ALternatively ma'am, you can use FS reader OCR of JAWS then copy paste
the matter in a word document if i am not wrong.

ALso there are few free softwares online to convert image PDFs in to
word coduments. You can search online.


On 5/2/15, avinash shahi <> wrote:
> It does convert as accurate as it is their in original PDF
> Its not free, paid Software. Please let me know when image files have
> to be converted I'll do the rest and send it back to you.
> Thanks
> On 5/1/15, Vaishnavi Jayakumar <> wrote:
>> It's incredibly accurate. Does it handle crooked pages too? Is it cross
>> platform and device agnostic? Is it free?
>> I use a variety of free online OCR tools like Or upload to
>> Google Docs and use  its inbuilt OCR tech. But between the pagewise
>> pasting, cursory checking and tables, I sometimes think it would be
>> faster
>> to just type the whole thing!
>> I wish we could work out a system to coordinate efforts so as to prevent
>> duplication.
>> Any ideas?
>> On Friday, May 1, 2015, avinash shahi <> wrote:
>>> Many thanks mam for your hard efforts for converting the text for
>>> print impaired people
>>> Kurzweil is a software through which one could convert images into
>>> text. This software is my lifeline.
>>>  On 5/1/15, Vaishnavi Jayakumar <
>>> <javascript:;>> wrote:
>>> > Dear Avinash,
>>> >
>>> > Where did you source a text version of this document? The MSJE
>>> > document
>>> is
>>> > a pdf with images.
>>> >
>>> > I just spent the whole morning transcribing this and the ISLRTC
>>> > document
>>> > and am cursing because my morning was a waste!
>>> >
>>> > Vaishnavi
>>> >
>>> > avinash shahi
>>> > <
>>> >
>>> >  Thu, 30 Apr 2015 06:50:34 -0700
>>> > <
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Having repeatedly perusing the minutes of the meeting,I feel there is
>>> > a
>>> > consensus emerging among the babus for thwarting the substantive
>>> objectives
>>> > of the existing comprehensive guidelines. Read below to know what
>>> mediocre
>>> > arguments was put forward by the UPSC and other bodies to modify the
>>> > guidelines. Let us all converge and take resolve on one salient point
>>> that
>>> > Invigilation is the crux and the thrust of the guidelines which should
>>> > be
>>> > strengthened. No arbitrary tempering,please. They say it is
>>> > impracticable
>>> > to provide questionpaper in Braille. What a tardy response exposing
>>> > their
>>> > political illwill. Can somebody inform UPSC that the UGC provides
>>> > questionpapers in Braille all over India in NET exams. And
>>> > questionpaper
>>> is
>>> > not leaked? Why cant they do so? questionpaper will not be leaked as
>>> > they
>>> > fear. Secondly, they say qualification of the scribe should be
>>> > lowered,that's non-negotiable isn't it? Anyway, its very crucial time
>>> > for
>>> > all of us and hope we remain united and alert in whatever strategy we
>>> > adopt. Rungta sir,and NFB lets keep the fire on until the issue is not
>>> > resolved for one and all. Below is the minutes of the meeting,those
>>> > want
>>> to
>>> > read PDF could visit MSJE website. Minutes of the preliminary
>>> > discussions
>>> > of the Expert Committee to review the Guidelines for conducting
>>> > Written
>>> > Examination for PwDs held under the Chairmanship of Secretary, DEPwD
>>> > on
>>> > 13,04.2015 at 04:00 PM in the Conference Room, 5th Floor, Paryavaran
>>> > Bhawan, New Delhi The List of Participants is at Annexure. 2.
