Dear all,
i guess the topic is of couple of months old. however this time it has
received more widened response than it has been at the time of its
maiden appearance. members have already stressed their stand,, and
everyone is right in their own. I second Preeti mam's view on
socialization from the childhood itself. its unquestionably true that
humiliation occur despite disabilities. the students who are scoring
low marks are humiliated by the teachers in front of the class, the
kids who are performing low in studies, sports, or any activities as
that of their siblings are humiliated by the parents and relatives are
common and there is no holds barred. in that sense, persons with
disabilities are considered as low as that of their counterpart in an
integrated schools or universities is no difference from what I've
said above. infact, as a person who studied in specialised school till
10th and transferred to sighted school from 11th, i can say with utter
confidence that, the humiliations and embarrassments committed on the
disabled students by the trained stafves of the specialised schools
are much much higher than what the disabled students are facing in an
integrated education. apart from physical, emotional and psychological
humiliation, disabled students are vulnerable to sexual abuse in a
specialised school. it has happened, it is happening  and it will
happen because such abuses are premeditated, unreported, and sometimes
it is a gang planned victimisation. thus, nothing we are going to get
by questioning or citing the integrated education humiliates the
disabled, it is happening everywhere. the foremost requirement is, we
must address to the society. for that, this professer of the
university where Chakradhar attempted suicide should be penalised.
apart from taking the issue to the education board, this issue must be
put before the judiciary. all the civil society representatives of the
visually impaired must come forward by placing the differences aside
in bringing the faculty to justice and helping the society to
understand what is the reality. whether we agree or not, we must be
ready to tackle these kind of humiliations for which suicide is not a
solution. the bitter truth is, the so-called humiliation continues to
taunt one another in different ways throughout their life either
disabled or non-disabled.
thank you.
On 3/21/15, Radha <> wrote:
> I'm a late blind, so no experience to share about schooling. I  came
> across one incident where in a legally blind   kid of 3rd class put up
> by her parents in regular school was harassed by her teacher for not
> wearing her dress properly after interval time. Seeing this her
> friends as well as other girls too started to do the same. Though it
> is  a  school which is  only for girls, her parents tried to convince
> her, but that kid doesn't  yet come out of that incident. She scares
> of taking intervals even now. Her studies was drastically affected
> too. now, she is in her 4th grade still she says,"please, take me out
> of this school. I  hate it and my parents never understands...."
> One more thing to take into view is that we are talking about  urban
> platform, what about rural areas? This is one such example, there
> might be  many incident.
> Another similar happened but here it was the straight opposite, not
> 3rd grade kid but one of my friend in graduation. We know as girls
> being newbies to sarees? I  bet even girls with vision strive hard to
> keep pinned in. They say, there will be good in every bad things, I
> must definitely  thank many visually impaired (partial or full)
> deserving  boys, who really shield    her from the unfortunate. Its a
> college, even now, if any of our friends (visually impaired) desire to
> wear saree, they say,"  we will slap you"
> Here too humiliation happened, but we, especially, guys convinced  her
> saying that you are so beautiful so they are jealous.....This friend
> of mine is blind from her childhood.
> On 3/20/15, Mukesh Sharma <> wrote:
>> In the government school where I was, there was a resource teacher for
>> disabled students, he himself was orthographically disabled, the case is
>> there was a maths teacher in the school and this Resource teacher were in
>> some kind of this maths teacher use to pass comments to the
>> blind students that I am the one great because I am trying to teach you
>> MATHS (spelled in caps as was pronounced so) where you don't have to worry
>> as after 9th you will not have to do study math but so far it is the
>> responsibility of your resource teacher who just sips tea in every period.
>> The kind of humiliation we use to face in front of entire class and the
>> way
>> we were cornered like 3rd class student is a pain to remember today.
>> Well at that time I could not respond to any of them but if I see them
>> today...I'd like to put them behind bars. This kind of conduct should be
>> punishable to the degree to which sexual harassment is punishable.
>> Thank god, thanks to my NAB teachers and my parents who decided to take me
>> to public school to at least continue studying maths and that was the
>> phase
>> I realsed that this is the subject I can fall in low with.
