In one vol. Published by
All India Confederation of the Blind
Printed in Braille Press
AICB Braille Press
Sec-5, Rohini,
Ph.: 011-27054082
Fax: 011-27050915

Computer introduction
Strengths & weaknesses of a computer
Types of computer
Limitations of a computer
Generations of computer
CPU - Central Processing Unit
Output devices
Input devices
CPU hardware
Operating system
Computers in the future
Applications of computer

Window 7 basic
Control panel explained (basic features)
Action center:
Administrative tools:
Auto play:
Date and time:
Default programs:
Devices and printers:
Ease of access center:
File and folder management
Notification area icons:
Programs and features:
Region and language:
Remote application and desktop connection:
Task bar and start menu:
User accounts:
Windows firewall:
Windows update:
Some useful terminology about windows 7
Jaws (screen reading software)

Word 2007
To open ms-word program
To save a document
To open any existing document
Spelling and grammar check:
Page setup
To change paper type
To show line number in your document:
Find a word or phrase inside your opened document:
To replace existing word from new word into your document:
Paste special
To insert page number
To insert a table into the document
To insert a column into the table
To insert a row into the table
To insert a cell into the table
To delete a table from a document
To delete a row or column from a table:
To delete a cell from a table
To insert any stored image file into the document
To insert any word file into your document
How to use font dialog box
To use bullet and numbering
Text formatting commands:

Ms-excel 2007
Cell address
Formula and functions
Workbook vs. Worksheet
Adding rows and columns
Formatting cells
Controlling your view of data
Sorting and filtering
Cell references
Auto sum
Name manager

Opening internet explorer
Opening a website
Opening gmail account


Commonly Operating Machine Particularly Used for Trade, Education & Research

A computer is a machine that manipulates data according to a list of
instructions. Computer can access & process data millions of times
faster than humans can. A computer can store data & information in its
memory, process them & produce the desired results. Computer can do a
lot of different tasks such as playing games, railway reservation etc.

SPEED: Computers are much faster as compared to human beings.
HIGH STORAGE CAPACITY: Computers can store a large amount of
information in very small space.
ACCURACY: Computers can perform all the calculation & comparisons
accurately provided the hardware does not malfunction.
VERSATILITY: Computers can perform repetitive jobs efficiently.

The computers have been classified into three categories.
Digital Computers - The digital computers work upon discontinuous
data. They convert the data into digits & all operations are carried
out on these digits at extremely fast rates. Digital Computers are
much faster than analog computers. Computers used for business &
scientific applications are digital computers.
Analog Computers - In analog computers continuous quantities of data
are used. The main advantage of analog computer is that all
calculations take place in parallel & hence these are faster. Analog
computers are mostly used in engineering & scientific applications.
Hybrid Computers - In these computers some calculations take place in
analog manner & rest of them take place in digital manner. Hybrid
computers are used in hospitals where analog part is responsible for
measurement of heart beat. They are also used in weather forecasting.

Lack of decision making power: Computer can’t decide on its own. They
do not possess this power which is a great assert of human brings.
IQ Zero: Computers are dumb machines with zero IQ. They need to be
told each & every step, however minute it may be.

1. Use of vacuum tubes
2. Big & Clumsy
3. High Electricity Consumption
4. Programming in Mechanical Language
5. Larger AC were needed
6. Lot of electricity failure occurred

1. Transistors were used
2. Core Memory was developed
3. Faster than First Generation computers
4. First Operating System was developed
5. Programming was in Machine Language & Assembly Language
6. Magnetic tapes & discs were used
7. Computers became smaller in size than the First Generation computers
8. Computers consumed less heat & consumed less electricity

1. Integrated circuits developed
2. Power consumption was low
3. SSI & MSI Technology was used
4. High level languages were used

1. LSI & VLSI Technology used
2. Development of Portable Computers
3. RAID Technology of data storage
4. Used in virtual reality, multimedia, simulation
5. Computers started in use for Data Communication
6. Different types of memories with very high accessing speed & storage capacity

1. Used in parallel processing
2. Used superconductors
3. Used in speech recognition
4. Used in intelligent robots
5. Used in artificial intelligence

CPU - Central Processing Unit
(The Brain of Computer)
The CPU is the control center for a computer. It guides, directs &
governs its performance. It is the brain of the computer.

1. Arithmetic & Logical Unit
2. Control Unit

An Arithmetic and Logical Unit (ALU) is a digital circuit that
performs arithmetic and logical operations. The ALU is a fundamental
building block of the central processing unit (CPU) of a computer. ALU
is a combination of Arithmetic Unit & Logical Unit.
Arithmetic Unit performs all the arithmetic operations like addition,
subtraction, multiplication & division performed on the operands.
For example:
a + b
a - b
a * B
a / b
Control Unit is most important part which controls all the internal as
well as external functions in the computer.
The Main Functions Performed By The Control Unit Are:
1. It controls & guides the interpretation, flow    & manipulation of
all data & information.
2. It sends control signals until the required operations are done
properly by ALU & memory.
3. It gets program instructions from memory & executes them one after another.
4. It controls the flow of data from input device to memory & from
memory to output devices.

The devices which are used to display the data to the user either in
the form of hard copy or soft copy are called output devices.
Speakers receive the sound in the form of electric current from the
sound card & convert it into audio format. These are used for
listening music, chatting, seminars for presentations etc.
VDU (Visual Display Unit)
This is also called monitor. It is used to get the data in the form of
soft copy. Its function is exactly similar to the television. It
contains a CRT which emits the electrons to trace a regular pattern of
horizontal lines on the screen.
This device gives the hard copy of the output. These are in different types.
Impact - Have mechanical contact in between paper & printing head
Non-Impact - No mechanical contact between paper & printing head
Line Printers - print line wise (E.g. Drum Printer)
Character Printer - print character wise (E.g. Daisy Printer)
Electromagnet Printers
Thermal Printers
Electrostatic Printers
Inkjet Printers
Laser Printers
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
These screens are used in laptops & notebook sized personal computers.
A special type of liquid is sandwiched between two plates. The top
plate is clear & bottom plate is reflective. The molecules in these
liquids are normally aligned & the computer signals are used to align
these molecules.

The input unit is formed by the input devices attached to the
computer. Examples are Keyboard, Microphone etc. An input unit takes
the input & converts it into binary form so that it can be understood
by the computer.
This is most commonly used device which acts as input device. Its
structure is like typewriter. It contains no. of keys which have some
specific ASCII values. Like ‘A’ has ASCII value 65. When this is
pressed, it is converted into 65 & this 65 is sent to CPU in the form
of Binary language (i.e. 1000001). Then operations are done on this
This is a pointing device which contains a roller in its base. When
the mouse is moved on any surface, the pointer on the screen is also
moved. It contains a potentiometer coupled with the roller. This
potentiometer senses the motion of mouse & converts it into digital
value. A mouse may contain two or three buttons.
Now a days optical mouse is very popular.
It is a device which is used to read the code of the products which
are usually in the form of Bars. It contains a light sensitive
detector which identifies the values of the bars on the product &
converts them into numeric code.
These bar readers are used in Shopping malls in a very large scale.
As the name specifies, these camera stores the data digitally, which
then can be stored in the computer & can be stored for a long time.
But it has very limited storage capacity. These are very popular
because of less expensive photographs & Speed.
It is a pointing device which contains a photocell mounted at its tip.
It senses the light from the screen when it becomes closer to the
screen, & generates a pulse. So for identifying a particular location
on the screen these light pens are very useful. But this is not in
very much use these days.
The scanner is an input device like the Xerox machine which makes the
electronic copy of the picture or document which can be further
A microphone is a hardware peripheral originally invented by Emile
Berliner in 1877 that allows computer users to input audio into their

Software represents the set of programs that govern the operation of a
computer system and make the hardware run. Hardware parts of a
computer system already discussed in previous input and output
Software can be classified into three categories:
1. Operating System
2. Language Processors
3. Application Software

An operating system is a program which acts as an interface between a
user and the hardware (i.e., all computer resources). An operating
system is an important component of a computer system which controls
all other components of the computer system.
The operating system performs the following function:
1. Provide the instruction to prepare user- interface.
2. Loads necessary program which are required for proper computer functioning.
3. Manages the way information is stored on & retrieved from disks.

ASSEMBLER: This language processor converts the program written in
assembly language into machine language.
INTERPRETER: This language processor converts a HLL program into
machine language by converting it line- by- line. If there is any
error in any line, it reports it at the same time and program
execution cannot resume until the error is rectified.
COMPILER: It also converts the HLL program into machine language. It
converts the entire HLL program in one go, & reports all the errors of
the program along with the line numbers. After all the errors are
removed, the program is recompiled, & after that the compiler is not
needed in the memory as the object program is available.

