflict,Rise of the British power under Robert Clive.
> 2.    Expansion of the British power Warren Hastings.
> 3.    Cornwallis and his subsidiary' Alliance,
> 4.    Wellesly and his Administration.
> 5.    Marques of Hastings delations with Sikhs and Maraths.
> 6.    William Bentinck :Social and Educational reforms.
> 7.    Lord Daihousie :Main events.
> 8.    The Great Revolt of 1857:Nature, causes and effects. Queen's
> proclamation-New policy.
> 9.    India under the British Crown-Lytton,Rippon and Curzan,thier
> administrative reforms.
> 10.   Social and religious reforms movement in 19th and 20th centuries:
> RajaRam MohanRoy-Brahrr Dayanand Saraswati-Arya Samaj:Ranade-
> Prarthana Samaj: Vivekananda-Ramakrishna i
> 11.   Rise and growth oflndian National Movement: 1)1885-1905
> 11)1905-1919 111)1919-1947 of India,
> 12.   Constitutional Development Acts of 1909,1919,1935 and 1947.
> Books for Study :     -
> 1.    R.C.Majumdar .'History of the Freedom Movement in India,
> 2 Vols.The British paramountacy and the Indian Renaissance. Bharatiya
> Vidhya Bhavan series. V:
> 2.    Durga Das :India from Curzan to Nehru and after : N. Y., 1970
> 3.    A.B .Keith Constitutional Hi story of India.
> Map Ques
> PAPER-II (Optional): Modern Europe (1789-1950)
> French Revolution Causes,Course and Results The Napolanic
> Era(1795-1815): Napolanic codes,conquests and fall The Metemic Era
> (1815-1848): Vienna Settlement.
> Reaction and Revolution; 1830 Revolution of France and Europe., 1848
> Revolution in France anc Europe.
> The Second Republic in France (1848-1870) and the Second Empire under
> Napolean III (1852- 1870).
> Growth of Nation states in Europe. 1. Unification of Italy. 2.
> Unification of Germany.
> The Eastern Question: Its meaning and nature,Attitude of European
> powers, Crimeanwar,Eastern quest: ~ upto 1878 and Eastern question
> from 1878-1913.
> German Empire (1871 -1914), Bismark (1871 -1890), Kai ser William II
> (1890-1914)
> The First World War; cause and results -League of Nations.
> Russian Revolution of 1917; causes and results-Russia under Lenin and
> Stalin.
> Inter War Period (1919-1939), Rise of dictatorship-Fascism in Italy
> and Nazism in Germany Second World War (1939-1945): Causes and
> effects.
> The United Nations Organization: Its structure and work.
> A New World Order.
> Books for Study :
> 1.    Hayes, C.J.H.: Modem Europe to 1870.
> Contemporary Europe since 1870,Macmillian, 1961.
> 2.    Raghubir Dayal: A text book of European History, Delhi.
> 3.    Libson: Europe in 19th and 20th centuries.
> 4.    David Thomson: Europe since Napolean, Penguin 1978.
> 5.    H.W. Dittelfield: History of Europe since 1815,21st Ed., 1963.
> [ Compulsory): Study of Indian Society (New Course) inrrcuction:
> 1.
> meaning of indian Tradition: Characteristics Factors in continuity and
> change.
> 2 impacts: Budhism: Islam and the West.
> factors in continuity and change
> chapter 2.
> Cast  System:
> I. Meaning and Characteristics.       
> 2. backword castes and untouchability castes and their welfare.
> 3. problems of  backward castes and scheduled.
> chapter 3.
> marriage and Family:
> 1. marriage and family among Hindus and Muslims.
> 2. Divorce.
> 3. Impact of Social Legislation on Marriage and family.
> chapter 4.
> Rural life in India.
> 1. meaning and caracterstics
> 2. Land tenure system and land reforms agraian unrest. indigo growers
> agitation and Naxalbari.
> 3. Rural social change- agrarian unrest movement after independence
> 4. meaning and nature of agrarian unrest. causes of.
> chapter 5.
>       Urban life in India:
> 1.    Meaning and characteristics     2. Factors of urbanization
> 3.    Market economy-social consequences: Economic reforms,
> liberalization, privatisation, and G1
> 4,    Environmental pollution.
> chapter 6.
> VI.   Tribal life in India:
> 1.    Meaning and characteristics     2. Distribution 3. Problems and welfare
> chapter 7.
> VII.  Religion and Society:
> 1. Size, growth and distribution of religious groups
> 2.    Religious minorities - problems - communal tensions: Secularism,
> fundamentalism.
> chapter 8.
> VIII. Political system in India.:
> 1. Democratic system and traditional society 2. Decentralisation of power
> 3.    Panchayat raj and Nagarapalikas in Karnataka State.
> References:
> 1.    Kapadia, K.M. - Marriage and Family in Indja.
> 2.    Yogendra Singh - Modernisation of India Tradition-Rawat Publications
> 1996.
> 3.    Srinivas, M.N. - Caste in Modem India, Media Publications.
> 4.    Madan. GR. - India's developing villages, 1990.
> 5.    Bipan Chandra - Communalism in Modem India-Vikas Publications.
> 6.    Sharma, R.N. - India Society, Media Promoters - Publication.
> 7.    C.N. Shankarao - Indian Society.
> 8.    Agrawala, S.N. - Indias Population Problmes.
> Paper-II (Optional): Indian Social Problems (New Course)
> I.    Introduction:
> 1, Meaning and Nature of Social Problems 3. Causes
> II.   Crime and Juvenile Delinquency:
> 1. Meaning and Definition
> III.  Population:
> 1. Growth of Population in Independent India 3. Causes and effects
> P/. Problems of Women and Children:
> 1. Dowry 3. Child Labour
> V.    Prostitution and AIDS:
> a)    Prostitution:!. Meaning and Definition 2. Types and Causes 3.
> Effects and Measure -
> b)    AIDS 1. Meaning and Nature 2. Causes and Effects 3. Prevention
> VI.    Alcoholism and Drug Addiction: 1. Meaning and Nature 2. Causes
> and Extent 3. Measures
> VII.  Terrorism : 1. Meaning and nature 2. Type-Communalism,
> Fundmentalism, Racism and Linguis-
> 3. Causes and Effects 4. Measures
> Vni Corruption: 1. Meaning and Nature 2. Causes, Types and Effects 3.
> Measures.
> References:
> 1.    Madan, G.R. - Indian Social Problems, Allied Publishers Ltd.,
> (1994) New Delhi Vol-I, II & III
> 2.    Ahuja, Ram - Social Problems in India, Rawat Publication, Jaipur.
> 3.    Memoria, C.B. - Social Problems & social uism 5 (UUUUMVK)
> 4.    Thomos. G - Aids in India - Myth & Reality, Rawat Publication, Jaipur
> (1994).
> 5.    Dutt Gupta, Bela - Contemporary Social Problems in India - (1964).
> Siddalingeshwar Ingalagi.
> state: karnataka. mail ID, ingalagisi...@gmail.com

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