>> Thanks With Best Regards
>> Mukesh Sharma
>> On 20 March 2015 at 22:08, Pinkesh Tailor <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi, I couldn't see the black board by the age of 5. By the age of 7, I
>>> couldn't even see the text books. I was studying in a government aided
>>> English medium school. Many students would bully and harass me, but on
>>> the other hand there were also students who would protect me against
>>> such hooligans. Some teachers, specifically the maths teacher would
>>> also humiliate  me. My parents were from vernacular medium and were
>>> not highly educated as well. As I was suffering from low vision and
>>> couldn't read even the exam paper, the principle recommended my
>>> parents to put me to a special school. However my mother was bold
>>> enough to deny the same and took the principle in confidence on my
>>> performance. There after my mother, despite from a vernacular
>>> background took the charge to write all my class notes in fonts up to
>>> 24 which I would in turn read with special glasses. Even my mother was
>>> allowed to write the exam question paper before I was allowed to enter
>>> the school premise. However during my SSC exam, I had to opt for a
>>> writer. This help from my mother began when I was in 5th standard and
>>> it lasted until second year of my degree. After which I was finding it
>>> difficult to read even the 24points fonts with my reading glasses and
>>> ultimately I opted for recordings in audio which had its own
>>> challenges. So there are good peoples as students as well as bad
>>> peoples as students, helpful teachers as well as non-supportive
>>> teacher, but this is life all about irrespective of ability or
>>> disability. There are challenges at each and every walk of life, but
>>> it is our determination which matters and not perspectives of people
>>> around us.
>>> On 3/20/15, Ekinath Khedekar <> wrote:
>>> > Hey Folks and mere mitron,
>>> >
>>> > Did Chakradhar study in an integrated school?
>>> > I won't be  surprised, but I am sorry for him. Hope he recovers soon.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Why do we need to take an extreme position?
>>> >
>>> > I am from a so called special school for blind and my stories are as
>>> > joyous as Harry Potter’s Hogwarts.
>>> >
>>> > Why can’t we have a weekly or monthly or bi-annual hostel where
>>> > ‘equals’ children study, play, fight etc. and no need for
>>> > special-inclusive-disabled friendly adjustments are required at the
>>> > hostel level at least? They will feel world for them when they come
>>> > back to the hostel.
>>> >
>>> > I am sorry to draw a Harry Potter example again, but have you seen how
>>> > Harry Potter and other wizards feel ‘DIFFERENT’ (in blocks) even
>>> > though they can do magic?
>>> >
>>> > So in my opinion, they can stay together but can move out to study in
>>> > a mainstream school.
>>> >
>>> > But still concerted efforts will be required to really integrate we
>>> > special children with sighted ones as I have seen in colleges where
>>> > significant number of blind students study and remain in their blind
>>> > community largely.
>>> >
>>> > The only regret I have from studying from a special school that it did
>>> > not offer me an option to study mathematics from 8th standard onwards.
>>> > But I have sweetest of memories of cricket matches, blind games like
>>> > hand-cricket, music, Braille cards and of course that special language
>>> > that no outsider understands. I am sure Ketan will understand that 
>>> >
>>> > On a serious note, I have had the misfortune to see least number of
>>> > youngsters from integrated school as confident and mobile as there
>>> > special school counterparts. They might be brightest of the lot as
>>> > they’ve mostly done studies to prove ‘normalcy’, but something has
>>> > always lacked- Confidence, audacity under constant protection of
>>> > parents.
>>> >
>>> > At the same time, special schools may not be able to offer learning in
>>> > all the inaccessible subjects like that of Maths, science and
>>> > geography which in my case were the most favorite to me.
>>> >
>>> > We must understand that all blind children are not blessed with
>>> > English speaking, well to do educated, knowledgeable family.
>>> > Therefore, guys who come from below par level to that of even blind
>>> > school, have only to gain.
>>> >
>>> > Like few of my friends came from well-educated families in a blind
>>> > school even though they could have gone to the best of normal schools.
>>> > I learnt English from them. Had I been sighted, I would have been
>>> > studying in a municipal vernacular school and may have become a street
>>> > fighter.
>>> >
>>> > So my blindness was a boon. My special school and friends in it were
>>> > blessing. My blind school friends still have significant stake in my
>>> > friendship support system. However and wherever they are right now.
>>> >
>>> > So the golden word is ‘Connect’ you know.
>>> >
>>> > Crucial, we need to analyze mobility wise which students do better-
>>> > special school or integrated ones.
>>> >
>>> > TO conclude, I had to work very hard to come at par with my sighted
>>> > friends when I joined mainstream prestigious college in studies,
>>> > English language, Maths and time-relevant fashion and knowledge, but
>>> > still special school was the important foundation of confidence.
>>> >
>>> > SO hybrid system is the best in my opinion.
>>> >
>>> > Views expressed are my personal. Please, no offense, if any))
>>> > And let’s work for prevention of blindness at least through genetic
>>> means.
>>> >
>>> > ~Cheers
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > On 3/20/15, avinash shahi <> wrote:
>>> >> Friends
>>> >>
>>> >> Can yu share more instances of documented humiliation of blind
>>> >> students in universities/schools? I need such cases for a paper.
>>> >> On 7/24/14, Vidhya Y <> wrote:
>>> >>> at Preeti Ma'am:
>>> >>> You had said in your Mail that you would ask your friend to read out
>>> >>> what is written on the black board.
>>> >>> it works in high school or after fifth grade.
>>> >>> what if it is in second standard?
>>> >>> even your classmates will be just starting to learn to read and
>>> >>> write.