Application software is the set of programs necessary to carry out
operations for a specified application.
This type of software is tailor- made software. The software is
developed to meet all the requirements specified by the user.
This type of software is developed keeping in mind the general
requirements for carrying out a specific tasks. Many users can use it
simultaneously as it fulfills the general requirements.

The working place in computer where all data is stored is called
memory. There are small cells called bit. In these cell data is stored
in the form of 0 & 1. Its unit is bytes. A memory cell may be defined
as a device which can store a symbol selected from a set of symbols.
Primary Memory consists of RAM (random access memory) and ROM (read
only memory). In this type of primary memory data is not stored
permanently, it is stored temporarily. After getting off data is
erased from the memory of computer. “These are considered as short
term memory”
Secondary memory (or secondary storage) is the slowest and cheapest
form of memory. It cannot be processed directly by the CPU. It must
first be copied into primary storage (also known as RAM). Secondary
memory devices include magnetic disks like hard drives and floppy
disks; optical disks such as CDs and CD ROMs; and magnetic tapes,
which were the first forms of secondary memory.

An operating system is required to manage the computer and enable it
to communicate with peripherals such as monitor, keyboard, mouse, or
printer; and to control the flow of commands and data communication.
The predominant operating system in use today is MS-DOS, Microsoft-
Disk Operating System, commonly referred to as DOS. There are, in
addition, other versions of DOS that generally function with the same
software applications as MS-DOS.
Perhaps a brief explanation of the popularity of DOS and hence of PC
compatibles is in order here: Those who controlled DOS were amenable
to the development of new hardware and software that would work with
their operating system, and thus assisted other developers in making
their products compatible. The result was a host of clones that only
provide a multitude of options for PC users, but brought prices of the
PC’s and their peripherals down. The resulting popularity that created
a broad base of users further encouraged software developers to seek a
niche in this lucrative market.
In general, early users fell into two categories – those who sought
ease of use and who were willing to pay for it; and those who opted
for lower cost and a broader selection of hardware and software. Lower
cost and a host of options won out.
The several versions of Windows are environments that offer a graphics
interface with the DOS operating system. Debate continues as to
whether Windows95 is truly a distinct operating system because
although the operating system and graphic environment are incorporated
into a tight package, Windows95 functions on a DOS platform. That is
to say that the user can access Dos from within Windows95, a proper
concession to those who still have DOS programs they want to utilize,
but the system also permits the user to boot up in the DOS
There are other operating systems such as OS/2 and Warp, but none have
achieved the popularity of DOS. Although some function with most DOS
applications and utilities, they do not function well with all of
them, a serious consideration when contemplating a change. And of
course the MAC has its own operating system that requires programs
specially designed to work with it.
Keep in mind, however, that all of the operating systems with a broad
base of users have their merits and ‘most popular’ does not mean
absolutely right for everyone. Operating system software is not
terribly expensive, so you can reasonably sure that anyone using an
operating particular system does so because he or she is satisfied
with it. As you talk to other users you will undoubtedly find as well
that users can be extremely attached to their systems and not at all
shy about extolling the virtues of all their favourite programs as
well as shortcomings of others. It’s a great learning experience.

Programmer Execution
The operating system acts as an interface between an application and
the hardware. The user interacts with the hardware from "the other
side". The operating system is a set of services which simplifies
development of applications.
Interrupts are central to operating systems as they provide an
efficient way for the operating system to interact and react to its
environment. The alternative is to have the operating system "watch"
the various sources of input for events (polling) that require action
-- not a good use of CPU resources.
Protective and Supervisor Mode
Modern CPUs support something called dual mode operation. CPUs with
this capability use two modes: protected mode and supervisor mode,
which allow certain CPU functions to be controlled and affected only
by the operating system kernel.
Memory Management
Among other things, a multiprogramming operating system kernel must be
responsible for managing all system memory which is currently in use
by programs. This ensures that a program does not interfere with
memory already used by another program.
Multitasking refers to the running of multiple independent computer
programs on the same computer, giving the appearance that it is
performing the tasks at the same time. Since most computers can do at
most one or two things at one time, this is generally done via time
sharing, which means that each program uses a share of the computer's
time to execute.

Use of computer today is very important for the use in offices shops,
seminars, hospitals, malls etc.
But in the upcoming future it would be the important part of our body
like hands, legs.
We can believe that in the future all the work even the work of our
daily routine would be done by them.
Computers will be used in the form of robots. Everywhere from streets
to air - computers will be used.
Bad Words detection machines will be there. If anyone speaks rudely,
he will be fined.
They will manage the house and we will become depended but it can be
harmful also because as the computer will manage our home and our work
that we will do.
We will also become too fat because we will not be able to do any type
of exercise. Thus number of diseases will increase.
But, I think it is good that we have computers to help us but I think
we shall not be depended.

Computer is used in many ways and in many places. Some of the examples are:
For training of education, health, teaching, etc.
In schools for education
In school offices to maintain school profiles
In school libraries to maintain book records
In shopping malls to generate bills and to keep the price rates
In seminars
No limit, no bounds, the list may never end.    

Window 7 Basic
The interface of your desktop has been changed as the time passing its
moments. To keep the pace with the world and the time it is important
to make technology accessible and fascinating for the people. By
following the principle and keeping the requirements of the people in
mind Microsoft has been launched its Operating System (OS) to meet the
need of the hour time to time. Windows 7 made its official debut to
the public on October 22, 2009 as the latest in the 25-year-old line
of Microsoft Windows operating systems and as the successor to Windows
Vista (which itself had followed Windows XP). Windows 7 was released
in conjunction with Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7's server
counterpart. Enhancements and new features in Windows 7 include
multi-touch support, Internet Explorer 8, improved performance and
start-up time, Aero Snap, Aero Shake, support for virtual hard disks,
a new and improved Windows Media Center, and improved security, and
having a good voice quality narrator basically for making windows
accessible for visually impaired persons.
Control panel Explained (Basic Features)
Control panel is a panel of various settings through which you can
manage your OS, hard ware & software settings, and manage your
security parameters accordingly. Let’s look at some features:
Action center:
action center has the details of alerts, errors, warnings, issues etc.
any file, application, service which are not working properly or not
installed are highlighted there. It also tells you that how can you
solve these problems. Action Center is a feature in windows 7 which
shows all notifications related to system and security status. From
here, we can manage our security components, backups etc. we also can
perform troubleshooting and recovery action from here.
Administrative Tools:
It has all the information about the system administration. It has
many components. You can manage USB ports, you can also see your
computer performance. All the events can be seen in the ‘event
viewer’. Print management can be adjusted from here. Firewall settings
can be manipulated. Regarding memory troubleshooting events can be
performed in this particular section.
Auto play:
You can manage applications to execute file using two ways: you can
set user defined application to execute particular file. For example
you can set GOM player to open MP3 audio file. Secondly you can choose
system defined applications to execute file, for example if you play
Mp3 audio file in your computer it plays in windows media player.
Date and time:
You can set here your computer time and time zone. Indian standard
time is 5.30+ GMT. Go to the control panel and select date and time.
Press ‘change date and time’ button. Then you can manage there day,
month, year, hour, A.M. P.M, minutes etc. you also can choose
different time zones if you shifted to another location.
Default Programs:
You can set a particular application to execute files in it. For
example you want to open doc file in adobe reader then go to that file
and press application key there is an option there called ‘open with’
press right arrow or enter then down arrow you can find there choose
programs enter on it and select adobe reader from the list pressing
tab you will find ‘do you want to make this program as default program
for this type of file?’ check this box and press enter on open button.
Now your doc files executer application is adobe reader by default
Devices and printers:
In this option you can find all peripherals details like web cam,
printer, fax machine, scanner joy sticks etc.
Your desktop theme, appearances, backgrounds are included in this
option. You can manage them from here according to your choice.
Ease of access center:
This option is very useful as it enables you to execute computer
easier way. For example, if you are a visually impaired person you can
open narrator for speech magnifier to make computer easier to see etc.
you can use computer without mouse or keyboard too.
1.      You can start magnifier to see your computer screen easily. It
works like a lens which enables you to see the desired thing in large
2.      You can listen which is appeared on the screen by active the
narrator facility. It is very useful for the visually impaired persons
who are unable to see the screen.
3.      On-screen keyboard- if your keyboard is not working properly, then
you can click on this option. A virtual keyboard will appear on the
screen, thus, by pressing its keys through mouse pointer you can
easily finish your keyboard task.
4.      High contrast- if your eyes are not capable to bear the coloured
screen, you can set high contrast screen settings. It will change all
the window’s background into black. It helps you to make computer
screen for long time.
5.      You can manage your mouse settings from here. For example you can
make your pointer thicker and control key settings with mouse

File and Folder Management
This panel of settings has been divided into three tab pages and each
has its own special options these are General tab, View tab and Search
General tab page-
We have two radio buttons under browse folder category:
1. Open each folder in the same windows.
2. Open each folder in its own windows.
User can choose one of them radio button accordingly.
Pressing tab key we again have two radio buttons under click item category:
1. Single-click to open an item.
2. Double-click to open an item.
The above radio button used to set clicking to customize to open files
and folders by the help of mouse.