>>> > Secretary,
>>> > DEPwD welcomed the participants and requested Joint Secretary, DEPwD
>>> > to
>>> > briefly explain the background of constitution of the expert Committee
>>> and
>>> > the agenda to be discussed in the meeting. 3. Joint Secretary, DEPwD
>>> stated
>>> > that on the basis of the recommendations of Chief Commissioner of
>>> > Persons
>>> > with Disabilities, the Ministry had issued detailed guidelines for
>>> > conducting examination for Persons with Disabilities on 26th February,
>>> > 2013. The guidelines inter-alia include provision for
>>> > scribe/reader/lab
>>> > assistant, grant of extra time to the extent of 20 minutes per hour of
>>> > examination, option of choosing mode of taking examination in Braille
>>> > or
>>> in
>>> > computer or in large print etc. Recently, UPSC has raised certain
>>> > issues
>>> > relating to practical implementation of the guidelines. UPSC has said
>>> that
>>> > their comments on the draft guidelines communicated in 2008 were not
>>> > considered. UPSC now has raised the issue of allowing private scribes
>>> > especially while taking main examinations (other than multiple type
>>> > question based examination), practicality of allowing question paper
>>> > in
>>> > Braille etc. The issues raised by UPSC were also discussed in a
>>> > meeting
>>> > held with DoPT when Chairman UPSC was also present. Staff Selection
>>> > Commission has also raised similar observations. In order to look into
>>> the
>>> > practical implementation issues raised by UPSC, SSC etc. an expert
>>> > Committee under the Chairmanship of Secretary, DEPwD has been
>>> constituted.
>>> > UPSC has now brought a detailed note outlining their observations on
>>> > implementation of these guidelines for consideration of the Expert
>>> > Committee. He further stated that the Committee was also required to
>>> decide
>>> > the associations/experts to represent different disability
>>> > associations
>>> > namely visual impairment, hearing impairment and locomotor
>>> > disabilities
>>> in
>>> > the Expert Committee. He also brought to the notice of the Committee
>>> > to
>>> the
>>> > fact that the Department has received representations requesting
>>> nomination
>>> > of experts for the cause of other disabilities such as Autism Spectrum
>>> > Disorder, Specific Learning Disabilities, and Speech Impairment etc.
>>> > 4.
>>> > Secretary DEPwD requested representative from UPSC to briefly explain
>>> > the
>>> > problem being faced by them in implementing the guidelines. 5. The
>>> > representatives from UPSC submitted that they are allowing scribes as
>>> > per
>>> > the choice of the candidates for multiple choice question based
>>> examination
>>> > such as ICS preliminary examination. However, in case of main
>>> > examination
>>> > which is especially of descriptive type they are allowing only
>>> > Government
>>> > scribes through their centre coordinators. They stated that the
>>> discretion
>>> > to the candidates to opt for own scribe/reader would have an impact on
>>> the
>>> > integrity of the examination process as the candidate may bring a
>>> > scribe
>>> > who is more proficient than him and who could improve the content of
>>> > the
>>> > answers. The Commission has also received representations alleging
>>> > malpractices by the Candidates who had been permitted to have their
>>> > own
>>> > scribes. The Commission was of the view that no amount of invigilation
>>> > could effectively obviate such malpractices in a descriptive type of
>>> > examination. The representatives from UPSC further stated that the
>>> > possibility of aspersions being cast in the public domain about the
>>> > performance of such candidates (who is allowed to use his own scribe)
>>> even
>>> > if the candidate qualified the examination on merit could not be ruled
>>> out.
>>> > They have further stated that the commission has no resource to
>>> > identify
>>> > the scribes for making panels at the district/division/state level. At
>>> > present, the scribes are being arranged through the coordinating
>>> > supervisors who are nominated by the concerned State Governments. UPSC
>>> was
>>> > of the view that the Government's scribes are governed by conduct
>>> > rules
>>> and
>>> > thereby the chances of malpractice through them is minimised. 6. As
>>> regards
>>> > the issue of doing away with fixation of any criteria for the scribe,
>>> > representative of UPSC stated that there should be certain eligibility
>>> > criteria like educational qualification for the scribe so as to
>>> > preclude
>>> > the use of scribe who is more qualified and has the ability to improve
>>> the
>>> > performance of the candidate which would tantamount to malpractice.