>>> >>> how will they dictate?
>>> >>> and if math or science has to be lernt, at the primary level, you
>>> >>> definitely have to take help of any sighted person who is dedicated
>>> >>> or
>>> >>> who trains the blind.
>>> >>> and only if your base is strong you can do College and engineering
>>> >>> level math because I used to do most of the things mentally at BCA.
>>> >>> and from the very beginning if you arrange for a special teacher, how
>>> >>> can a child mingle with his/her Friends?
>>> >>> when  my sisters were in class 1 and 2, they sat together with
>>> >>> friends
>>> >>> and learnt all the concepts.
>>> >>> if you teach and learn from others your concepts will be much
>>> >>> stronger.
>>> >>>    it can be done from the very beginning in a blind school and is
>>> >>> not
>>> >>> practical in a regular school.
>>> >>> now if I teach Math or Programming  my sighted friends even by
>>> >>> telling, they will understand because they are older.
>>> >>> and also Ma'am you told that you would play with your friends at even
>>> >>> at primary level.
>>> >>> I guess you had little sight.
>>> >>> if he/she is a totally blind person, every thing right from walking
>>> >>> has to be taught.
>>> >>> and if you want to play with your friends at second or third grade,
>>> >>> again you need a dedicated person to teach you.
>>> >>> if you never mingle with children and right from the beginning you
>>> >>> are
>>> >>> taught every thing by special teacher, what is the point of inclusion
>>> >>> at primary level?
>>> >>> its just that you are in a regular school but treatedd specially.
>>> >>> I am 100% sure that other sighted friends will get totally different
>>> >>> experience in the school because they learn with other children.
>>> >>> and I am not telling that every blind person has to study full
>>> >>> schooling in blind schools.
>>> >>> even this is wrong.
>>> >>> In case I would study my high school in  a blind school,
>>> >>> I think I would not come to Science field atall.
>>> >>> because many people drop out math after 7th grade.
>>> >>> and also if you are only  with   Blind  then you behave different
>>> >>> from
>>> >>> the sighted world for example,
>>> >>> few people turn their entire face at some one who is speaking to you.
>>> >>> But my mom tells that others just look at the person and not turn
>>> >>> entirely to the person.
>>> >>> so I have learnt body language like sighted.
>>> >>> all this can be developed after primary school.
>>> >>> so I think that having education atleast till 5th or 7th grade in a
>>> >>> blind school is necessary.
>>> >>> Inclusive education is present in countries like germany, usa etc.
>>> >>> one of the relative of my Lecturer was Blind and she was studying in
>>> USA.
>>> >>> from the very beginning she was in a regular school.
>>> >>> but she felt different because of all the special care that was given
>>> >>> to her from childhood.
>>> >>> because of this, she would not speak to mostly anyone  except to her
>>> >>> special instructors.
>>> >>> she felt that it would be nice if she would do atleast primary in a
>>> >>> blind school.
>>> >>> even her blind  friends in other regular schools felt the same.
>>> >>>  In my college, I had developed a software with few sighted  students
>>> >>> from Germany.
>>> >>> and one of my german friend too had the same opinion .
>>> >>>
>>> >>> On 7/24/14, bhawani shankar verma <> wrote:
>>> >>>> i started my education in blind school and up to my 8th standard in
>>> >>>> my
>>> >>>> leadership we have defeated many reputed regular public schools in
>>> >>>> various
>>> >>>> competitions on the occasion of republic day celebration. Please
>>> >>>> note
>>> >>>> that
>>> >>>> music competitions are not included in the statement.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> >>>> From: "avinash shahi" <>
>>> >>>> To: "AccessIndia: a list for discussing accessibility and issues
>>> >>>> concerningthe disabled." <>
>>> >>>> Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2014 4:50 PM
>>> >>>> Subject: Re: [AI] Insulted by a university teacher, blind attempted
>>> >>>> suicide
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>> Vidhya has provided a nuanced account of experiences in regular
>>> school
>>> >>>>> which is intentionally underrated and avoided by proponents of
>>> >>>>> inclusive education. I hope many students can narrate similar
>>> stories.
>>> >>>>> Friends it is time we should speak up and write real experiences so
>>> >>>>> that experiences are documented and serious discourse is initiated
>>> >>>>> with the policy-maker for policy intervention. Any idea if not
>>> >>>>> discussed and debated adequately and hastely promoted for
>>> >>>>> actuation;
>>> >>>>> may lead to serious ramification. Regular schools can never make
>>> >>>>> you
>>> >>>>> feel equal not because you are really not equal  but just think
>>> >>>>> about
>>> >>>>> one terminology adopted by governments in their policy documents.