Then we have two check boxes under navigation pane category:
1. Show all folders.
2. Automatically expend to current folder.
User can view all collapse folders in expanded mode by selecting both
check boxes.
And in the last we have restore default button. If you by mistake have
chosen unwanted settings you can press enter here to get back your
default settings.
View tab page-
On this tab page we have lot of file and folder settings to change
their appearances and behaviors etc. you can select them by checking
their boxes in the same time and can apply. You have also an
alternative as restore defaults button.
1.      Reset folders button- If you are not able to understand that where
did you do mistake in settings or you don’t like the current settings
of your file and folders, you can press this particular button and all
the settings will be restored as default.
2.      Advanced settings- We have a huge list of settings options here.
Jaws will announce it ‘tree one tree view’. By pressing up and down
arrow keys, you can choose desired settings. The options which are on
are active and those are off are not working right now. You can make
them on or off accordingly.
3.      You can hide your files and folders and also can show them in reverse 
Search Tab Page-
In the third tab page we have various facilities to enable or disable
searching mode. Whether should it search file and folder on the basis
of indexing or search file name or by contents in it etc. We have
restore button to get the settings back in defaults.
Fonts are specific script-styles, which can be used on the document to
give is better look. We have several types of fonts in this folder,
Times New Roman, Tahoma, Arial are types of English fonts and
Chanakya, Agra, Mangal, Aman, Kritidev, Kritika and etc. are hindi
fonts type available. If you want to insert more fonts in this list
you can paste the copy of new font. You can use available fonts in any
word processing application.
This option contains seven tab pages: General, Security, Privacy,
Content, Connections, Programs and Advanced.
Basic understanding about internet settings-
Create home page-
1.      We have three choices, use current, use default and use blank in
general tab. You can type the URL (address of any web page) in the
edit box to make it default home page of your browser. For example if
your default browser is internet explorer but you want to make your
default browser then you need to type in edit
box to  make my default browser having opened
2.      There is a check box, it asks ‘do you want delete browser history
on exit’ Check box. If you want to delete your browser history then
check it by pressing space key. It enables a browser to carry history
during its opening session only on exit it deletes the history.
3.      To open temporary internet files and history dialog box, press
enter on settings button. Here you can set disc space for webpage
4.      Color button- you can adjust your color on the websites.
5.      Language button- you can set prescribed language for your choice.
For example you want to see the web page in Arabic language. You
should set these settings from this button.
6.      Fonts button- you can also set your fonts settings according to your 
7.      Accessibility button- if you want to ignore color, font, graphics
etc, you can manage them in this particular settings button.
8.      In last we have OK button. To apply above customization press space
or enter key here.

You can manage your keyboard behavior from here by setting toggle key,
sticky key etc accordingly.
Character Repeat- It shows the speed of your typing input. For example
you can decrease or increase difference between key pressing event and
getting input by the system.
Cursor Blinking Rate- This setting enables your pointer’s blinking
speed on your screen.
You also can read your hardware information about your keyboard by
pressing control + tab.
Notification area icons:
It is an area located on the right side of the task bar having the
icons and notifications of the real time applications. When we
customize it we have three choices there,
1.      Hide icon in notifications,
2.      Show icon in notifications and
3.      Only show notifications. We can adjust them accordingly. We also
called it system tray.
In this option you can manage your computer according to you. These
settings are basically based on appearances like you can change
display settings, colors settings, background settings, themes
settings, sounds settings, screen saver settings. You can create your
own theme or insert new by browsing folders.
Programs and features:
We have a list of installed programs and applications in this option.
You can change, uninstall or repair a program.
1. View installed updates- you can see all the updates installed up to date.
2. Turn windows features on or off- you can manage windows features
and services. In this we have a huge list of windows features and
services. You can turn them on or off by checking the box in front of
the name of the service or feature.
Region and language:
In this option we have four tab pages.
1. Format- you can manage your language, the format in which date and
time you want to see, in additional settings you can set currency
2. Location- you can set your location where you are at the time.
3. Keyboards and languages- you can add different language keyboard
like Chinese, Arabic etc.
4. Administrative tab page- you can manage your welcome screen and
non-Unicode languages from here. You can change your system locale
Remote Application and desktop connection:
It is inbuilt feature of Windows: Remote Application and Desktop
Connections is a feature that you can use to access programs and
desktops (remote computers and virtual computers) made available to
you by your workplace's network administrator. When you're at home,
you can access all the programs and computers that you would normally
need to be at work to use. With a connection, all of these resources
are located in one easy-to-access folder on your computer. Using these
resources is almost the same as if they were on your local network or
on your computer. Remote access is a legal hacking.
If you want to access any computer it is necessary to have user name
and password of that system.
Type sysdm.cpl in the run dialog box then go to remote tab page by
pressing Control + tab.
Allow remote assistance to this computer check box. If it is not check
then check it by pressing space key.
You can gather information by pressing enter key on the available link
right there.
We have three radio buttons having alternative settings about your
remote access security parameters.
Select Allow connections from computers running any version of Remote
Desktop to allow people using any version of Remote Desktop or Remote
Application to connect to your computer. This is a good choice if you
don't know the version of Remote Desktop Connection that other people
are using, but it is less secure than the third option.
Select don’t allow connections to this computer to prevent anyone from
connecting to your computer using Remote Desktop or Remote
Select Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop
with Network Level Authentication to allow people with computers
running versions of Remote Desktop or Remote Application with Network
Level Authentication to connect to your computer. This is the most
secure choice if you know that the people who will connect to your
computer are running Windows 7 on their computers. (In Windows 7,
Remote Desktop uses Network Level Authentication.)
The link ‘help me choose’ is already mentioned there for your help.
You can make a list of selected users who can connect to your system
by pressing ‘select user button’.
You can manage your windows sounds settings like sound for opening an
application, closing a program, open a menu etc.
You can get all information about your computer configuration here.
For example, type of OS (whether it is 32 bit or 64 bit operating
system), RAM, processor etc.
Task bar and start menu:
Task bar is a horizontal bar at the bottom of your desktop. You can
change its direction and size by customizing it.
First tab page-
In first option taskbar appearance we have few check boxes
1. Lock the taskbar
2. Auto-hide the taskbar
3. Use small icons
In taskbar location on the screen: combo box, we can select either of
the sides left, right, bottom or top to set our taskbar to show on the
In taskbar buttons: combo box, never combine, combine when taskbar is
full and always combine. By choosing these options we can change our
taskbar width. You also can customize notification area from here.
Second tab page-
Start menu page: you can manage power options like shut down, sleep,
restart, lock, log off and switch user etc.
1.      Customize start menu button- It allows you to customize your start
button behavior. You can add or remove recently used program from your
start menu etc.
2.      Power button action- It is combo box. You can set your settings
regarding shut down, sleep, standby etc.
3.      Two check boxes there which offer you few customization of your start 
4.      You can understand better by selecting link there ‘how do I change
the way start menu look’.
Third tab page-
Tool bars page: you can add a toolbar on the taskbar by choosing the
options available here. Here we a list of four items in which you can
add on the taskbar:
1. Address- You can have an address box on the taskbar.
2. Links- Visited sites links will be shown on the taskbar.
3. Tablet PC input panel- In this option you can add your digital
signature with the help of mouse.
4. Desktop- You can arrange desktop icon on the taskbar for quick
launch. For example, you have opened multiple windows and you want to
move to the desktop quickly then you can click on this icon.
User accounts:
We have following options in this link:
1. Manage your credentials,
2. Create a password reset disk,
3. Online ideas,
4. Manage your file encryption certificates,
5. Configure advanced user profile properties,
6. Change my environment variables,
7. Parental control,
8. Create a password for your account, and change your picture,
10. Change your account name,
11. Change your account type,
12. Manage another account,
13. Change user account control settings.
A user account is a collection of information that tells Windows which
files and folders you can access, what changes you can make to the
computer, and your personal preferences, such as your desktop
background or screen saver. User accounts let you share a computer
with several people, while having your own files and settings. Each
person accesses his or her user account with a user name and
password. Basically there are three types of system-defined user
1. Administrative
2. Standard
3. Guest
They have separate rights to perform on the system. Administrative
enjoys ultimate authority means it can do everything he wants in the
system; it shares the rights to other account holders.
Windows firewall:
A firewall is software or hardware that checks information coming from
the Internet or a network, and then either blocks it or allows it to
pass through to your computer, depending on your firewall settings. A
firewall can help prevent hackers or malicious software (such as
worms) from gaining access to your computer through a network or the
Internet. A firewall can also help stop your computer from sending
malicious software to other computers. The following illustration
shows how a firewall works. Just as a brick wall can create a physical
barrier, a firewall creates a barrier between the Internet and your
computer. We have following options in windows firewall:
1. Allow a program or feature through a firewall,
2. Change notification settings,
3. Turn windows firewall on or off,
4. Restore defaults,
5. Advanced settings,
6. Troubleshoot my network,
7. Action center,
8. Network and sharing center etc.
Windows update:
You can update your windows. We have following options:
1. Check for updates,
2. Change settings,
3. View updates history,
4. Restore hidden updates,
5. Updates: frequently ask question,
6. Installed updates,
7. Important updates availability,
8. Optional updates availability,
9. Install updates etc. by managing these options you can maintain the
security of your computer better.
Some Useful Terminology about Windows 7
Desktop is an open area having no title bar. You can’t close or exit
from it. The icons of mostly installed applications are visible here.
Task Bar:
Task bar is a horizontal area located on the bottom of the desktop
having internet explorer icon, windows explorer icon, windows media
player and the application that you have minimized. You also can pin
frequently used application on the task bar for quick launch.
Start Button/Start Menu
Start button is a set of installed programs in your computer and
default features of your OS (Operating System). For example, windows
media centre, paint, getting started, and a sub-menu having all
programs. Start button contains a search box to make your searching
easier. You can type/edit relevant program, feature or related word
and it will search related heading for you. You also can use it as run
dialog box.
Notification Area
As its name specified it contains important notices, warnings or
errors regarding to your system. You can manage it according to your
choice. By default it contains system tray, speakers, PC issues, date
and time etc.
Show Desktop
A tiny icon of Show Desktop is appeared to the right side of the
notification area. By clicking on it you can see desktop quickly.
Icon is a graphical identification of programs and applications. For
example, icon having a picture of dustbin might be recycle bin. It
means the picture that represents any feature of that particular
software/program. This feature of program recognition helps the user
to identify the software easily by looking at its graphics, that is
called icons. Most of the icons are located on the desktop of your
A process which guides us during the task we finish. In other words it
a set of instructions which guides us during adding/removing programs
or to perform other tasks.
Pane is a type of very thin windows which is mostly located vertically
from your left side of the open windows. It is container of additional
information and locations.
Wall Paper
Wall paper is set on the background of your desktop to give better
look of your computer. You can change it according to your choice by
switching to ‘personalization’ in the control panel or pressing right
click on the empty area of the desktop and selecting the option
This is a set of colorable interface for whole windows settings. For
example, task bar may have different color and the title bar of
respective windows may be appear in different color, but by applying a
theme, all the different colors are changed into a set of color. It is
just like a costume or dress having matching or contrast varieties for
fascinating look.
Three looks of a Window
We have mostly three size of a window like maximize, minimize and
restore. Any window in it’s maximize mode is spread over the whole
area of your screen, while in minimize mode it shrinks in a small icon
on the task bar. But restore mode enables you to drag and drop
facility to resize the window’s area according to your requirements.
This feature is very useful when you want to see many windows at the
same time.
JAWS (Screen Reading Software)
JAWS is a screen reading software for visually handicapped person. It
speaks text everything which is appear on your computer screen except
graphics (images). There are 3 processes to start JAWS.
Step1: Press window key.
Step2: Press p.
Step3: Press j twice.
Step1: Press window + m or window + d for desktop.
Step2: Press j.
Step3: Press enter key.
Step1: Open run dialog box.
Step2: Type jaws with version’s digits without space.
Step3: Press enter key.
To close your JAWS press insert + f4 then enter key.
To set JAWS voice rate:
Step1: Press insert + j.
Step2: Press alt + o.
Step3: Press v twice to open voice adjustment dialog.
Step4: Press tab key 5 times to switch on rate slider.
Step5: By pressing up or down arrow to adjust according to you.
Step6: Press alt + a to apply this setting and press escape key to go out.