>>> > Further, they have stated that at present the Commission has been
>>> arranging
>>> > for two scribes for each eligible candidate keeping in view any aspect
>>> > of
>>> > emergency and also an option for the candidate to select one out of
>>> > the
>>> two
>>> > scribes. Allowing candidates more than one own scribe/ reader may also
>>> have
>>> > impact on integrity of the examination process since the candidate
>>> > would
>>> > tend to bring subject specific specialists as scribe for different
>>> > exam
>>> > papers. 7. With regard to the provisions in the guidelines allowing
>>> > the
>>> > candidates to choose the mode of taking examination in Braille or on
>>> > computer or in large print, allowing assistive devices like talking
>>> > calculator etc, the representative from UPSC submitted that these
>>> > rules
>>> not
>>> > only involve logistical . issues but may also have the potential for
>>> > representations/ complaints/litigations on the grounds of the alleged
>>> > unsatisfactory hardware/printout/recording devices etc. Providing
>>> question
>>> > paper in Braille or in Computer in addition to the printed version is
>>> > likely to have involvement of multiple agencies and thereby impinge on
>>> the
>>> > confidentiality of question papers, which in turn could have adverse
>>> impact
>>> > on the examination process. 8. The representative of UPSC drew the
>>> > attention of Committee to the order of Hon'ble High Court of
>>> > judicature
>>> at
>>> > Bombay dated 19.08.2014 in W.P. No. 5953 of 2014 in the matter of Shri
>>> > Sujit Shinde and another Versus UPSC and other. In this order, the
>>> Hon'ble
>>> > High Court has taken note of the fact that UPSC has justified its
>>> > stand
>>> of
>>> > prescribing its maximum educational qualification which a scribe can
>>> > possess. In the preliminary examination which has an objective type
>>> > test,
>>> > where the correct answer from 4 alternatives is required to be marked
>>> > by
>>> > shading the appropriate circle therefore, a scribe should be able to
>>> > read
>>> > Hindi/English versions of the questions effectively. Therefore, a
>>> > scribe
>>> of
>>> > who is of graduate or undergraduate level can effectively assist the
>>> > visually challenged candidate. 9. The representative of UPSC desired
>>> > to
>>> > know as to whether the alternative objective question in lieu of
>>> > descriptive questions for hearing impaired person is recommending or
>>> > mandatory in nature. JS, DEPwD clarified that all the provisions of
>>> > the
>>> > guidelines including para XV which deals with this aspect are
>>> > mandatory.
>>> > 10. The member SSC stated that the examinations conducted by SSC are
>>> mostly
>>> > based on multiple choice question papers. They allow only Government
>>> > scribes through their exam centre coordinators. SSC was of the view
>>> > that
>>> > allowing private scribes even for multiple choice answers would have
>>> impact
>>> > on the integrity of the examination process. SSC was in agreement with
>>> the
>>> > submission of UPSC relating to other issues such as fixation of
>>> > criteria
>>> > for the scribe, provision for choice of taking examination in Braille,
>>> > allowing assistive devices etc. 11. Shri T.D. Dhariyal, former Dy.
>>> > CCPD
>>> and
>>> > present Consultant in the Office of CCPD has intimated that the
>>> > process
>>> of
>>> > framing of policy guidelines for conducting examination of PwDs was
>>> > initiated in 2001 -02 in consultation with Ministry of Human Resource
>>> > 85
>>> > Development and DoPT. As both the Agencies did not issue any
>>> > guidelines,
>>> > O/o CCPD took up the issues based on number of representations
>>> > received
>>> by
>>> > it. The stakeholders were of the view that there should not be any
>>> criteria
>>> > such as the qualification of the scribe should be one class below the
>>> > minimum required educational qualification for the examination. After
>>> > prolonged consultations the Commission was of the view that no fixed
>>> > criteria should be there for selection of scribe and the scribe is to
>>> > be
>>> > for all class of PwDs whose writing capacity or speed is affected.