>>> >>>>> that is CSN equals (Children with 'special' needs. All
>>> >>>>> recquirements
>>> >>>>> of a disabled child are 'special' which will always make him/her
>>> >>>>> special for pity and charity from non-special people. I hope many
>>> more
>>> >>>>> students who are members here will share their experiences of
>>> >>>>> regular
>>> >>>>> schools. Come on friends we are more than 25 hundred people on the
>>> >>>>> list. Why only 20 to 25 share discuss and debate? language is no
>>> >>>>> barrier role your fingers and make issues visible in public domain.
>>> >>>>> On 7/24/14, Asudani, Rajesh <> wrote:
>>> >>>>>> Well said, vidhya.
>>> >>>>>> Still we are apologetic about our experiences in special schools
>>> >>>>>> because
>>> >>>>>> these inclusivists have made feel obsolete in moder era of
>>> inclusion.
>>> >>>>>> I can also say similar so many good tings about my early education
>>> in
>>> >>>>>> a
>>> >>>>>> blind school.
>>> >>>>>> At george: yes, we have to work in the society full of sighted.
>>> >>>>>> But it is mandatory for early years that foundation is laid with
>>> >>>>>> confidence
>>> >>>>>> and in an unhindered manner.
>>> >>>>>> In the name of inclusion, we may thrust unsuspecting blind
>>> >>>>>> children
>>> >>>>>> into
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> a a
>>> >>>>>> situation where they themselves won't understand their blindness,
>>> let
>>> >>>>>> alone
>>> >>>>>> work with confidence in the sighted world.
>>> >>>>>> Howsoever we shout that we are no different, the fact remains that
>>> we
>>> >>>>>> are
>>> >>>>>> different, and we must understand and deal with that different
>>> >>>>>> successfully.
>>> >>>>>> So, it is better to improve the quality of blind schools instead
>>> >>>>>> of
>>> >>>>>> forcing
>>> >>>>>> blind children upon unwilling and ill equipped sighted schools.
>>> >>>>>> Uniformity is not the panacea.
>>> >>>>>> Sighted schools also, by the way, are not heavenly for the
>>> >>>>>> students
>>> >>>>>> even
>>> >>>>>> with sight.
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> With thanks and regards
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> (Rajesh Asudani)
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> Assistant General Manager
>>> >>>>>> Market Intelligence Unit
>>> >>>>>> Reserve Bank of India
>>> >>>>>> Nagpur
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> Tel.: 0712 2806358
>>> >>>>>> (In youth you want things, and then in middle-age you want to want
>>> >>>>>> them.)
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> >>>>>> From: AccessIndia []
>>> On
>>> >>>>>> Behalf
>>> >>>>>> Of Vidhya Y
>>> >>>>>> Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2014 4:09 PM
>>> >>>>>> To: AccessIndia: a list for discussing accessibility and issues
>>> >>>>>> concerning
>>> >>>>>> the disabled.
>>> >>>>>> Subject: Re: [AI] Insulted by a university teacher, blind
>>> >>>>>> attempted
>>> >>>>>> suicide
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> Dear Friends,
>>> >>>>>> I would like to Share my Personal Experience regarding Inclusive
>>> >>>>>> education from Childhood.
>>> >>>>>> this is just my openion.
>>> >>>>>> Sorry if I am wrong.
>>> >>>>>> according to me, its better if a Blind Child studies atleast
>>> >>>>>> primary
>>> >>>>>> school in Blind schools.
>>> >>>>>> I started studying in a regular School from Standard 8.
>>> >>>>>> before that, I Studied at Jyothiseva School for the blind in
>>> >>>>>> Bangalore.
>>> >>>>>> My Mom did not want me to go to Blind School and she would always
>>> cry
>>> >>>>>> to  leave me in the Hostel because my family is very supportive.
>>> >>>>>> but with all the courage she managed to leave me in that school
>>> >>>>>> till
>>> >>>>>> 7th Grade just because I had to mingle with other children.
>>> >>>>>> I would come home once a Week.
>>> >>>>>> I  am sure that the quality of education in blind school is far
>>> behind
>>> >>>>>> the regular School.
>>> >>>>>> for example, we were taught algebra and geomatry at very basic
>>> >>>>>> level
>>> >>>>>> in the Blind school.
>>> >>>>>> however,
>>> >>>>>> I have enjoyed playing so many Games both out door and indoor with
>>> my
>>> >>>>>> Blind Friends.
>>> >>>>>> I have not played any of these games except chess after I left the
>>> >>>>>> school.
>>> >>>>>> I still remember how we would enjoy going to picknics together.
>>> >>>>>> now I dont go to college trip because I am sure that my friends
>>> >>>>>> will
>>> >>>>>> find it difficult to take me every where.
>>> >>>>>> because  I studied in a blind school,
>>> >>>>>> I always thank god that I have so many sweet  memories  to tell my
>>> >>>>>> Sighted friends even now.
