TA Center Will Be a New Ally for College Students
By Geri Coleman TuckerJan 13, 2015
Students with learning and attention issues will be getting a new tool
to help them succeed in college. It's the new National Center for
Information and Technical Support for Postsecondary Students with
Disabilities. Call it the "TA Center" for short.
The TA Center's mission is to make it easier for students with
disabilities to get the support they need in college. (This mission
can cover students with ADHD, dyslexia and other issues.)
A little background is helpful to understand why the TA Center is
needed. There are no IEPs in college, says James H. Wendorf, executive
director of the National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD). "The
system of supports and rights under the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act doesn't extend past high school." However, every college
and university must provide accommodations to students with
disabilities. They must also provide information to ensure "fair
recruitment and admission" of students, says Wendorf.
But it's often hard for students to find out what's available and ask
for support. Many colleges are also at a loss for how to best serve
these students' needs. Some administrators don't know "how to comply
with the law," says Lindsay Jones, director of public policy and
advocacy for NCLD. "It's a confusing process for both students and
The TA Center, which will be available online, will change this.
It will provide information for students and their parents about
college services.
It will offer training for college faculty and staff on how to meet
the needs of student with disabilities and improve their college
It will maintain an online database of research, policies, accessible
instructional materials and helpful information for students with
The new center comes at a critical time. More and more students with
learning and attention issues are setting their sights on college. But
many are falling short.
According to The State of Learning Disabilities report, only about one
in five students with learning disabilities attends a four-year
college. That's half the rate of the general population. College
completion rates are also low.
Part of the issue seems to be that some students aren't asking for
help. Only one in four students who received special education in high
school told their college that they needed services. And while 94
percent of students with learning disabilities receive accommodations
or supports while in high school, only 17 percent of them do so once
they get to college.
The reasons vary. Some students don't want to disclose issues to their
college. However, others want accommodations but don't know how to get
them. And students sometimes encounter faculty and staff who don't
know what they are required to do, Jones says. "We get a lot of calls
from parents saying this is a real problem at colleges. That's why
this center is clearly needed."
The TA Center is the result of a long road of outreach to Congress.
Language about creating the center was included in the 2008
reauthorization of the federal Higher Education Act. But it took years
of work by organizations like NCLD, Oak Foundation and others to get
the funding passed. (Both NCLD and Oak Foundation are Understood
founding partners.)
Support from retiring Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) was also key to the
push for the TA Center. When the funding passed last month, Harkin
"The Americans with Disabilities Act is the piece of legislation I am
most proud of in my career. As I retire from the Senate, I will look
back at the last Labor-HHS bill fondly, knowing that we were able to
create a National Center to support the educational success of
students with disabilities. The National Center will go a long way in
helping students with disabilities make the transition from high
school to postsecondary education so that they have the tools they
need for college success and can lay the foundation to accomplish
their dreams."
A few steps remain before college students can benefit. The U.S.
Department of Education must still determine who will run the TA
Center. That will be done though a competitive bidding process.
NCLD looks forward to the center being up and running by 2016, Jones says.
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About the Blogger
Geri Tucker
Geri Coleman Tucker*More Posts by the Blogger
Geri Coleman Tucker is a freelance writer and editor and a former
deputy managing editor for USA Today.

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