For a long time I have been trying without success to download pdf files
using accmail and the Get command.  Any file that arrived in chunks would be
corrupted and unreadable.  Today I finally found the solution.
The problem is that the files must be combined as binary.  This requires
setting the binary switch after each file path.
To recombine them, I suggest creating a .bat file, rather than using the
command prompt.  This allows editing the command and seeing where you went
wrong if it doesn't work.  For example, say returns 3 pieces
named file.pdf.001, file.pdf.002 and file.pdf.003.  I will copy them into
the c:\ root for simplicity, so I don't have to type a long path to each
I then open a text file with Notepad and write the following commands.  I
add "pause" so that if it doesn't work I can see what went wrong.:
copy c:\file.pdf.001/b+c:\file.pdf.002/b+c:\file.pdf.003/b c:\file.pdf/b
I will save this from Notepad using "Save As..." and type any filename with
".bat" as the file extension, such as copythis.bat 
Double click on this, and the pdf is created.
So far it works!  

In case of any errors, such as a typo in the file path, right click on the
.bat file and select Edit, to edit the commands.

Thank you SZS


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