>>> >>>>>> I feel that sighted Children are not so comfortable playing
>>> >>>>>> outdoor
>>> >>>>>> games with blind friends  because its different from what they
>>> >>>>>> play.
>>> >>>>>> and also I had learnt to do my own work even sweeping, cleaning
>>> rooms
>>> >>>>>> etc.
>>> >>>>>> its obvious that family members are not trained in teaching all
>>> >>>>>> the
>>> >>>>>> work to Visually challenged.
>>> >>>>>> in case of my family, I am sure I would not know a single work
>>> because
>>> >>>>>> my Mom and sisters would do it for me.
>>> >>>>>> there were so many vierd students in my Blind school
>>> >>>>>> who were admitted after 12 years to first grade for example,
>>> >>>>>> there was a girl who did not know how to walk till the age of 12
>>> >>>>>> because her parents were not aware how to teach her.
>>> >>>>>> there was another girl who did not know that even she can play.
>>> >>>>>> isn't it sad that a child doesn't know how to play just because
>>> he/she
>>> >>>>>> is Blind?now I can think all this but it is not possible as a
>>> >>>>>> child
>>> to
>>> >>>>>> think all this.
>>> >>>>>> and I would also learn Bharatanatyam
>>> >>>>>> in the Blind School.
>>> >>>>>> now I dont feel comfortable dancing.
>>> >>>>>> I stay in a town and now if people say anything about my Blindness
>>> or
>>> >>>>>> ask me some unwanted questions, I can answer them  in a correct
>>> >>>>>> way
>>> >>>>>> bravely.
>>> >>>>>> but  as a kid I would always cry.
>>> >>>>>> then how would I manage to study in a normal school from first
>>> grade?
>>> >>>>>> I would have lost all my confidence in childhood itself.
>>> >>>>>> I would top my class in Blind School so  I knew that I can work
>>> >>>>>> hard
>>> >>>>>> even in the regular school.
>>> >>>>>> in case I would have studied in a regular school from the very
>>> >>>>>> beginning, because of lack of support of teachers and Friends or
>>> lack
>>> >>>>>> of study material I would not do well,
>>> >>>>>> then How would I know that I can top the School?
>>> >>>>>> even though the quality of education was not that great till 7th
>>> >>>>>> grade,
>>> >>>>>> I was able to manage and score 95% in 10th grade and also I have
>>> done
>>> >>>>>> BCA and now doing a Research project and I am will take up MS
>>> >>>>>> soon.
>>> >>>>>> I think I was able to get through so many difficulties in regular
>>> High
>>> >>>>>> school and college because of the moral support and confidence
>>> >>>>>> that
>>> I
>>> >>>>>> got from Blind school.
>>> >>>>>> In 8th grade as soon as I joined regular school,
>>> >>>>>> I missed so much fun and then I realised that I am the only
>>> different
>>> >>>>>> student in the school and could participate only  in games like
>>> >>>>>> quiz
>>> >>>>>> debate etc.
>>> >>>>>> but I was meture enough in 8th grade to understand all that.
>>> >>>>>> but before that, how would I understand all this?
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> thanks and regards,
>>> >>>>>> Vidhya
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> On 7/24/14, Renuka Warriar Edakkunni <> wrote:
>>> >>>>>>> 100% right Preethi Mam. If we accept the the people as they are
>>> >>>>>>> and
>>> >>>>>>> the situation as it is, we can leed an inclusive life very
>>> >>>>>>> successfully.
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> Renuka.
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> On 7/24/14, Preeti Monga <>
>>> wrote:
>>> >>>>>>>> How about getting non disabled people get included in our
>>> >>>>>>>> disabled
>>> >>>>>>>> culture
>>> >>>>>>>> instead? This is our culture as much as it is their culture!
>>> >>>>>>>> Mind
>>> >>>>>>>> you,
>>> >>>>>>>> we
>>> >>>>>>>> all come from inclusive families anyway! How do we avoid that?
>>> Also,
>>> >>>>>>>> children, disabled or non disabled, come crying anyway from
>>> school
>>> >>>>>>>> and
>>> >>>>>>>> play
>>> >>>>>>>> grounds! We all have to teach our children social skills, and
>>> >>>>>>>> one
>>> of
>>> >>>>>>>> these
>>> >>>>>>>> social skills is; the art of accepting oneself as we are! And to
>>> >>>>>>>> learn
>>> >>>>>>>> to
>>> >>>>>>>> focus on our strengths and improve upon areas where we are not
>>> >>>>>>>> so
>>> >>>>>>>> strong.
>>> >>>>>>>> Once  our  confidence is high, which again is how we build it
>>> >>>>>>>> for
>>> >>>>>>>> our
>>> >>>>>>>> children.  I know disability is a singling out point, but the
>>> >>>>>>>> same
>>> >>>>>>>> type
>>> >>>>>>>> of
>>> >>>>>>>> discrimination is awarded to Sikh boys and men; the ones who
>>> >>>>>>>> wear
>>> >>>>>>>> their
>>> >>>>>>>> hair
>>> >>>>>>>> long and a turben and beard! So  is being a  Sickh gentleman
>>> >>>>>>>> also
>>> >>>>>>>> some
>>> >>>>>>>> kind
>>> >>>>>>>> of a disability?