>>> > Subsequently the recommendations were sent to the Ministry for framing
>>> > of
>>> > guidelines. 12. Director, IPH submitted that it would be appropriate
>>> > if
>>> > UPSC on their own analyse the scenario taking into account number of
>>> cases
>>> > where scribes were used, number of PwDs selected using such scribes,
>>> > qualification of scribes, number of complaints received against such
>>> > scribes etc. and submit a detailed justification for consideration of
>>> > Committee. 13. Representative from Department of Higher Education
>>> submitted
>>> > that the Ministry of HRD on its own does not have expertise to comment
>>> > on
>>> > the relevant aspects. He suggested that representatives from UGC,
>>> > AICTE
>>> and
>>> > CBSE may be co-opted as members so as to make the deliberations of
>>> > Committee more meaningful. 14. Director, NIHH suggested that no
>>> > criteria
>>> > for the scribe should be prescribed rather the invigilation process
>>> should
>>> > be strengthen to take care of any perceived malpractices during
>>> examination
>>> > process. 15. After detailed deliberations, the following decisions
>>> > were
>>> > taken: i. The office of CCPD will submit a detailed documentation on
>>> > framing of the guidelines containing the range of issues raised on
>>> > each
>>> > aspects, how the recommendations were finalised etc. ii. UPSC will
>>> > submit
>>> > detailed justification for seeking modifications in the guidelines
>>> > taking
>>> > into account number of cases where scribes were used, number of PwDs
>>> > selected using such scribes, qualification of scribes, number of
>>> complaints
>>> > received regarding use of such scribes (both government and private)
>>> > etc.
>>> > iii. Representatives from UGC, AICTE and CBSE may also be coopted as
>>> > members of the Expert Committee. Department of Higher Education will
>>> > expedite the process of nomination of these agencies. iv. The
>>> > following
>>> may
>>> > be nominated to represent various class of PwDs in the Committee:-
>>> > Class
>>> of
>>> > Disability Nominated Member a Visual Impairment (i) Ms. Kanchan
>>> > Pamnani
>>> > (ii) Shri S.K. Rungta, National Federation of Blind. Hearing
>>> > Impairment
>>> (i)
>>> > Mrs. Snigdha Sarkar, Secretary, ANWESHA (ii) Prof. S andhya Limay e,
>>> Centre
>>> > of Disability Studies and Activities, Mumbai /. Locomotor Disabilities
>>> Shri
>>> > Komal Kabra, Khalsa College, Delhi University Mental Impairment Ms
>>> Nirmala
>>> > Srinivasan 16. The meeting ended with vote of thanks to the chair. ***
>>> > **
>>> > ** ********* ** Minutes of the Preliminary Discussion of Expert
>>> > Committee
>>> > to review the Guidelines for conducting examination for PwDs held
>>> > under
>>> the
>>> > Chairmanship of Secretary, DEPwD on 13.04.2015 at 04:00 PM LIST OF
>>> > PARTICIPANTS 1. Shri Low Verma, Secretary, DEPwD in chair 2. Shri
>>> > Awanish
>>> > K. Awasthi, Joint Secretary, DEPwD 3. Ms Archana Verma, Joint
>>> > Secretary,
>>> > DoPT 4. Shri R.K. Arora, Additional Secretary, UPSC 5. Shri Sanjay
>>> > Mehrishi, Joint Secretary, UPSC 6. Shri Chetan Prakash Jain, Member,
>>> > SSC
>>> 7.
>>> > Dr. Dharmendra Kumar, Director, IPH 8. Dr. A.K. Sinha, Director,
>>> 9.
>>> > Shri T.D. Dhariyal, Consultant, O/o CCPD 10. Shri Davinder Pal Singh,
>>> > Deputy Secretary, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human
>>> > Resource 85 Development 11. Shri D.K. Panda, Under Secretary, DEPwD --
>>> > Avinash Shahi Doctoral student at Centre for Law and Governance JNU
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> --
> Avinash Shahi
> Doctoral student at Centre for Law and Governance JNU
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