To increase and decrease the voice rate instantly press alt + control
+ page down and alt + control + page up simultaneously.

Active window: Active window is your current window on which you are
working on moment. To check, which is your active window press insert
+ t.
To apply high contrast mode for low vision user press alt + shift +
print screen and press enter key.
To read time, press insert + f12.
To open system tray dialog press insert + f11.
To increase or decrease system volume:
Step1: Open system tray dialog then press enter button twice on volume
option by selecting up or down arrow key.
Step2: Press tab key to switch on volume control slider. Now you can
adjust your volume by pressing up or down arrow, and press escape key
to close this dialog box.
To open jaws help window related to active window press insert + f1 twice.
JAWS Commands
1.      Say Character: Num Pad 5 (Desktop); Insert + Comma (laptop)
2.      Say Current Word: Insert + Num Pad 5 (desktop); Caps Lock + k (laptop)
3.      Spell Current Word: Insert + Num Pad 5 press twice quickly
(desktop); Caps Lock + k pressed twice quickly (laptop)
4.      Interrupt Speech: Control
5.      PC Cursor: Num Pad Plus (desktop); Caps Lock + Semicolon (laptop)
6.      JAWS Cursor: Num Pad Minus (desktop); Caps Lock + p (laptop)
7.      Route PC Cursor to JAWS Cursor: Insert + Num Pad Plus (desktop);
Caps Lock + Apostrophe (laptop)
8.      Route JAWS Cursor to PC Cursor: Insert + Num Pad Minus (desktop);
Caps Lock + Left Bracket (laptop)
9.      Say Window Title: Insert + t
10.     Say Top Line of Window: Insert + End
11.     Say Bottom Line of Window: Insert + Page Down
12.     Say from Cursor: Insert + Page Up
13.     Say System Tray: Insert + F11
14.     Report Battery Level for Laptop: Caps Lock + Shift + b
15.     Screen Sensitive Help: Insert + F1
16.     Keyboard Help On/Off: Insert + 1
17.     JAWS help for Applications: Insert + F1 pressed twice quickly
18.     Hot Key Help: Insert + h
19.     Windows Keys Help: Insert + w
20.     JAWS window: Insert + j
21.     Shut Down JAWS: Insert + F4
22.     Say Default Button of Dialog Box: Insert + e
23.     Read Word in Context: Insert + c
24.     Left Mouse Button: Num Pad Slash (desktop); Caps Lock + 8 (laptop)
25.     Left Mouse Button Lock: Insert + Num Pad Slash (desktop); Control + 8
26.     Right Mouse Button: Num Pad star (desktop); Caps Lock + 9 (laptop)
27.     Adjust JAWS Verbosity: Insert + v
28.     Pass Key Through: Insert + 3
29.     Graphics Labeler: Insert + g
30.     Say Color: Insert + 5
31.     Say Font: Insert + f
32.     Run JAWS Manager: Insert + F2
33.     Say Active Cursor and Coordinates: Alt + Delete
34.     Minimize All Apps: Insert + F6
35.     Say Application Version Control + Insert + v
Windows Shortcut Key Commands
1.      Open the Start Menu: Control + Escape or Windows Logo Key
2.      Shut Down Windows: Control + Escape, u, Enter, or Windows Logo Key, u, 
3.      Switch Between Applications: Alt + Tab
4.      Quit the Active Application: Alt + F4
5.      Open a System Menu: Alt + Space
6.      Open the Properties Dialog: Alt + Enter
7.      Move to the Menu Bar: Alt or F10
8.      Cancel or Close menu: Escape
9.      Close a Child Window: Control + F4
10.     Open the Shortcut Menu: Shift + F10
11.     Move Through Dialog Options: Tab
12.     Move to First Item: Home
13.     Move to the Last Item: End
14.     Scroll Up or Down One Screen: Page Up or Page Down
15.     Move One Character: Left Arrow or Right Arrow
16.     Move One Word: Control + Left Arrow or Right Arrow
17.     Move One Paragraph: Control + Up Arrow or Down Arrow
18.     Move to Beginning of Document: Control + Home
19.     Move to End of Document: Control + End
20.     Select or Cancel an Item Spacebar
21.     Select or Clear a check Box: Spacebar
22.     Copy: Control + c
23.     Cut: Control + x
24.     Paste: Control + v
25.     Undo: Control + z
26.     Delete Current Character: Delete
27.     Delete Prior Character: Backspace
28.     Select One Character: Shift + Right or Left Arrow
29.     Select One Word: Shift + Control + Right Arrow or Left Arrow
30.     Select One Line Up: Shift + Up Arrow
31.     Select One Line Down: Shift + Down Arrow
32.     Select to the Beginning of Line: Shift + Home
33.     Select to the Ending of Line: Shift + End
34.     Select One Screen: Shift + Page Up or Page Down
35.     Select to Beginning of Document: Control + Shift + Home
36.     Select to End of Document: Control + Shift + End
37.     Delete Files: Delete
38.     Delete and Bypass the Recycle Bin: Shift + Delete
39.     Rename a file or folder: F2
40.     Find a File or Folder from the Desktop: F3
41.     Refresh a Window in Internet Explorer or Firefox: F5
42.     Windows Explorer: Windows Logo Key + e
43.     Run Dialog: Windows Key + r
44.     Minimize all Windows: Windows Key + m
45.     Refresh screen insert + escape
46.     Window list dialog: Insert + F10        