>>> >>>>>>>> This debate can go on for ever; so let us face it: this world is
>>> >>>>>>>> made
>>> >>>>>>>> up
>>> >>>>>>>> of
>>> >>>>>>>> all kinds and types of humans, we all must claim our share in
>>> >>>>>>>> it,
>>> >>>>>>>> and
>>> >>>>>>>> we
>>> >>>>>>>> must make the most of all the things we have and give life  our
>>> best
>>> >>>>>>>> shot!
>>> >>>>>>>> Preeti
>>> >>>>>>>> Preeti Monga
>>> >>>>>>>> Director
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> Mobile: +91 9871701646
>>> >>>>>>>> Landline: 011 22781446
>>> >>>>>>>> E-mail:
>>> >>>>>>>> Website:  ;
>>> >>>>>>>> Our Services: Executive Search - Specializing in Head Hunting.
>>> >>>>>>>> Training
>>> >>>>>>>> -Motivation; Stress Management; Soft Skill; Behavioral. Gifting
>>> >>>>>>>> -
>>> >>>>>>>> Corporate
>>> >>>>>>>> ; Promotional;  Events. End to end CSR Advisory; including
>>> >>>>>>>> demystifying
>>> >>>>>>>> workshops  and counseling. Printing Solutions,  Incentive Travel
>>> and
>>> >>>>>>>> Marketing Data Mining / Refining..
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> We  assure  high quality service marked with excellence and
>>> complete
>>> >>>>>>>> customer centricity, forming Synergies as we go along.
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> >>>>>>>> From: AccessIndia
>>> >>>>>>>> []
>>> On
>>> >>>>>>>> Behalf
>>> >>>>>>>> Of avinash shahi
>>> >>>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2014 1:31 PM
>>> >>>>>>>> To: AccessIndia: a list for discussing accessibility and issues
>>> >>>>>>>> concerning
>>> >>>>>>>> the disabled.
>>> >>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [AI] Insulted by a university teacher, blind
>>> attempted
>>> >>>>>>>> suicide
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> Preeti mam
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> humiliation is pervasive in hierarchical Indian society. It does
>>> not
>>> >>>>>>>> inspire me to intentially enrol my blind child in a school where
>>> she
>>> >>>>>>>> cries everyday and loses courage to narrate her humiliating
>>> >>>>>>>> story
>>> at
>>> >>>>>>>> home. I strongly believe I'm very powerful and can coexist in an
>>> >>>>>>>> inclusive society. and I have enough cultural/social/economic
>>> >>>>>>>> capital
>>> >>>>>>>> that my inclusiveness will be based on my understanding of
>>> >>>>>>>> disability.
>>> >>>>>>>> I can not give in to the pressure imposed upon me by so called
>>> >>>>>>>> non-disabled people that you have to behave in a certain way if
>>> you
>>> >>>>>>>> want to accomodated in our culture. 'Knowledge is power', It is
>>> high
>>> >>>>>>>> time we use power to decide and determine the norms of
>>> >>>>>>>> inclusiveness.
>>> >>>>>>>> Its enough that non-disabled  people have overarching influence
>>> >>>>>>>> on
>>> >>>>>>>> disabled people lives. Off to lunch will get back later.
>>> >>>>>>>> On 7/24/14, Preeti Monga <>
>>> wrote:
>>> >>>>>>>>> Why do we assume that people without disability do not get
>>> >>>>>>>>> humiliated
>>> >>>>>>>>> by
>>> >>>>>>>>> others? The human  being enjoys humiliating another human, no
>>> >>>>>>>>> matter
>>> >>>>>>>>> how!
>>> >>>>>>>>> Probabely because humiliating someone else, especially those
>>> >>>>>>>>> you
>>> >>>>>>>>> feel
>>> >>>>>>>>> insecure around, makes you feel superior and elated! Even one
>>> blind
>>> >>>>>>>>> person
>>> >>>>>>>>> can be seen humiliating another; then what should we say? I am
>>> not
>>> >>>>>>>>> saying
>>> >>>>>>>>> that this is a good practice, but that is how life is. As
>>> >>>>>>>>> George
>>> >>>>>>>>> very
>>> >>>>>>>>> rightly said, it is a good thing to get used to tackeling harsh
>>> >>>>>>>>> realities
>>> >>>>>>>>> of
>>> >>>>>>>>> life at an early stage. Do you think that family  easily gives
>>> >>>>>>>>> up
>>> >>>>>>>>> any
>>> >>>>>>>>> opportunity to humiliate another family member? Blind or not.