Word 2007

Any of you that have used Microsoft Word before and are now trying to
use Word 2007 it is quite different from the old versions. In these
Microsoft Word 2007 tutorials I will take you step by step through the
basic features and the new tab format of the program.
We are going to start with the basics and then move step by step
through each tab at the top to include the Home tab, Insert, Page
Layout, References, Mailings, Review, and end with View. Let’s get
To open Ms-word program
Step1- Press window key + r to open run dialog box.
Step2- Type winword in open: edit combo box.
Step3- Press enter key.
Hence new word document is open on screen. Now user can type the data
and information on the document.
Across the top of your screen is the title bar. This will tell you the
name of your document as well as what program you are using. You can
read the title by pressing insert + t. For example, because we have
not saved ours yet our default title is Document1.
In the upper right hand corner of your word document you will see
three boxes. These boxes allow you to minimize (alt + space then m)
your document on your taskbar, make your document to its full size
(alt + space then x), or close (alt + f4) your document.
In the upper left hand corner we have the new Office button. By
pressing alt + f, we can access it. For those of you who have used
older versions of Word, this button takes the place of the old “File”
This Ribbon makes it much easier to access all of Microsoft’s tools
that were found in the old pull-down menu system.
The Ribbon is grouped into different tabs: the home tab, insert tab,
page layout, references, mailings, review, and view. The ribbon
divided into two parts upper ribbon and lower ribbon. Upper ribbon
carry home tab, insert tab, page layout tab, references tab, mailing
tab, review tab, and view tab. And lower ribbon carries several
respective options of upper ribbon tab. In other word we can say upper
ribbon is a group of some related options, which are mentioned in
lower ribbon. To access the lower ribbon user must be selected any
respective upper menu tab and then by using tab key user can move on
lower ribbon contains. Basic overview has been under-mentioned here.
Home tab
User can move on home tab by pressing alt + h. The home tab contains
the most frequently used commands. If used, it is always the first
Insert tab
By pressing alt + n, user can move on insert tab. It contains commands
to insert content and objects into a document. If used, it is always
the second tab.
Page layout tab
Alt + p is an access key for page layout tab. It contains commands
that affect the page layout, including themes, page setup, page
backgrounds, indenting, spacing, and positioning. (Note that the
indenting and spacing groups can be on the Home tab instead, if there
is enough room there.) If used, it is always the third tab.
Review tab
User can press alt + r to move on review tab. It contains commands to
add comments, track changes, and compare versions.
View tab
View tab can be accessed by pressing alt + w. It contains commands
that affect the document view, including view mode, show/hide options,
zooming, window management, and macros—the commands traditionally
found in the Windows menu category. If used, it is the last regular
tab unless the Developer tab is showing.

To save a document
After entering all data user required to store the document for future
reference in any storage device. To save a word document user should
follow following steps:
Step1- Press control + s (save command), if the document is already
save then this command overwrite the modification on that saved file,
otherwise it will open save as dialog box.
Step2- On save as dialog box, the current focus of the user is on file
name edit combo box. Here user can write the name of the file
according to contents, otherwise it takes few words of the first line
of your document itself. To save this document on desired destination
go through the next step.
Step3- By pressing 9 times tab key your cursor will be on toolbar
desktop split button, press down arrow key to explore the prime
locations of your computer system. Now, using down or up arrow key you
can choose the prime destination of your document. Suppose if you want
to save your document in e drive, then choose the computer option here
and press enter key.
Step4- By pressing 4 times tab key your cursor will be on shell folder
view, here you can choose e drive by pressing up or down arrow key,
and press enter key. If this is your required destination then you can
save your document by pressing alt + s key or move on save button by
using tab key and, press enter key on save button. Otherwise use up
and down arrow key to select your subfolder and press enter key to
open that folder and then follow the previously.
To open any existing document
To open already saved document user must be know the address of that
document from there it can be accessed by the user. If user cannot
remember the address of recent accessed document, then user can find
it from recent used document list. To move on that list user should
press alt + f to explore office logo menu, and now press left arrow
key to move on that list and user can select the file by using up or
down arrow key. Now, use enter key, after getting the document. Hence
the document is open on the screen.
Spelling and grammar check:
Step1- Press f7, to open spelling and grammar dialog box. Your cursor
is on first spelling mistake inside of your document, if existing.
Step2- Press tab key to move on suggestion list box to select the
correct word. By using arrow key select correct word and press alt + c
to replace wrong word with correct word. If you are sure that your
word is right there is no need for suggestions then press alt + i to
ignore suggestion.
Follows the above two steps to make your document spelling error free.
Page setup
Page setup group box contains the value of paper related properties
such as margin, orientation, paper size and so on. To customize the
page setting of your document user should follow following steps:
Step1- To open page setup dialog box, press alt + p for page layout
tab and then press s, p to open page setup dialog box. By default your
cursor is on top margin list box.
Step2- By pressing tab key, you can move to other margin list box such
as bottom, left, right margins. Here you can write the values for your
appropriate margin list box.
Step3- If you want to set some value for gutter margin then press tab
key and write the value for binding in gutter margin list box.
Step4- If you want to change page orientation then press tab key to
switch on page orientation, then by pressing arrow key you can select
your required orientation and press enter button. By default your page
orientation is portrait.
To change paper type
Step1- Open page setup dialog box, and press control + tab key to move
on paper tab page.
Step2- Press tab key to move on paper size combo box and choose the
required paper size by using up and down arrow key, and press enter
Step3- Press tab key to move on width and height list box of the paper
and type the respective values for each, if user don’t select the
paper type templates like letter, A4, A3, etc., otherwise press enter
To show line number in your document:
Step1- Press alt + p, to move on page layout tab.
Step2- Press l, n for line number split button.
Step3- Using up and down arrow keys, select the appropriate option and
press enter.
Find a word or phrase inside your opened document:
Step1- Control + f for find dialog box.
Step2- Type an existing/required word or phrase in find what: edit combo box.
Step3- Press enter key.
It will focus your cursor on first appearance of your search item, if
you want to search another appearance then press enter key again and
Step4- Press Escape key to exit from find dialog box.
Go to dialog box: Go to dialog box is used to move your current focus
on specific page, line, section, bookmark, etc.
Step1- Press control + g to open go to dialog box. Your cursor sets in
enter page number combo box by default. Here if you want to jump on
line number then press shift + tab to switch your cursor inside go to
what: list box and then user can select line by pressing arrow key and
press tab key again to switch your cursor inside enter line number:
combo box. For further options in list box user can do the same as
line number’s task.
Step2- Type the value for above combo box.
Step3- Press enter button and escape key.
To replace existing word from new word into your document:
Step1- Press control + h to open replace dialog box. Your cursor sets
on find what: combo box.
Step2- Type the existing/required word here and press tab key to
switch on replace with: combo box.
Step3- Type the new word here and press alt + r to replace one by one
replacement and press alt + a, to make all replacements at a time.
Step4- Press enter key and then escape key.
To clear all formatting of content press alt + h to move on home tab
then press e letter from your keyboard to clear formatting or user can
use tab keys to move on clear formatting option and press enter key.
Paste Special
Paste special dialog box is used to paste text without formatting. To
open paste special dialog box:
Step1- Press alt + h to move on home tab.
Step2- Press single tab key to move on paste split button, press enter
key here to explore it and choose paste special option by using arrow
keys, to open it press enter key.
Step3- Now paste special dialog box is opened on your screen, and
default position of your cursor is on as: list box.
Step4- By using up and down arrow key user can select the list option
and press enter key.
Paste as hyperlink: This option is used to paste any text as
hyperlink. User can find this option in paste split button.