>>> Yes,
>>> >>>>>>>>> the
>>> >>>>>>>>> disabled are already suffering so much  that even a little
>>> >>>>>>>>> harshness
>>> >>>>>>>>> can
>>> >>>>>>>>> cause enormous pain! I agree with George that we blind cannot
>>> live
>>> >>>>>>>>> in
>>> >>>>>>>>> isolation and ultimately we have to live in the inclusive
>>> society.
>>> >>>>>>>>> Therefore, we need to learn the tactic of staying put in this
>>> world
>>> >>>>>>>>> which
>>> >>>>>>>>> insidently also belongs to us as much as it does to anyone
>>> >>>>>>>>> else!
>>> >>>>>>>>> Yes,
>>> >>>>>>>> there
>>> >>>>>>>>> can be programmes where people with disabilities are trained to
>>> >>>>>>>>> learn
>>> >>>>>>>>> to
>>> >>>>>>>>> deal successfully with the harshness life keeps hurdeling at
>>> them!
>>> >>>>>>>>> Preeti
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> Preeti Monga
>>> >>>>>>>>> Director
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> Mobile: +91 9871701646
>>> >>>>>>>>> Landline: 011 22781446
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>>> >>>>>>>>> Website:  ;
>>> >>>>>>>>> Our Services: Executive Search - Specializing in Head Hunting.
>>> >>>>>>>>> Training
>>> >>>>>>>>> -Motivation; Stress Management; Soft Skill; Behavioral. Gifting
>>> >>>>>>>>> -
>>> >>>>>>>> Corporate
>>> >>>>>>>>> ; Promotional;  Events. End to end CSR Advisory; including
>>> >>>>>>>>> demystifying
>>> >>>>>>>>> workshops  and counseling. Printing Solutions,  Incentive
>>> >>>>>>>>> Travel
>>> >>>>>>>>> and
>>> >>>>>>>>> Marketing Data Mining / Refining..
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> We  assure  high quality service marked with excellence and
>>> >>>>>>>>> complete
>>> >>>>>>>>> customer centricity, forming Synergies as we go along.
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> >>>>>>>>> From: AccessIndia
>>> >>>>>>>>> [
>>> ]
>>> >>>>>>>>> On
>>> >>>>>>>> Behalf
>>> >>>>>>>>> Of George Abraham
>>> >>>>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2014 12:47 PM
>>> >>>>>>>>> To: 'AccessIndia: a list for discussing accessibility and
>>> >>>>>>>>> issues
>>> >>>>>>>> concerning
>>> >>>>>>>>> the disabled.'
>>> >>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [AI] Insulted by a university teacher, blind
>>> attempted
>>> >>>>>>>> suicide
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> Consider this Avinash: Once you get out of the education stage
>>> >>>>>>>>> of
>>> >>>>>>>>> your
>>> >>>>>>>>> life, you work and live in an inclusive environment. What about
>>> the
>>> >>>>>>>>> humiliation people go through. Inclusion right from early days
>>> >>>>>>>>> prepares
>>> >>>>>>>> one
>>> >>>>>>>>> to deal with the harsh realities of the World. Having said
>>> >>>>>>>>> this,
>>> >>>>>>>>> there
>>> >>>>>>>>> is
>>> >>>>>>>> a
>>> >>>>>>>>> lot of work that needs to be done in terms ground preparation
>>> >>>>>>>>> of
>>> >>>>>>>>> the
>>> >>>>>>>>> inclusive education platform. It is inclusive education that
>>> >>>>>>>>> also
>>> >>>>>>>>> prepares
>>> >>>>>>>>> the non disabled population to understand , appreciate and
>>> >>>>>>>>> engage
>>> >>>>>>>>> with
>>> >>>>>>>>> disability and people with disability.
>>> >>>>>>>>> This subject again can debated.
>>> >>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> >>>>>>>>> From: AccessIndia
>>> >>>>>>>>> [
>>> ]
>>> >>>>>>>>> On
>>> >>>>>>>> Behalf
>>> >>>>>>>>> Of avinash shahi
>>> >>>>>>>>> Sent: 24 July 2014 12:24
>>> >>>>>>>>> To: accessindia; jnuvision; sayeverything
>>> >>>>>>>>> Subject: [AI] Insulted by a university teacher, blind attempted
>>> >>>>>>>>> suicide
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> So what the proponents of Inclusive education say on this?
>>> >>>>>>>>> Psychological humiliation leaves more scars ,you know. We do
>>> >>>>>>>>> not
>>> >>>>>>>>> know
>>> >>>>>>>>> how many of students go through similar experiences in colleges
>>> and
>>> >>>>>>>>> universities? who cares about them? This teacher must be
>>> suspended
>>> >>>>>>>>> forthwith. People in Odisha must take the matter with the
>>> concerned
>>> >>>>>>>>> authorities. Such teachers who are incensitive to the needs of
>>> >>>>>>>>> disabled students and humiliate them the need to be delth
>>> >>>>>>>>> sternly
>>> >>>>>>>>> by
>>> >>>>>>>>> the law enforcing agencies. Do forward this to the people
>>> >>>>>>>>> active
>>> in
>>> >>>>>>>>> Odisha.