Header &Footer: Header & Footer are used to provide a phrase on the
top & bottom of every page in a single task.
Step1- Press alt + n to move on insert tab, then press h for header
split button and e for edit mode of header.
Step2- Type any text or phrase in header edit mode with desired formatting.
Step3- Press down arrow to switch footer edit mode and then type the
footer content with formatting.
Step4- Press escape key to go out from header edit mode.
To insert page number
Step1- Press alt + n to move on insert tab, then press n, u to explore
number split button.
Step2- By using up or down arrow key, select the position of page
number in form of submenu. Press right arrow key to explore the
selected submenu and select the page number template.
Step3- Press enter key to insert page number into your page.
Short commands to insert current date and time are alt + shift + d and
alt + shift + t, respectively.
To insert a table into the document
Step1- Press alt + n for insert tab, then press t to explore table
split button and press i for insert table dialog box.
Step2- Cursor sets by default in number of column list box. Enter the
value for columns.
Step3- Press tab key to switch in number of row list box. Enter the
value for rows.
Step4- Press enter key.
To insert a column into the table
Step1- Set the cursor where you want to insert a column.
Step2- Press application key, then press i to explore insert sub menu.
Step3- By using up or down arrow key select the option column to the
right to insert a column right side and column to the left to insert a
column left side of current column.
To insert a row into the table
Step1- Set the cursor where you want to insert a row.
Step2- Press application key, then press i to explore insert sub menu.
Step3- By using up or down arrow key select the option row above to
insert a row at previous of current row and row below to insert a row
after the current row.
To insert a cell into the table
Step1- Set cursor’s focus on any cell of table.
Step2- Press application key, then press i to explore insert sub menu.
Step3- Press e to insert cell option. Now insert cell dialog is open
on the screen.
Step4- Select the shift cells right or shift cells below by using
arrow key and press enter key.
To delete a table from a document
Step1- Set cursor’s focus on any cell of table.
Step2- Press alt key and j, l to move on layout tab, then press d to
explore delete split button.
Step3- Press t to delete the table.
To delete a row or column from a table:
Step1- Set cursor’s focus on any cell of table.
Step2- Press application key, then press d to open delete cell dialog box.
Step3- Press c to check entire column radio button and press r to
check entire row radio button.
Step4- Press enter key.
To delete a cell from a table
Step1: Set cursor’s focus on any cell of table.
Step2: Press application key, then press d to open delete cell dialog box.
Step3: Select the shift cells left or shift cells up by using arrow
key and press enter key.

To set heading level 1, press alt + control + 1.
To set heading level 2, press alt + control + 2.
To set heading level 3, press alt + control + 3.

Page Break: By page break feature user can write or move the next
content from next page. To insert page break user can press control +
Auto Text: Auto text is already saved text or phrase, which is quick
accessible by certain commands. In office 2007, it is recognized by
building block under quick part. User can follow following steps to
use auto text:
Step1- First write some text in your document which is required.
Step2- Now select your text by selection command and press alt + f3 to
open create building block dialog box.
Step3- Now your cursor is on name combo box, here type any name for
your building block and press enter button.
To insert auto text content into the document, type the name of your
building block and press f3 function key. Now user can see the text
content on document.
To insert any stored image file into the document
Step1- Press alt + n to move on insert tab.
Step2- Press p to insert picture dialog box.
Step3- By pressing 9 times tab key your cursor will be on toolbar
desktop split button, press down arrow key to explore the prime
locations of your computer system. Now, using down or up arrow key you
can choose the prime location of your image. Suppose if you want to
pick an image from e drive, then choose the computer option here and
press enter key.
Step4- By pressing 4 times tab key your cursor will be on shell folder
view, here you can choose e drive by pressing up or down arrow key,
and press enter key. If this is your required location then select
your image by pressing first letter of image file, press enter key.
Otherwise use up and down arrow key to select your subfolder and press
enter key to open that folder and then follow the previously.
To insert any word file into your document
Step1: Press alt + n to move on insert tab and press j for object
split button and f for insert file dialog box.
Step2- By pressing 9 times tab key your cursor will be on toolbar
desktop split button, press down arrow key to explore the prime
locations of your computer system. Now, using down or up arrow key you
can choose the prime location of your file. Suppose if you want to
pick a file from e drive, then choose the computer option here and
press enter key.
Step4- By pressing 4 times tab key your cursor will be on shell folder
view, here you can choose e drive by pressing up or down arrow key,
and press enter key. If this is your required location then by
pressing first letter of your file, select your file and, press enter
key. Otherwise use up and down arrow key to select your subfolder and
press enter key to open that folder and then follow the previously.
It is a position on the document where user can jump directly by using
this feature. To insert a bookmark follow following steps:
Step1- Select the position of your cursor on the document where you
want to insert the bookmark.
Step2- Press control + shift +f5 to open bookmark dialog box.
Step3- Type any name of new bookmark without space.
Step4- Press Enter key.
To access any bookmark user can use go to dialog box.
How to use font dialog box
Step1- To open font dialog box, press control + d.
Step2- To move on next option press tab key, press shift tab for
previous option.
Step3- To select any value from list or combo box, using up and down
arrow key and press enter button.
Step4- To check any check box press space on that check box.

To use bullet and numbering
Step1- Select any list content and press alt + h to move on home tab
and press u for bullets and n numbering split button.
Step2- Using arrow keys select the bullet type and number type, and
press enter key to apply.

Change case: It is a feature, by which user can switch on following
different text layouts:
Upper case: All Letters are in capital form.
Lower Case: All are small letters.
Title Case: Every first letter of word is in capital form.
Sentence Case: First letter is capital of all sentences.
Toggle Case: Only first letter is small of all words, rest of all
letters is in capital form.
Short commands: 
For upper case          :       Press shift + f3.
For Lower Case          :       Press shift + f3 twice
For sentence or title case      :       Press shift + f3 three times

Text formatting commands:
Select your text by selection commands and use the following commands
if required-
For bold- control + b.
For italic- control +i.
For underline- control +u.
To increase the font size- control + shift +period or control + right bracket.
To decrease the font size- control + shift + comma or control + left bracket.
To superscript- control + shift +equal
To subscript- control + equal
Single line spacing- control +1
Double lines spacing- control +2
1.5 lines spacing- control+5
Selection of text is not required for following commands:
Left align- control + l
Right align- control +r
Center align- control +e
Justify alignment- control +j

Ms-Excel 2007

Ms-Excel application performs arithmetic and logical calculations. In
brief we can say, this application used for financial tasks and
The Ribbon, a panel that houses the command buttons and icons,
organizes commands as a set of Tabs, each grouping relevant commands.
Each application has a different set of tabs which expose the
functionality that application offers. For example, while Excel has a
tab for the Graphing capabilities, Word does not feature the same;
instead it has tabs to control the formatting of a text docu¬ment.
Within each tab, various related options may be grouped together. The
Ribbon is designed to make the features of the application more
discoverable and accessible with fewer mouse clicks as com¬pared to
the menu-based UI used until Office 2007. It is not possible to remove
the Ribbon or replace it with menus with the normal Office 2007
functions. However, the Ribbon can be hidden.
Additionally, the file button has been replaced by the Microsoft
office sign in the upper left corner and is called the “Office
In Microsoft Excel 2007 for a PC, the toolbars are automatically
placed as tabs at the top of the screen. Within these tabs you will
find all of your options to change text, data, page layout, and more.
To be able access all of the certain toolbars you need to click on a
certain tab that is located towards the top of the screen.
Home Tab: This is one of the most common tabs used in Excel. You are
able to format the text in your document, cut, copy, and paste your
data. Change the alignment of your data, insert, delete, and format
cells. The home tab also allows you to change the number of your data
(i.e. currency, time, date). The short key for home tab is alt + h.
The Insert Tab: This tab is mainly used for inserting visuals and
graphics into your document. There are various different Objects that
can be inserted from this tab such as pictures, clip art, charts,
links, headers and footers, and word art. The short key for insert tab
is alt + n.
The Page Layout Tab: Here you are able to add margins, themes to your
document, change the orientation, page breaks, and titles. The scale
fit of your document is also included as a feature within this tab, if
needed. The short key for page layout tab is alt + p.
To open excel window, open run dialog box by pressing window + r then
type excel and press enter key.
Cell address
Cell address is an intersection point of row and column in a
worksheet. A worksheet is in tabular form. In a worksheet, 16,384
columns and 1,048,576 rows are available. By default three sheets are
available in any workbook, for extra worksheet we have to add it.
In a worksheet all columns and rows are recognized by alphabets and
numbers respectively.
Example of a cell address is D12. In this address D refers to column
name and 12 for row number.
Microsoft Office Excel is a powerful tool used to create and format
spreadsheets. Spreadsheets allow information to be organized in rows
and tables and analyzed with automatic mathematics. Spreadsheets are
commonly be used to perform many different types of calculations.
Cell - cells are the basic rectangular building blocks of a
spreadsheet. They are assigned with an address, gen¬erally referred as
a cell reference, according to their column and row (e.g. the cell in
column B at row 3 is referenced as cell B3).
Row- rows travel horizontally and are numbered.
Column- columns travel vertically and are assigned letters.
Cell Range: A cell range is collection of continuous cell addresses.
We express a cell range by putting: in between first cell address or
last cell address. For example:
Range = A3:B5, this cell range includes A3, A4, A5, B3, B4, B5 cell addresses.
For example:
We can create following record in excel sheet
A1 = Serial number
B1 = Name
C1 = Marks
A2 = 1
B2 = Aman
C2 = 35
A3 = 2
B3 = Raman
C3 = 65
B4 = Total Marks
C4 = 100 by formula of addition. Addition formula: =sum(first cell
address: Last cell address)
To get the value of c4, we type =sum(c2:c3) in c4 cell address and
press enter key.
This record displays like as:
Serial number   Name    Marks
1       Aman    35
2       Raman   65
        Total Marks     100

Formula and functions
A mathematical formula used to calculate a result based on data from
one or more cells. Often they consist of some combination of the
standard mathematical operators (+, -, *, /) (e.g.: =(a1+a5/b13), but
they may also include functions (see below). When you type a formula
into a cell, that cell will generally display the result obtained by
the formula, rather than the formula itself.
Functions are pre-written formulae that perform common (and not so
common) calculations, such as sum¬mation and averaging. You can
combine many functions and operators in a single formula to obtain
more complex results (e.g.: =sum(a1:a13)).
Syntax of various formulae of Excel:
Addition: =sum(first cell address: last cell address)
Multiplication: =product(first cell address: last cell address)
Average: =average(first cell address: last cell address)
Minimum value: =min(first cell address: last cell address)
Maximum value: =max(first cell address: last cell address)
To enter current date: =today()
To enter current date with time: = now()
Subtraction:  =first cell address – last cell address
Division: =first cell address / last cell address
Countif: Countif function used to count of repeated values (character
or numeric both) in a specific cell range.
Formula: =countif(first cell address: last cell address, “repeated value”)

Workbook vs. Worksheet
When you open Excel, a new file is created called Book 1 (until you
name it differently). It is called “Book” because it is a workbook
that is initially made up of three worksheets (accessible by pressing
control + up arrow or down arrow key). Think of a three ring binder
with three sheets of paper in it. As with a binder, you can:
Add sheets to your Workbook- Press shift + f11.
Delete worksheet:
Step1- Go to Home tab by pressing alt + h
Step2- Delete option by pressing d
Step3- Delete sheet option by pressing s.
Re-arrange worksheets
You can arrange the worksheets order in any form. By the following
steps, user can change the position of current sheet. If user want to
change the position of several sheets then the following steps are
used by the user repeatedly, because these steps can be change the
position of current worksheet only.
Step1- Move on home tab by pressing alt + h.
Step2- Explore format option press o.
Step3- Press m to open move or copy dialog box.
Step4- Press tab to switch inside the before sheet: list box.
Step5- By pressing arrow key, select the new position of the sheet.
Step6- Press Enter key.
Rename worksheets:
Step1- Press alt + h, to move on home tab.
Step2- By pressing o, user can move on format group button.
Step3- By pressing r, user can access the rename sheet option from
format group button .
Step4- Type the new name of the sheet on edit mode.
Step5- Press enter key.

Adding Rows and Columns
When adding a row or column you are inserting a blank row or column
next to your already entered data. First move on the cell and press
control + Plus key on numeric keypad to open insert cell dialog box
then by arrow key choose the option which one is required then press
enter key.
Navigating Cells
To move on single cell  -       by pressing single hit on any arrow key
To select range of adjacent cells               -       by pressing arrow keys 
with shift
key on any direction. In another way we can open go to dialog box by
pressing f5 and then type the first cell address and last cell address
with using colon(:)
To select non-adjacent cells or ranges  -       By go to dialog box we have
to type the cell addresses with comma (,) separator, don’t use here
To select entire row    -       Press shift + space bar
To select entire column -       Press control + space bar
To select all cells     -       Press control + a
To move on next cell to the right       -       Use the tab key or right arrow 
To move on next cell down the column    -       Use the enter key or down arrow 
To move on first cell of the sheet a1(home cell)        -       Press control +
home keys together
To move on last cell in a sheet -       Press control + end keys together
To select the continuous cells around the active cell (data
region) -       Press control + shift + 8 keys together