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> Cry for suspension of Utkal faculty
>>> >>>>>>>>> Bhubaneswar, July 23: Visually challenged students today sat on
>>> >>>>>>>>> a
>>> >>>>>>>>> protest before the disability commissioner's office here
>>> demanding
>>> >>>>>>>>> immediate suspension of the Utkal university faculty Sujit
>>> Acharya.
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> Acharya had allegedly insulted a visually impaired student, who
>>> was
>>> >>>>>>>>> compelled him to attempt suicide.
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> The students squatted in front of the commissioner's office on
>>> the
>>> >>>>>>>>> premises of Capital Hospital, where the victim Chakradhar Dash
>>> >>>>>>>>> is
>>> >>>>>>>>> admitted since Friday.
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> Twenty-five-year-old Chakradhar had tried to kill himself after
>>> he
>>> >>>>>>>>> was
>>> >>>>>>>>> allegedly humiliated by Acharya in an examination hall on July
>>> 17.
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> Dash, a postgraduate student of history under the directorate
>>> >>>>>>>>> of
>>> >>>>>>>>> distance and continuing education,had gone to the varsity to
>>> appear
>>> >>>>>>>>> for his semester exam.
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> Chakradhar alleged that the faculty misbehaved with him and
>>> >>>>>>>>> made
>>> >>>>>>>>> fun
>>> >>>>>>>>> of him and his scribe before the class asking him to sit near
>>> >>>>>>>>> the
>>> >>>>>>>>> toilet.
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> Distressed due to the insult, the student had drunk a full
>>> >>>>>>>>> bottle
>>> >>>>>>>>> of
>>> >>>>>>>>> phenyl. Friends of the boy, who found him unconscious, rushed
>>> >>>>>>>>> him
>>> >>>>>>>>> to
>>> >>>>>>>>> the Capital Hospital where he is undergoing treatment.
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> The student alleged that he was regularly cornered by the
>>> >>>>>>>>> faculty
>>> >>>>>>>>> of
>>> >>>>>>>>> the directorate and had to study without any books or support
>>> >>>>>>>>> of
>>> >>>>>>>>> the
>>> >>>>>>>>> teachers.
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> "We have initiated an inquiry into the matters and will take
>>> action
>>> >>>>>>>>> against anyone found guilty," said director Sasmit Pani
>>> directorate
>>> >>>>>>>>> of
>>> >>>>>>>>> distance and continuing education.
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> Besides suspension of the teacher, the students also demanded
>>> >>>>>>>>> the
>>> >>>>>>>>> proper supply of Braille books and immediate implementation of
>>> the
>>> >>>>>>>>> Braille transcription project announced by the government.
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> A vigilance inquiry must be made into why schemes such as
>>> >>>>>>>>> talking
>>> >>>>>>>>> books meant to serve hundreds of blinds children has failed to
>>> >>>>>>>>> deliver, demanded Joginder, a student.
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> This apart, the students appealed to the state government as to
>>> why
>>> >>>>>>>>> the educational institutions have been continuing collection of
>>> fee
>>> >>>>>>>>> from the disabled, despite the announcement of the government
>>> for a
>>> >>>>>>>>> fee waiver for such candidates.
>>> >>>>>>>>> --
>>> >>>>>>>>> Avinash Shahi
>>> >>>>>>>>> M.Phil Research Scholar
>>> >>>>>>>>> Centre for The Study of Law and Governance
>>> >>>>>>>>> Jawaharlal Nehru University
>>> >>>>>>>>> New Delhi India
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>
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>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> --
>>> >>>>>>>> Avinash Shahi
>>> >>>>>>>> M.Phil Research Scholar
>>> >>>>>>>> Centre for The Study of Law and Governance
>>> >>>>>>>> Jawaharlal Nehru University
>>> >>>>>>>> New Delhi India
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>
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>>> >>>>> --
>>> >>>>> Avinash Shahi
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>>> >> --
>>> >> Avinash Shahi
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>>> > --
>>> >                                           ***************
>>> >
>>> > "I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do
>>> > something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do
>>> > the something I can do. What I can do, I should do. And what I should
>>> > do, by the grace of God, I will do."
>>> >
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> --
> Cheers,
> Radha
> "Everything you want in your life is waiting for you an inch outside
> your comfort zone, and an inch inside your effort."
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"It doesn't matter what we have, but it really matters what we do with
what we have."

With Sincere Regards

Balanagendran. D
IAS Aspirant
Skype: balanagendran

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