Formatting Cells
There are various different options that can be changed to format the
spreadsheets cells differently. When changing the format within cells
you must select the cells that you wish to format.
To get to the format cells dialog box select the cells you wish to
change then press control + 1. A box will appear on the screen with
six different tab options which are number, alignment, font, border,
fill and protection, by pressing control + tab user can move from one
to another. Explanations of the basic options in the format dialog box
are bulleted below.
Number: Allows you to change the measurement in which your data is
used. (If your data is concerned with money the number that you would
use is currency).
Alignment: This allows you to change the horizontal and vertical
alignment of your text within each cell. You can also change the
orientation of the text within the cells and the control of the text
within the cells as well.
Font: Gives the option to change the size, style, color, and effects.
Border: Gives the option to change the design of the border around or
through the cells.
Entering Data/Text
Just move on the cell and type away! You can also copy text or data
from another source (a word docu¬ment, another cell, etc.). Just Press
Control + v on the cell.
Important: if you are copying data that was produced in excel using a
formula, especially if you are copy¬ing it to a different sheet or
book, make sure you paste only the data, not the formula. To do this,
copy the cell(s) as usual, then application key on the cell where you
would like to paste the number(s) and select “Paste Special.” A dialog
box will pop up with a number of different options. Under the Paste
section, select values option by arrow key and then press enter key.
This is very important when you are transferring data from one sheet
to another sheet or book, because the formula will reference cells in
the new sheet that may have different numbers or no numbers at all.
This will alter your data to reflect the data in the cells that the
formula recognizes.
Editing Data/Text
If you want to entirely replace the data that you previously entered
intothe cell, just move on it and type the new data. The old data will
automatically be erased.
If you want to edit data in a cell, just move on it and press f2 then
edit the data. If you want to delete part of your entry, just use the
backspace key as usual. If you want to delete the entire contents of a
cell (or multiple cells), select the cell(s) you want to clear and
press the delete key.
Autofill allows you to quickly fill data in a series (e.g. months,
days of the week, or a numeric series) into adjacent cells.
Using Autofill with a text series
To use the Auto fill function with text, type in the first word of the
series (e.g. January), then select the 12 cell addresses if you want
to print whole year’s series.
Step1- Open the series dialog box by pressing alt + h
Step2- Press f,i for fill button (Both keys quickly)
Stpe3- Press s for series dialog box.
Step4- Press alt + f (to auto fill option) and press enter key.
Excel knows how to auto fill months (January or Jan) and days of the
week (Monday or Mon). You can teach Excel to auto fill other text
Using auto fill with a numeric series
You can also use auto fill to quickly enter numeric patterns (e.g. 1,
2, 3 or 10, 20, 30) into adjacent cells.
To use auto fill with numeric patterns, enter the first value in one
cell and then open the series dialog box by pressing alt + h then f,i
(Both keys quickly) and s, hence your series dialog box opened on your
screen. It will ask you to enter the step value. Leave it, if the
difference of two continuous numbers is 1, otherwise type the
differences of them, and move to stop value by pressing tab key and
write the last number of the series. Next, by pressing 4 times tab key
user moves on the list of two Radio Buttons. Those Radio buttons are
rows and columns. Select either of them using arrow keys and press
Controlling Your View of Data
Auto Size: You may have noticed that sometimes data extends beyond the
width of the column. In order to be able to see all of the data, you
must widen the column. To do this, press alt + h, o and a, to auto fit
row height or press i to auto fit column width.
Freeze Panes: Freeze Panes is a useful feature when you are working
with a large document that has many rows and columns. By freezing a
certain row or column (usually the header and/or first column), you
make it visible wherever you are in the document. For example, if you
have a document with 100 rows, you can't see the header row when
you're at cell a100. To solve that problem, move on the row below the
one that you would like to freeze. To freeze the header row or first
column, go to the view tab by pressing alt + w and press f to open
freeze pane split button. Then, select freeze top row or freeze first
column by using arrow keys and press enter key. By selecting freeze
panes, you can freeze all rows and columns above and to the left of
the cell you have selected.
Reveal Formulae: If you want to see and/or print all of the formulae
in a spreadsheet (as opposed to the values) there is a really handy
shortcut. Simply press control + shift + grov key. To return the view
to displaying values, press control + shift + grov key once again.
Sorting and Filtering
Sorting data is simply a way of automatically re-ordering rows on a
spreadsheet to put them in a more useful order. For instance, you
might sort an address book alphabetically by last name, or a list of
items you'd like to buy from most expensive to least expensive.
Start by selecting the data you want to sort. It's important to select
all the columns in the data, not just the column you want to sort by.
For instance, if you have a list of items in one column, with the
prices in the next column, you would select both columns before
running the sort. If your sheet has a “header row” at the top with
labels for your columns (like “name” or “price”) it's a good idea to
include that row in your selection as well, as you'll see in a moment.
Once you have your data selected, press alt + a for data menu then s
to open sort dialog box. Press tab key continuously to go on my data
has header check box, if your data has a header row, be sure “My data
has headers” check box is checked, if it is not checked then press
space bar here to check it. Then press tab key 3 times to go on sort
field combo box, here press down arrow to select your column heading
and press enter, then press tab key twice to go on a to z combo box
and select the ascending order and descending order by selecting a to
z and z to a respectively and press enter key.
Another way to organize data is to filter it. A filter only displays
data that meet a certain criteria, such as all records for a certain
day. To do this, press control + shift + I key. A dropdown arrow will
appear in the header cell of each column of your worksheet. Press alt
+ down arrow key on header cell and using arrow key select the
criteria that you would like to use as a filter (e.g. April 10th). The
worksheet will now display only the records from that day.
Select the cell that the formula result is going to be displayed below.
Operation:      Operators:      Example:
Addition        +       =A1+B1+C1+D1
Subtraction     -       =A1-A2
Multiplication  *       =C4*C5
Division        /       =C4/D4
Combination     (___)   = A1*(B1+C1)
The formula can be constructed di¬rectly intothe cell in which you
want the formula to begin. You must always put the = sign before a
formula, as this is how Excel recognizes what you are entering as a
Note that cell references can also change automatically when you copy
and paste a formula using the clipboard, unless you use an absolute
cell reference.
Cell References
There are two different types of cell references:
Relative Cell References: cell references that change when the formula
is auto-filled into different cells.
Absolute Cell References: if you don't want a certain part of your
cell reference to change when you copy the formula to a new cell, you
need to put a $ in front of the row and/or column part of the
E.g.: If the formula in a3 is =$a$1+a2, when you drag that formula
over to b3 the formula becomes =$a$1 + b2.
Auto sum
The Auto sum function allows you to quickly insert the SUM function.
Select the cell where you want to put the total and then press alt + =
keys. Excel will insert the SUM function and take a guess as to what
cell range you'd like to sum by listing the first and last cell in the
sum, separated by a colon. Check to make sure whether the cell range
is correct, then press enter to accept the function.
Excel has created hundreds of functions that prevent you from having
to write out complex or repetitive formulae yourself. To insert a
function, is to type the equals sign into a cell and begin to type the
name of formula. A drop down menu will appear, from which you can
select the formula and press tab key then complete the formula with
cell references.
Functions can also be 'nested'; that is inserted into larger functions
by using the appropriate amount of brackets. =average(sum(b2:f2),
Name Manager
You can use Name Manager to name a group of cells, and therefore only
type one name when you want to perform a calculation with that group.
This can be useful when you are performing many different calculations
on the same set of numbers, especially when you want to perform these
calcula¬tions across multiple sheets. To do this, select the cells you
would like to name and then press application key and then choose name
a range option and press enter key. Then type a name for the selected
range in name: edit and press enter key on key board. You can then
perform any function on these cells (on any page of your workbook) by
just typing the name you gave the cells in¬stead of referencing the
cell numbers (ex: =sum(name of range))


Internet is a hub of millions of interconnected computers. Through
internet one can collect the information from any corner of the world.
Note for JAWS users: All the under mentioned commands are worked in
Basic HTML Layout only. User must set the basic HTML layout while
using these commands for email.
To set basic HTML layout:
Step1- Having opened email, press insert + f7 to create link list.
Step2- by using up and down arrow key or b, select basic html option
then press enter to activate it.
Step3- After set this layout user can make it as default layout by
pressing insert + f7 to create link list.
Step4- By using up and down arrow key, select set basic html as
default view option and press enter key here. Now you can enjoy
Opening Internet Explorer:
Go to Desktop, move to Internet Explorer by using arrow keys or typing
alphabet I and press enter.
Opening a Website:
Open Internet Explorer, go to address bar by using key combination alt
+ d, type the website address for example, and press
Opening Gmail account:
Open Gmail. Move to user name edit box by using arrow keys or press
letter e, press space bar to activate the forms mode and type the user
name. Move to password edit box by using tab, type the password and
press enter.
Note: Make sure your caps lock is off while typing the password.
Reading the Mail:
In the Inbox, mails are listed in the form of check boxes so move
among the mails using x key.
Press x to reach to a particular mail. Jaws will speak the name of the
sender with the check box. Press down arrow to reach to the link and
press enter. Press control + home to move your cursor at the top of
your web page. Press n key several times to move on email sender’s
name which is under heading style 3.  Now Press n key to reach to the
first line of the mail. Use down arrow to read the message.
Composing a new mail:
Create link list by using the key combination insert+f7, keep pressing
c to reach to the compose mail and press enter. The focus will be on
to: edit field, type the email address of the person you want to send
the mail. Press tab to reach to the CC field, type the email address
of the person if you want send a copy of the message or leave this
field blank and move to the BCC field by using tab again. If you may
not want to type any address here, leave it blank and move to the next
field which is subject: edit. Type an appropriate text in ‘subject
edit box’. Use tab key repeatedly to move to the message body. Type
the message, press tab to the send button and press enter key here.
Hence you mail has been sent to the recipient.
Sending file as an attachment:
In the compose form, write the addresses in the respective fields.
Write the subject in the respective field and press tab two times.
Here, in 99.9% cases Jaws remains silent, press space bar. Choose file
dialog box will open. Move to look in: combo box by using tab key.
Choose the location where the file exists. Move to shell folder view,
find the file and press enter, dialog box will close and you will be
back to the compose form. Press tab to move to the message body, type
the message, move to the send button and press enter.
Replying a mail:
Open the mail. After reading it, create link list, move to the Reply
link by pressing arrow key and press enter. The focus will be on to:
edit. You do not need to type any address on this field. Press tab to
reach to the message body. Press control + home to move your cursor at
the top of message box and type the reply message. Move to the send
button and press enter.
Forwarding a mail:
Open the mail. Create the link list, move to the forward and press
enter. The focus will be on to: edit. Type the address of the person
you want to forward this mail to. You will be presented with the same
options such as CC, BCC, subject, attachments and message body. Do
whatever you want to. Move to the message body and type the message.
Move to the send button and press enter.
Saving an attached file:
Open the mail. Create link list. Move to the scan and download link
and press enter. Press tab to move to the save button and press space
bar, save dialog box will open. Move to the save in: combo box. Choose
a location where you want to save the file. Move to the shell folder
view, choose the folder and press enter. Move to the file name: edit,
type the name or you can leave it blank. Move to the save button and
press enter. Wait till Jaws speaks hundred per cent.
Searching is a process to find your desired data and information over
the internet. There are several types of search engines to make your
searching better such as google, ask, bing, and so on.
How to search
Step1- Open your browser, and type the address of any search engine in
the address bar e.g. And press enter key to open your
search engine webpage.
Step2- Press e to locate search edit box, and type the appropriate
keywords, which you want to search. And press enter key.
Step3- After loading the search result from web servers to your
browser, user should press control + home key to move on top of the
Step4- To move on searched result one by one, press h.
Step5- After getting relevant heading in link form, press enter key to open it.
Step6- If you are not satisfied with your opened contents, press
backspace or alt + left arrow to move back. And follow step4 and step5

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